Search for The Westfield News Westfield350.comTheThe Westfield WestfieldNews News Serving Westfield, Southwick, and surrounding Hilltowns “TIME IS THE ONLY WEATHER CRITIC WITHOUT TONIGHT AMBITION.” Partly Cloudy. JOHN STEINBECK Low of 55. www.thewestfieldnews.com VOL. 86 NO. 151 TUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2017 75 cents $1.00 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 9, 2020 VOL. 89 NO. 243 Westfield, Two arrested on Southwick leaders agree drug trafficking, with Gov. on firearms charges By PETER CURRIER trick-or-treating Staff Writer WESTFIELD- Two Westfield residents were arrested and No ban or mandates put arraigned this week for eight charges stemming from illegally owned firearms and an apparent drug trafficking operation. in place, residents should Jeffrey J. Marques, ‘use common sense’ 34, and Kayla R. A tree fell on a shed on Western Avenue Wednesday. (MADISON WALLIS PHOTO) Bolio, 28, both of 35B By HOPE E. TREMBLAY Day Ave., Westfield Editor were arrested after WESTFIELD/SOUTHWICK – Local Westfield Police exe- communities keeping trick-or-treat on Residents assess storm damage cuted a search warrant Halloween were a step ahead of Gov. on the Day Avenue Charlie Baker, who said Tuesday that the as Westfield Gas & Electric residence to discover Halloween tradition would not be banned multiple firearms as JEFFREY J. KAYLA R. in the Commonwealth. well as class A and MARQUES. BOLIO Instead, Baker said it was up to indi- B drugs. vidual communities. Baker made the crews restore power According to the (WESTFIELD DETECTIVE BUREAU PHOTOS) announcement from Salem, arguably the statement of facts provided by police in court documents, Halloween capital of the northeast. By HOPE E. TREMBLAY police had probable cause to be granted a search warrant fol- “We will be putting out tips and advice Editor lowing a lengthy investigation into the apparent operation. with respect to Halloween. You won’t see WESTFIELD – A swift-moving “The arrests were the result of a lengthy investigation into us put out what I would refer to as rules storm brought downpours and hail the sale of heroin out of 35B Day Ave. which led to the search or mandates,” Baker said Tuesday in through the city Wednesday evening, warrant on Monday,” said Det. Sgt. Scott Phelon. Salem. “We do want local communities with Westfield Barnes Regional After the search was complete, officers discovered approx- in this particular case, given how differ- Airport reporting winds of 74 mph just imately 865 bags of pre-bundled heroin, which equals about ent many of our communities are across after 5 p.m. 21 grams. They also discovered 67.59 total grams of cocaine, the commonwealth, the opportunity to Soon after the storm passed, resi- a digital scale with cocaine residue, sandwich baggies that make their own call with respect to how dents began assessing the damage left they presume were used to package cocaine, more than they want to see Halloween operate.” behind. $15,000 in cash, and two improperly stored sidearms along Westfield Mayor Donald F. Humason Karrie Welch, a Springdale Road with improperly stored ammunition and magazines. Jr. announced last week on social media area resident said she had a tree come Neither Marques or Bolio have a license to carry according that he would not “cancel Halloween” as down, downed live wires and a fire at to court documents. One of the sidearms, a Sig Sauer P320, Springfield has done. the end of her driveway. was reportedly stolen from Vermont. “The City will not cancel Halloween,” Lisa Stowe, communications and Humason stated. “I leave it up to people marketing manager for WG&E, said See Charges, Page 5 to decide for themselves if their children the storm wasn’t what they expected. or their households will be involved.” “It was a surprisingly significant Humason urged residents to “use com- storm,” she said Thursday. “At the mon sense” and enjoy Halloween. City- height yesterday we had between A fire broke out on Springdale Road sponsored organized trick-or treat events, 2,000 and 3,000 customers without during the fast but furious storm Oct. however, were canceled. service. By morning we had gotten 7, 2020. (KARRIE WELCH PHOTO) Baker also suggested using common that number down to 500 and now Thankfully, WG+E spends a lot of sense and practicing social distancing. He we’re around 300. We’re grateful for time and resources on good tree main- said trick-or-treaters should go out in the support of mutual aid crews from tenance which reduces the effect of small groups and wear costumes that Chicopee Electric Light and Russell storms on our utility lines.” include masks that meet COVID-19 Municipal Light Dept as well as our Western Avenue resident Madison guidelines. Baker also said families on-call contractor Hawkeye and tree Wallis posted photos of damage to her sleave candy outside for children to pick crews from Asplundh.” backyard on social media and said the up rather than hand-out candy. Stowe said the power company storm was quick, but scary. Police Detectives found in a Day Avenue home in Westfield “The best thing you can do if you want tracked the storm all day and “knew to “I was absolutely terrified,” said more than $15,000 in cash, two illegally owned firearms, to celebrate Halloween, find a way to get expect high winds” but “it’s never Wells. “One minute it’s nice and the and enough heroin and cocaine that police believe it was 100% clear where weather will go but not for personal use. (WESTFIELD DETECTIVE BUREAU See Halloween, Page 5 we clearly took a significant hit. See Storm, Page 5 PHOTO) Baldcypress tree on Union Local businesses Street slated for removal donate lumber to By AMY PORTER Oct. 6 public hearing for the project, Construction Tech Staff Writer talked about the baldcypress tree. By AMY PORTER WESTFIELD – A mature baldcy- City Planner Jay Vinskey first men- Staff Writer press tree at 102 Union St., which is tioned the tree, acknowledging that WESTFIELD — Matthew Gomes, Construction slated for removal to make room for keeping it would result in a 10% loss of Technology instructor at Westfield Technical Academy, expansion of a parking lot for the Full parking, where the intent of the appli- expressed his gratitude this week to two local businesses from Gospel Church, has been central during cant is to maximize the parking on the Westfield and Williamsburg for a much needed donation. the discussion of the permitting pro- site. Vinskey said the board could “With Covid-19, the state and local governments have had cess. address the taking down of the tree to make dramatic cuts to spending and our shop budget has The expansion, which was permitted with additional ornamentals on the site. seen substantial reductions. When we needed it most, Ponders by the Conservation Commission on “I’d like to see the tree stay where Hollow Custom Flooring and Millwork and Lashway Lumber Sept. 22 after several meetings, is now it’s at. It’s a rare tree,” said Planning Service and Custom Drying stepped forward and donated in the Planning Board for site plan Board member Cheryl Crowe. nearly 1,500 board feet of beautiful clear pine lumber valued approval and a stormwater permit. The Chair William Carellas agreed with at over $3,000,” said Gomes. Full Gospel Church at 110 Union St. is Crowe. “A tree there would be a nice Gomes said the lumber will be used by the students to make looking to add parking spaces on the touch to the parking lot,” he said. cabinetry and furniture projects as part of the regular curricu- adjacent lot of 102 Union St. where a “With these older trees and construc- This baldcypress tree, a rarity in New lum. single family home was razed. The tion around it, they end up dying,” England, will be removed to make room “It has been wonderful to be back in the building live and mature baldcypress sits in the proposed Vinskey said, adding that it was also for a church parking lot. (HOPE E. lot. TREMBLAY/THE WESTFIELD NEWS) See Construction, Page 3 Planning Board members, during the See Tree, Page 3 100 older adults receive flu shots at drive-through clinic By HOPE E. TREMBLAY Following the clinic, Gorman noted lowed and all volunteers wore masks. Editor that some surrounding communities Gorman thanked those who helped make WESTFIELD – One hundred of the partnered with pharmacies to host simi- the clinic possible and successful. city’s older adults received their flu vac- lar clinics, however, they were not able “Thank you to DPW and the Fire cination during a two-day drive-through to offer a drive-through event. Department for assisting with setting up flu shot clinic at the Westfield Senior “We are the only COA in the area that the parking lot with weighted barriers, Center. held a drive-through clinic. And that’s horses, and cones,” Gorman stated in an The clinic was a joint effort of five city because the vaccine was administered email. “Thanks to the Police Department departments, including the Council on through the Health Department,” said for an officer helping participants to Aging, Police, Fire, Department of Gorman. “The other COAs are partner- safely exit the parking lot onto Noble Public Works and Health Department. ing with local pharmacies and because of Street. And a million thanks to the According to Council on Aging liability issues, most are doing them Health Department… Joe Rouse, Deb Health inspector Tom Hibert and Council on Aging member Director Tina Gorman, the event was a outdoors and the seniors must get out of Mulvenna, Evelyn Bristol, Tommy Joyce Peregrin get medical information from Ed and Roberta success and was much appreciated by their vehicles and get the vaccine in a Hibert, Steve Cipriani, and Juanita Morace during the Oct.
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