1 THE RISE OF GDL STUD STOCK Stud sales by auction include those in Rockhampton conducted jointly with our Ruralco colleagues SBB. NUMBER GROSS YEAR CLEARANCE AVERAGE SOLD SALES 2017 3,398 88% $7,511 $26 million 2015 2,888 87% $5,575 $16 million 2012 2,290 95% $5,140 $12 million 2010 1,728 84% $4,635 $8 million Peter Harvey Mark Stud Stock GDL... Use us… Use us well… We provide a team of top class auctioneers, agents and administration staff to market all breeds of seed stock, by auction, online or in the paddock. WWW.GDLRURAL.COM.AU STUD STOCK OFFICE HARVEY WEYMAN-JONES (07) 4669 6955 0414 941 788 MARK DUTHIE PETER BRAZIER 0448 016 950 0407 525 983 WWW.GDLRURAL.COM.AU 1 NOTES TO BUYERS Inspections Inspections are welcome from 3pm Friday 31st August. Complimentary food and drinks will be available from 5pm Friday 31st August. Bid Card Registration The Sale will be conducted using the bid card system. Prospective purchasers are asked to register on the day, prior to the Sale beginning and to nominate their card number when purchasing during the course of the sale. This should ensure accurate identification for the Auctioneer of each purchase. PIC NUMBERS ARE REQUIRED WHEN PURCHASING Bull Information All bulls presented have passed a crush side semen test with a minimum of 60% motility. All bulls will be weighed either on farm or at the saleyards. All bulls will have their muscle and fat measurements scanned by accredited technicians. These results will be supplied on our supplementary sheet. All bulls have been treated at a minimum with 3 Germ Blood, 5in1 or 7in1 and 3 day vaccine. Individual bull vaccination details will be supplied with their pedigree information. Buyers from clean country All bulls will be pre-scratched the day prior to the Sale and will be available for immediate delivery (unless otherwise announced), as there is a clearing dip on site. Risk and responsibility release 1: Any person attending the sale does so at his/her own risk. 2: All persons attending the sale release the vendor and agents from all actions or demands due to any loss, death, damage or injury occurring on the premises. 3: The vendor or agents are not responsible and have no liability for any death or injury to any person or any loss of or damage to any person attending the sale, their property or otherwise. 2 Terms Payment for Purchases are required on sale day unless prior arrangements have been made with the sale agents: Grant, Daniel & Long or Aussie Land & Livestock. Insurance An Insurance agent will be in attendance on sale day Catering: Food and drinks will be available onsite sale day. INCENTIVES Free delivery will be available to the following destinations. Dalby, Toogoolawah, Eidsvold, Biggenden and Gympie.. OR … Buyers of 5 or more bulls will be eligible for the following rebates: WA, SA & VIC buyers $100/Bull NT & NSW buyers $50/Bull QLD buyers $50/Bull Other destinations will be considered, please contact sale chairman Graham Brown prior to the sale (07) 4168 6249. Please Note: Every care will be taken; but absolutely no responsibility will be accepted. Agents’ Rebate Vendors offer a 4% rebate to outside agents introducing buyers in writing, 48hrs prior to sale, and conducting settlement on their behalf within 7 days of sale. This offer is available to members and non members of the Droughtmaster society. (Sale vendors are excluded from this offer) 3 Welcome It is with great pleasure I welcome you to the 5th Annual Bunya Bull Sale at the Coolabunia Selling Complex, Kingaroy. A draft of 115 Bulls from 28 Vendors has been catalogued for your competition. 24 of these Vendors will present 104 Bulls from JBAS 7 herds that have completed their check tests to enable them to travel to WA. This sale has received an endorsed status from the Droughtmaster Society giving buyers the confidence that all bulls have passed the minimum quality standards set for the breed by the society. All bulls will be vaccinated, weighed, mouthed, EMA and fat scanned and carry a minimum semen motility of 60%. Bulls will be pre-treated for ticks and pre-scratched allowing immediate delivery to clean country following the sale. We have implemented some exciting initiatives giving buyers the opportunity to take up our generous freight rebates to 5 major Southern QLD centres. We thank Metalcorp who have come on board as our major sponsor for 2018. Metalcorp have kindly donated the prize for our Bulk Buyer this year who will take home a double round bale feeder valued at $1600. We invite you to attend our Meet and Greet on Friday 31st August with viewing of Bulls from 3pm and complimentary food and drinks from 5pm. An impressive line-up of bulls will excite everyone, whether you’re looking for a Stud Sire or a quality Bull for your commercial herd this is a sale not to be missed. Looking forward to your attendance at SEQ’s Premier Droughtmaster Bull Sale. Graham Brown Sale Chairman 4 HAY FEEDER GIVEAWAY! PRIZE FOR PURCHASING THE MOST BULLS! Conditions Apply $1600 VALUE! METALCORP PROUDLY SPONSORING BUNYA BULL SALE Crushes - Ramps - Portable yards - Hay feeders - Grain bins - Fencing - Steel - Grids - Horse equipment 1300 306 204 | METALCORP.COM.AU Northgate | 920 Nudgee Rd | 07 3873 9234 Toowoomba | 340-360 Anzac Avenue | 07 4614 2000 5 List of carriers Jason Livingstone Kingaroy 0408 709 513 (07) 4164 6181 Terry Cross Kingaroy (07) 4164 4225 0427 778 751 Brian & Gloria Smith Hivesville (07) 4168 9157 0429 990 213 David Harch Wondai (07) 4168 5005 0458 685 007 Jeff Smith Harlin ( Carries to Far North 0418 771 788 with frequent backloads) Terry Jackson Kingaroy 0400 735 945 Accommodation Kingaroy Hotel Motel Kingaroy 4162 1677 Ascot Lodge Motor Inn Kingaroy 4162 8333 Burke & Wills Motor Inn Kingaroy 4162 2933 Holiday Motel Kingaroy 4162 1822 Motel Kingaroy Kingaroy 4162 1966 Oasis Motel Kingaroy 4162 2399 Pioneer Lodge Motel Kingaroy 4162 3999 Antler Motel Nanango 4163 1444 Copper Country Nanango 4163 1011 Motor Inn Fitzroy Motel Nanango 4163 1100 Nanango Star Motel Nanango 4163 1666 6 7 VENDOR LOTS R.A & L.E Aitken 110, 111, 112, “LORAYNE” 113, 114, 115 50 Bellthorpe West Road BELLTHORPE QLD 4514 (07) 5496 5015 GST Reg - ABN 64 156 303 393 D.N & J.A Birch 60, 61, 62, 63, “BIRCH” 64, 65, 66 Rosevale ‘M.S. 711 EIDSVOLD QLD 4627 (07) 4167 5139 GST Reg - ABN 39 243 378 103 G & M Brown 41 “ALLSTAR” 85 Bishops Road, WINDERA QLD 4605 07 4168 6249 GST Reg - ABN 61 459 003 280 DJ Bryan 105, 106, 107, “ARAGON” 108, 109 120 Bleakley Road, DELANEY’S CREEK QLD 4514 0419 614 136 GST Reg - ABN 35 416 168 078 JP & JL Carter 19, 20, 21 “JEMCAR” 108 Pahlow Road, WIDGEE QLD 4570 0429 840 169 GST Reg - ABN 30 579 684 986 Caldy Droughtmasters 1, 2, 3 “CALDY” PO Box 173 MONTO QLD 4621 07 4167 2148 GST Reg - ABN 78 442 564 546 W Daniels & B Lecornu 22, 23 “URBAN” 505 North Dallarnil Road DALLARNIL QLD 4621 0417 644 398 GST Reg – ABN 43 008 143 812 8 VENDOR LOTS A & N Gillies 88, 89, 90, 91, “GILLMARA” 92, 93, 94 PO Box 451 GIN GIN QLD 4671 0427 066 982 GST Reg – ABN 80219 629 033 G & S Harms 82, 83 “OAKMORE” Lot 8, 4 Hodgson Street GREENMOUNT QLD 4359 0413 583 084 GST Reg – ABN 86 567 507 801 B.H & Y.B Heck 69, 70, 71, 72, “BRYVONLEA” 73, 74, 75 533 Glastonbury Creek Road GLASTONBURY QLD 4570 0407 714 439 GST Reg – ABN 70 092 243 404 Lormist Droughtmasters 84, 85, 86, 87 “LORMIST” 227 Little Woodmillar Road GAYNDAH QLD 4625 07 4161 1808 or 0408 682 371 GST Reg - ABN 40 570 309 260 D.E & R.A McCabe 76, 77, 78, 79 “BREFFNI” 41 Skewis Street CHINCHILLA QLD 4413 07 4662 8441 OR 0427 658 153 GST Reg – ABN 44 523 033 476 L.H & K.M McMaster 95, 96, 97, 98, “ELKAY 2” 99, 100 Jindabyne’ BUNGUNYA QLD 4494 07 4677 6177 GST Reg - ABN 91922067843 S & S Mallet 80, 81 “ARAUCARIA” 776 Curramore Road CURRAMORE QLD 4552 07 5494 4000 GST Reg – ABN 88 238 299 676 9 VENDOR LOTS Nindethana Pastoral Pty Ltd 53, 54, 55, 56, “NINDETHANA” 57, 58, 59 124 Betts Road, CAMP MOUNTAIN QLD 4520 0408 700 510 GST Reg - ABN 22 061 589 003 G & L Nugent 47, 48, 49, 50 “CARNUDGE” 345 Laceys Creek Road DAYBORO QLD 4521 07 3425 2489 or 0402411716 GST Reg - ABN 21 940 020 515 RJ Orphant 4, 5, 6, 7 “SEYMOUR” 96 Orphant Road GUNALDA QLD 4570 0407 616247 GST Reg - ABN 77 394 703 764 DB & RF Roberton 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 “BY-MINGO” 11882 Isis Highway, Coalstoun Lakes QLD 4621 07 41275070 or 0429171870 GST Reg - ABN 61 535 671 362 Rsvp Droughtmasters 32, 33, 34, 35, “RSVP” 36, 37, 38, 39, 85 Bishops Road 40 WINDERA QLD 4605 07 4168 6249 GST Reg - ABN 70 255 043 603 G & D & A.M Sanderson 28, 29, 30, 31 “BRIGALOW PARK” 15168 Bunya Highway MURGON QLD 4605 07 4168 1670 GST Reg - ABN 98 822 736 900 DA SMITH 13, 14, 15, 16, “VALE VIEW” 17, 18 4255 Manumbar Road MANUMBAR QLD 4601 07 4168 8110 GST Reg – ABN 15 409 181 587 D & E Spring 24, 25, 26, 27 “KIVERTON” 114 Glenhowden Road HARLIN QLD 4314 0408 441 279 or 5423 5202 GST Reg – ABN 61 296 754 129 10 VENDOR LOTS KA & SE Terry 101, 102, 103, “3D” 104 3138 Kingsthorpe-Haden Road HADEN ALD 4353 0427 417 392 GST Reg – ABN 13 624 727 223 Waringle Patnership 67, 68 “WARINGLE” 127 Bakers Raod ELAMAN CREEK QLD 4552 07 5494 4497 GST Reg – ABN 69 549 338 701 Roger Webber & Family 51, 52 “TAJANA” 81 William Webber Rd, CLOYNA QLD 4605 07 4168 6137 GST Reg – ABN 48 840 484 240 G & G Ward 42, 43 “JOMEDAN RIDGE” 3216 North Aramara Road NORTH ARAMARA QLD 4650 0419 964 618 GST Reg – ABN 56 512 679 403 Westcor Constructions Pty Ltd 44, 45, 46 “BINDANOON” PO Box 969 Kingaroy QLD 4610 0418 870 211 GST Reg – ABN 38 010 783 007 11 LOT 1: CALDY ELLIOTT (P) CEB17157M D5 A/c: Caldy Droughtmasters Brand Grade Calved Age 157 Purebred 12/09/2016 23 Mths FAIRHAVEN 06/128 (D) D4 LOCARNO ERNIE (H) D5 DALMALLY OMEGA (D) D5 SIRE: LOCARNO JOKER (P) NN214319M D5 COMANCHE 1911/4 (P) D5 LOCARNO FERN (H) D5 LOCARNO CHLOE (P) D5 GIUNDA MANHATTAN (P) D5 CRUSADER MIKADO III (P) D5 CRUSADER MIEDAL II (P) D5 DAM: CALDY BELINDA (H) CEB1435F D5 CRUSADER TURIK I (P) D5 CRUSADER SHOIN I (P) D5 CRUSADER CYBELE I (P) D5 NOTES: 3 Day, 7 in 1, 3 Germ Blood, Vibrio, Lepto.
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