THE ROCKET = Serving the Slippery Rock community for 68 years! Vol. 60, No. 19 SRU-Slippery Rock.PA 1 6057 February 2O, 1987 SGA will now review conference trips By JEFF PODLOGAR their educational value. keep the current co-op struc- pus parking committee. Puckett said she is working Rocket Smff Writer The proposal was argued by ture for these determinations in Hollingshead said that campus on keeping an updated file of The Student Government SGA senator Tom Waf- tact. police are going to begin tow- all course syllabi. Puckett said Association decided at their fenschmidt who felt that the co- Kathy Puckett, SGA vice ing automobiles which are she feels this can help students meeting Sunday night that all op board, consisting of the president of academic affairs, illegally parked in handicapped make the right choices when funds provided by the student SGA Executive Board, faculty proposed providing the organi and medical reserve spaces. registering for classes. government for organizational members, administration, three zations with only the funding Hollingshead also reported The theatre department has conference trips are to be SGA senators, and three at- required to get into the con- that currently there are no requested that computer equip- reviewed by the members of largc students, was doing a ferences, and leaving the other locations on campus that ment be installed to handle tic- the co-operatives board before good job on deciding the dif- remaining costs to the organi- can be designated for parking ket sales. Ken Harris, theatre being approved. ferences between educational zation's fund raising drives. purposes and that campus professor, said he feels the Brad Hillman, SGA presi- and non-educational conferen- In other business, Justine police are mostly concerned computerized system for ticket dent, proposed the creation of a ces for which the student Hollingshead, a member of the with staff members and com- processing would increase the senate subcommittee designed government does not provide student parking committee, muter students because these ticket office efficiency, allow- to review requests for funds funding. reported there will be an people rely on driving as a ing easier access to tickets from organizations in terms of As a result, it was decided to emergency meeting of the cam- means of getting on campus. sponsored by the department. President must give approval to courts By JEFF PODLOGAR of the SGA recreation commit- Rocket StqlT Writer tee, hopes construction can Preliminary planning for the begin as early as next fall. The SGA approved racquetball Out of the $492,060 esti- court has yet to be approved by mated cost, $322,000 will go President Aebersold. towards construction of the The proposed courts, costing building itself, $25,000 to- an estimated $492,060, must wards architect costs, $50,000 be approved through university will go for the removal of a administration before they can steam line that sits underneath be sent to the Department of the proposed site of construc- General Services (DGS) in tion, and $15,000 for each of Harrisburg. the six courts to be built, Upon approval, the DGS according to Huffmyer. will be responsible for assign- The proposed site for con- ing an architect for the project struction of the courts will have and to review and select bids them attached to Morrow Field given by area contractors. House near the swimming After one is selected and fund- pool. ing approved, construction The recreation committee Pholo by Tom Meizapallt can begin. feels this location will provide SRU theater will present The Glass Menagerie. See details on page 13. Chuck Huffmyer, chairman the easiest access for students. Rating major topic at meeting Many ill after party By MATT PROVENZO Borough alcohol policies noth- by saying that the university Rocket Staff Writer ing more than "pretty paper does, indeed, take the problem By ALBERT STUART Concern about the univer- drinking laws," Shiner sugges- seriously, but that it does not Rocket News Editor ted that campus alcohol per- publicize its disciplinary inci- The McLachlan Student Health Center was kept busy on sity's recently acquired status Sunday and Monday in the wake of a Saturday night date as the fifth best party school in mits, such as those granted to dents concerning alcohol. "We alumni groups for Homecom- do not deal with personal mat- party held by the Delta Zeta sorority. the nation was the major topic Claire Schmieler, director of student health services, said discussed at the Town/Gown ing tailgate parties, be banned ters in a public manner," totally and the university said Aebersold. there have been at least 42 reported cases of a stomach ail- meeting Monday. ment from students who were present at the party. Gale Shiner, speaking dur- require students to take an He went on to say that the ing the open forum meeting, alcohol education course as name of the university will Schmieler said the ailment is being classified as a viral said the article in Playboy part of their general studies always attract the kind of infection by campus health services and the Pennsylvania magazine is changing the requirements. attention it did in Playboy and Department of Health. Food poisoning had been the first university from "S.R.U. to that there is not much the suspected cause, she said, but the symptoms showed up too Shiner said that after last late to be classified as food poisoning. PL). (Party University),' and fall's alcohol symposium she university can do except try to called upon the university, make the best of the situa- Schmieler said 32 people came to the health center com- did not get the impression that plaining of severe stomach discomfort, cramps, and nausea students and the Borough to the university was serious tion. take more action in the area of after attending the Delta Zeta party some 28 to 40 hours about its alcohol problem. However, he was not so kind earlier, while at least 10 other persons later called the health alcohol control. University President Or. in his assessment of the WPX1 Calling the university and center with the same complaint. ,, Robert Aebersuld responded (I uiumutd UH pugtt 2) (C'ontinueU on pug* 2) The Rocket. Kriday. February 20. 1987 President says no to Easter extension By KEN MOON demic disruptions, Aebersold are upset," he said. When scheduling occurs Sunday travel inconvenience), Rocket Staff Writer said. "It is feasible to take a few there must be an equal number and I will make sure of that," Robert Aebersold, president When the academic faculty days from spring break and of Mondays, Wednesdays, and Aebersold said. of Slippery Rock University, came out with the spring calen- add them to haster, but there Fridays, and Tuesdays and Despite the fact that Easter said it is not possible to extend dar, Aebersold indicated to the are still going to be people Thursdays since some classes break is only three days, resi- Easter break through April 20 committee his preference that upset," Aebersold said. meet only on a Monday or dent dorms are scheduled to to allow for student travel after the Easter Sunday travel There are faculty and stu- Wednesday, he said. close April 16 at 10 p.m. and the Sunday holiday. inconvenience not happen dents "who feel two breaks That is why, in order to reopen April 19. Aebersold said extension of again. "I was concerned when upset the academic process, make days and class hours E. Steve Gagliardo, director Easter break to Tuesday would this came up, and I preferred even though one is short and balance out, that a Tuesday is of residence life, said he's not mean the loss of state required that it didn't happen again," one is long," Aebersold said, dropped from the calendar. If sure at this time if all seven will hours for April 20 classes. said Aebersold. adding, "What I'm saying is the Tuesday is not dropped, remain open to house out of Changes can be made now Aebersold explained the dif- it's a no win situation." there will be more Tuesdays town students who are not able on calendars in preparation for ficult position the committee is Aebersold said, "There is than any other day of the to travel over the break. semesters one or two years in jlaced in when they organize sentiment that we should not week. He said he'd like to keep all the future, but changes in this a schedule. take Good Friday off and not "I think the group of people seven dorms open. If not, then short of a time period on the "Every year we have two have an Easter break," while who will be involved in build- those students staying over current semester calendars breaks, people are upset. Every adding that many colleges ing the calendars in the future break will be conglomerated would cause too many aca- year we have one break, people don't have an Easter break. will be aware of it (the Easter into three dorms. Residence life WSRU transmitter down Transmitter problems have the placement of the transmit- Richard Dean, a disc jockey kept SRU's FM radio station ter in a wood shed under one of for WSRU, became aware of begins lottery off the air for the past week and the university's two water the problem when he said he may keep it off the air a towers. The transmitter is heard static coming from the The Residence Life Office will be placed in freshmen while longer. exposed to the elements, station's speakers. Dean then will begin its 1987/88 aca- mailboxes on March 24.
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