BROADCAST STATIONS IDENTIFIED WITH NEWSPAPER OWNERSHIP Revised to January 1, 1948; Copyright 1948 by Broadcasting Publications, Inc. ALABAMA The following tabulation, showing newspaper ownership or affilia- WSTC, WSTC -FM, Stamford -Licensed AM to Western Connecticut Broadcasting WPFS, Alexander City- Licensed to tion of and FM broadcast stations in the United States, Hawaii Co., owned 51% by Kingsley S. Gil- Piedmont Service Corp., affiliated and Alaska, is based on information procured from the operating lespie. publisher of Stamford Advo- with the Alexander City Outlook. companies or from official sources. Minority interests are indicated cate. WILMA, WHMA -FM, Anniston -Licensed WCLR, Torrington-Licensed to Litch- to Harry M. Ayers, publisher of An- where the information was available. In many instances stations field County Radio Corp. Herbert L. niston Star. and newspapers are owned by the same interests but operations are Crapo. president of Litchfield Enquir- WSGN, WSGN -FM, Birmingham -Li- entirely separated. er Publishing Co., is part owner. censed to the Birmingham News Co., WBRY, WBRY-FM, Waterbury - Li- publisher of The Birmingham News censed to the American -Republican and The Birmingham Age Herald; Inc., publisher of Waterbury Repub- 82!x% of stock owned by estate of CALIFORNIA KSRO, Santa Rosa -Licensed to Ruth lican, Sunday Republican and Water- Victor H. Hanson. deceased. The W. Finley, president, Press -Democrat bury American. Birmingham News Co. also owns all KONG (FM), Alameda-Licensed to Pub. Co., publisher of Santa Rosa Re- The Huntsville (Ala.) Times Star Publishing Co., publishers publican and Press -Democrat. Oper- DELAWARE capital stock of Alameda Times Star. ated independently of newspapers. Times. WDEL, WDEL -FM, WEBJ, KERN, KERN -FM, Bakersfield -Li- KLX, KLX -FM. Oakland- Licensed to Wilmington -Li- Brewton -Licensed to William censed to McClatchy Broadcasting Tribune Building Co.: interlocking censed to WDEL Inc. Operated inde- E. Brooks, who is publisher of the pendently. J. Hale Steinman and Brewton Co.; same ownership as Sacramento ownership with Oakland Tribune. Standard. See, Fresno Bee, Modesto Bee KOCS Licensed John F. Steinman. owners, also own WAGF, Dothan -Licensed to Dothan (Mc- KOCS. -FM, Ontario- to Lancaster (Pa.) NewspapRers Inc. Broadcasting Co.; Horace Hall, part- Clatchy Newspapers). Daily Report Co., same ownership as WILM, WILM -FM. Wi'mington -- Li- ner. is publisher of Dothan Eagle. KPAS, Banning-Licensed to Pass Daily Report, Ontario- Upland, Calif. censed to the Delaware Broadcasting WGNH, Gadsden- Licensed to General Broadcasting Co. John Phillips, news- KROW, KROW -FM, Oakland -Licensed Co. Alfred G. Hill, president, also is Newspapers, Inc.; Carmage Walls. paperman, 50% owner. to KROW Inc., majority owned by editor, publisher and lessor of Chester president; Charles E. Marsh, chair- KXO, El Centro -Licensed to Valradio Sheldon F. Sackett, chief owner of (Pa.) Times. man of the board; John E. Marsh, Inc., 13/15 of which is owned by KVAN, Vancouver. Wash., owner of Newspapers Imperial Valley Pub. Co.. publisher KOOS. Coos Bay, Ore., and publisher DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA vice president. General of El Centro Morning Post, Imperial of the Coos Bay Times. Inc. owns 2/3 interest Macon (Ga.) WINX, WINX -FM. Washington Li- Times; Valley Press and Brewley Daily News; KGEW. Oroville-Licensed to the Oro- - Telegraph Co.; the Gadsden and Mr. Mrs. ville Mercury Co.. publisher of the censed to WINX Broadcasting Co.. The Tuscaloosa (Ala.) News; The and Paul Jenkins, con- owned by Eugene Meyer & Co., pub- Spartanburg (S.C.) Herald -Journal, trolling stock owners of the Imperial Mercury Register and Butte County lisher of Washington Post. and the Cleveland (Tenn.) Daily Valley Pub. Co. Other 2/13 of Val - News, Oroville. WMAL, WMAL -FM, Washington - Li- Banner; and minority interest In the radio, Inc. Is owned by Mr. and Mrs. KDAN, Oroville -Licensed to Stanley S. censed to The Evening Star Broad- Orlando (Fla.) Sentinel -Star. Harry Hovey. Beaubaire, partner of Hanford Pub- casting Co., subsidiary of The Eve- KIEM, KRED (FM), Eureka -Licensed to lishing Co., publishers of the Hanford rting Star. WEBS, WHBS -FM. Huntsville -Licensed Redwood to the Huntsville Times Co., Inc., Broadcasting Co. Inc., 20.8% Journal, Hanford. WOL, WOL -FM, Washington -Licensed Huntsville Times. of stock owned by Standard Printing KPNI (FM), Palo Alto -Licensed to to Cowles Broadcasting Co. Gardner publisher. Co., publisher of Humboldt Standard; Peninsula Newspapers Inc., publish- Cowles Jr., president, also publisher WABB, WABB -FM. Mobile-Licensed to Alto Times. of Regis- Mobile Daily Newspapers, Inc., pub - 20% by Times Publishing Co., pub- ers Palo of Look magazine, president lisher of Humboldt Times; 50.3 %, KFBK. KFBK -FM, Sacramento - Li- ter & Tribune Co., publisher of Des llshers of the Mobile Press Register. William B. Smullin. censed to McClatchy Broadcasting Moines Register and Tribune; John WSFA, WSFA -FM, Montgomery -Li- KMJ, KMJ -FM, Fresno -Licensed to Co.: same ownership as Sacramento A. Cowles, vice -president of Register censed to Montgomery Broadcasting McClatchy Broadcasting Co.; same Bee, Fresno Bee, Modesto Bee (Mc- & Tribune Co., also president of Co., Inc.; one -third Interest owned ownership as Fresno Bee, Sacramento Clatchy Newspapers). Minneapolis Star Journal and Trib- individually by R. F. Hudson. pub- une Co. Advertiser. Bee, Modesto Bee ( McClatchy News- KDON, Salinas- Licensed to the Monte- lisher of Montgomery papers). rey Peninsula Broadcasting Co. Own- KLAC, Hollywood- Licensed to KMTR ership affiliated with Salinas Cali- FLORIDA ARIZONA Radio Corp., Dorothy Thackrey, own- fornian. WMIly, Coral Gables -Licensed to Phoenix -Licensed to Salt River er New York Post is an owner. KSJO, San Jose -Licensed to Patrick H. Peninsular Broadcasting Co.; George KOY, KGNS, Hanford -Licensed to Hanford Peabody, publisher Sunnyvale Stand- W. Thoppe, advertising director, Mi- Broadcasting Co., 74% owned by Bur - owner. ridge D. Butler, publisher of the Publishing Co., publishers of the ard; Los Altos News; Saratoga Ob- ami Daily News, Is 58% Hanford Journal. server; Campbell Press. WDNB, WDNB -FM. Daytona Beach - Prairie Farmer, Chicago, and the Ari- Licensed to News -Journal Corp., zona Farmer, Phoenix; also owner of KTML (FM). Los Angeles- Licensed to KWG, Stockton -Licensed to McClatchy the the Times Mirror Co.. publishers Los Broadcasting Co.; same ownership as publishers of the Daily News and WLS Chicago and KTUC Tucson. Bee, Journal. KCNA, -Licensed to Catalina Angeles Times. Sacramento Bee, Modesto Fresno Tucson KBEE (FM), Modesto to Mc- Bee (McClatchy Newspapers). WGOR -FM, Ft. Lauderdale-Licensed Broadcasting Co.; ownership affiliated -Licensed to the Gore Pub. Co.. publishers of with Tucson Newspapers Inc.. print- Clatchy Broadcasting Co. (See KERN. KTKC, Visalia-Licensed to Tulare - Ft. Lauderdale News. ers of Arizona Star and Daily Citizen, Fresno). Kings Counties Radio Associates; WJHP, WJHP -FM, Jacksonville-Li - Tucson; the State Publishing Co., KDON, KDON -FM, Monterey -Licensed owners include Homer W. Wood, pub- censed to The Metropolis Co.; same publishers of the Star, and the Citi- to Monterey Peninsular Broadcasting lisher of Porterville Recorder; Percy ownership as Jacksonville Journal. zen Publishing Co., publishers of the Co.; 50% of stock owned by Allen M. Whiteside, publisher of Tulare (see WCOA, Pensacola.) Citizen. Griffen, publisher of Monterey Penin- Daily Advance; Messrs. Wood and WIOD, WIOD -FM, Miami- Licensed to KTUC, Tucson -Licensed to the Tucson sula Herald; 50% by Salinas News- Whiteside also operate Visalia (Cal.) Isle of Dreams Broadcasting Corp., Broadcasting Co.; 51% owned by papers Inc.. publisher of Salinas Cali- Pub. Co., publisher of Visalia Times - stock owned by Miami Daily News Burridge D. Butler, publisher Prairie fornian. (Speidel Newspapers). See Delta. Inc. Farmer, Chicago, and owner WLS also WGNY, Newburgh, N.Y., and KHUB, Watsonville- Licensed to Luther WQAM, WQAM -FM, Miami- Licensed Chicago, and KOY Phoenix. KFBC, Cheyenne, Wyo. E. Gibson, editor and publisher of to Miami Broadcasting Co., owned by KYCA, Prescott-Licensed to the South- KBMT (FM), San Bernardino -Licensed Vallejo Chronicle -News and Times - Miami Herald Publishing Co., pub- eastern Broadcasting Co. M. B. Hayes to The Sun Co., publishers San Ber- Herald. lisher of The Miami Herald. and Houston Harte, shareholders. nardino Sun. and Telegram. KSYC, Yreka -Licensed to Siskiyou WTMC. Ocala - Licensed to Ocala have varied newspaper interests KSDJ, San Diego -Licensed to Clinton Publishing Co., publishers of the Sis- Broadcasting Co. Inc.; (see WCOA). San Diego kiyou News. WHOO, WHOO-FM, Orlando- Licensed throughout the state. D. McKinnon, publisher, Daily to Orlando Dally Newspapers, publish- Journal. ers of the Orlando Morning Sentinel ARKANSAS KRON (FM). San Francisco -Licensed to COLORADO and Evening Star. Chronicle Publishing Co., publishers KVOR. Colorado Springs-Licensed to WDLP, Panama City -Licensed to KFSA, KFSA -FM, Fort Smith -Licensed San Francisco Chronicle. Out West Broadcasting Co.; 33% Panama City Bestg. Co. and owned to Donald W. Reynolds. owner of RYA, San Francisco -Licensed to Palo stockholders each are E. K. Gaylord by publishers of Panama City News - Times Publishing Co., Okmulgee, Alto Radio Station Inc., owned by and Edgar T. Bell, officers and di- Herald. (See WCOA). Okla. (Okmulgee Times Democrat Dorothy S. Thackrey, president of the rectors,
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