1907. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 159 of Hale :md State of Texas, in place of Charles McCorm'ack, SENATE. resigned. .Marcus Phillips to be postmaster at Kingsville, in the county THURSDAY, December 5, 1907. of :Kueces and State of Texas. Office became Presidential ApTil Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. Enw.-\.RD E. HALE. 1, 1D07. The Secretary proceeded to read the J om"nal of yesterday's Charles Rubert to be postmaster at Port Lavaca, in the county of Calhoun and State of Texas, in place of Charles proceedings, when, on request o~ ~1r. KF.AN, and by unanimous consent, the further reading was dispensed with. Rubert. Incumbent's commission e..~pired March 16, 1907. Henry n. Rushing to be postmaster at Batson, in the county The VICE-PRESIDEN'l'. '.rhe Journal stands approved. of Hardin n.nd State of Texas, in place of Harry E. Downs, CREDENTIALS. resigned. Mr. CULBERSON p;esented the credentials of JosEPH F. Terrell 0. Taylor to be postmaster at Hempstead, in the JoHNSTON, chosen by the legislature of the State of Alabama county of Waller and State of Texas, in place of Robert B. a Senator from that State for the term beginning :March 4, Hannay, resigned. 1909, which were read and ordered to be filed. Louis Weete to be postmaster at Columbus, in the cotmty of Mr. JOHNSTON presented the credentials of JoHN H. BANK­ Colorado and State of Texa s, in place of Louis Weete. In­ HEAD, appointed June 18, 1907, by the governor of the State of cumbent's commission expired February 28, 1907. Alabama a Senator from that State to fill until the next meeting UTAH. of the legislature thereof the vacanc:v in the unexpired term W. D. Williams to be postmaster at Milford, in the county of beginning March 4, 1907, caused by the den.th of John '£. Beaver ana State of Utah. Office became Presidential April 1, Morgan, June 11, 1907, which were read and ordered to be filed. 1907. He also presented the credentials of JoHN H. BANKHEAD, TERMONT. chosen July 1G, 1907, by the legislature of the State of Alabama Ada M. Banister to be postmaster at Readsboro, in the cotmty a Senator from that State to fill the vacancy caused by the of Bennington and State of Vermont. Office became Presiden­ death of John T. Morgan in the term beginning Murch 4, 1907, tial October 1, 1907. which were read and ordered to be filed. Albert H. Cheney to be postmaster at Stowe, in the county of ANNUAL REPORT OF SECRETARY OF TIIE TREASURY. Lamoille and State of Vermont, in place of Albert H. Cheney. Incumbent's commission expired November 23, 1907. The VIGE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the annual report of the Secretary of the Treasury for the fiscal year ended WASHINGTON. June 30, 1907, which was referred to the Committee on Finance William R. Day to be postmaster at Asotin, in the county of and ordered to be printed. Asotin and State of Washington, in place of Joseph \V. King, resigned. BREECH ME CHANISMS FO.R ORDNANCE. John F. Irby to be postmaster at Ritzville, in the county of The VICE-PRESID~'T laid before the Senate a communica­ Adams and State of Washington, in place of Jolin F. Irby. tion from the Secretary of War, transmitting a letter from Mr. .Incumbent's commission expired 1\farch 18, 1907. John W. Stockett, addressed to the Chief of Ordnance, United Maude Potter to be postmaster at Enumclaw, in the county States Army, submitting a statement relative to Yarious patents of King and State of Washington. Office became Presidential granted him for breech mechanisms for ordnance, which the January 1, 1907. Secretary of War is now using, and requesting that the Chief of Carey W. Stewart to be postmaster at Quincy, in the county Ordnance recommend the purchase of the same by the United of Douglas and State of Washington. Office became Presi­ States Government, which, with the accompanying paper, was dential January 1, 1907. referred to the Committee on Military Affairs and ordered to be WEST VIRGThTIA. printed. J. F. Campbell to be postmaster at Farmington, in the county REPORT OF LIBRARIAN OF CONGRESS. of Marion and State of West Virginia. Office became Presi­ The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ dential April 1, 1907. tion from the Librarian of Congress, transmitting the annual James A. Justice to be postmaster at 1\filton, in the county report of the Librarian of Congress and the annual report of of Cabell and State of West Virginia. Office became Presi- the Superintendent of the Library Building and Grounds for dential April1, 1907. · the fiscal year ended June 30, 1907, which, with the accompany­ ing papers, were referred to the Committee on the Library and WISCOXSIN. ordered to be printed. Erick N. And~rson to be postmaster at Sawyer, in the county REPORT OF WASHINGTON GASLIGHT COMPANY. of Door and State of Wisconsin. Office became Presidential Oct(,\>er 1, 1907. The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the annual Sa.'l.luel W. Everson to be postmaster at Lodi, in the county of report of the Washington Gaslight Company, of the Dish·ict Columbia an&. State of Wisconsin, in place of Samuel W. Ever­ of Columbia, for the fiscal year ended December 31, 1D06, which son. }ncumbent's commission expired February 26, 1907. was referred to the Committee on the Dish·ict of Columbia and lleruy G. Gier to be postmaster at Mount Horeb, in the county ordered to be printed. of Dan(~ and State of Wisconsin, in place of John Vilberg, FINDINGS OF THE COURT OF CLAIMS. resigned. The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica­ August G. Koch to be postmaster at Kewaskum, in the county tion from the assistant clerk of the Court of Claims, tran~'IIlit­ of Washington and State of Wisconsin. Office became Presi­ ting a certified copy of the findings of fact filed by the court in dential October 1, 1907. the cause of Elizabeth V. Belt, administratrix of Alfred C. Belt, Fred G. Mcintyre to be postmaster at Eagle River, in the deceased, v. The United States, which, with the accompanying county of Vilas and State of Wisconsin. Office became Presi­ paper, was referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to dential July 1, 1907. be printed. Benjamin Prideaux to be postmaster at Mineral Point, in the He also laid before tlie Senate a communiCation from the as­ county' of Iowa and State of Wisconsin, in place of Nicholas T. sistant clerk of the Court of Claims, transmitting a certified Martin, deceased. copy of fact and opinion filed by the court in the cause of Annie Charles H. Prouty to be postmaster at Genoa Junction, in the R. Widmayer and Edgar H. Bates et al. v. The United States county of Walworth and State of Wisconsin. Office became which, with the accompanying paper, was referred to the Com: Presidential October 1, 1907. mittee on Claims and ordered to be printed. WYOM~G. FRENCH SPOLIATION CLAIMS. Frank F. Tuttle to be postmaster at Thermopolis, in the The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate the following county of Fremont and State of Wyoming. Office became Presi­ communications from the assistant clerk of the Court of Claims? dential January 1, 1907. transmitting the conclusions of law filed by the court under the act of January 20, 1885, in the French spoliation cla.iins set out CONFiilliATION. in the annexed findings by the comt relating to the vessel schooner Lydia, George Bradish, master; the vessel schooner Executive nomination conji.rmea by the Senate December 4, 1907. Little Sally, William Whitmarsh, master; the vessel schooner POSTMASTER. Sally, Luther Stephenson, master; the vessel schooner Nfilncy, NEW HAMPSHIRE. William Athearn, master; the vessel schooner Regulator, Na­ Lilla B. Sargent to be postmaster at Canaan, in the county of thaniel Thompson, master; the vessel schooner Mary, John Grafton and State of New Hampshire. Appleton, master; the vessel sch<>oner Dolphin, Solomon Norto~ 1160 CONGRESS! ON AL RECORD-SENATE. DEOEl\ffiER 5, master; the vessel brig Onta1·io, James Humphreys, inaster; ter; the vessel schooner Boston, Robert Charlton, master; the the yessel brig Polly and Fannie, William 1\fcNeill, master; vessel schooner Kitty, Jacob Singleton, master; the v~ssel the vessel brig Moses Mye1·s, Henry Conway, master; the vessel schooner Betsie, George Hastie, master; the vessel brig Aut·cTa, brig Prude, Richard '.rhornton, mn.ster; the vessel bark Albany, James Phillips, jr., master; the vessel sloop Totcnsend, Dan­ Emanuel Prady, master; the vessel Sally, Anthony Stow, master; iel Campbell, master, and the vessel brig Hope, Josept Bright, the vessel brig Hero, Stephen Webster, master; the vessel brig master. Olive1· Peabody, Ephraim Amazeen, master; the vessel schooner The foregoing conclusions were, with the accompanying pa­ Americana, Michael Pierce, master ; the vessel schooner Adeona, pers, referred to the Committee on Claims and ordered to ~e D. H. Henchman, master; the vessel schooner Eagle, John Lam­ printed. bert, master; the vessel schooner Larli,., Jona A. Hall, master; PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. the vessel schooner Hope, Joseph Tyler, master; the vessel schooner Hannah, Benjamin Dighton, master; the · vessel The VICE-PRESIDENT presented a petition of the legisla­ schooner Four Brothers, Thomas Eastman, master; the vessel tive assembly of the Territory of Arizona, prayi.llg that. the city schooner Dairy Maid, John Garde, master; the vessel brig of Phoenix, in that Territory, be authorized and empowered to Fells Point, William Creighton, master; the vessel brig Ma'ry, issue bonds in such form and for such time as the common Henry Pettis, master; the vessel sloop Windsor, packet, Eman­ council of the city may request for the purpose of funding uel Seward, master; the vessel sloop Swallow, Nathaniel Chad­ and paying warrants issued for current expenses of that city, wick, master; the "Vessel ship Woodrup Sims, John B.
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