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Call 1-877-822-8228 to order your subscription today, or visit www.livingchurch.org to preview a sample meditation and subscribe. The objective of THELIVI NG CHURCHmagazine is to build up the body of Christ, Li1VINGCHURCH by describing how God is mo ving in his Church; by reporting news of the An independent weekly serving Episcopalians since 1878 Church in an unbiased manner ; and by presenting di verse points of view. DaYicl..\. Kah·etage E.o'rutir1' Erlit(,1' THIS WEEK Betty Glatzel Ge11eml.\Jo, wq,,,· John Schuessler .l!u 1wyi11yEdit u1 SteYe\\" aring ,\.'1•11·..-.; Ed itor Patricia C. Nakamura Huol.-uw l .\/Hsic t.~rlirr,;· Arny Grau Gropi,i c Artist Tom Parker Ad 1·r,-fi siilff .\JamtfJPr Thais Jackson F11UUl11}('1/I .\/a )l fl .'ff'i ' Renee Weber .\lurket i11_,1!Pm li1(1lir ; H Di i"l·'c/r:,i' Michael 0-Loughlin Di1·ecto1·r !f.4ss(1r·intecl P11h!ic atir111s BO,.\RDOF' DIREC TORS The Re\·. Thomas ..\. Fraser Riverside, Ill. (President) Miriam K. Stauff \\'alllratosa. \\·is. 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THE Lll"JNG CHl lRCH (ISS'.'i 110" -l-5~-lll) is pui,­ lishe d by THE LIIT , G CHl"RCH FOl"KD..\TIOK. l\' C. a nun-pr olir nrga niza tio11~ r n-ing thP Chur ch . ..~H gifts tn rh e F'uuncbti on ar f' rax ­ d!!duni bl~. ©200,5171e>Lhi11g Chlu ·ch F1·JlUtdation. l.!1(·. _--\11:igln~ reser..-ed. No repnxlucrion in ,,·hole ur pal1 can l'>E' maclP\\ithnrn pemlission of TIU::Lr.1 \ 1; O--rr1w1r Volume231 Number 2:3 OECEMBER -l. 200 5 · T IIE LIVING CH URC H 3 8'7ticL Oa-l SUNDAY'SREADINGS CHOIR CHAIR Wrongswill be MadeRight 1S ee, the Lord God comes with m ·ight' (Isaiah 40: 11) TheSecond Sunday of Advent,Dec. 4, 2005 BCP:Isai ah 40:1-11 : Psalm85 or 85:7 -13; 2 Pet. 3:8-15a,18 ; Mark 1: 1-8 RCL:Isaiah 40: 1-11; Psalm 85: 1-2, 8-13; 2 Pet. 3:8-15a; Mark 1:1-8 Those of us who observe Advent are god at all, he is silent and absent. staking our faith on a world-view As the people who embrace the which is, to many, as out of date and truths of Advent, we can live our world­ out of touch as the Church we view. Isaiah reminds us of the essence: represent. After all, we find in Advent Repent, and lift the valleys. the reassurance that the taste we have Repentance. The penitential aspect of heaven is true, that something better of Advent comes from placing us next is held for us by the God and Father of to the glory of the Lord. Our life is as Jesus Cluist , that we will see the evil of passing as grass. His is the might and with FIBRE RUSH SEAT this world righted. the tenderness of a shepherd. Before Since 1877 But many walk away from this. Take the glory of the Lord we see our falling the Hindu philosophy. To its followers short of his holiness . R.Geissler.i Inc. the simple news is that no hands of any Lifting valleys and lowe1ing hills. On P.O. Box 432 God hold om future , that there is no this 50th anniversary of the arrest of Old Greenwich, CT 06870 righting of this world, that the best path Rosa Parks (Dec. 1) she comes to mind Phone: (203) 637-5115 for the future is that of negation, of as one trying to make things right. The detachment , of denial. leaders of the black community of It is not an in elevant exercise to Montgomery asked her if she were think on Advent as a Hindu. The world ½illing to make a legal cause of her has more than 800 million of them. arrest. Her simple reply was, "If you True, the majority of them live in India, think it will mean something to but two things should keep our Montgomery and do some good, I'll be attention on them. happy to go along with it." She went First, are we not called to go to them from that to lying in state at our in some way with the good news of a nation 's capital. (Yes, it does remind us living Savior? And second, almost of another Advent voice of another everyone touched by the New Age has woman who expressed willingness to absorbed Hindu thinking, and almost do the Lord's bidding.) every Gen Xer has come to similar If we buy into Advent far enough, we views . These last have totally can live out truths that others seek St . Ninian Angelic Seraph 14kt $189 14kt $299 relativized truth , and if they think of a Silver $45 ,95 Silver $54 ,95 LookIt Up Repentance can be another fom1 of moralism, of just doing things wrong. How Jerusalem do John and Isaiah move it away from that? 14kt set with Sapphire $240 ThinkAbout It Silver set Can you rememb er conversations that reflect the Hindu world-view? What is with Garnet $51.95 a good response that can challenge their view? Canterbury 14kt set with Garnet $246 Kilklispeen Silver set with 14kt $165 NextSunday Amethyst $5 L 95 Silver $37,95 NextSunday, The Third Sunday of Advent,Dec. 11, 2005 1\lan y more designs available online at: BCP:Isaiah 65:17-25 ; Psalm 126 or Canticle3 or 15; 1 Thess. 5:(12-15)16-28;John www.gallerybyzantium.com 1:6-8, 19-28 or John 3:23-30 RCL:Isaiah 61 :1-4, 8-11: Psalm 126 or Canticle3 or 15; 1 Thess. 5: 16-24; John 1:6- 1-800-798-6173 8, 19-28 ~mlel~~~~~~~ml 4 THE LIVING CHURC H· D ECEMB ER-I , 2005 SHARPS, FLATS &NATURALS CONFERENCE CIASSES January 24 - 25, 2006 CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS MusicalHistory January 26 - 28, 2006 By Patricia Nakamura PRAISE YE THE LORD! The Cathedral Church of the Advent, Birmingham, Alabama. Stephen G. Schaeffer, master of the The Rite Space cathedral choir; Timothy S. Tuller, organist. RICHARD S. GILES An arrangement by DeC111.Phi!culelphia Cmbedral. Philadelphia, PA choirmaster Stephen Peering Into Heaven Schaeffer of Saint POCLOSE MANIYATTU Patrick's Breastplate Dmn of Studil's C111dProfessor of Lit11rgicaln.,eo/ogy , for brass, organ, and St. rphrem :, TheologicalCollege. SCIIIW, India choir quite sets the The Politics of Sacred Space tone for this new TIMOTHY MATOVINA recording from "the A.,:,ociatePmfe.,:mr of 771eolog_1· and Dirl'cto1; Advent." This is followed by a quietly C11sbll'C1Ce11terjbr the St11drof American Catholicism, beautiful Behold a Star from Jacob Unii·ersi/1•o/Notre Dame, NotreDc11ne , IN Shining, Mendelssohn's chorus which Welcoming Mystery concludes with the much-loved LIZETTE LARSON-MILLER chorale Wie Schon leuchtet der Mor­ Profe.,sorof Litw;~icalLeadership genstern. and Dec111o/th<' Chapel.
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