MercantileEXCITINGSee section our (starting on page 90) NovemberNovemberNovember 2001 2001 2001 CowboyCowboyCowboy ChronicleChronicleChronicle PagePagePage 111 The Cowboy Chronicle~ The Monthly Journal of the Single Action Shooting Society ® Vol. 22 No. 9 © Single Action Shooting Society, Inc. September 2009 2009 By Captain George Baylor, SASS #24287 Photos by Mr. Quigley Photography, Black Jack McGinnis, and Tex HIGHLIGHTS starting on page 74 porary sign reminds you it is the World Championship of Cowboy Action Shooting™. You note the pavement on Barton Road stops just after the entrance. You realize the State of New Mexico has paved the ounders Ranch, New road to the entrance of END of Mexico – a few miles east TRAIL and not another yard. They of Albuquerque—This was really want us there. Governor Bill F the 28th annual END of Richardson spoke at the dedication TRAIL, the World Championship of of the new SASS Headquarters at Cowboy Action Shooting™. There is 215 Cowboy Way, Edgewood. New only one END of TRAIL. END of Mexico has been quite friendly to TRAIL started it all. Going to a SASS and to END of TRAIL and Regional or a State Championship is actually wants us there! just another Regional or state cham- Shortly after entering, we pionship. Last time I checked, there encountered Captain Cooper and were several regions and states. If Green Bay and Yul Lose, waddies you win one, you’re not World that actually enjoyed being up the Champion, period. hill greeting entrants as they came Oh, you say, “I have no chance of in and out. They made us feel want- winning any of those events, so it does- ed. END of TRAIL would not exist n’t matter.” Yes, it does. I watched without the waddies and the hoard of some shooters become World volunteers who have been working Champion by the slimmest of margins, for months getting the place ready. and others lose because of one mis- Then, as we went down the hill, take. It was worth the trip to see it. Match Winners – Badlands Bud and Holy Terror repeated their 2005 we saw the tent city springing up No match will ever be perfect, accomplishments. This was Bud’s second overall win and Holy Terror’s and the RV park blossoming. This is and no match will ever satisfy all the eighth (yes!) Top Overall Lady finish at END of TRAIL. Outstanding a circus for cowboys. A large band of shooting by two young competitors at the top of their game— volunteers doing a lot of manual Congratulations! labor, some for months, had refur- SASS Cowboy Chronicle bished the Old West town. Some whiners. But if you miss END of Tomas is nicely paved, and the pave- moved to the area and lived in their TRAIL, well, you’ve missed it. ment goes to Barton Road, another RVs for months in order to work on In This Issue Arrival smoothly paved road, which takes the place every day. Some of the per- Arriving at END of TRAIL is you to the front gate at Founders manent buildings were painted, and 52 END OF TRAIL always a thrill. You take Juan Ranch and a large, permanent sign the Belle Union was enclosed with MOUNTED CHAMPIOHSHIP Tomas Road off 217 and note Juan that says, “END OF TRAIL.” A tem- (Continued on page 71) by Sierrita Slim www.sassnet.com 60 LONG HUNTER 87015 NM Edgewood, USFA SAA Way Cowboy 215 by Capt. George Baylor C h C r o 64 DAYS OF TRUTH o w by Tex n b i o 78 PENNSYLVANIA STATE c y CHAMPIONSHIP l by The Capgun Kid e Page 2 Cowboy Chronicle September 2009 September 2009 Cowboy Chronicle Page 3 Page 4 Cowboy Chronicle September 2009 September 2009 Cowboy Chronicle Page 5 The Cowboy CCONTENTSONTENTS Chronicle 6 FROM THE EDITOR Tradition (Is It All It’s Cracked Up To Be?) . 8-10 NEWS Ohio’s One-Of-A-Kind . Thank You Volunteers! . Editorial Staff Tex 12 POLITICAL The Case Against Washington Incumbents . Editor-in-Chief Cat Ballou 14, 15 SASS SCHOLARSHIP FOUNDATION AWARD RECIPIENTS ‘09 . Editor Coyote Calhoun 16 CAT’S CORNER END of TRAIL Puts The Focus Back On Costuming! . Managing Editor & Marketing Director 18 COYOTE DROPPINGS SASS Members Only WEB SITE . Adobe Illustrator Layout & Design 20-24 LETTERS Comments From SASS Members . Mac Daddy Graphic Design Thank You To All The Waddies . END of TRAIL And The Future Of SASS 25-36 ARTICLES Donna Oakley Advertising Administrator 38-48 GUNS & GEAR Hauling The Freight . What’s The Call? . (714) 269-9899 • Fax: (714) 998-1915 Contributing Writers 50-51 HISTORY Classic Gunfights (With A Surreal Twist!) ...Famous People . Bighorn, Buckskin Dave, Capt. George Baylor, Col. Dan, 52 MOUNTED 2009 World Championship Of SASS Mounted Shooting . Cree Vicar Dave, Delta Glen, Fancy Free, Joe Fasthorse, Justice Lily Kate, Larsen Pettifogger, 54-56 SASS CONVENTION AND WILD WEST CHRISTMAS (Sign Up!) ... Oracle, Palaver Pete, Purdy Gear, Seven Ladders, Sierrita Slim, 60 REVIEWS PRODUCTS Match Ready Guns Series (Long Hunter USFA SAA) ... Swift Montana Smith, Whooper Crane, Wigley Down Under 62, 63 TRAIL MARKER To Be Remembered . The Cowboy Chronicle is published by The Wild Bunch, Board of Directors of The Single Action Shooting Society. 64-82 ON THE RANGE What’s Goin’ On In Your Town? . For advertising information and rates, administrative, and editorial offices contact: Chronicle Administrator 86 CLUB REPORTS Bunkhouse Bidness . 215 Cowboy Way Edgewood, NM 87015 (Nice Collectables) . (505) 843-1320 90-96 SASS MERCANTILE FAX (505) 843-1333 email: [email protected] 97-99 CLASSIFIED http://www.sassnet.com The Cowboy Chronicle (ISSN 15399877) is published monthly by the Single Action 100- SASS AFFILIATED CLUBS (MONTHLY, ANNUAL) Shooting Society, 215 Cowboy Way, Edgewood, NM 87015. Periodicals Postage is Paid at ANAHEIM, CA and additional 107 SASS NEW MEMBER APPLICATION mailing offices (USPS #020-591). POST- MASTER: Send address changes to The Cowboy Chronicle, 215 Cowboy Way, ay 17 at END of TRAIL was Edgewood, NM 87015. Bspecial again this year … SASS® Trademarks DISCLAIMER - The Single Action Shooting and many of our shooting guests ® ® Society does not guarantee, warranty or missed it … again! This is the SASS , Single Action Shooting Society , endorse any product or service advertised ® ® bay containing the Gatling Gun, END of TRAIL , EOT , in this newspaper. The publisher also does TM which could be heard all during The Cowboy Chronicle , not guarantee the safety or effectiveness Cowboy Action ShootingTM, of any product or service illustrated. The END of TRAIL. This was also distribution of some products/services may TM the site of a wonderful period CAS , be illegal in some areas, and we do not camp that served gourmet din- The World Championship of assume responsibility thereof. State and ners each evening to selected Cowboy Action ShootingTM, local laws must be investigated by the pur- guests. The public was present Bow-legged Cowboy Design, and the chaser prior to purchase or use or prod- ucts/services. there in droves—at the end of Rocking Horse Design the event, ALL the ammo was are all trademarks of WARNING: Neither the author nor The Cowboy Chronicle can accept any responsi- gone! All, that is except for some The Single Action Shooting Society, Inc. rounds reserved for Peaches bility for accidents or differing results Any use or reproduction of these marks obtained using reloading data. Variation O’Day. When Peaches realized without the express written permission in handloading techniques, compo- this was an opportunity to “turn of SASS is strictly prohibited. nents, and firearms will make results the crank on history,” she took advantage of her chance to relive a bit of our vary. Have a competent gunsmith check Western Shooting History! “It was great fun,” she exclaimed! your firearms before firing. Page 6 Cowboy Chronicle September 2009 i TRADITION i IS IT ALL IT’S CRACKED UP TO BE? By Tex, SASS #4 Tex, SASS #4 ~SASS Hall of Fame Inductee~ Cowboy Action match. We have And, I lost. This is a “dead horse,” cient then, either. Thirty competi- some thirty different shooting cate- and we’ll continue recognizing over- tors and four stages was an “all day” gories BECAUSE none of the shoot- all winners so long as our game affair. It’s no wonder END of TRAIL radition is wonderful. ing categories competes on an equal exists. “Tradition” won! with two stages a day and 200 shoot- Tradition is terrible. footing with any other category. It’s Side Matches are another tradi- ers often didn’t finish until well after T Tradition means one “not fair” for the hot dogs to beat up tion. dark each day! (This was before the doesn’t have to think about any- on the kids, the seniors (and older!) In the beginning, cowboys wore a introduction of the posse system.) thing … we have always done it (or don’t what to shoot against the kids single revolver, shot maybe six or The point is, in the old days, there done it this way), and we can con- (and get beat), the ladies want their seven (hardly ever ten—Marlins just wasn’t that much shooting at a tinue doing it. own categories so they don’t have to only held nine) rifle rounds, and per- match, and there was an awful lot of Tradition ties one’s hands … we compete against the men, same for haps a couple of shotgun rounds in a “standing around” trying to get every- HAVE to do it, because we always one handers, gunfighters, and dark- stage … and all three guns weren’t one through.
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