of the American Mathematical Society August2006 Volume 53, Number 7 The Differential Geometry and Physical Basis for the Applications of Feynman Diagrams page 744 A Fellows Program for the AMS page 754 Salt Lake City Meeting page 834 Cincinnati Meeting page 836 Storrs Meeting page 838 A Henan horseshoe (page 768) Masters of Mathematics A Historic Evolution of Ideas Euler through Time ANew look at Old Themes V. S. Varadarajan, University of California, Los Angeles, CA This book synthesizes hundreds of years of thought on Eulerian theories to place the work of the world's most prolific mathematician into the context of today's thinking. The primary focus is on Euler's work on infinite series and products and its influence on modern thought. The author examines Euler products and ties his work to the climactic developments reached by number theorists and the Langlands program. 2006; 302 pages; Hardcover; ISBN-I 0: 0-8218-3580-7; ISBN-13: 978-0-8218-3580-7; List US$59;AII AMS members US$47; Order code EULER Bourbaki ASecret Society of Mathematicians Maurice Mashaal, Pour la Science, Paris, France This book lifi:s the veil from a secret society in which spirited debate, good humor, and a unified purpose helped generate the most influential mathematical treatise of the 20th century. It chronicles how the Bourbaki group saw its mission grow into creation of a universal collection of mathematical tools, shaping thought on mathematics from 1950 to the 1970s. Remarkable photographs and rich anecdotes enliven the text. 2006; approximately 168 pages; Softcover; ISBN-I 0: 0-8218-3967-5; ISBN-13: 978-0-8218-3967-6; List US$29;AII AMS members US$23; Order code BOURBAKI US$23; Order code BOURBAKI Euclid's Phaenomena The Coxeter Legacy ATranslation and Study of a Reflections and Projections Hellenistic Treatise in Spherical Chandler Davis and Erich W. Ellers, Astronomy University of Toronto, ON, Canada, J. L. Berggren, Simon Fraser Editors University, Burnaby, BC, Canada, Comp rehensive collection of articles that and R. S. D. Thomas, University of captures the essence of Coxeter's legacy Manitoba, Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada combination of storytelling and up-to-date information reflects the breadth of Coxetcr's contributions both within and outside math­ Thi s translati on of Euclid's Phaenomena, includes ex tensive ematics. The book includes a rich variety of beautiful illustrations. commentary that enhan ces the context and value of this impor­ ta nt histori c work. Readers get a fa scinating look at how Euclid A w ·publication of the AM.S and The Fields Institute fOr Research in Mathematical Sciences advanced knowledge in astronomy without the tools of trigonom­ (Toronto, Ontario, Canada). etry and spherical geometry. 2006; 320 pages; Hardcover; ISBN-I 0: 0-8218-3722-2; ISBN-13: 978-0-8218-3722-1 ; List US$69; All AMS members US$ 55; Order code COXETER (:0publishcd \\ ~ t h the London Mathematical Society beginning wi th Volume 4. Members of the LMS may order directly from the AMS at the AMS member price. T he LMS is registered \vith tbc Chari ry Comm.issioncrs. History of Mathematics. 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PONNUSAMY, Indian Institute of Technology, Madras, ALBRECHT PIETSCH, University of lena, Germany ETIENNE SANDIER, Universite Paris-12 Val-de-Marne, Chennai, India; HERB SILVERMAN, College of Charleston, Creteil, France; SYLVIA SERFATY, CMIA, Ecole Normale Banach spaces figure prominently in the study of func­ Superieure de Cachon, France sc tional analysis, having applications to integral and Complex numbers can be viewed in several ways: as an book presents the mathematical study of vortices differential equations, approximation theory, harmonic Thi ~ element in a field, as a point in the plane, and as a two­ of the two-dimensional Ginzburg-Landau model, an analysis, convex geometry, numerical mathematics, dimensional vector. Examined properly, each perspec­ im(1ortant phenomenological model used to describe analytic complexity, and probability theory. This work is tive provides crucial insight into the interrelations bet­ sup1erconductivity. The vortices, identified as quantized devoted to a comprehensive treatment of the history of ween the complex number system and its parent, the ani6unts of vorticity of the superconducting current Banach spaces and (abstract bounded) linear oper­ real number system. The authors explore these relation­ localized near points, are the objects of many obser­ ators. While other comprehensive texts on Banach ships by adopting both generalization and specialization vational and experimental studies, both past and pre­ spaces focus on developments before 1950, this one is methods to move from real variables to complex variab­ se~t. 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The book begins with basic concepts such as illustrations, may be used in a classroom setting, for Germany partial differentiation and multiple integration and self-study by advanced undergraduate and graduate gently develops the entire machinery of differential students, and as a valuable reference for researchers This book provides an introduction and overview of forms. The author approaches the subject with the idea in mathematics, physics, and engineering. number theory based on the distribution and properties that complex concepts can be built up by analogy from of primes. This unique approach provides both a firm simpler cases, which, being inherently geometric, often 2006/XVIII, 470 PP., 1281LLUS. background in the standard material as well as an over­ HARDCOVER/ISBN 0-8176-4374-5/$149.00 can be best understood visually. Each new concept is view of the whole discipline. All the essential topics are SOFTCOVER/ISBN 0-8176-4375-3/$69.95 presented with a natural picture that students can easily covered: fundamental theorem of arithmetic, theory of grasp. congruences, quadratic reciprocity, arithmetic func­ Also by M. GIAQUINTA and G. MODICA: tions, and the distribution of primes. Analytic number The text is designed to support three distinct course theory and algebraic number
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