THE WEEKLY NEWSPAPER OF INDIANA UNIVERSITY-PURDUE UNIVERSITY AT TH IS W EE K INDEX For interviewing and O p in io n ................... 3 resume tips. See Career Focus '89 F o c u s ...................... .. 4 The insert Leis u re................... .. 6 S p o rts.......*............. .. 9 SAGAMORE Classifieds............ ..11 INDIANAPOLIS Sept. 25. 1989 light design slows installation on Michigan By RICK MORWICK "It (responsibility for design) and MARIE CIIMIELEWSKI just recently came back to the uni­ versity," Nolte said. “They ju st" A university proposal to have handed A back to us and said, Blackford Street widened ’Here, you do it.’ Whnt we were threatens to delay plans to install getting was not quite the straight traffic signals at Blackford and story (from the city)." Michigan streets and Blackford Responses from DOT officials to and New York stTeeU. "periodic checks" by IUPUI Park •'We’re going to do it as soon ns tng Advisory Committee members it’s feasible," said Joe Loughmil- about the project’s progress led ler, public information director for members to believe the city was the Department of Transporta­ going forward with a design tion. "It could be December, but it scheme, Nolte said. could be later. We really don’t know." "What they (DOT officials) came The initial timetable for in­ bock and said was, ’Gee, we don’t stallation was December 1989. have any design work done,*" Approval for the signals was Nolte said. "(DOT) asked the uni­ granted by the City-County Coun­ versity to coordinate getting the cil Jan. 9 following complaints design work done," he added. from private citizens that the in* Raymond Casati, IU Architect, tersections are dangerous. came upon the situation un­ IUPUI student William Mcll* expectedly. vnine was seriously injured last year when he was struck by a car Casati was in the process of con­ sulting with an Indianapolis com­ while attempting to cross pany on another project for the Michigan near the Mary Coble school. When city officids learned Building. of Casati, they Assume&he would John Nolte, director of Parking take the design job. Services at IUPUI, said the DOT recently requested that the uni­ After receiving an estimate on versity accept the burden of hav­ costs of the two projects combined, ing the signals designed, which, Casati informed the DOT that he he added, could serve to delay the would not be able to take on the project. responsibility. Abortion remains primary issue for NOW, Yard says By MARIE CHMIELEW8KI Yard attributes the lack of sup­ mittees. One PAC is used far con­ NOW continues to lobby state ► 1990 elec- port for women’s rights to the gressional candidates. Yard said and local governments on child- car# and health issues, but possib­ Educating voters about abortion ions. white men who dominate the she would be disappointed if her Yard blamed the anit- legislature. Specifically after goal of $500,000 wasn’t met. ly not os strong while efforts are and increasing representation of who promoted the concentrated on the abortion a* women’s issues in loeing the bettle of the Equal The NOW Equality PAC is for v Reproductive Health Rights Amendment in 1982, sue. tures remain the tw . the case decided on July state and local candidates. Also, The group is considering the far the National Organisation for women realised they needed more states and big city chapters have 3 by the U.8. Supreme Court equal representation in Congrats. start-up of a third political nation­ Women, President Molly Yard which gave states ths opportunity 72 PACe to raise money for pro- al party. Despite sogie criticism ■aid last weak while visiting In­ choice candidate*. by elected officials. Yard insists dianapolis. to place more restrictions on abor­ plied politics at IUPUI, said it’s tions, far imposing control over usually easier far legislators to But before the group begins to that NOW form a commission be­ During a news conference at the fore year-end U> analyze political Indianapolis Hebrew Congrega­ women. stay with the status quo, instead lobby, a demonstration on a "One of the troubles with the of trying to change laws. woman’s right.to chooes will take history in the terms of third tion, Yard regarded the abortion parties. issue as the primary focus of the whole Webster case, when they "It's a problem when you give place Nov. 12 in front of the Lin­ group, but said that women's declared that life begins at con­ people a constitutional right and coln Memorial in Washington. The commission will spend rigktM ill not be addieeeed ade­ ception, is it is imposing a reli­ you try and take it away," Roth­ Yard predicts it will cost the orga­ about a year on the subject, and at quately unless there is a sig­ gious belief on everybody," Yard man said. "Now you have a situa­ nisation $500,000 to pull ofT the that time, NOW officials will meet nificant amount of support addsd ■aid. "Many people do not accept tion where the pro-choice people rally. to determine if a third party is to legislative bodies. their (anti-abortionists) inter­ in keeping the feasible. pretation st all." Yard said the pro-choice march "I would say that the future (of that took place on April 9 was The purpose of forming a third access to abortion) looks bltek in NOW has a two-pronged Rothman agrees that abortion originally planned months in ad­ party would be to ensure that almost every state," Yard said. strategy to approach the abortion will be the top issue of state legis­ vance as an ERA demonstration, women’s right* would be ade­ ’The state legislatures are very issue, according to Yard. One is to latures this coming year, but said but because of the pressing need 4 j , t ’s a problem When quately met, according to Yard unrepresentative on the issue of continue national pressure of she feels that other issues, such to fight for a woman's right to Yard also said that although the right of women to control their women's right to choose, because as education and highways, are choose, the focus switched to the X you give people a NOW is concentrating all its ef­ reproductive lives." it is a constitutional right that abortion issue. fort* on preserving the right to NOW is in the process of im­ has not been overturned by the Yard said legislation will be in­ constitutional right and abortion, the ratification of the plementing a new project known UR. Supreme Court, Yard said. troduced into Congress to More than 600,000 people at­ Equal Rights Amendment has not as ths "Freedom Caravan" which maintain a womqp's right to an tended the rally. you try and take it away.” been forgotten. The other concentration will be NOW is involved in many other will attempt to educate voters on a state level. Yard said the abortion. NO!* will hold a lobby about abortion: who has abortions day in Washington on Nov. 13 to issues involving women's rights, -Molly Yard "We will never stop our situation remains the same every­ such as childcare, raising the min­ and why they have them. where and that it is not a states' try to persuade Congress to pass President of National Organization campaign for that (ERA)," Yard Another purpose of the project is the legislation. imum wage, housing and pay soid. "But as soon as President rights issue. equity. for Women to help people understand the Rot "We believe that we have an un­ In order to lobby or support pro- Bush stepped into office, asked v Wade decision, the landmark paralleled opportunity to change choice candidates, there must be "When the freedom of women is the justice department to overturn case in 1973 that gave women the who site in the legislature and some financial backing. at stake, everything must take n Yard also discussed other direc­ Roe v Wade, we knew that's what right to an abortion. NOW also get e far more rec NOW is currently raising money back seat to this one (abortion)," tions the organization .is taking to we had to do was to concentrate to help of elected officials, for their political action com­ Yard said. support the women’s rights issue. on that (abortion).” ^ Skater sets sights Senate approves plan to distribute discount packages By SHERRY SLATER would be pinpointed on an en­ files, indicating there had been Currently* any college or uni­ for 1992 Olympics closed map of the city. Ad­ no inquiries or complaints filed versity “less than 300 miles" Students could receive a vertiser coupons could also be at that time from NashvilU* is m the market­ By MARIE CIIMIELEWSKI "survival kit" containing a stu­ included. The buyers’ guide program ing area. Manley and the sales­ dent ID card and a list of local The advertising revenue would limits advertising to the first men currently drive to make Michelle Millikan is keeping one businesses offering student dis­ cover printing costs and give business of its kind to sign up. contact with their accounts. foot on solid, campus Vound counts as early as April. Bren-Daniels a profit. Student Manley said 40 to 60 com­ “We hope to grow," Manley while she chases her figure- A1 Monley, marketing man­ Government and the university panies will be included, with an skating dream. ager for Bren-Daniels A Associ­ would neither fund nor profit emphasis on fast food, auto ser­ Tf for some reason my skating ates, presented a proposal to the from the venture, although their vice and kos station businesses Ken Salter, sports editor of career wouldn't go through for me, Student Government last Wed­ logo# would be prominently dis­ ae well as optometrists, dentists Middle Tennessee State's stu­ 1 would have physical education nesday that would call for the played at the top of the and chiropractors.
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