LaRouche’s Jubilee Celebrated In Russia, Eurasia by Rachel Douglas Sept. 16—Congratulations to Lyndon LaRouche on his associates were talking about and warning of then. 90th birthday came from an array of intellectuals and [T]he mistake made by people who did understand the political figures of Russia and Ukraine, where he is significance and the content of LaRouche’s ideas, was famous for his more than half-a-century-long track not to promote them energetically enough. La- record as an economist and, especially, his international Rouche’s theory and ideas have without question fight for economic justice over the two decades since become some of the most important ones in world so- the breakup of the Soviet Union. Messages also arrived cioeconomic and political thinking.” from Armenia, Georgia, and Tajikistan. The Board of the Tajik Social and Ecological Union The Russian weekly Zavtra, which is read in vari- wrote in its greeting: “We are amazed and delighted at ous layers of the Russian political elite, featured a short his persistence and virtue in defending us all, and the interview with LaRouche on the front page of its Sept. planet, from the destructive actions of irresponsible fi- 5 issue, together with an in-depth biographical article nanciers and their protectors.” inside. The latter are excerpted below, together with the congratulatory messages published on the Terra Amer- Physical-Economy and Vernadsky’s Noösphere ica analytical website, specializing in U.S. affairs, and As much as for the warnings he issued, LaRouche is the political sites of the Russian Anti-Globalist Resis- famous in Russia for his writings on physical-economy tance movement and the Progressive Socialist Party of and the proposals he has offered for the real economic Ukraine, led by economist Natalia Vitrenko. development of Eurasia, the rest of the planet, and the The authors of the published congratulations, as Solar System. Prof. Stanislav Nekrasov, chairman of well as a flood of contributions from these countries to the Sverdlovsk Regional Division of the Znaniye a limited-edition Festschrift for the occasion, took note [Knowledge] Society of Russia, reported that his orga- of LaRouche’s consistent warnings that the post-1971 nization has studied and written about LaRouche over financial order would lead to economic disaster on a the course of two decades, because “this concept of worldwide scale, threatening to precipitate a new dark Lyndon LaRouche, ‘physical-economy,’ is of great in- age, and his urging that the post-Soviet nations of Eur- terest to those who think about the destiny of civiliza- asia avoid the pitfalls of that globalization policy. tion. We believe that the philosophical and cultural “The Soviet Union had broken up and the economy views of Lyndon LaRouche concerning the collapse of and political system were collapsing,” Armenian politi- the world financial speculative-bubble system have cal activist Igor Muradjian recalled in his message, re- made a contribution to deliberations on the destiny of ferring to the early 1990s. “Fairly quickly, liberal and our planet and civilization.” monetarist economic theories and policies began to be Reflecting the great respect for him among econo- implemented in the countries of this region. These were mists associated with the Russian Academy of Sciences, treated as if they were the only option and could not be LaRouche received personal greetings from Academi- criticized. In that period, the economic and political cian Sergei Glazyev and Prof. Stanislav Menshikov, the ideas of Lyndon LaRouche played an important role in eminent specialist on the United States. Each of them the fight for alternative approaches and a different had hosted LaRouche in Moscow during the 2001-10 world view. Today, everybody can see perfectly decade. Glazyev, who convened 2001 Russian State clearly that the economic crisis that has swamped the Duma hearings on the global financial crisis, at which world is rooted in the flaws Lyndon LaRouche and his LaRouche testified, wrote: “Your gift of foresight and the September 21, 2012 EIR LaRouche’s 90th Birthday 43 prognoses you made, long before the world financial molskaya Pravda, that the new project drew partici- crisis, on the coming collapse of the existing interna- pants from the so-called patriotic opposition, as well as tional financial system, have earned you the fame of a government officials. prophet and a guru on key problems for the development The meeting was opened by Russian Federation of mankind! I sincerely wish you new creative accom- Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky, a historian. plishments . and the happiness of seeing the realization Another historian, director Natalya Narochnitskaya of of your proposals and recommendations for the recovery Russia’s Paris-based official Institute for Democracy and development of the world economy.” and Cooperation, addressed the meeting by Skype Several other leading scientists welcomed La- video. Other participants included senior editors Alex- Rouche’s campaign to bring the ideas of the Russian- ander Prokhanov and Alexander Nagorny of Zavtra, Ukrainian scientist V.I. Vernadsky into their rightful, historian Andrei Fursov, Gen. Leonid Ivashov, econo- central place in economic science. Academicians Yuri mists Andrei Kobyakov and Delyagin, and political an- Malyshev and Dmitri Rundqvist, respectively, the di- alysts Maxim Kalashnikov, Vitali Averyanov, Maxim rector and the scientific leader of the State Geological Shevchenko, and Nikolai Starikov. Museum, Russian Academy of Sciences (SGM RAS), The mission of the new club, according to Delyagin, signed a greeting from several of the Museum’s scien- is to “listen to the future,” and reshape Russia’s geopo- tists, who told LaRouche, “Your application of Verna- litical identity in the context of the breakdown of “the dsky’s ideas in economy and politics is especially out- global ruling class.” That disintegration, he said, “re- standing, and we particularly prize your efforts to stores certain historical opportunities for Russia.” At promote the Noösphere concept in all possible ways. the same time, he said, “the conditions are created for Not only translations of Vernadsky’s books, but also the uniting the patriots of various countries against that spirit of your publications, the multiple journals issued class. In this situation, liberalism, which diverts the in the USA, Germany, France, and other countries, keep state from being a servant of the people, toward servic- on helping people to appreciate real values, instead of ing global business, becomes irrelevant even for its cur- the surrogates that dominate modern civilization. We rent masters. For the first time in a quarter century, the believe in the necessity of constructive changes, and we party of treason is vulnerable in our country.” stand together with you . for the sake of real progress. Delyagin said, “The discussions were substantial, Physical-economy, expressed in the development of in- especially on contemporary and historical social engi- frastructure, is the only way for humanity to improve neering, comparative literature, German social policy, our World instead of destroying it.” the illegal drug trade, and methodological approaches Prof. Georgi Naumov, also of the SGM RAS, wrote to studying psychological and diplomatic aspects of of using LaRouche’s book, The Economics of the Noö- World War II. And, of course, we congratulated Lyndon sphere, in teaching his students. Teachers from the LaRouche, an ideological brother of many of those Moscow State Institute of Foreign Relations (MGIMO, present, on his 90th birthday.” the Foreign Ministry university), and the Moscow Uni- versity of the Humanities, also cited their classroom use Views of the U.S.A. of LaRouche’s writings on physical-economy. Museum In the current time of international strategic tension, director Alexander Ignatenko (Kremenchuk, Ukraine), when U.S. involvement in geopolitical adventures and independent researcher Alexander Subbotin, and others wars overseas has given the United States a strong also described using LaRouche’s ideas in their work. enemy image in Russia, the status of LaRouche as an ambassador for the true historical identity of his coun- ‘Patriots of Various Countries’ try and a promoter of “A World of Sovereign Nation- On the very day of LaRouche’s Jubilee, congratula- States” (as in the title of one of his works that was issued tions to him were also voiced by participants in the in Russian translation), shines from many of the birth- founding meeting of a new political club of Russian in- day messages. Invoking our World War II alliance tellectuals, held in Izborsk, an ancient Russian town in against fascism, several writers brought up the potential the Pskov Region of western Russia. Economist of genuine Russian-American partnership. Mikhail Delyagin, who attended the charter gathering “We highly esteem Lyndon LaRouche as a true pa- of the Izborsk Club, noted in an interview with Komso- triot of his country, the United States of America, and a 44 LaRouche’s 90th Birthday EIR September 21, 2012 Victor Kuzin, a human rights activist who vis- ited LaRouche in U.S. Federal prison in 1993, and served on the Independent Commission that reviewed evidence excluded from LaRouche’s frame-up trial, cited the seemingly miraculous quality of optimism in the honoree’s commit- ment to the United States and his international work: “[Y]our patriotism, insofar as I under- stand it, contains not the least bit of national egoism. This is what makes those feelings akin to the patriotism of Russian people. Finally, I cannot omit mentioning one astonishing quality of yours, which probably no one else will make note of. That is your selfless ability to believe that one fine day, in some miraculous way, the scoundrels and crooks, who in modern ‘demo- cratic society’ turn up at the helm of state with RNS/Rachel Douglas In May 2007, LaRouche was a guest at the Russian Academy of Sciences’ dispiriting regularity, can be reborn as ‘white celebration to honor the 80th birthday of Prof.
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