CI ' LETF TELEVISION PBOGRAM$ Clifton East Paterson Fair Lawn' Garfield Haledon Hawthorne Lodi Little Falls Mountain View North Haledon Paterson :;..'.'."::•:•.•.•:•:....'•:•"'""*----'•i•'i ......:::'.../...... .. "..."':•:.$.'.•."%/i... ß Passaic ..•, ....•. '•:%• •.'............. •:::::':':. .. ...... ß .• :v'-:•.•:-- .-:. :.: ..: . .. Pompton Lakes :, ... .•..: '{ :•...% ; rospect Park , , ....:,•..? :,:•:,• •' ,, Sincjac , •otowa Wayne ,.- ...•}.' .• ,:"•....::":.'.' .;:.:.::.•.......;..:•'.111::•:::.C" :':•".'•:'*:: West Paterson .. ...,.. '.::!•:..::•..•:'..'.;•;'-:'..'. '•t- ........ " "::::;:.•..:'i' ß.}':;:' ,::..::: .."::' :...-::.:. '.,;..•'::?:. .!•:,•:•.::?...:.--:•::•:,...•!!} ß.. ....ß...- . ':.,. :,,• .;:;;.•.:;• :'..•.:.:..•.:• OCTOBER 12, 1958 VOL. XXX, No. 41 o ,-,RegionalI-I.gh School Ap.proved y WHITE and SHAUGER, Inc. /i:l.'-.'•:•%--...-...•.arge• Majority; Residents Ha,p•py A GOOD NAM• TO GEM]•M]•ER V•ters of three. communities last night approved by re- for ferendum construction of a regional high school costing $2,- FURNITURE 750,000, and to house 800 pupils. Residents of Haledon, North Living Room B4M Room Dining Room Haledon. and Prospect Park each passed the propositions by a large majority. The total vote RUGS AND CARPETS A SPECIALTY lish a high school and curricu- east was 1,731 in favor and 672 QUALITY and LOW PRICE opposed. The breakdown by bor- lum that we may all be proud of. -- 39 Years Serving the Public -- 0ughs was' Prospect'Park, 488 to I express my thanks to the local 1..T];..Haledon, 67,1.to .•' 147, and official bodies and to all those 4•5 8•RAIGHT ST. MT7, 4-7880 PATE•ON, N.J. -N'0rth Haledon, 572 to 348. who helped make this possible." 240 MARK]• ST. (4•u'roHPla• Hotel Bldg.) MU 4-7977 In North Haledon and Prospect Preliminary plans for the 800- pupil high school, designed by Park-, a record number of people tu.rnbd out for a school election. Frederic P. Wiedersum Associ- In Haledon it was close to a ates, have been approved by the [ record. 'Total registration in the state, Department of Education as the minimum needed now to three towns is 8,975, the turnout PeterF. Cu0n0o.o,or Engraver was almost 27 per cent. provide students of the three The Regional Board of Educa- boroughs with proper educational AuthorizedP.B.A. Jeweler •nd Engraver tion will meet next Thursday to opportunity. High school stu- Life MembershipCards - Rings- Pin•- Wallets dents from the tri-borough re- give architects authority to pro- 204 A MARKETSTREET EASTPATERSON, N.J. ceed with plans for the school. gion now attend schools in Haw- thorne and Paterson. SW 7-6151 ß The vote gave the board authori- ty to purchase the school site and Studies and discussions on to issue bonds to finance the en- regionalizing the school district tire project. began two years ago when Haw- THE IDr•,L PLACE TO DINE AND WINE Herman .Gionti, president of thorne, faced with its own prob- the board, said last night' lems of overcrowding, decided "We are very happy that the not to accept any more non-re- citizens of the boroughs have sident high school pupils. Dead- shown by their overwhelming line for this has been set for . .. •/•,,.:.p ,• • _-• vote in favor of the proposal that June 1960. The new school is ex- 'TALIAN.A•RICA • • G . when they are fully informed pected to be ready' for occupan- about educational requirements cy by September 1960, according KITCHEN• they will 'vote the necessary to plans of the regional school board. SEAK00O funds to establish and maintain • I'._ a good educat•ional system. The regional school district BROILED LOBSTER • -- DAILY "We would like to reassure was approved at a special elec- FROGS' I,EGS - •FT SHELL CRA• - BLUEFISH - RAItt OtX T!{OUT - •ALIBUT - SALMON - SHH! PS - SC•LLOP• the people of the board's con- tion in the three boroughs on OYSTERS - CLAM - COD FISH - 8WORD FIBH - DAILY tinued sincere efforts to estab- April, 1957. ...... I6l BELMONTAVE {Cot. lurh nil. HALEDON - - - •mber{ .•. .._ •_. ß ' ON SALE AT ;,r; TOTOWA Rte. 46 FAIR LAWN Rte. 4 •-., o o , •' ' ß Hours: •lt•ht• ' FR ßß M .A RR • 0 OpenMon.-SundaySat. 9:30 9:30a.m.a.m. to to9 10 p.m. •..• •-•"Lionel 6Car Steam Freight Train $ 95 .. •1• Complete with-Transformer i Locomotive '--• with Smoke .and H'ea,dlighf- 2 Box Cars-- •It• • with tI• Fiat Car with Pipes-- Te.de,r-- Go.dola with this Canisters i New Flat Car with Logsi Ca- •,• . coupon boose-- Track, u.coupli.g section. BREAKDOWNPRICE $59.95 ...... PAGETWO Th,CHR'•iCLE Published Weekly by THE CHRONICLE COMPA_NY 170-172 Butler Street- - - Paterson, New Jersey '.'9:':'":'"'- LAmbert 5-2741 VINCENT S. PARRILLO, Managing Editor Entered as Second Class matter Aueust 24, 193•, at the Post Office at Paterson, N.J., under the act of March 3, 1899. Cleveland, Ohio -Miss Joanne Neff, 18, isn't kidding when . she sticks her pretty face underthe hoodof a car. Not only has she been driving her own cars for three years, she's also been repairing '"OCTOBER 12, 1958- VOL. XXX, No. 41 them. She plans to buy a sports car for racing in coming Akron and Mount Vernon sports e•ents. She is a freshman at John Carroll U., night division. Single Copy 10 Cents ....•.•_•-• $5.00 a Year By Mail __ '• '.,•',,•.-- -'.:i•iii!¾.-::: -;'..'½'•i....•:::.,.:..:.....:"ii: 9- :.-•.•..•.,½. '.".'.:... •.,.ß ., . ...:,..,.:..•,..:..,. '.•.,•.%.-*:...•.,,,,• ... .,,,.:?........:- "::•:;:::i•!i!:•:::':.:iil'..-•-...'..'.•;-., ...... ...--..ß . .:,..-.:.,.. ß ,. .:.:.:....:: .. '"x:o•. :.,•,,,0,:::.::..::.: : ß . •. -'-:.:-;:::.: .ii•i•::.'"-'•::.'--:•i.....::">.,. :•,,.:,,, ., ..... ;... f". ....... .:• CONTENTS . -. •.•. ..-<.-.:• "ß ' /½.4!.i:i'•:i}..•...•-•.:.%:.T, .?:.?-?-'::::'*" ....,.:.•.:,-.....•......... ......?:,.;,%'.',,•' /, ß:-:i•.:i,-' :&•.---'•:!i•:::.:,.' .. •%,,*'•.'"'"'"'" ..-,.'.;;.'-• ß' .,, ,-:-::•-•..".;.%--.-.-...•:; •.. ............:,.: ß.: ..:.. ß :.. ., .,--%".,,',,,' '" ..'•.:'•'ß...... a•; '-.-•..,'•!:.:..,• :-. ,.,,,::½:-ß ...- ß : . :.-.::;'4:..-:•:.-•ß '..'½: --::...•.....• ..-,.;• '-e. .•_....,•. ',•" . ,. - . .. ß -.'-: ." .. ,.• . .ß ß .;½' :.•' .•%':........ " . '• '-:...- ' '.,,,,, '•. .•, ".. .e: • "':"•', '. -'" i:.... : -,' T-..;::-'..i..:':L..•.;: . "-. :".-:.*";:?.'"' I•' .':.; '.:{ ..... ::1%:'i•i" ....., .,... ß i--',.- "': 'i;!a...."--,.,,., 1 FEATURES ß... .... -.'..,'-.......... ...:...-....... .....:.X '..?. !'"•:•..... ,•...... ½.•!::::?ß . .,,,,...' ß . ':':::'.;.:."?..:.'.'.-.:i:'....x:" ß .-.-.•. ß .;+:....4 .. ........;'-"* *':":•:•: .... ':' ....:..•:..../.•.-.-:'.,..'"i:i:..;..' .::•!.%i::....:'.... .,.:.•::...•:• '.•.,.,*$ t ' .."...... Chronicle of the Week . -I .. ....;;:::;:.::;ii:;,i,?:•* -•; .:.:.:.::+.... * . .-:- •. ½ .-....'- ..... ß -. ' :-.: • -':'.;...•... .I.- -. ..•-..'•:•'.. ...•*::::... ;•'...? . ..... ===================================================.-:..- ...........:........... -...'.., ..... Fran Molendyke's Tri-Boro Notebook ..---.:..•.....•,-:;..?,-.....' ß. '.. '-2 .. .. .',,.•.,,,_.-.•...>.... -..,,,,•,•..•,•,•,' ß.-_.•½ -.%.,--,,.,-: ..__•---:•'.•.;.;•,,..;....: ..-.;.•'.- ;,.&:..L,•.•..,-:. •,. ,,.ß !i•.-?'-%:$:'"::i:4::':: '-•:.:i::.'•i!ii•;!.;.-.'!i!•.'i..'.'•' '"'":" :::::':"*;:':' '::i• ............"'"'•"' ø'*:":(4::':':.......... ?.':(' ': LITTLE DIPPER -- Miami 15 ROUND' AND.ROUND SHE American History Beach, Fla.- One bathing bea- GOES- Charlottesville, Va. uty who isn't worried about her Roin or shine, the hula hoop hairdo, 20-month-old Nievita craze goes on unabated. With . Clausen splashes some.water an umbrella to shield her from around at Miami Beach. The the drizzle, nine-year-old Mary little curlyhead is vacationing 8auraweber gives her hoop with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. spin in Charlottesville. For an Leinef Clausen, of Honrubia. added fillip, she pops her bub- Cuenca Province, Spain. DEPARTMENTS ble gum at the same time. Social World 7 'Editorials .......... Editor Speaks 8 -_ Com[Jete Television,. .......................... 11-12-13 COVER PICT. U RE ß Our cover picture shows the Elks Grand Exalted Ruler, Hor- ace R. Wisely, when he. visited Paterson last week. He was hono.redat a dinner by the Paterson Elks Lodge No. 60 at the Elks Lodge on McLean Boulevard. At the head table are shown, left to right: John V. Campana, Past District Deputy; John J. Pasquale, Exalter Ruler; Horace R. Wisely and Wil- SCHOOLPROBLEM-- Patricia Benoit (as assistant principal Laura liam J. Jernicks, Past .Grand Exalted Ruler. Wisely is a resi- Manningof BoltonHigh School)and John McGovern(as principal dent of California and was elected grand exalted • ruler last AdamHolt) are seentrying to solvea problemraised bY a parent July. in "TodayIs Ours,"NBC-TV M•ndav•through-Friday daytime serial. Tke CHRONIGLE PA•E Rep. Canfield Featured N.J. Glass Exhibit To i!::f:!!•::•iiiiiii!::!::!i•i..' •- ::•. In Labor Weekly Open Sunday, Ocfobe 12' : :•'%-' Labor, national weekly labor TRENTON An unusual glass : organ, featured Representative exhibit featuring the develop- ß .. ß Gordon Canfield in its October 4 :.:...•. ß ment and perfection of jars for ß issue as "The Kind of Man to home canning will open Sunday, Elect to Congress." '--:!!•.:•i.•'...... .-..!::!:::i.•: October 12 at the historic village i:':•;'i!:!•i..¾' The article that occupied a of Batsto on the State-owned ....ß " . .............. ß prominent position on page two W-harton Tract in central South ß and carried the. Congressman's Jersey. •::'-•-. ...... photograph, describes the Pater- ß .:^..._-.;-':.].•...:--......:.. The display particularly em- ]. '•'.::::•:i:. son Republican
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