The miLacologicalsocietymalacological society of Japan VENUS Jour. Malac,) flza (Jap. - VeL. S5, No. 4 "996): 273 280 l )/ F ・ ilgJtscSF?:etc7 pt kffi 1$}a) 2 ;blpt - V7 tz 07-- )V Deseription of Two New Species of Murieidae (Gastropoda) from the Indo-West Pacific Roland HouART (Research Associate, Institut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de Belgique Departement des Invert6bres Recents, Rue Vautier, 29, B-1000 Brussels, Belgium) Abstract: Aspella schroederi n. sp, from Guam Istand (Mariana Archipelago), and Orania descrlbed. rosea n.sp,, from the westetn Indian Ocean and from the Philippine Islands, are Bunsa lameUosa Dunker, 1863 is censidered as a junior synonym Qf Aspella producta (Pease, 1861). Introduction having been deseribed Seventeen species of Aspetta are currently known, eleven of thern since 1976. The shells are narrow, lanceolate and small,.with an average length of 10-15 mrn. They are covered by a whitish intritacalx. The intricate sculpture of this calcare- ous layer is particular to each species. A. schroederi n. sp. is compared to A. producta (Pease, 1861} from the Indo-West Pacific, and to A. thomassini Houart, 1985 from the western Indian Ocean. These species have a similar .nodose shell but differ in the intritacaix morphology. of which several Th ¢ genus Orania is included in the Ergalataxinae, a subfamily species were revised er named recently (Houart, 1995). Orania rosea n. sp. is eompared to O, pacij7ca (Nakayama, 1988) from the Indo-West Pacific. The material examined originates from private collections, and from various expeditions jointly conqucted by ORSTOM and Museum national'd'Histoire naturelle: "Vauban" - In the Philippines Island, collected aboard R. V. during the MUSORSTOM I expedition (1976); - in the northern Mozambique Channel, collectecl by P. Bouchet during the BENTHEDI "Surort", . expedition (1977) aboard R. V. under the direction of Dr. B. A. Thomassin -in the Seychelles, cellected by R. Cleva during the REVES-2 expedition (1980); - around Reunion Island, collected.by P. Bouchet, B, Metiyiei and A. Waren during the cruise 32 of R. V, "Marion-Dufresne'' (MD 32), under the direction of Dr. A. Guille (1982). NII-Electronic Library Service TheThemalacologicalsociety malacological society ofJapanof Japan 274 VENUS: Vol. 5S, No. 4 (1996) '1"・' `v// so ".Sse. ,/./'; i-t:r''t--d"ts ctt IS 1..L..//:L.estf.-t..-.rfttt't'!'IPa,rt-Jrt.."3-:t 't:: :.`'・,-.'"''"r, t''t;/ --, ttt:, t.tt: :-;..'.e.ttt''tt t'pt' o le-t:: r=.t:ttt ,'., t:' ---t--t-rt.1's...tS"・・R.:-A-- --: : . tt ' . ',s.'tt..t:.'tttt-tt.r'vt.:;'Ltt',hIS ,:.-t-N.tttt' tt';lt e'. ' , ]o ---tv l)7 ., : 4S -. IS 50 45 60 7S 9e 105 l20 ISS ISO 16S 1BO 16S l50 1 Fig. 1. Distributien map of Aspetla schroederi n. sp. (star) and Orania rosea n. sp. (circle). Abbreyiations "sed: MNHN: Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France. NM: Natal Museum, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa. Before station number: CP: Chalut a perche (Beam trawl) DR: Drague rectanguraire (1.20 xO.SO m) (Rectangular dredge) DC: Drague Epibenthique (Epibenthic trawl) After the nurnber of specimens: dd: empty'taken shell(s) lv: live specimen(s) Ftgs. 2-3. Aspella sehroederi n. sp., Guam, Luminao Reef, 23.7 rnm, holotype MNHN. Figs. 4-10, oranib rosea n. sp, 4. Reunion, 21021'S, S5027'E, 18.6mm, holotype MNHN. 5-6. Reunion, 210oo'E (S: 17mm, 6: 14.2mm), paratypes MNHN 7. Somalia, Ras Hafun, 14.1 mm, colt, Bozzetti. 8. Somalia, 20 mm, coll. Poppe. - 9. Phillippine Islands, Cebu, 18,1 mm, coll. Springsteen. 10. Reunion, 21e23'S, S5037'E, 17.1 mm, paratype MNHN, whitened (photo courtesy E. H, Vokes) Fig. 11. Orania pactfica (Nakayama, 1988), Reunion, 21e06'S, S5"13'E, 16mm, MNHN, whitened (photo courtesy E. H, Vokes). [Figs. 7-11 overleaf] NII-Electronic Library Service The πmalacological雌 ⊥ogioal societysooiety of Japan Houart: Description of Two New Species of Muricidae 275 一 NII-ElectronicN 工 工 Eleotronio Library Service TheThemalacologicalsociety malacological society of Japan 276 VENUS: Vol. S5, No. 4 (1996) NII-Electronic Library Service The ma-Lacnlogicalsocietymalacological society of JipanJapan Houatt: Description of Two New Species ef Muricidae 277 Systematics Family MURICIDAE Raflnesque, 1815 Subfarnily MURICINAE Rafinesque, 1815 Genus Aspella M6rch, 1877 Type species by original designation: Ranella anceps Lamarck, 1822; Recent, Mediterranean. Aspella schroederi n. sp. Qigs 2--3, 12-13) 7)tpe materiat: Guam Island, Luminao Reef, 19 m, under rubble, holotype MNHN (height 23.7 mrn); Guam Island, Piti Lagoon, 1.5-2.5 m, among dead coral, paratype coll. R. Houart (height 28 mm). Distribution: Guam Istand, Mariana Arehipelago, 1.5-19 m, under rubble and dead coral (Fig. 1). Description: Shell large sized for the gen"s, up to 28 mm in length at maturity, lanceolate, heavy, nodose. Spire high, up to 8 angulate teleoconch whorls. Suture impressed, with narrow buttresses connecting preceding whorl. Protoconch unknown (broken). Axial sculp- ture of teleoconch whorls consisting of high, strong, rounded varices and ribs. Seven axial ribs from first to fifth whorl, changing into 2 varices and 2 axial ribs on penultimate and last whorl. Spiral sculpture of low, nodose cords. Last whorl with 4 cords; third and fourth abapical cords higher than others, more strongly developed. Shell covered by minutely cancellate intritacalx (Figs. 12-13). Aperture srnall, rounded. Columellar lip flar- ing, smooth. Lip partially erect, adherent at adapical extremity, Anal notch indistinct. Outer lip with 6 or 7 weak denticles within. Siphonal canal short, narrow, strongly abaperturally recurved, open, White, covered by cancellate, light tan intritacaix, Aperture glossy white. Operculum dark brown, ovate, with terminal nucleus. Radula unknown. Remarks: Aspella schroederi n. sp. is currently the largest known species of Aspella. It is somewhat similar to A. producta and to A. thomassini in having a nodose, angulate shell. However, it differs in being almost twice as large, and in having a different, broadly and roughly cancellate, intritacalx (Figs. 12-15). Aspella tameUosa (Dunker, 1863) is another nodose, srnall species of 12 mm in length, described from Japan. The holotype (BMNH 1968533) is worn, the intritacalx is cornpletely removed, and the first whorls are broken off. It is here considered as a junior synonym of A. producta. Etymology: Narned for Fred Schroeder, Guam, who provided the type material. Subfarnily ERGALATAXINAE Kuroda & Habe, 1971 Genus Orania Pallary, 19oo Type species by original designation: Rseudomurex spadae Libassi, 18S9 (=Murex jusutus Brocchi, 1814); Pliocene to Recent, Mediterranean, eastern Atlantie. NII-Electronic Library Service The malacologicalsocietymalacological society of Japan 27g VENUS: Vol. 55, No.4(1996) Orania rosea n. sp, (Figs. 4-10, 17) E, 73-77 m, 7 ype materiat: MD 32, stn CP 43, Reunion Island, 21021'S, 55027' holotype (height: 18.6 mrn} (lv) and 2 paratypes MNHN (1 lv, 1 dd). Other paratypes: Reunion Island, stn DC 41, 21"21' S, 5S027' E, 75 m, 2 dd (MNHN); stn DR 47, 21023' S, 55e37' E, 205-21S rn, 1 lv (MNHN); stn DC 85, 2rOoo' S, 5Se15' E, 58-70 m, 1 dd (MNHN), 1 rv (coll. R. Houart); Cap La Roussaie, 12m, 1 Iv (NM T13891K1825). Other materiai exumined: Reunion Island, 40-45 m, 3 lv (coll. R. Houart); Madagascar, BENTHEDI, stn DR5, W. Banc du Leven, 12032' S, 47e40' E, 35-150 m,1lv (MNHN); Seychelles, REVES 2, stn 37, 04e35' S, S5012' E, 6S m, 1 dd (MNHN); Somalia, Ras Hafun, 150--2oo m, 4 dd (coll. L. Bozzetti) ; Somalia (no other data), 1 dd (eoll. G. Poppe) ; Philippine Islands, MUSORSTOM 1, stn CP61, 14eco' N, 120e17' E, 184--202m, 1 lv Mindanao, (MNHN); Cebu, Mactan Id, Punta Engafio, 1 lv (coll. F. J. Springsteen); Talikud Id, Davao Bay, 130-140 m, 3 lv (coll. R. Houart); Phirippine Islands (no other data), 1 lv (coll. R. Houart), Di.stribution: Madagascar, Reunion Island, Seychelles, Somalia, Philippine Islands, living at 12-215 rn. (Fig. 1) Description: Shell up to 23 mm in length at rnaturity, slender, squamose, weakly spinose. teleoconch whorls. Spire high with 3.5 protoconch whorls and up to 7 weakly shouldered Suture adpressed, partially obscured by small axial lamellae. Protoconeh, conical, acute. Axial Whorls smooth, glossy, Terminal varix unknown, eroded in all examined specimens. sculpture of teleoconch whorls consisting of low, broad, rounded ribs, occasionally produc- with ing short spinelike projections at intersection with primary spiral eords. First whorl 10 or 10 ribs, second and third with 9 or 10, fourth and fifth with 10-12, sixth with 11, last wherl with 8 or 9 ribs. Spiral sculpture of squamous, primary, secendary and tertiary cords. Last whorl with 4, occasionally 5 or 6 prirnary cords and usually 1, 2 or 3 secQndary and tertiary cords between each pair of primary cerds. Aperture small, ovate. Co!umellar lip partially erect, weakly adherent at adapicaE extremity, weakly or OccasionalIy strongly denticulate, with 2 or 3 elongate knobs abapically, rarely smooth. 'Strong with a weak or callus adapically. Anal notch shallow or deep. Outer lip with 6 or 7 elongate dent{cles of variable strength within. Siphonal canal short, narrow, broadly bar; Figs, 12-13, Aspetla schroederi n. sp. Guam, holotype MNHN, detail of int[itacalx (12. scale 2mrn; 13 scale bar: O.2mm). 1861), Samoa, coll. R. Houart, detai! of intritacaix (scale bar: Fig. 14. Aspellaproducta reease, O.2 mm). Africa, Zululand, NM S827S, detailof Fig. 15. Aspella thomassini Houart, 1985, South intritacalx (scale bar: O.2mm). 198S>,PhilippineIds,coll. R, Houart,
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