PLANNING COMMITTEE 02/10/2018 Delegated Decisions made between 17/08/2018 and 18/09/2018 For Information Ladies and Gentlemen, Town & Country Planning Act 1990 (As Amended) Town & Country Planning (Development Management Procedure) (England) Order 2010 The applications in this report have been determined by the Assistant Director of Regeneration and Built Environment under delegated authority (Minute No. 254, Planning Committee, 3rd September, 2002, confirmed by Council 24th September, 2002). The decisions are reported for your information. Assistant Director of Regeneration and Built Environment Reference: Location: Ward: B28/2008/1426 2 Sowerby Cottages Park Road Barrow-in-Furness Ormsgill Ward Cumbria LA14 4QS Decision: Parish: DISPOSED Proposal: N/A Revised submission of 'turning area' details to Decision Date: comply with Condition No. 2 of Planning Case Officer: 17/09/2018 Permission 2008/0438 Tim Corry Reference: Location: Ward: B20/2018/0449 130 Rawlinson Street Barrow-in-Furness Cumbria Central Ward LA14 2DG Decision: Parish: APPCOND Proposal: N/A Conversion of existing property from a five Decision Date: bedroom dwelling house (C3 use Class) into a Case Officer: 24/08/2018 seven bedroom House in Multiple Occupation (Sui Barry Jesson Generis) Reference: Location: Ward: B21/2018/0525 89 Chapel Street Dalton-in-Furness Cumbria LA15 Dalton North 8RY Ward Decision: APPCOND Proposal: Parish: Erection of ground floor extension to include Dalton Town Decision Date: kitchen and WC with Newton 06/09/2018 Parish Council Case Officer: Jennifer Dickinson Reference: Location: Ward: B22/2018/0575 Unit F & G Hollywood Park Hindpool Road Barrow- Hindpool Ward in-Furness Cumbria LA14 2NA Decision: Parish: APPCOND Proposal: N/A Advertisement consent to display 1 No. Fascia Decision Date: Sign (illuminated), 1 No. Single Faced Double Post Case Officer: 03/09/2018 Sign with Double Poster Sign below (illuminated), Jason Hipkiss 2 No. Additional Store Signs added to the two existing Retail Totem Signs (illuminated), 3 No. Building Mounted Vinyls (non illuminated) and 1 No. Door Entrance Sign (non illuminated) Reference: Location: Ward: B20/2018/0527 Land rear of Knightsbridge Motors Salthouse Road Risedale Ward Barrow-in-Furness Cumbria Decision: Parish: APPCOND Proposal: N/A Change of use of existing car storage compound to Decision Date: car sales pitch. Case Officer: 05/09/2018 Barry Jesson Reference: Location: Ward: B21/2018/0528 14 Tennyson Avenue Barrow-in-Furness Cumbria Newbarns LA13 9TX Ward Decision: APPCOND Proposal: Parish: Rear extension and first floor side extension N/A Decision Date: forming a new lounge/dining room and 2 bedrooms 07/09/2018 Case Officer: Jennifer Dickinson Reference: Location: Ward: B21/2018/0535 4 Priors Path Barrow-in-Furness Cumbria LA13 Risedale Ward 9PW Decision: Parish: APPCOND Proposal: N/A Rear two storey flat roofed extension forming Decision Date: ground floor kitchen and dining room and first floor Case Officer: 10/09/2018 shower rooms Jennifer Dickinson Reference: Location: Ward: B28/2018/0544 Dalton-in-Furness Library Nelson Street Dalton-in- Dalton North Furness Cumbria LA15 8AF Ward Decision: APPCOND Proposal: Parish: Application for approval of details reserved by Dalton Town Decision Date: Condition No. 5 (Historic Building Recording with Newton 21/08/2018 details) of permission 2017/0185 (Listed Building Parish Council Consent for the Conversion of former library into seven self contained flats over 3 floors including Case Officer: installation of 1 new timber sash window and 2 Maureen Smith timber windows and a single escape door on north elevation, reinstatement of timber window with stone surround to replace current fire door on east elevation, partial removal of partitions on first and second floor to facilitate new room layout, removal of all fitted desks, shelving, reception counters, lift, WC partitions and sanitary-ware, alterations and/or replacement of various internal doors to form new entrances to flats, provision of bird deterrent system to all external facades of the building, and provision of sound resistant ceilings to be fitted below existing ceilings to all ground and first floor rooms (fitted above heads and below cornices).(Amended description). Reference: Location: Ward: B28/2018/0559 Former Thorncliffe South Site, Thorncliffe Road Ormsgill Ward Barrow-in-Furness Cumbria LA14 5QP Decision: Parish: APPROVED Proposal: N/A Application for approval of details reserved by Decision Date: condition no. 10 (external materials) of permission Case Officer: 05/09/2018 2015/0642 (Erection of 29 detached houses and Charles Wilton garages, including associated site works) Reference: Location: Ward: B28/2018/9003 Land north of Anchor Line Basin Cavendish Dock Barrow Island Road Barrow-in-Furness Cumbria Ward Decision: COMMSENT Proposal: Parish: Section 73 planning application to amend N/A Decision Date: 6/2016/9001 condition no 2 approved documents 31/08/2018 with revised site layout and elevational treatments Case Officer: including external plant and machinery details Jason Hipkiss Reference: Location: Ward: B18/2018/0497 47 49 Hartington Street Barrow-in-Furness Hindpool Ward Cumbria Decision: Parish: APPCOND Proposal: N/A Installation of air conditioning units to existing Decision Date: practice and replace reception windows and Case Officer: 31/08/2018 entrance door. Jason Hipkiss Reference: Location: Ward: B18/2018/0506 Partylite Manufacturing Ltd Park Road Barrow-in- Ormsgill Ward Furness Cumbria LA14 4QT Decision: Parish: APPCOND Proposal: Askam and Helicopter hangar to support the operations of the Ireleth Parish Decision Date: interim heliport facility Council 06/09/2018 Case Officer: Charles Wilton Reference: Location: Ward: B18/2018/0509 Paddock View, Woodbine Lane, Newton-in- Dalton South Furness, Cumbria, LA13 0NF Ward Decision: APPCOND Proposal: Parish: Application for removal of condition No. 4 following Dalton Town Decision Date: grant of planning permission 2015/0573 (Erection with Newton 10/09/2018 of stable block) to allow the stables to be rented Parish Council out Case Officer: Maureen Smith Reference: Location: Ward: B21/2018/0563 30 Maidenlands Crescent Dalton-in-Furness Dalton South Cumbria LA15 8UD Ward Decision: APPCOND Proposal: Parish: Retrospective rear conservatory extension. Dalton Town Decision Date: with Newton 17/09/2018 Parish Council Case Officer: Jennifer Dickinson Reference: Location: Ward: B21/2018/0545 17 Tyne Road Barrow-in-Furness Cumbria LA14 Walney North 3NA Ward Decision: APPCOND Proposal: Parish: Single storey side extension forming sleeping N/A Decision Date: accommodation (2 bedrooms and a shower room) 14/09/2018 Case Officer: Barry Jesson Reference: Location: Ward: B23/2018/0558 14 Salthouse Road, Barrow-in-Furness, Cumbria, Central Ward LA14 2AG Decision: Parish: APPCOND Proposal: N/A Listed Building Consent to replace two upvc Decision Date: windows and door with two timber framed windows Case Officer: 10/09/2018 and door to rear elevation Maureen Smith Reference: Location: Ward: B22/2018/0486 86 90 Dalton Road Barrow-in-Furness Cumbria Hindpool Ward LA14 1JH Decision: Parish: APPCOND Proposal: N/A Advertisement consent to display 1 no internally Decision Date: illuminated fascia sign, 1 no. internally illuminated Case Officer: 20/08/2018 projecting sign and 1 no. internally illuminated new Jennifer surround to existing ATM. Dickinson Reference: Location: Ward: B18/2018/0487 86 90 Dalton Road Barrow-in-Furness Cumbria Hindpool Ward LA14 1JH Decision: Parish: APPCOND Proposal: N/A Installation of 3 no. new externally wall mounted Decision Date: and 1 no. floor fixed a/c condenser units within Case Officer: 20/08/2018 yard at rear of branch. Jennifer Dickinson Reference: Location: Ward: B21/2018/0490 5 Hill Road Barrow-in-Furness Cumbria LA14 4EZ Hawcoat Ward Decision: Proposal: Parish: APPCOND Proposed Rear Single Storey Extension N/A Decision Date: Case Officer: 24/08/2018 Barry Jesson Reference: Location: Ward: B21/2018/0493 8 Blea Beck Askam-in-Furness Cumbria LA16 Dalton North 7DG Ward Decision: APPCOND Proposal: Parish: Garage conversion to a bedroom with en-suite and Askam and Decision Date: utility room Ireleth Parish 21/08/2018 Council Case Officer: Jennifer Dickinson Committee Date : 02/10/2018 Reference Location: Ward: Number: Robin Hill North Scale Barrow-in-Furness Walney North BV/2018/0630 Cumbria LA14 3RP Ward Application Proposal: Decision: Type: Celsius solid roof. Accepted Building Notice Vatable Decision Date: Received: 03/09/2018 03/09/2018 Reference Location: Ward: Number: 28 Tyne Road Barrow-in-Furness Cumbria Walney North RA/2018/0631 LA14 3NA Ward Application Proposal: Decision: Type: Kitchen extension, electrics Regular Regularisation Decision Received: Date: 05/09/2018 05/09/2018 Reference Location: Ward: Number: 28 Friars Lane Barrow-in-Furness Cumbria Risedale Ward BV/2018/0637 LA13 9NW Decision: Application Proposal: Accepted Type: Fitting of a multi fuel stove in front room. Building Notice Decision Vatable Date: 06/09/2018 Received: 06/09/2018 Reference Location: Ward: Number: 3 Anzac Avenue Barrow-in-Furness Cumbria Walney South FV/2018/0345 LA14 3LD Ward Application Proposal: Decision: Type: Single storey rear extension and Appcond Full Plans reconfiguration of first floor to include en-suite Vatable in master bedroom. Decision Date: Received: 13/09/2018 18/07/2018 Committee Date : 02/10/2018 Reference Location: Ward: Number: 19 Central Drive Barrow-in-Furness Cumbria Walney North FV/2018/0240
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