Sunday Remember Mom May 8th Saturday, May 7, 2016 YOURThe NEWSPAPER [email protected] Courier• www.courier-herald.com Drawer B, Court Square Station, Dublin, Georgia Herald 31040 • 478-272-5522 Volume 102, No. 91, Pub. No 161860 Mayor opposes rezoning for pocket developments separatedBy SANDY ALDRIDGE fromlies from existing our town's neighbor- neighborhoods"Our current comprehen- The in explanation Dublin comes on Dublin Mayor Phil Best Sr., hoods. Affordable housing sive plan and current zoning the heels of the city council in a statement after the regu- should be a part of our com- ordinances, as well as our fu- denying an application for re- lar City Council meeting munity. ture land bank authority, pro- zoning for property on U.S. 80 Thursday, said he "opposes "We currently have excess vide a path for developing af- West and Airport Road be- any rezoning or deviation housing stock with many emp- fordable housing that is inte- tween Walmart and Verizon. from the comprehensive plan ty homes in our town's old grated into our neighbor- Applicants were planning to that relies on high-density neighborhoods. Our affordable hoods, housing that becomes a put a modern multi-family pocket developments that are housing strategy needs to uti- part of our community rather apartment complex there. separated from our existing lize these existing neighbor- than gated-and-walled, exclu- The request for rezoning on neighborhoods and services." hoods, where the city has al- sive developments. Hwy. 80 West was approved His full statement is as fol- ready invested in parks, li- "These are the reasons I op- by the council initially in early lows: braries, community centers, pose any rezoning and devia- April but was the next day ve- "We all support housing utilities, infrastructure and tion from the comprehensive toed by the mayor “on the that is affordable to low in- security. We do not need, and plan that relies on high-densi- grounds of spot zoning.” come families. Affordable cannot afford, new pockets of ty pocket developments that At the next regular council Photo by Sandy Aldridge housing, however, should not high density developments are separated from our exist- meeting, the council voted be developed in a way that that are separated from the ing neighborhoods and ser- again on the rezoning, this DPD Sgt. Brenda Pauldo (left) was honored by City segregates low income fami- city's existing services. vices." Manager Lance Jones for her service. Pauldo is re- See MAYOR page 8a tiring after 32 years with the city. 2016By CLAY Elder REYNOLDS Rightsable to Consumer send the requested University offers senior citizens tips to avoid beingrepresentative scammed who says Jason Blankenship can payment and do whatever he you've won a contest you did- take you to his Macon office or she wants to with the rest n't enter, the employeroffer- and show you four stacks of of the money. But then, a ing a can't-miss, high-paying bad checks worth $1 million few days later, the bogus work-from-home job oppor- each that individuals and check is returned to the tunity or the salesman businesses from the middle bank, which deducts its en- claiming to need your credit Georgia area have given tire amount plus return fees information because of a him. He brought one of those from the account it was de- problem processing your pre- along with him to show to an posited in, leaving the ac- vious payment for a product audience of seniors Thurs- count holder on the hook for or service. day morning during his pre- both what was spent and All of them take advan- sentation on scam avoidance wired away. tage of their target by posing at the 2016 Elder Rights Scams like these come in as a legitimate entity and Consumer University. every type and flavor imag- making an appeal to fear, "I've got $4 million worth inable, and prey on middle urgency or emotion. of these in my office," Georgia residents - many of "When these people call, Blankenship said. "And it's whom are seniors - on a dai- they are so very convincing," all from people like you ly basis. And Blankenship, Blankenship said. "It is easy bringing them in to me say- who works with the Central to be taken. If you don't ing, 'Hey, is this real? Georgia Better Business Bu- think you can be taken, Should I cash this? They told reau, can recite the details think again. Because that me it was good.'" of just about all of them. attitude will get you in trou- All of them came from His hourlong talk was one ble." would-be victims of what's of several guest presenta- Seniors, he noted, are one called a check scam, in tions in a one-day seminar of America's most-trusting which an individual is sent a at the OFTC DuBose Porter generations - second only to check in the form of payment Center that drew groups and toddlers - and it's a shame or prize winnings that's senior organizations from that scammers are able to written for more than the areas across the region, in- profit by taking advantage of amount owed or due. The re- cluding Alamo, Metter and that truly admirable quality. cipient is then asked to cash Vidalia. Chief among the practical the check and wire, transfer A good portion of the close tips he offered them on how or write a check for the over- to 300 in the crowd nodded to avoid falling prey to these age back to the sender. their heads in acknowledge- Photo by Clay Reynolds types of traps was this: For a few days, every- ment as he talked about Know whom you're talking thing seems normal. The close to a dozen different Jason Blankenship's presentation offers a number of tips to help consumers, to. check clears, the funds be- kinds of scams, each of particularly seniors, avoid falling victim to scams. It's never good enough to come available for with- which someone in the crowd the target of one themselves tive in trouble that's calling due taxes and threatening to take whoever is on the phone drawal and the individual is recognized from having been or hearing about it from oth- for help, the IRS agent col- put a lien against your ers: The grandchild or rela- lecting mysteriously-over- home, the foreign lottery See SENIORS page 8a Taking off for East Laurens Elementary Field Day In honor … In memory … Kyle Outlaw and Sadie Shepherd help place lu- minaries along the inner edges of the Dublin High School track in preparation for Relay for Life which was held Friday night. The luminar- ies, placed in honor or memory of an individual who has battled cancer, are lit each year at nightfall during the event. Their glow serves as the primary light by which participants raising Students at East Laurens Elementary this week hit the track at the high money for the American Cancer Society walk school sports complex for the school's annual Field Day competitions. continuously around the track throughout the Here, fourth-grade Falcons see how high they can fly in the traditional evening. Look for full coverage of Friday's Re- sack race. For more from the event, see Sports on page 1b. (Photo by lay for Life event in Tuesday's Courier Herald. Rodney Manley) (Photo by Clay Reynolds) Index By PAYTON TOWNS III rival time is 6:30 p.m. with din- "We've got some pretty nice speaking. a good fire to be in," Payne said. UnitedThe Heart of Georgia Way United ner annual beginning at 7 meeting p.m. The awards and and I've been impressed dinner"This held is the first time next she'll "Several Thursday of these organizations Obituaries . 2a Way, which serves Laurens, keynote speaker for the event is with what the local businesses be speaking publicly," he said. I've been involved in either on Around the Region . 3a Johnson, Treutlen and Telfair Lloyd Horadan, president of have done to help," Payne said. "I'm looking forward to hearing the board or through other con- 85 Years Ago . 4a Counties, is gearing up to honor Oconee Fall Line Technical Col- Payne said Dublin High from her." nections. I have a better appre- Weather . 5a those who have helped it and its lege. School student Amber Wallace, Payne was named the new ciation for each one." Religion . 6a, 7a partnering agencies this past The cost for the dinner is who received the 2016 Accept- executive director last month To reserve a place for the Sports . 1b,2b year. $17. People need to respond by ing the Challenge of Excellence after John Draper announced meeting, call 478-353-8345 or Entertainment . 1c-3c The Annual Meeting and Monday, May 9, said new exec- Award by the Dublin Exchange his retirement earlier this year. email [email protected] Classifieds. 4c-6c Dinner will be held May 9. Ar- utive director Johnny Payne. Club last month, will also be "I'm jumping in a fire, but it's Saturday, May 7, 2016/Dublin, Ga/Page 2a The Courier Herald hear the latest updates. son V.A. Medical Center as a for Heart of Georgia Nursing Obituaries registered nurse. He was a Home. He was son of the devoted husband, father and late Mary Lee Fordham Mil- grandfather, who loved gar- ner and Paul Simmons Mil- dening and calligraphy. Mr. ner. Raj passed away Friday, Survivors: wife – Judy April 29, 2016.
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