Public Document Pack Argyll and Bute Council Comhairle Earra Ghaidheal agus Bhoid Corporate Services Director: Nigel Stewart 22 Hill Street, Dunoon, Argyll, PA23 7AP Tel: 01369 704374 Fax: 01369 705948 8 September 2004 NOTICE OF MEETING A meeting of the BUTE AND COWAL AREA COMMITTEE will be held in the EAGLESHAM HOUSE, MOUNTPLEASANT ROAD, ROTHESAY, ISLE OF BUTE on TUESDAY, 7 SEPTEMBER 2004 at 10:30 AM, which you are requested to attend. Nigel Stewart Director of Corporate Services BUSINESS 1. APOLOGIES 2. PRESENTATION ON CITIZENS' ADVICE BUREAUX 3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST 4. MINUTES (a) Minute of Area Commitee of 3rd August 2004 (Pages 1 - 4) 5. OPERATIONAL SERVICES (a) Implementation of Full Wheeled Bin Service (Pages 5 - 6) 6. CORPORATE SERVICES (a) Dunoon - Fairtrade Town (Pages 7 - 12) (b) BT Proposals for Payphones in Bute and Cowal (Pages 13 - 34) 7. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES (a) Dunoon Burgh Hall Project (Pages 35 - 40) (b) Planning Application Reference No: 03/01228/DET, Mount Stuart Trust, Deposition of Material to Infill Shore Headland (Retrospective), Shingle Beach, Ettrick Bay, Isle of Bute, continued (Pages 41 - 48) (c) Planning Application Reference No: 03/02186/DET, R C W Developments (Scotland) Ltd, Erectionof 7 detached dwellinghouses and formation of vehicular access, Former Cowal House Site, 7 Kilbride Road, Dunoon, Argyll (Pages 49 - 66) (d) Planning Application Reference No: 04/01033/DET, H & H McIntyre, Demolition of garages, erection of a dwellinghouse and formation of parking and turning space; Provision of a passing place on Belmont Lane and reduction of walls on Belmont Lane/William Street, Garden Ground of 12 and 12a Edward Street, Belmont Lane, Dunoon (Pages 67 - 76) (e) Planning Application Reference No: 04/01034/DET, Mrs Carole McKay, Demolition of garage, erection of a dwellinghouse and formation of parking and turning space; Provision of a passing place on Belmont Land and reduction of walls on Belmont Lane/William Street, Garden ground to rear of 14 Edward Street, Belmont Lane, Dunoon (Pages 77 - 86) (f) Planning Application Reference No: 02/00033/OUT, Mrs M Kohls, Erection of 4 Houses and istallation of septic tank, Ground North East of Ashgrove, Wyndham Road, Innellan, Dunoon (Pages 87 - 100) (g) Planning Application Reference No: 04/00404/OUT, Mr Eric Hopkins, Erection of 3 dwellinghouses and formation of new vehicular access, Land adjacent to Ashgrove, Wyndham Road, Innellan, Argyll (Pages 101 - 116) (h) Planning Application Reference No: 04/01195/DET, Mr A W Waugh, Alterations & extensions (amendment to permission 03/01645/DET incorporating increased ridge height and additional porch, rooflight and upper floor deck), 1 Clachan, Back Road, Tighnabruaich (Pages 117 - 122) (i) Planning Application Reference No: 04/01353/DET, Retention of Rear Extension, Bellafield Cottage, Bannatyne Main Road, Port Bannatyne, Isle of Bute (Pages 123 - 128) (j) Delegated Decisions (Pages 129 - 144) (k) Planning Permission Ref: 04/00470/DET, Formation of Vehicular Access at 173 Victoria Road, Dunoon (Pages 145 - 148) 8. EXEMPT ITEMS E1 (a) Enforcement Reports Nos: 03/00069/ENFOTH, 04/00026/ENFOTH, 04/00091/ENFHSH, 01/01553/DET (Pages 149 - 166) E2 (b) Tree Preservation Orders (Pages 167 - 178) E3 (c) Ardencraig Nursery (Pages 179 - 180) EXCLUSION OF THE PRESS AND PUBLIC The Committee will be asked to pass a resolution in terms of Section 50(A)(4) of the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 to exclude the public for items of business with an “E” on the grounds that it is likely to involve the disclosure of exempt information as defined in the appropriate paragraph of Part I of Schedule 7a to the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973. The appropriate paragraph is:- E1 – E2 Paragraph 13 Information which, if disclosed to the public, would reveal that the authority proposes- (a) to give under any enactment a notice under or by virtue of which requirements are imposed on a person; or (b) to make an order or direction under any enactment. E3 - Paragraph 6 Information relating to the financial or business affairs of any particular person (other than the authority). BUTE & COWAL AREA COMMITTEE Councillor Brian Chennell (Chair) Councillor Douglas Currie Councillor Robert Macintyre Councillor Bruce Marshall Councillor Gordon McKinven Councillor James McQueen Councillor Len Scoullar Councillor Isobel Strong Councillor Dick Walsh (Vice-Chair) Contact: George McKenzie, Area Corporate Services Manager Page 1 Agenda Item 4a MINUTES of MEETING of BUTE AND COWAL AREA COMMITTEE held in the QUEENS HALL, DUNOON on TUESDAY, 3 AUGUST 2004 Present: Councillor B Chennell (Chair) Councillor B Marshall Councillor L Scoullar Councillor J McQueen Councillor I Strong Councillor R Macintyre Councillor JR Walsh Councillor G McKinven Attending: George McKenzie, Area Corporate Services Manager Eilidh Headrick, Area Community Services/Information Officer Alan Lothian, Area Roads & Amenity Manager Jennifer Crawford, Estates Surveyor Gary Wilson, Building Control Manager Neil McKay, Planning Manager John Bone, Senior Building Control Officer John Irvine, Enforcement Officer 1. APOLOGIES An apology for absence was intimated on behalf of Councillor Currie. The Chairman welcomed John Bone, Senior Building Control Officer and John Irvine, Enforcement Officer to the meeting 2. PRESENTATION ON CITIZENS' ADVICE BUREAUX The Chairman apologised on behalf of Ms Lough from the Citizens Advice Bureau and advised the meeting that this item would be continued to the next meeting as she had lost her voice and was unable to make her presentation. 3. DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST None 4. MINUTES (a) MINUTE OF AREA COMMITTEE OF 6 JULY 2004 The minute of the Area Committee of 6th July 2004 was approved as a true record. Page 2 5. COMMUNITY SERVICES (a) OFFICE ACCOMMODATION - DUNOON (SOCIAL WORK) A report was considered which outlined arrangements for the re-location of Social Work staff in Dunoon because of the poor condition of the old Cowal Resource Centre. Decision The Committee noted and approved the proposed re-location arrangements (Reference; Report by the Director of Community Services – submitted) 6. DEVELOPMENT SERVICES (a) REPORT ON BUILDING CONTROL PERFORMANCE MONITORING A report from the Head of Planning detailing Building Control Performance Monitoring and Service Plan progress for 2003/04 was submitted for the committee’s information. Decision The Committee:- (i) noted the contents of the report and the progress on service plan commitments and stakeholder consultations (ii) congratulated the Building Control staff for achieving such high performance figures in this area. (Reference; Report by Head of Planning dated 14th June 2004 – submitted) (b) PLANNING APPLICATION REFERENCE NO: 03/01228/DET MOUNT STUART TRUST, DEPOSITION OF MATERIAL TO INFILL SHORE HEADLAND (RETROSPECTIVE), SHINGLE BEACH, ETTRICK BAY, ISLE OF BUTE, CONTINUED Decision Continued to the next meeting Page 3 (c) PLANNING APPLICATION REFERENCE NO: ARGYLL & BUTE COUNCIL - HOUSING DEPARTMENT, RETENTION OF CAR PARK, FORMERLY KNOWN AS MILLARLEA, 163-165 EDWARD STREET, DUNOON, ARGYLL Decision Approved subject to the conditions contained in the report by the Head of Planning (d) PLANNING APPLICATION REFERENCE NO: 04/01144/DET, MR JAMES SMITH, RETENTION OF DOUBLE GLAZED UPVC WINDOWS, FLAT 3/1, THIRD FLOOR, 17 BISHOP STREET, ROTHESAY Decision The committee unanimously approved the application for the following reasons (i) it was considered to be a minor departure to the Rothesay Window Policy Statement 1995 and the Council’s Design Guide on Replacement Windows. (ii) the building is not a prominent part of the Conservation Area (iii) there has already been changes to the fenestration pattern of the building with different types of windows at different locations (iv) the windows installed do not adversely affect the overall appearance of the building to its detriment. (e) DELEGATED DECISIONS The Committee noted delegated Development and Building Control decisions made since their last meeting. 7. EXEMPT ITEMS (a) ENFORCEMENT ACTION Enforcement reports were considered and disposed of as follows:- 03/00069/ENFOTH – continued 03/00235/ENFOTH and 03/00263/ENFOTH – no further action (b) TREE PRESERVATION ORDERS Tree Preservation Orders 11/04 & 12/04 were approved as recommended Page 4 (c) MOAT COMMUNITY CENTRE, ROTHESAY The Committee agreed to the terms of the lease as contained in the report. (d) GARAGES, EAGLESHAM TERRACE, ROTHESAY The Committee agreed to the recommendation in the report (e) WEST BAY TOILETS AND WAITING ROOMS The Committee agreed to accept the offer to lease these premises as detailed in the report. 8. CIVIC GOVERNMENT HEARING, R MCINTYRE, 4A HILL STREET, DUNOON - TAXI DRIVERS LICENCE, THE HEARING WILL TAKE PLACE AT 1.00PM Allan Goodall, Senior Solicitor and Inspector Kerr, Strathclyde Police joined the meeting for the Hearing. The applicant failed to appear and having allowed a period of 20 minutes from the time fixed for the hearing the committee agreed to proceed with the hearing in his absence. The Area Corporate Services Manager outlined the application and drew the members attention to the details on the application form submitted by the applicant. Inspector Kerr then spoke to the Chief Constable’s report on this application outlining the reasons for his objection. Several members of the committee questioned Inspector Kerr on the information contained in the Chief Constable’s report. The Committee then unanimously agreed that the application be refused in terms of Section 5(3)(ii) of Schedule I of the Civic Government (Scotland) Act 1982, namely that the applicant is ’not a fit and proper person to be the holder of a licence.’ Page 5 Agenda Item 5a ARGYLL & BUTE COUNCIL BUTE AND COWAL AREA COMMITTEE OPERATIONAL SERVICES 7th September 2004 IMPLEMENTATION OF FULL WHEELED BIN SERVICE 1. PURPOSE This report advises the Committee of the forthcoming implementation of full wheeled bin service with effect from week commencing 25th October 2004 2. RECOMMENDATIONS The Committee is asked to note the report 3. DETAIL 3.1 The Council approved the wider introduction of wheeled bins in 2002 but for operational reasons including the Council restructuring this is yet to be implemented.
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