University of New Hampshire University of New Hampshire Scholars' Repository Physics Scholarship Physics 1-1-1989 Magnetospheric plasma pressures in the midnight meridian: Observations from 2.5 to 35 RE Harlan E. Spence Boston University, [email protected] M. G. Kivelson R. J. Walker D. J. McComas Follow this and additional works at: https://scholars.unh.edu/physics_facpub Part of the Physics Commons Recommended Citation Spence, H. E., M. G. Kivelson, R. J. Walker, and D. J. McComas (1989), Magnetospheric plasma pressures in the midnight meridian: Observations from 2.5 to 35 RE, J. Geophys. Res., 94(A5),5264–5272, doi:10.1029/JA094iA05p05264. This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Physics at University of New Hampshire Scholars' Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in Physics Scholarship by an authorized administrator of University of New Hampshire Scholars' Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH, VOL. 94, NO. A5, PAGES 5264-5272, MAY 1, 1989 MagnetosphericPlasma Pressures in the Midnight Meridian: ObservationsFrom 2.5 to 35 RE HARLANE. SPENCE1, MARGARETG. KIVELSON1, ANDRAYMOND J. WALKF• Instituteof Geophysicsand Planetary Physics, University of California,Los Angeles DAVID J. MCCOMAS Los AlamosNational Laboratory,New Mexico Plasmapressure data from the ISEE 2 fastplasma experiment (FPE) werestatistically analyzed to determine the plasmasheet pressure versus distance in the midnightlocal time sectorof the near-earth(12-35 RE) magnetotailplasma sheet. The observedplasma pressure, assumed isotropic, was mapped along model magnetic field flux tubes(obtained from the Tsyga•ak• aad Usmaaov[1982] model)to the magneticequator, sorted accordingto magneticactivity, and binnedaccording to the mappedequatorial location. In regions(L • 12 RE) wherethe bulk of theplasma pressure was contributed by particlesin theenergy range of theFPE (70 eV to 40 keV for ions),the statistically determined peak plasma pressures vary with distancesimilarly to previously determinedlobe magnetic pressures (i.e., in a time-averagedsense, pressure balance normal to the magnetotail magneticequator in the midnightmeridian is maintainedbetween lobe magneticand plasmasheet plasma pressures).Additional plasma pressure data obtained in the innermagnetosphere (2.5 < L < 7) by the Explorer 45, ATS 5, and AMPTE CCE spacecraftsupplement the ISEE 2 data. Estimatesof plasmapressures in the "transition"region (7-12 RE), wherethe magnetic field topology changes rapidly from a dipolafto a tail-like configuration,are comparedwith the observedpressure profries. The quiettime "transition"region pressure estimates,obtained previously from inversionsof empiricalmagnetic field models,bridge observations both interiorto and exteriorto the "transition"region in a reasonablemanner. Quiet time observationsand estimates are combinedto provideprofiles of the equatorialplasma pressure along the midnightmeridian between 2.5 and35 RE. 1. INTRODUCTION per, we use ISEE 2 data to establishradial profilesof averaged plasmapressures as a function of magneticactivity in the near- In the quiet magnetosphere,the electromagneticforces acting midnightmagnetotail. By supplementingthe ISEE 2 resultswith on the plasmacontained within the magneticfield are expectedto previouslypublished results we obtainpressure profiles for radial be in nearequilibrium with gradientsof theplasma pressure. Thus, the configurationof the equilibriummagnetosphere is determined distancesfxom 2.5 Rig to 35 Rig. Determinationof the average plasmaproperties may contributeto the eventualsynthesis of field by the magneticfield of the Earth, the solar wind externalto the cavity and by the plasmatrapped within the cavity which is an andplasma data into a comprehensiveempirical description of the magnetosphere. internalcurrent source. Severalglobal magnetosphericmagnetic field modelshave been developedto describethe magneticfields and currentsystems within the magnetosphericcavity. The best 2. OBSERVATIONS semi-empiricalmodels, based upon a vast data base of magne- tometermeasurements gathered over the last two decades, provide 2.1. ISEE2 FastPlasma Experiment quantitativedescriptions validover large portions ofthe system. Datafrom the ISEE 2 fastplasma experiment (FPE) were aria- Becausetheelectrical current isproportional tothe curl of the mag- lyzed to determine theaverage distribution ofplasma pressures in neticfield, the models also implicitly contain information onthe themagnetotail. TheISEE 2 FPEwas made up of three 90ø spher- electromagneticforces. Therefore ff magnetohyclrodynamic mo- icalsection electrostatic analyzers. Two "back-to-back" detectors mentumbalance isassumed, magnetic field models can be used to sampledthefull two-dimensional (2D)velocity distribution ofboth inferthe distributions ofplasma consistent withthe field configu- ions and electrons during each spacecraft spinperiod (about 3 s). ration[Walker and Southwood, 1982; Spence etal., 1987]. Thethird FPE detector measured the full three dimensional (3D) Modelingtechniques have not been applied extensively toplas- distributionover a somewhatlonger period (eight spin periods). mapressure measurements principally because the data have not Becauseno ion mass discrimination was available, the ion distri- beensufficiently comprehensive. Some studies have character- butions were analyzed assuming that all the ions were protons. The izedthe plasma pressure in limited energy ranges and/or spatial FPE system was operated in one of two energy modes: MS/M or regions,but models require more complete data sets. In thispa- SW/MS.The former mode was designed formeasuring themagne- tosphere,magnetopause and inner magnetosheath,while the latter modewas for the solarwind, bow shock,and outer magnetosheath 1Also at Departmentof Earth and Space Sciences, University of Cali- regions. For the presentstudy, only data from the MS/M mode fomia, Los Angeles were investigated.The energyranges covered in this mode were 70 eV to 40 keV for the ions and 12 eV to 20 keV for the elec- Copyfight1989 by the AmedcanGeophysical Union. trons. The reader is urged to consultBame et al. [1978] for a Papernumber 88JA04188. more completedescription. 0148-0227/89/88JA-04188505.00 The ISEE 2 spacecraftwas launchedon October22, 1977, into 5264 SPEN(]{ ET AL.: MAONETOSPHERICPLASMA PRESSURE-OBSERVATION8 5265 lOO lO Np(cm.3) 1 Nœ 107 (eV) TE lO 6 lOO 90 C•p o -90 pp xlO'8 •dynes• 0.5 PE•,%--•-Tm 2 / UT 00 02 04 06 08 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 GSM R 20.14 19.16 17.99 16.60 14.95 12.99 10.62 7.67 3.64 3.36 7.49 10.48 12.78 LT 0028 0028 0028 0029 0034 0045 0104 0137 0257 1834 2120 2213 2234 Lat 18.3 17.4 16.7 16.0 15.1 13.8 11.2 5.3 -12.6 43.2 45.6 42.9 39.8 Fig. l. An exampleof the 2D velocitymoments derived from the FPE on ISEE 2 for April 12, 1979. Ion distributionsare analyzedassuming that all ionsare protons.Solid (dotted)cuvees are, from top to bottom,the proton(electron) number density (cm-3),2D temperature (eV), flow speed (km s-l), flowazimuth (degrees), and pressure (x 10-8 dynescm-2).The slowly varyingpressure, most clearlypresent as the sic movesearthward between 1000 UT to 1400 UT, is taken to representthe steady-stateplasma sheet pressure in this analysis. an ellipticalorbit with an apogeeof nearly23 R E . Slow orbital trons. Observationsshow that ions are isotropic[see Stiles et al., precessionallowed for investigationsof the magnetosphereat all 1978] justifying the use of the pressurecalculated from 2D ion local times. For the presentstudy, we are interestedin periods distributions,which are routinelydetermined by the FPE investi- when the ISEE 2 spacecraftwas near the midnightmeridian (as gators. definedby IYGsMI < 4 RE). The near-midnightmeridian tail The high temporalresolution afforded by the FPE is unneces- traversalsoccurred roughly from mid-March throughearly May sary for determiningthe large-scaleaverage plasma sheet pres- at the beginning of the ISEE mission. Unfortunately,the FPE sures.Consequently, we usedone minuteaverages of the 2D ion on ISEE 2 failed in April 1980. All relevantdata from the three pressuresand of the GSM location of the spacecraft. In addi- intervalswith spacecraftapogee in the magnetotailare includedin tion, data were taggedwith the planetarygeomagnetic index, our study(1978, 1979, and 1980). for the 3-hour interval within which measurements were taken; The goalof this studyis to combineall the near-tailFPE plasma data were then sortedaccording to Kp. We assumedthat pres- pressuredata to determinehow the averagepressure varies with surevariations over a limitedspatial range in YGSM weresmall distancedown the magnetotail.Plasma pressures are derivedfrom andprojected all observationswith -4 < YGSM < 4 into the the secondvelocity moment of the distributionfunction. Details midnightmeridian plane. From the averageddata, we removedall of the methodmay be found in Paschmannet al. [1978]. An measurementsobviously taken in the tail lobes(observations char- exampleof the 2D momentsderived from data acquiredin the acterizedby significantlydiminished plasma pressure and number near-midnightmagnetotail on April 12, 1978, is shownin Figure density). Our criteria for unambiguouslobe identificationwere 1. Solid (dotted)curves are, from top to bottom,the ion (electron) numberdensities less than 0.05 cm -3 and/orpressures lessthan number density, 2D temperature,flow speed, flow azimuth, and 10-11 dynes/cm2. Rather than select less stringent criteria for pressure.The
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