JOURNAL OF THE TRANSACTIONS OF THE VICTORIA INSTITUTE. VOL. XXXI. MOUNT SINAI REDUCED FROM T HE ORDNANCE SURVE Y From_. D:TFSmit.h'.:,· AruienhAlla,s. withM: Jolm ftfurra.7S pennisSWn, TO ILLUSTRATE A PAPER BY PROFE SSO R HULL, LLD. F.R.S. JOURNAL OF THE TRANSACTIONS OF ID ht ttl' it t 11 ri a J ns fit tt f~' OR, EDITED BY THE HONORARY SECRETARY, CAPTAIN F. W. H. PETRIE, F.G.S., &c. VOL. XXXI. LONDON: (:I.Bubli.sl)clJ b!! tl)c iht.stitutc, 8, <.!lldpl)i et:cna:rc, <'tl)a:ring <'tra.sl, ~.(It,) D.A VID NUTT, i70, STRAND. ~LL RIGHTS RESERVED, 1899. LONDON: PRINTED BY HARRISON AN'D SONS, PRINTERS IN ORDINARY TO HBI. lf4.Y:IB'fT, ST. MARTIN'S LA.NE, W,C. CONTENTS. PAGE MAP oF MOUNT SINAI. ORDNANCE SuRVEY. (Frontisp£ece.) ANNUAL MEETING. THE THIRTY-FIRST REPOiT 1 Tm, ANNUAL ADDRESS. THE AGE OF THE EARTH AS AN ABODE FITTED FOR LIFE. BY THE RT. HoN. LoRD KELVIN, G.C.V.O. 11 SPEECHES BY- THE RT. HoN. EARL HALSBURY, F.R.S., LORD CHANCELLOR 36 Sm G. STOKES, BART., President. Srn JosEPH FAYRER, BART., K.C.S.I., F.R.S. Sm SIDNEY G. A. SHIPPARD, G.C.M.G. CAPTAIN E. w. CREAK, R.N., 13'.R.S. LORD KELVIN ON DESIGN IN NATURE .... 38 W~ERE IS MOUNT SINAI 1 BY PROFESSOR E. HULL, LL.D., F.R.S. (WITH A MAP AND SKETCHES) 39 THE DISCUSSION. REMARKS BY- Sm C. W. W1LsoN, R.E., K.C,M.G., K.C.B., AND OTHERS 48 PROFESSOR A. H. SAYCE, D.D., IN BEPLY. COMMUNICATIONS RECEIVED .... 51 INTERMEDIATE :MEETING ... 56 HERODOTUS. I.-How FAR HIS REMARKS BEARING ON EGYPTIAN GEOLOGY ARE RELIABLE IN THE LIGHT OF RECENT EGYPTIAN RESEARCH. BY REV. F. A. WALKER, D.D., 13'.L.S. 57 SIR J. w. DAWSON, C.M.G., F.R.S., ON THE SAME 66 DISCUSSION 70 INTERMEDIATE MEETING 72 a 2 vi CONTENTS OF VOL. XXXI. PAGE HERODOTUS. II.-As A BoTANIST. BY REV. F. A. WALKER, D.D., F.L.S••••• 73 DISCUSSION 108 D. HOWARD 108 T. CHAPLIN, M.D. 108 THE PHYSICAL CONDITIONS OF THE MEDITERRANEAN BASIN. BY PROFESSOR E. HULL, F.R.S. (WITH MAP) 111 DISCUSSION 121 TITHE-GIVING AMONGST ANCIENT PAGAN NATIONS: AN ARGUl'il:ENT FOR THE UNITY OF THE HUMAN RACE IN PRIMITIVE TIMF;s. BY THE REV. H. LANSDELL, D.D., M.R.A.S., ETC. 123 DISCUSSION 137 THE RT. HON. F. MAX. MULLER'S PHILOLOGICAL ARGUMENT FCR THE UNITY OF THE HUMAN RACE IN PRIMITIVE TIMES 139 INTERMEDIATE MEET[NGS 140 ANOTHER POSSIBLE CAUSE OF THE GLACIAL EPOCH. BY PROFESSOR E. HULL, LL.D., F.R.S., F.G.S. (WITH PLATE) 141 DISCUSSION 157 PROFESSOR T. RUPE:RT JONES, F.R.S. " w. s. GRESLEY, F.G.S. MR. WARREN UPHAM, F.G.S.A., UNITED STATES. REv. R._ AsHINGTON BULLEN, B.A., F.G.S. " G. CREWDSON, M.A. INTERMEDIATE MEETING 168 NOTES ON LITERATURE IN EGYPT IN THE Turn OF MosES. BY THE REV. J. N. FRADENBURGH, PH.D., D.D., LL.D. •... 169 DISCUSSION 192 NOTES BY COLONEL CONDER, R.E., D.C.L. PLAN AND PURPOSE IN NATURE. BY w. KIDD, M.D., F.Z.S. 195 DISCUSSION 218 PROFESSOR LIONEL s. BEALE, F. R.S. COMMUNICATIONS. PROF. J. H. GLADSTONE, PH.D., F.R.S., AND OTHERS. CONTENTS OF VOL. XXXI. vii PAGE THE STAR WORSHIPPERS OF MESOPOTAMIA, BY REV. s. M. ZWEMER, M.A., F.R.G.S. 231 DISCUSSION 242 DR. CHAPLIN. NOTES BY- COLONEL c. R. CONDER, R.E., D.C.L. ANNUAL MEETING. THE THIRTY-SECOND REPOltT 245 THE ANNUAL ADDRESS. ON THE PERCEPTION m· CoLouR. BY Sm G. GABRIEL STOKES, BART., M.A., D.C.L., LL.D., F.R.S., The President .... 254 SPEECHES BY- THE RT. HoN. LoRD KELVIN, G.C.VO., F.R.S..... 266 THE RT. HON. LORD LISTER, M.B., P.R.S. Sm CHARLES GoRDON, K.C.B. THE VEN. R. THORNTON, D.D., ARCHDEACON OF MIDDLESEX. A. McARTHUR, Esq., D.L., ETC. ON THE Sun-OCEANIC TERRACES AND RIVER VALLEYS OFF THE COAST OF WESTERN EUROPE. BY PROFESSOR E. HULL, LL.D., F.R.S. (WITH THREE MAPS).... 259 DISCUSSION BY- PROFESSOR ETHERIDGE, F.R.S. 289 GENERAL McMAHON, F.R.S. CAVALIERE W. P. JERVIS, KEEPER OF THE ROY.AL MUSEUM, TURIN, PaoFEssoR T. McK. HUGHES, F.R.S. LIST OF THE COUNCIL. OBJECTS AND RULES. CONTENTS OF ALL THE VOLUMES OF THE JOURNAL. ILLUSTRATIONS. MAP OF MOUNT SINAI. ORDNANCE SURVEY Frontispiece. ,TEBEL SERB.AL AND Rks SuFsAFEH 44 MAP OF MEDITERRANEAN 111 MAP TO ACCOMPANY PAPER ON GLACIAL EPOCH 148 THREE MAPS TO Acco.MPANY PAPER ON Sun-OCEANIC TER- R.ACES, ETC. .... End. ** * The lnstttute's obje-ct being to investigate, it must not be held to endorse the various views expressed at its rneetin,qs. -- HE Thirty-First Volume of the Journal of the Transac­ T tions of the VICTORIA INSTITUTE is now issued. It is " a record of the various important' questions, which are occupying the thinkers of. the present day, treated in papers, by competent investigators, and impartially discussed at meetings by those who have studied the subjects con­ sidered; to whose opinions have been added the written opinions of others whom distance has prevented attending the Institute's gatherings in person."* The papers and discussions in this volume are upon the following subjects :-" The Age of the Earth as an Abode fitted for Life," by the Right Honourable LORD KELVIN, G.C.V.O., F.R.S., whose researches and arguments may well serve to check hasty assumptions in the solution of new problems in Science. Remarks by the Right Honour­ able EARL HALSBURY, F.R.S. (Lord High Chancellor), Vice­ President, the Bishop of DUNEDIN, Sir JOSEPH FAYRER, Bart., F.R.S., Sir H. BARKLY, G.C.M.G., F.R.S., Sir SIDNEY G. A. SHIPPARD, G.C.M.G., Captain CREAK, R.N., F.R.S. * The careful correction of the papers, discussions, and communications, by their respective authors, often involving repeated communications even with distant lands, and references to the views of other investigators who have made the subjects treated matters of researcl1, is at times a cause of delay in the publication of the Journal containing them, but the result is to give the Volume of Transactions the character of a finished work. From time to time Members of the Institute and others have expressed their high sense of the value of the Transactions of the Institute, inas­ much as they contain not tlie views of any one person on(y, but the well­ considered opinions of many, resident in various and even distant parts of the world. This system, carried on by a competent body, gives a value to the treatment of the several subjects beyond that which any individual author could give. X PREPACE. " Where is Mount Sinai? " an investigation by Professor E. HULL, LL.D., F.R.S., in considering which Sir CHARLES WILSON, R.E., F.R.S., and other explorers took part. " Design as exemplified in the formation of the human foot," a brief note by Dr. GERARD SMl'rH, M.R.C.S. "How far the Remarks of Herodotus bearing on Egyptian Geology are reliable in the light of recent Egyptian research," was discussed by the Rev. F. A. WALKER, D.D., F.L.S., ~t a meeting presided over by Sir J. WILLIAM DAWSON, C.M.G, F.R.S. This and another paper on botany by the same author -'' Herodotus as a Botanist "-bore testimony to that ancient author as a'' wonderfully minute observer and accnrate re­ porter." "On the physical conditions of the Mediterranean basin, which have given rise to a community of some species of fresh-water fishes in the Nile and the Jordan basins," by Professor E. HuLL, LL.D., F.R.S. "Tithe-giving among ancient pagan nations," by the Rev. H. LANSDELL, D.D.,M.R.A.S., F.R.G.S., who viewed the antiquity and preva­ lence of that custom as showing "that the ancestors of the nations dwelt together," a fact urged on philological grounds by the Right Honourable F. MAX MtiLLER. "Another possi­ ble cause of the Glacial Epoch" was discussed by Professor E. HULL, LL.D., F.R.S., in the consideration of which Pro­ fessor RUPERT JONES, F.R.S., Professor GRESLEY and WARREN UPHAM, of the United States, took part. "Literature in Egypt in the time of Moses," by Professor .T._N. FRADENBURGH, D.D., Ph.D., LL.D., an important subject, in considering which Colonel C. R. CONDER, R.E., D.C.L .. and others took part. "Plan and Purpose in Nature," by W. A. Kmo, M.D., B.Sc., M.R.C.S., with remarks by Professor LIONEL S. BEALE, M.D., F.R.S., Professor J. H. GLADSTO~E, Ph.D., F.R.S., and others. " The Star Worshippers of Mesopotamia," by the Rev. S. M. ZWEMER, M.A., F.R.G.S., who records the results of his unique opportunities of observing this people. '' On the Perception of Colour," by Sir G. G. STOKES, Bart., F.R.S., 17ie President, with remarks by the Right Honourable LORD KELVIN,_G.C.V.O., the Right Honourable LORD LISTER, M.B., PREFACE. Xl F.R.C.S., LL.D., P.R.S., Sir C. A. GORDON, K.C.B., the Ven. R.
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