. 'DOCUMENT RESUME 1/4 ED 114 108 . 95 738 AUTHOR , Katzman, Natan TtTLF Public Television Program Content :.1974_.' Advance,. Edition. INSTITUTION Corporation for Public Broadcasting, Washington, D.C. / SPONSAGENCY Natidnal 'Center for 'Yducationaa Statistics (DHEW /QE), . Washington, D.C. -. ---- PUB DATE Jul 75 - -; NOTE 166p. ,. ..... tDPS PRICE. MF-$0.76 HC-$8.24 Pius Postage . DESCPIPTORS Ethicational Televisidn; Media Research;' Program effectiveness; *Program Evaluationi,*Programing (Broadcast); *Public Television; *Television ?esearch; *Television ,Surveys , TDENTIFIPS *Corporation For Public Broadcasting; National. Center For Educational Statistics ABSTPACT As part of a program of statistical reports do public broadcasting, a survey requested-147 public brOadcasting, stations to supply information about their. operations dufing one week in 1974. Data were collected about instructional televisidn services, "Sesame Street," "The Electric Company,".general and hews programing, any programs produced for a special or target audience, focal programing, and Public Broadcasting and prima-time programing. Extensive data tables docuthent the survey results, and the details of the survey' mekhodology are contained in several appendix sections. (HB/JY) r- *********************************************************************** , Documents acquired by ERIC include many informal unpublished * materials not available from other sources. ERIC makes everyefcrrt-* * to obtain the best copy available. Nevertheless, items of marginal * * reproducibility are often encountered and this affectsthe quality * * of the microfiche and hardcopy,reproductions ERIC makes available `* * 'via the ERIC Document Reproduction Service (EDPS). EDPS is not * responsible for the quality of the original document. Reproductions * * supplied by EDPS are the best that can be made from, the original; -* ************************************A*********************************.. s' 00 EDUCAT'IONAti-ECHNOLOGY PUBICTES LEVI8i0k1 PROGRAM Corporation for Public Broadcasting CONTENT:. 1974 1 )4:I Per( TWENT OF HEALTH D.C.1,0.4 &WELFARE AT ONAL INSTITUTE OF Et V( ATION ..fFN A5 BEEN REPRO y. RECEIVED FROM N ,,AN,ZATION ORIGIN N TS E Ar OR OPINIONS NE _ESSARiLY REPRE :NAL INSTITUTE OF ADVANICE.EDITIoN ICY L.) .7` ,/ .//7/4,/ // // // / / / ' //,5/ : , /, / ... 0 ,/,,/y;//,,,/, /,;/r, // / 71;// /' //// / /:-.'0,;/ .// /,p,/- 1. '" / /",f,t;;f 0:4", '4 ; :44le/ 4A. ./ ,'7/ y / /l/' ,,,..,..:-.1..... /- ,)//,; ,..e.4'..!,..f.../-W / / O / //.. U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION, AND WELFARE/ Education Division 1 e HIGHLIGHTS A. TOTAL SYSTEM E. INSTRUCTIONAL TELEVISION G. SPECIAL OR TARGET AUDIENCE (Excludes CTW) Number of Stations , 238 Average Annual Hous - Annual Number of Licensees 153 per Broadcaster 277.5 Average of All Number of "Broadcasters" A151 Average Annual Programs Hours Hours Avrage Annual Hours per Broadcaster 531.7 Hours - 662 17.1" per Broadcaster 3,672 0 Programs 1,931 Average Annual PrOgrais 29.57 Hours When H. LOCAL PROGRAMING per Broadcaster 10,547 School Is Annual, Average X of All In Session PERCENTAGE OF HOURS AND-PROGRAMS 511 HoXrs, Hours BY TIME OF DAY ITV Subjects Hours Programs Hours per' i of ITV BrOadcaster422.2 /10.9% Programs During School HoUrs 32.9/ 42:9 Programs per "° After School 29.1/ 28.1/ Art ) £ roadcaster 18.7.8 13.0. Prime Time 31.0/ 22.8/ Theater 14.67 , Natural and Late 4.61 3.8 Annual Local Ho rs-peil Physical Pre-School 2:5/ 2.5/ Broadcaster b e ion N Science 13.9% Social Science 1.1.5% c. PTV PROGRAMING BY TYPE OF PROGRAM' ' %-. ITV. General Total . Literature and Annual Northeast 74.4 385.0 459.4 Humanities 10.4/. Average of All Health, PE, Squth 297.8 305.1 602.9 Hours ' ' Central 78.9 215.2 294.1 - Hours Safety 8.57. Children's Basic West 112.4- 242.1 354.5 Instructional TV 662 17.1"/ Outlying 33.5 338.3 371.8 "Sesame Street- / Education 7,67 "Electric Co."' 821 21.27 Other 5.6% News/Public Affairs 488 12.6,4 F. "SESAME STREET"/"THE 'Information/Skills 616 15.9/' Cultural 693 "ELECTRIC COMPANY" General Children's 414 10.77 Hours per Broadcaster Other 170 4.4/ N "5Psame Street" 558 D. TECHNICAL ASPECTS OFPTV PROGRAMING 'Electric Co." 26Y Tame of Day Annual Late Afternoon 51.2% Average 4 og All \,During School 42.5%. Hours Hours Before School 5.1% ~,Late 1.2% Color-Transmission 3,404 87.97 Day of Week Prime-Time Trans- . Fi,ve Weekdays 83.2% mission, 1;197 31.0/ (16.6% per day) Locally Produced sattvdays 14.4% Programs 422 10.97 SuntIA:. From Public Broad- . casting Service 2,405 62.17 . Direct fr8m Inter- connection 1,770 45.71 i 4 ! ..i..._.! :., -,- e PUBLIC TELEVISION .PROGRAM CONTENT: I J 1974 / L by . * - . , .. NATAN KATZMAN 1, CORPORATION FOR PUBLIC BROADCASTING . 1 ... r .9 o 1 . ,-- . U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, cDUCATION, AND WELFARE / CASPAR WEINBERGER, SECRETARY r. VIRGINIA Y. TROTTER, ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR EDUCATION .0. 'NATIONAL CENTER FOR EDUCATION- STATISTICS - FRANCIS C. NASS.ETTA, ACTING ADMINISTRATOR FOR EDUCATION STATISTICS CORPORATION FOR PUBLIC BROADCASTING HENRY LOOMIS, PRESIDENT r 1 I Corporation for Public Broadcasting' Washington, D.C.:'July 1975 / e C- 00 4 OEWORD 1 This VUblication i8 part of aprogram of statistical reports 'on ,public broadcasting, basedon data provided by'public television F licensees to the _Corporation for Public Broadcasting ( PB) . S Since 1961 various people and organizationshave repo ed data for a series of volumes called One Week of Educational.Telvision. In 1973 The Corporation for -Public BroadcastingissuedOne Week of Public Television, April1972. These eports providean analysis of the.,content of a specified week ofbroadcasting byublic;tele- vision stations. The current report is a major deparure from the "one week" design. The Corporation and the Nationgl enter wanted a'representative sample ofan entire year of public tlevision content. This report, theno isi the firstreport on te numbers and characteristi'cs of oneyear of public television ontent. 4. The National Cente for 'education Statistics.(NCES)o the-Depart-. ment of Health, Education, and Welfare's Education Di isionand .- CPB have supported the design, data collection, anda alysis of these reports.' Ben Posner, Vice President forFinanc- and Admin- istration, and Treasurer, CPB, and Boyd Ladd, Assisfat Director 1 for Statistical' Development, NCES, have representedhe two agen- cies in these endeavors. Data processing was handle. by the In- fformation Systems.staff at CPB. A Detgils of the research methodologyare presented in Chapter I and in several Appendixsections of this report. Th reader may contrast the technique with those used in the ';OneW ek" projects. r Many of the basic categories remain thesame, but th- shift tea yearly base results in different programing profiles. Thus, most comparisons with data from the earlier projectsare inappropriate. Future reports will be 'able to consider trendsover tilue. We sincerely appreciate the time and.information.p ided by participating organizations. - Henry Loomi,s 'Francis C. Nassetta President, Corporation for Acting Adm nistrgtor Public Brog'dcaSting National C nter for Education t4tistics J iii J CONTENTS Page Acknowledgements xv I. Method, Definitions,'ana Categories 1 II. The PTV System in 1974 lY III. Instructional,Television Services. 45 IV. "Sesme,Street" and "The Electric Company" V. "General" and News/Public Affairs Programs 81 VI. Special or Target AudiencePrograms fr 105 VII. LaCal Programing 113 VIII. PBS and Prime-Time 'Programing 121 'Appendixes I. Secondary Schedules 131 II. Computation of Standard Error 135' III. Survey Operations 140 J IV. Survey Instruments and Cover Letters 143 Index 4 153 1. V S v FIGURES Page I.1 Map of Broadcasting Regions 12 II.1 Public TelevisionStations, 1961-1974 11.2 Ave.rage Annual Hours per Broadcaster by Cate- _ 13 gory II.3 Average Annual Hours per Broadcaster onDays When"'School Is in'gessionand Days When School Is not in Session 16 21 11.4 Perceptage of Hours and Programsby Time of Day. -.. 22 11.5 Percentage of Hours and Programsby Day oT Week 23 II. Percentage of Hours andPrograms.by Producer. 24 11.7 Percentage of Hours and Programsby Distribution. 11.8 Percentage of Hdurs and Programsby Transmission 28 Technique by Use of Color. 34 1'1.9 Percentage of Hours and Programs 3 8 11.10 PTV-Programing by Type of Program 49 'III.1 Average Annual ITV Hours byBroadcaster Category. 57 111.2 Percentage of ITV Programsby Subject Matter 58 111.3 Percentage of ITV Programsby Grade Level 59 111.4 Percentage of ITV Programsby Format vi Page 111.5 Percentage of ITV Programs by Producer andDistrib- utor 63 ./ 111.6 Local PrOduction of ITV Programing Si/zap' 1964 ) (% of ITV hours locally produced) 64 *III.7 Percentage of ITV Programs by Method of Trans- mission and Use of Color 66 111.8 PerCentage of ITV Programs by UserOfRepeats 69 IV.1.Average Annual "Sesame Street"/"Electric-CoMpany" Hours by Broadcaster Category 74 IV.2 -Percentage-cf "Sesame Street " /'Electric Company" Hours by Daypart , 75. IV.3 Percentage of "Sesame StreeW!TlectricCompany" Hours'by Day of Week andTime of Fey 76 IV.4 -Percentage of "Sesame Street"/"ElectricCompany" Hours by Method of Transmission 78 IV.5 "Sesame Street"/"Electric Company" Hours as Per- dentage of Selected Programing Segments 79 V.1 Average Annual General and Ne-Ws Hours y Broad- caster Category .. ... o ...... , 82 Average Annual Station Promotion /Auction /Fund Raising Hours by Broadcaster Class . '85 V.3 Percentage of General and News Hours bfr Day,of Week and Time of Day 86 V.4' Percentage of General and News Hours by , Producer 88 V.5 Percentage of General.and News Hours by Disiribu- tion 91 V.6 Percentage of General and News Hours by Method of 'Transmission 93 V.7 Percentage of General and News Hours by Use of .Repeats 95 vii Page Average AnnualNews/Public Affairs Hours by Broad- V.8 . caster Category "96 V.9 Percentage ofNews/Public'Affairs Hours by Day of . Week and Time of Day V.10Percentage ofNews/Public'Affairs Hours by (A) Scope 99 of Content and(B) Program Format V:11Percenta4e of News/Public Affairs HoursbY 100, Producer .V.12 Percentage of News/PublioAffaiis Hours by Distribu- 101_, tion V.13 Percentage of News /PublicAffairs Hours by Method of 02 .
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