NO. S VOL. XLVII. iVE/lSON, MICH., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1905. Sniurday the oonfe.asloii of Swan at ^«;&'iSSSSSS3SSSSSv<^iSSS3SSSS&SS&'^^ Del roil waa oflered in evidence. The ciiiifession made liy Swan licgaii by admiiling ihat he and Mrs. Joslln lad liHeii liiiimale, He.iaid Mrs, .fos- _r).A."irT03sr_- lin had spoken to iilni several lliiiea abriiii g«iili)(r rid of her husband, but le refused to have anylhing to do with it. JEWELER RND OPTiemN Finally, according lo llie confession, Swan said he did agree to it, and after i MASON. MICH. he quit work there he purchased the | loison at her request. 'I'hia was ; about six weeks liefore ,loaliM'H death, 1 in Eyes Exatnined Free of Charge but before lliut, he said, Mrs. Joalin told him she had been giving her hus­ band aconite. CORRECTION GUARANTEED Swan staled from whom he had pur- chased the arsenic in his confession 'f?) will soon be over and from now until the and said lie had bought an ounce. A few days laler, according lo his coiifes- 'f?^ close of the sale we shall make each clay aloii. lie took the [loisoii to Mra. Joslln outgaye her only a small pin'lion of it. A. C. MARTIN CO. ;ii a Special Bargain Day. We «are too busy When (he prosecution annoiiiiced, The remainder he put in his trunk, I Church and Society. | jMonduy allernooii, llial their case was where it wa.s aflerwarils found by the Grain and Stock Brokers gl\ to say much about it, but come and see closed, a slight aeiiHalioii was Hpruiig 8E«1IS£5S!2E-35!S^^-2^^ DETROIT. MICH. Hi b.v llie defense aniioiiiicing that no ofllcers. for yourself. testimony would be od'ered, no wit- Tlie loye letter written by Mrs, Jos­ The guard drill ol the L. 0. T, j\[, M, Olllcial Quotations on all Grains aud nesrte.H sworn. liu lo Swan while the latter waa in the la pimlponed until fiirlher notice. Stocka. It was also decided that there would east, and wliich waa mailed a few days The Sunday school convention which OMloo ovor Kumri'r.H I)i!|)'l. Store, Yours etc., before Joslin's death, was alao oflered waa lo have bi en held on last Sunday llcrureiice, FannurH' Hunk, MusoD. lie no arguments for either side. It is tielllMiono No. 1,S'2. said tiiai one reason for this WSIH the in evidence. afleriioon at the Wilkins Jlemorial il/ Dr. Coad, the WiUiarnslon doctor, liiill was postiioiiud f(ir siilUiiie'iu rea­ Clll/.ons'l'liouol09 illness of one of llie jurors, Prank Bar­ It. II. MAItSIT, iMaiiHKOr. ret of Onondaga, who was Kudering who had contended that Joalin died of sons till Sunday afternoon, March 5, from tonsilltis. measles, was put upon the stand Out An excellent program has been ar was not questioned tiy either aide. ranged. The jury received the charge from About all the croas exaiiiiiiatiou was Thank Offering. Jiidgi?' Wiest aud retired at four the aaUiiig of witnesses as to tlie pre- The women's section of I he Farmers' Tlie annual Frances E, Williard iif o'clock, III lifteen minutes (hey had vIouM character of Swan, and invaria­ Institute program will bo held on li^ri- Afumorial Thankrjflering of the local agreed upon their verdict, murder in bly the answer waa '"good up lo this day afternoon, instead of Saturday aa W. C. T. U., which lias been an­ MASON, MICH. the firsL degree. occurrence " aiated In program published last week. nounced for Friday evening, Feb. 24, Swan was at once brought before tlie Monday morning, Albert Allen, The change ia made to accomodate the will bo hold next Tuesday eveniug, judge and sentenced to imprisonment father of Mra. Joslln, testified aa to the atate apeaker. Feb, 2S, instead, ou account of the %:&^:$i^^S^^^^&&^&^^^^^§i$;$;$:^' "for life at Jackson state iirisoii. He kind of work Swan did about the On Sunday evening, Feb, 2fi, the Farmers' IiHtitute, which will be in received his sentence without emotion, home. Ladies' Mission Circle will have a session tomorrow evening. The Airs. Josliu was then brought in Cliaa. Swan was called aud the letter meeting at the Baptist church. A Thank onerinir will be held at the NKWS IX IJItlKF and received a like sentence. She waa read which he had written lo his line program is prepared on niisaion home of Mr and Mra, James Shafer, greatly overcome and had to be assist­ broilier, Isaac, tlien in New York, work. Everyone haying mite boxes Tlie program which follows will be Tl's at Brown's where shoes unci ed from the court room. telling of Jiialin'a death. The letter are requeated lo bring them at that given by the honorary members of the rubbers lire sold so cheiip, •*• Thus ends one of the moat cold­ aiated there svaa no funeral as he died time. A good attendaiioe iadeaired; society; blooded murders over committed in Tiio K'jyntniiH iiiunt innrket is of a contageoun disease and tlie word Rev. Dr. Weal, president of ibe Mnxlc, Ingham counly, conceived with delib- disease was underscored. Wiieii asked Scrlptiiro ItoadliiK Uov. Jenkins trimmed up forWualiitintoii'a birlh day eratiou and cai'ritd out without mercy, Lucknow College, of Luekiiow, India, Pmyer Kov. SInimona the reaaon for this he stated that he will deliver an addreaa at llie Metlio- MUHlC. 0 J Hutiiilton, tiie fiurious liorse- had been uncerlalu as to the correct dial church this cily on the coming lloU call. Momhorfi will roBpnnd by siirlptiira nmn.died al Huflalo last Monday, aged On Thursday morning of last week, •Biielling Friday evening, Feb 2-1. All are very vor«a, l)OKlnuliin wlHi .skotoli of FnincjB SO years, Judge Wiest, after hearing testimony cordially inyited to hear this able WillarU'H life Mr. IvoH protiuced to show tlie degree of KUIII, The several love letters written by Prances WIllarcl'H Iiilliienco iipnn tlio Younu V. J. Brown of Vi^vay lias been noti­ Mrs. Joslln to Swan were read. They apeaker upon matters ])Brtaining to the r'eQi)loof'r()(la,v Mr. Pullerloa decided that iMrs, Josliu ^as guilty of were filled with endearing tKrms, and work of tlie goapel in lliat far away Five iMlniilnM Talk Dr. W. W. Root fied of his appointment I" u position murder in first degree, OhjL-ct, of Offering Itev. White in tlie auditor (j enerai's olllue, one or two slightly indicated the way land. Mnalc. 'i he woman was remanded to jail, to gat rid of Joslln. HeiioUlcllou, but no intimation given as to the lime The Olivet College Glee Club liaa Tlioinaa Thorburn has lioimht the Mrs. Joalin waa put upon the stand Refrealiments will be served. IniildiiiKS and interests of VaiiOstraiui sentence would be prcmounced, made arrangemeMta to give an enter­ Tbe trial of Isaac Swan, for compli­ and testified to putting arsenic in the tainment here under the auapicea of Everyone IntBresled in temperance AEhner at tiie corner on Columbia coflee, stating the drug was given her the Clirlstion Endeavor society of the work invited. street railroad crossing. city in the murder of Joslln was at once taken up, and the work of secur­ by Swan, who told her it would "do Presbyterian church. They will come Tliouijli the weiilher for tlie past few ing a jury commenced. This work the bualness." He had given her a Marcli 17 wilh a club of twenty young A ftieeting of the County Union of days has moderated, there is siill so consumed the time of tlie court until teaapooufnl but aiie had used only a men, bringing a reader, clarinet soloist, the American Society of Equity will great a qiianlity of snow that liie roads Friday afternoon, when the list was small portion of it. violinist and pianiar. They are mak­ be lield at the court house in the city are traveled with diiliuultj', reported as satisfactory to both sides. Fred Tobias testified that while ing a tour of this part of .the atate aud of Mason Tue.sduy, Felt. 28, 1905. Following is tlia list of jurors: bringing Swan back from Detriot he are prepared lo give a first class enter­ Everyone interested ia cordially invit­ Brown always stands at the head in had aak him what he thouglit Joahu'a tainment. up to dale footwear at reasonable prices Henry Stillman, Alaiedon; Fred W. ed to altend. Good speakers will be Bench, Lansing; Seidell E Miner, friends would think about it. Swan present, replied he did not kuow but "I think TheZach Chandler Republican Ciui> Leslie; Charles F Grettenberger, jr., Yea, they say Brown is .Melling more G. E. SANDISRS, President, banquet wil' b" lield at Laneini; •lareh Our local rt-ndi I'r' will readily recog i\Ieridiaii; George H. Shattuck, Ve­ I should be hung to the first tree I shoes than ever before. Well, he tries MANLUY VANAuicEit, Sec'y, 8 Hon. C. E. Wbelau of l\[adtson, iii/.H In the almve portrait the pleasant vay; DeWilt A. Malier, Williaiiiaton; come to " to please you. * Wis, has been secured as one of the ffaiiires of Miss Myra L. Wood of b'^rank Barrett, Onondaga; George Druggist Headley of Williamston, speuUers. Maple Ridire farm, Vevay township. Price, ]\Iasoii; V J. Brown, Vevay; who teatlHed to selling the arsenic lo A Former Resident. Stop ! Look ! Listen ! We are indebted to the Miclilgan Far­ W F, P.-escoti, Leslie; Aubrey Nellis, Swan, wiia the last witness. Free cure Pir rheumaiiani: Send Charles Darro-v, treasurer of AJaie- This closed the testimony.
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