INQUIRY INTO ENGAGEMENT WITH DEVELOPMENT APPLICATION PROCESSES IN THE ACT S TANDING C OMMITTEE ON P LANNING AND U RBAN R ENEWAL A PRIL 2020 REPORT 12 I NQUIRY INTO E NGAGEMENT WITH D EVELOPMENT A PPLICATION P ROCESSES IN THE ACT THE COMMITTEE COMMITTEE MEMBERSHIP Ms Caroline Le Couteur MLA Chair Ms Suzanne Orr MLA Deputy Chair (until 23 August 2019) Mr Mark Parton MLA Deputy Chair (from 28 August 2019) Ms Tara Cheyne MLA (until 20 September 2018) Mr James Milligan MLA (until 20 September 2018) Mr Michael Pettersson MLA (from 23 August 2019) SECRETARIAT Ms Annemieke Jongsma Secretary Danton Leary Research Officer Jayden Evett Research Officer Alice Houghton Research Officer Lydia Chung Administrative Assistant CONTACT INFORMATION Telephone 02 6205 1253 Post GPO Box 1020, CANBERRA ACT 2601 Email [email protected] Website www.parliament.act.gov.au i S TANDING C OMMITTEE ON P LANNING AND U RBAN R ENEWAL RESOLUTION OF APPOINTMENT On 13 December 2016 the Legislative Assembly for the ACT, when it created Standing Committees for the Ninth Assembly, resolved at Part 1(f) of the Resolution that there would be a: Standing Committee on Planning and Urban Renewal to examine matters relating to planning, land management, the planning process, amendments to the Territory Plan, consultation requirements, design and sustainability outcomes including energy performance and policy matters to support a range of housing options.1 On the same day, the Legislative Assembly also resolved at Part 3 of the Resolution that: If the Assembly is not sitting when the Standing Committee on Planning and Urban Renewal has completed consideration of a report on draft plan variations referred pursuant to section 73 of the Planning and Development Act 2007 or draft plans of management referred pursuant to section 326 of the Planning and Development Act 2007 the Committee may send its report to the Speaker, or, in the absence of the Speaker, to the Deputy Speaker, who is authorised to give directions for its printing, publication and circulation.2 TERMS OF REFERENCE On 22 March 2018 the Assembly was informed that the Standing Committee on Planning and Urban Renewal had resolved to inquire into and report on engagement with Development Application processes in the ACT, with reference to: 1) Community engagement and participation in the Development Application process including: a) the accessibility and clarity of information on Development Applications and Development Application processes, including Development Application signage; the Development Application finder app; and online resources; b) pre- Development Application consultation and statutory notification processes; and c) the availability and accessibility of current and historical Development Applications and decisions in relation to Development Applications, including reasons for Development Application approvals, conditions or rejections. 2) The accessibility and effectiveness of Development Application processes, including: a) the information provided in relation to the requirements for Development Applications; b) the current development assessment track system; 1 Legislative Assembly for the ACT, Debates, 13 December 2016, Transcript of Evidence, 10 March 2017, p. 40. 2 Legislative Assembly for the ACT, Debates, 13 December 2016, Transcript of Evidence, 10 March 2017, p. 41. ii I NQUIRY INTO E NGAGEMENT WITH D EVELOPMENT A PPLICATION P ROCESSES IN THE ACT c) the Development Application e-lodgement and tracking system, e-Development; d) processing times for Development Applications; e) retrospective Development Applications; f) reconsideration and appeal processes; and g) Heritage, Tree Protection and Environmental assessments. 3) Development Application compliance assessment and enforcement measures. 4) Development Application practices and principles used in other Australian jurisdictions. 5) Any other relevant matter. iii S TANDING C OMMITTEE ON P LANNING AND U RBAN R ENEWAL ACRONYMS AA Asset Acceptance ACAT ACT Civil and Administrative Tribunal ACT Australian Capital Territory ACTPLA ACT Planning and Land Authority AHURI Australian Housing and Urban Research Institute AIA Australian Institute of Architects BA Building Approval CBC Canberra Business Chamber CCA Campbell Community Association CIV Capital Investment Value DA Development Application DAF Development Assessment Framework and/or Forum DAPs Development Assessment Panels DC Development Coordination DDA Disability Discrimination Act 1992 DV Draft Variation ED Act Environmental Development Act 2012 eDev eDevelopment (ACT Planning) EDO Environmental Defenders’ Office EDT Economic Development and Tourism Committee EES Environmental Effects Statement EIS Environmental Impact Statement iv I NQUIRY INTO E NGAGEMENT WITH D EVELOPMENT A PPLICATION P ROCESSES IN THE ACT EPA Environment Protection Authority EP Act Environment Protection Act 1994 EPIs Environment Planning Instruments EPSDD Environment, Planning and Sustainable Development Directorate EPBC Act Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 ESO Environmental Significance Opinion FOI Freedom of Information FoHV Friends of Hawker Village GCC Gungahlin Community Council GFA Gross Floor Area HIA Housing Institute Australia HIS Heritage Impact Statement ICOMOS International Council of Monuments and Sites IHAPs Independent Hearing and Assessment Panels ISCCC Inner South Canberra Community Council KBRG Kingston and Barton Residents Group LDAP Local Development Assessment Panel LEPs Local Environment Plans LLP Local Planning Panel LMPP Landscape Management and Protection Plan LPS Local Provisions Schedule MBA Master Builders Association MPRG Major Projects Review Group v S TANDING C OMMITTEE ON P LANNING AND U RBAN R ENEWAL MRA Metropolitan Redevelopment Authority MUHDC Multi Unit Housing Development Code NCA National Capital Authority NCDRP National Capital Design Review Panel NCP National Capital Plan NI Notifiable Instrument NOD Notice of Decision NPR No Permit Required PD Act Planning and Development Act 2005 PDAs Priority Development Areas PDI Act Planning, Development and Infrastructure Act 2016 PIA Planning Institute of Australia PPOS Principal Private Open Space PRA Preliminary risk assessment RZ2 Residential Zone 2 SARA State Referral Assessment Agency SAT State Administration Tribunal SCAP State Planning Assessment Panel SEPPs State Environment Planning Priorities SDPWO State Development and Public Works Organisation Act 1971 SPP State Planning Policy and/or Provisions TCCS Transport Canberra and City Services VCAT Victorian Civil and Administrative Tribunal vi I NQUIRY INTO E NGAGEMENT WITH D EVELOPMENT A PPLICATION P ROCESSES IN THE ACT WAPC Western Australia Development Commission WOVA WOden reVAmped (GEOCON Development) vii S TANDING C OMMITTEE ON P LANNING AND U RBAN R ENEWAL TABLE OF CONTENTS T HE C OMMITTEE .................................................................. I Committee Membership .............................................................................................................................. i Secretariat ................................................................................................................................................... i Contact Information .................................................................................................................................... i Resolution of appointment ......................................................................................................................... ii Terms of reference ..................................................................................................................................... ii A CRONYMS ...................................................................... IV R ECOMMENDATIONS .............................................................XI 1 I NTRODUCTION ................................................................ 1 Conduct of Inquiry ...................................................................................................................................... 1 Acknowledgements .................................................................................................................................... 2 2 ACT P LANNING F RAMEWORK ................................................. 3 Legislation and Planning Documents .......................................................................................................... 3 3 ACT D EVELOPMENT A PPLICATION P ROCESSES, A SSESSMENTS AND A PPROVALS ................................................................... 11 Requirement for a Development Application (DA) .................................................................................... 11 Requirement for a Building Approval (BA) ................................................................................................ 14 Other Approvals ....................................................................................................................................... 15 Requirements in relation to Leases and Lease Variations ......................................................................... 16 Requirement for Environment Assessments ............................................................................................. 17 Requirements in relation to Tree Protection ............................................................................................. 27 Requirements in relation to Heritage Consultation ..................................................................................
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