1!Jublisl1rb by tl1r .ilu 'rinting mumpttny Serving: :BrownviOe,~ :Brownville Jet., £aqrange, Milo, Se6ec 01. 2 No. 35 Thursday evening, August 29, 1963 Ten Ce:us ! F CCI s ~e 2 THE T OWl'i" CRIE THE TOWN CRIER is publis hed each Thursday even.ing by the MHo Printing Company . We hope to Blow Ye Win s be of help to the citizens of the towns in our cover­ age through NEWS, INFORMATION. AND LOWPRIC­ ED ADVERTISING. We accept no financial responsibility for errors in adver tising but will gladly print corrections. .. , ~...,. Copies of mostphotos appearing in THE TOWN CRI­ . !ft' ..".--­ ER may be obtained through our office. - If you have DeVS or available photos of any sort we .. .. --.~- urge you to call or drop in. Deadline will be Monday Noon but we would appreciate copy received earlier in the week. Classified ad's 50 cent minimum including up to 12 words, 3 cents for each additional word. Display ad space by the column inch. John and Joanne Brigham - Editors 94'3-2622 with NEWS I'l'EMS 943- 7384 for AD SPACE you want to BUY, SE LL, ~NT or SWAP, try "Town rrier" Classified. ,OARDERS WANTED. Call 43- 7970. Sunday, September I, 1963 Church 'OR YOUR CONVENIENCE 'hlld ~ are ~ n my home. Hour " Monday. September 2, 1963 ay, or week. Equipped foC' Labor Day !'e-scho:)l age. WI 3-2.361. 'helma Chase. Tuesday, September 3, 1963 W.S. C. S. Hi'gh winds S~mday churned up fonr foot waves on Schoodic Lakt: OTICE Ac tion on the Lakeview shore {where the a~o're two pho'.;o:3 "(e .( 1 will start my Hooked Rug Thursday. September 5, 1963 made) resembled the Atlantic coa:, t. Spray from b r e al{.ing~v~ lruB es 3eptember 9th, anti Teachers Club was thro,vu twenty feet into the air and over a hundr ed feat inla--=: "11 be taking beginners and Lions Club Many boats were swamped at their moorings 'and atleast two bol;.: l va.'1ced pupils. Contact me were reported lost. : 943-23-}7. Nellie Ford. "OR SALE Piano ~esson5 Two house trailers, one 22', HARRY CALDWELL, 3 MAP LE STREET, MILO l!le 14'. Call WI 3-7465. Telephone: 943-2542 Many years of s tudy abr oad under distinguished E ur­ ,ERVICE opean teachers . Modern methods assure rapid pro­ ectr olux Sales and S ~ rvic6l. gress to the studentwho will practice. Beginners and J . Cote West MainStreet advanced pupils of all ages taken. I'll10 , Maine. WI 3-2232. P ARK ST. METHODIST ,OODSMEN Mrs. Is abel Cudhea, Mrs. Horse for sale, mare, 14 Gladys Lydston, Mrs. P at MILO P""u.., c.mptUUJ Billheads ears old , newly shod , with 17 Park Street. Milo. Me. , Crosby and Mrs. Edith RIde­ 3.I'ness, ready for work, $200. out, who are all officers of the P hone WI 3-7384 En ve lop es, all W1 3 ~746 5 " P at'k St. Methodist Church W. :lectrolux Corporation has S. C. S. J oove returned home :xcellent Buys in new repos­ from a te::J.ding the Maine Com­ Lette rh eads, e ssed Vacuum Cleaners. erence School of Missions that was held at Colby Co!lege in )pening in this area for full I ime ambitious young m an. Waterville lastMonday through Club Prog rams Frirl~ '17 . NOW IS THE TIME ! _ t. n ·Ol Conglomeration OJ'\V oros " o Sirio In ·uries By Neill Robertson I ike this little st,ory from e:..e 'Christiarl Wo:eld!. An old gentle­ F 'l said :~ef1eGtively; "OJli~e I W<l.3 young and IlOW I am oLd l 've €" ! B:' seen a girl unfaithful to her mother that cam=: to be worth !. ,).:le eyed button to her husband. It is written large a:ld awful _ the life of amistfit home. If a'J.y of you boys ever come across _ girl with a face full of rOS8S; who says to you as .she comes t.o doo:, 'I can't go for thirty minutes, for the dishes are not a3~ed'; you waitfor that girlj sltrightdown on the door step and a2t for her, because some other fellow might come along and arL'Y her, and right there you have lost an angel. Wait for that ~rlj si;ic~ to ner like a bur to a mule's ta:i1." II C ~'1D.O~ help butthink of the me.:l and women who recently made ~ hea:Uines the hard way by settingthems o31ves afire and died lliD1an sacrifices because they were certai.u that wha: they believed 'a., .right aild those who did not agree with them were wrO'.1g. War.d ' :::rlptureandI were discussing this question o.J.e day in the hos­ .tal and bro\.l.ght up the point thatit is one of the Devil's deverest 'es, that nif you live up to what you believe you'll be O. K. n If ou c::mld lind som e way to communicate with those fa.'1atics who ' edJbelieveyou would find that, ifyou believe a'J. error, and can et threebillion other ~eople to believe, that can never Gha,'J.ge that ~ r o~ to the truth. And no matter how sincere you may believe erroritwillnotinthaleastless:3ntheresults of that error. A :lS eNife was makin,?; pan-cakes for her husband's breakfast, bu.t · -"o.l.,Sh error she got some poisonous insect powd'3r mixed with b atter. The result waf] 'l.lmost instant death to 'j}e eater. The ars ofgrief could not bring back the loved oue who lost his life Be ause a very ,:35.nC·3re Nife lulled him in err vr. Ifyou have not taken the trouble to get all the facts possible about , e important things, including your beliefs, you cail accept be­ ats '::J lindly; ignorantly, scientifically or by faith in other pe~'ples "Jrk until cro NS turn white, flypackwards, andro()s1; upside down .;) m atter how Sincerely you believe it. I .s aw a Iittle 7e.lSe from one of Billy Grai':m::n' s sermon that had do with love and marriage which might,amuse you if you U8ver pened to see or hear it before. Theirs was a beef stew marri age, And theIr case was rather crude, Dri.vel', Paul (Skipper) Youngblood and his p assenger, He( For s~e Nas always be.afing, Clark, of Derby, we::-e r elea sed fr om Milo C()mm.unity Hosp And he was alway;;; :3tewed. after examination following the accident to their car (above pho 3')me pe::>ple expect too muchfro::n marriage. Itis unthinkable to on the Dover R oad F riday evening. The car left the road and ro~ ·l!:pe:}tha.1pine.3:3 to emerge from a marriage where the bride is a over jus:beyonj 'the "Devil' s F outpr ints" about 8: 00 P. M. Da:n• . .riet mannered, culture.j., with loveable qualities and the groom is to the ca.r was estimated as "nearly total. " · oud mouthed, rough talking sort of aperson who seems wlite in­ xLc a+,ed 'vith the 8xauberance of his own voice--Dr vice ·/8rsa. yet people really expect thatma1'riage to prosper. Imposs iblel king of England had writteJ in the fly-leaf 01 his bible, " The Full 5 t'ock 01 ec r etofhappinessisnotdo~n6whatyou liketo do , but to learn to Back-To-Schoo _' - 13 Nhaty-ou have to :io. It Just as a side line thought I must say t in any marriage :}eremonies that I ever performed I never read Clothes h 31'e it says "I promise to love, honor, and cherish he!' UJltil :' 3.th do us part-except when I want to go fishing, hunting, and ~flJ'" (, H ,& ·oiling. It Two ladies had met after s ome years of not baving se en ., ch other. One said to the other "So you got marr ied after all''I' 'ou used to say you wouldl't marry the best on earth." " Well Skirts, Blouses, Shoel, Ididn't said the other lady. Well, be good but it doesn't neces­ Sneakerl, Drelles aad arily mean that ~ou will be happy, All other I rllleDts "rOWIt & eoulttr'J SHOP t:;)t t' U S MlLO & SA E ~ " I't,ltt! t" re 2a:~e ! T H E T O \V _­ C R 1 Unique Rescue Little League Dutin _ Milo Fir e Department loudspeaker system inStalled in Fire The Milo Recreation Association spons,Jred a Dic!1ic and aUi] m ef Ned Hoskins picl -up truck was put to a good and unique '.lse for members of the Little League Baseball team at Hovey's be.a ing the past month. Monday afternoon. During July Lloyd GoJl:l1ne, 9 ;·Delmont Tibbetts, 1 0; entered the The boys playe:i football, consumed large quantitiea 'J: hate ooj s atMari( Tibbetts house on the Lake View road ami after they and pop and thoroughly enjoyed themselves. d not returned for s ome few hours were reported missing. Ned Coach Robert Walters headed up the games, Virgil La'rCIuc trolled the roa:is inhis truck calling the boys on the loudspea'mr. and Sheldon Poole handle:i the cO Jking. ~he boys heard him at 6 P . M. and emerged frum WO Od:3 u p- at' Vir gil and Sheldon 'nave wor l ~ ed hard for the M. R. A. for a g r m kie Stanchfield' s hom e 0 :1 the MetHord road.• m any years now de.serve a great deal of prats:3 (a :.ittle more c 'La,s week Parkee Bea , 9; Brian Hea1, 6; Mar ia Hamlin, 6; 'Jperation wouldn't hurt Bither.) Iatthew Hamlin.
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