Design method for adaptive daylight systems for buildings covered by large (span) roofs Citation for published version (APA): Heinzelmann, F. (2018). Design method for adaptive daylight systems for buildings covered by large (span) roofs. Technische Universiteit Eindhoven. Document status and date: Published: 12/06/2018 Document Version: Publisher’s PDF, also known as Version of Record (includes final page, issue and volume numbers) Please check the document version of this publication: • A submitted manuscript is the version of the article upon submission and before peer-review. There can be important differences between the submitted version and the official published version of record. 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Nelissen 1e promotor: Prof.Dr.-Ing. P.M. Teuffel 2e promotor: Prof.Dr.-Ing. A.L.P. Rosemann leden: Prof.Dr. M. Holzbach (Hochschule für Gestaltung Offenbach am Main) Prof.Dipl.-Ing. T. Wallisser MSc (Staatliche Akademie der Bildenden Künste Stuttgart) prof.dr.ir. T.A.M. Salet adviseur: dr.ir. M. Turrin (TU Delft) Het onderzoek of ontwerp dat in dit proefschrift wordt beschreven is uitgevoerd in overeenstemming met de TU/e Gedragscode Wetenschapsbeoefening. ii iii A catalogue record is available from the Eindhoven University of Technology Library ISBN 978-90-386-4517-9 NUR 955 Cover design by Florian Heinzelmann Cover photograph: Florian Heinzelmann Printed by the Eindhoven University Press, Eindhoven, The Netherlands Published as issue 248 in de Bouwstenen series of the faculty of Architecture, Building and Planning of the Eindhoven University of Technology © Florian Heinzelmann, 2018 All rights reserved. No part of this document may be photocopied, reproduced, stored, in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any from or by any means whether, electronic, mechanical, or otherwise without the prior written permission of the author. iv Abstract The rise of digital and more specifically parametric design tools from being developed by avant-garde architectural design practice mostly concerned with form and entering mainstream a couple of years ago lead to a drastic increase in possibilities of managing complexities but also integrating numerous building engineering related disciplines into the digital workflow, be it from early conceptual design stages till manufacturing and building execution. However, architects and designers dealing with daylighting as an intrinsic part of their practice are sometimes lacking the proper tools or awareness about performative consequences regarding daylighting or solar energy gains at hand. The consequences in terms of energy consumption or wellbeing of inhabitants might not be so dire considering smaller buildings like residential houses but scaling it up to high rises or large roofs is entirely a different matter. In the design process of the afore mentioned larger scale projects due to budget, profit, importance and complexity a larger team of designers, architects and engineers is employed to solve all the building related questions. In addition, the recent years have seen an increase not only in high rise buildings but also in building types using large roofs like big infrastructural projects in form of train stations, or airports, but also shopping malls and museums, etc. In the Netherlands for example all major train stations are under redesign, or reconstruction, or recently have been finished, like Arnhem Central station by UNStudio with its main hall finished in 2016 and Rotterdam Central station by a cooperative between Benthem Crouwel Architekten, MVSA Meyer & Van Schooten Architects, and West 8 in 2014. The latter won the Velux Daylight Award 2014. Another milestone in terms of daylighting and large span roof for museums is the 2017 finished Louvre in Abu Dhabi by Jean Nouvel, a design where a common roof houses a “museum village” underneath. A further remarkable example in terms of daylighting combined with artificial lighting is the atrium installation at the Philips Lighting Headquarters in Eindhoven designed by LAVA and finished in 2016. The situation in the Asian region with China as powerhouse e.g. stadiums for their Olympic Games but also Japan with the plans for a new stadium in Tokyo and upcoming countries like Indonesia is promising regarding daylight design for large roofs. v Figure 1. Louvre Abu Dhabi, Ateliers Jean Nouvel, image source: Wikiemirati These types of buildings regarding daylight need to be treated differently in comparison to e.g. High-rise buildings because the part being most exposed towards the sun is the roof. In addition, the issue at hand is that daylight availability inside buildings due to location on the globe, axial rotation of planet earth, its orbit around the sun during one-year, various changing weather conditions, but also usage are not static design parameters but constantly changing and therefore highly dynamic and not only long term but also being responded to in a matter of minutes. Therefore, daylighting and solar energy gain related questions cannot be solved with static building envelopes, or openings but adaptive ones. The aim of this dissertation is to gain an insight into these design issues and provide designers and architects with a Design Method especially in early design stages where the design team is smaller but most crucial design decisions are taken and to be able to come up with adaptive daylight system in large (span) roofs. For that reason, the dissertation is set up in such a way to clarify different aspects of adaptiveness, daylight performance aspects and revolve around several case studies which are non-adaptive and adaptive, in vi various geometrical and material configurations to derive from that a design method covering bottom up and top down design elements. Here the main two aspects of this dissertation regarding adaptive daylight systems in large (span) roofs are related to geometry and materiality in both adaptive and static manner. Finally, the design method is fully applied with general applicability in mind as a daylighting device in form of an Adaptive Liquid Lens. vii Content Abstract ....................................................................................................................... v Content ..................................................................................................................... viii 1 Introduction ............................................................................................................1 1.1 Research Motivation and goal ...................................................................... 2 1.2 Research questions ....................................................................................... 6 1.3 Research method .......................................................................................... 7 1.4 Societal and scientific relevance ................................................................... 8 1.5 Overview of the dissertation ......................................................................... 9 2 Performance Driven (Daylighting) Design ............................................................ 13 2.1 Definition Performance Driven Design general ........................................... 14 2.2 Performance Driven Daylighting Design ..................................................... 15 2.2.1 Location, climate & atmospheric conditions ...................................... 16 2.2.2 Building’s functions and daylighting demands ................................... 20 2.2.3 Quantitative aspects of daylight – regulations and certificates ......... 21 2.2.4 Qualitative aspects of daylight
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