98 HERTFORD. HERTFORDSHIRE. [ KELLY's Right Hon. A. J. Balfour M.P. August 2gth, r88g: the· Charles I. and bequests by John Browne, of Lcrdon, library contains upw!;lrds of 14,ooo volumes. Near the in 1628 ; Alderman Edward Carde, in 163 r, left property library stands a fountain constructed of stone once now producing £35 yearly, which sum is givl)n three forming · part of the ancient parish chruch of St. times a year to poor people in St. Andrew's pa1 ish in Mary the Great. • doles of 2s. 6d. each; various other benefactions date Hertford is the head quarters of the Hertford Militia, from rs8r to r838. H. Cowper also left a sum of which forms the 4th Battalion of the Bedfordshire Regi- £roo yearly for public uses, and £105 yearly for the ment. The barracks are in the London road, erected chaplain to the General Infirmary. r883-4. Edmund Guntcr B.D. a distinguished mathematician, Hertford is also the head quarters of the rst (Hert- professor of astronomy at Gresham College in r6r9, - fordshire) Volunteer Battalion Bedfordshire Regiment, and the inventor of the rule of proportioils or line of The A and B companies, stationed in the town, have numbers called "Gunter's scale," was born here in a total strength of 7n, having their orderly room and I58I, and died in London, Io Dec. r626. armoury in Dull Plain. The J2ractice ground is in Hertford Castle is the residence of Alexander Peter Panshanger Park, where Earl Cowper K.C., P.C. has l\k~Iullen esq.; the embattled wall :md mound of the provided rifle ranges up to Boo yards; the corps drill more ancient building still remain; bnt the portion row at the Corn Exchange in winter. inhabited i5 comparatively modern, having grown up The County Police Station, Queen's road, was erected out of the constant repairs of ·the original castle: it is in r88r at a cost of [2,ooo, and the County Court supposed to have ben originally built or commenced oflices, Queen's road, were built in I883 at a cost of in 905 by Edward the Elder, and it was afterward~ about [2,ooo. materially strengthened by William the Conqueror; The open air swimming bath in Hartham, at the John of Gaunt made it his occasional abode, and here junction of the Paper .Mill stream and the river Beane, his son, Henry IV. held his court in 1399. John, King .and the property of a Limited Liability Company, was of France, and David Rrnce, King of Scotland, wen~ opened 22 .June, r876; it is 120 feet long, 30 feet wide, kept here as prisoners of war in the reign of Edward and from 3 to 7 feet deep, and will contain I w,ooo IlL gallons of water, continuously flowing; the bath is Here was formerly a priory of the Benedictine order, provided with private dressing-rooms a cell to the abbey of St. Albans, founded by Rohrrt Dengeo Working Men's G'lub rents 7 acres of allotment de Limesey, in the reign of William I. and de1if'ated ground and re-lets in small plot~ to its members at to SS. Mary and James; the revenues were estimated the rate of 3d. per pole; not less that ID or more at £72. that 25 poles being allowed to each member. Ball's Park, the property Df the Marquess Townshend, The trade of Hertford is chiefly confined to the sale is at present the residence of George Faudel l'hillips and grinding of corn, the making of malt and oilcake, J.P. and alderman of London. The Marquess Town­ brewing, and the conveyance of coals and other corn- shend is lord of the manor of Amwell Parva and the modities for the supply of a large district north of the ~farquess of Salisbury K.G. of the manor of Dayley town. Sele steam roller mill was erected in r891 on Hall. The principal landowners are the Marquess of the site of an old mill, destroyed by fire in r890. Salisbury K.G., P.C. Earl Cowper K.G., P.C. the The London and County Banking Co. and ~fessrs. Dimsdale family, Edwin Mackintosh esq. of Leahoe, Sharples and Co. have branches here, there is also Brickendon, and Benjamin Young esq. The area and a savings bank, iron foundries, malthouses, six brewe- the population of the borough, as extended in 1892 ries, brickfields, limekilns, the extensive coach works were :- of Messrs. H. ~Icl\Iullen and Son, wharves, and the rose gardens and nursery grounds of Messrs. E. P. Acres. Francis & Co. which cover an area of 24 acres. Pop. Rateablevaluein x894 The market is held on Saturday, and is one of the largest corn markets in the county. There are yearly fairs held on the third Saturday before Easter, on ~fay St. An drew, part of ... I,I79 2,028 £ro,720 12th, July sth and Noveml1er Bth. tSt. John, part of .•.... 2,138 3,120 (in Hertfrd) £ I3,786 The Hertford General Infirmary, erected in 1832, is a All Saints ............... 963 963 (in Hertford) £5,927 building of stuccoed brick, on rising ground in the Little Amwell, part of 28 3I Tl. for parish [2,653 North road; it was eularged and thoroughly repaired Brickendon, part of... 844 (in Hertford) £3,664 in r878, at a cost of about £3,ooo, and has now beds Bengeo, part of.. ....... 94 2,040 £9,311 for 42 patients; the chapel adjoining was erected for the use of the inmates, at the sole cost of Robert Smith tincluding roo in the Militia. barracks and 149 officers esq. of Goldings, the expense amounting to £so::J. and inmates in the workhouse. The Hertfordshire Sea Side Convalescent Ilome, at The population of the Town Ward was 7,724 and of Eo-Peep, St. Leonard's-on-Sea, was opened in r'l76, fc,r Bengeo Ward 1,299· the purpose of affording needy people, slowly recovering The population of Christ Church, Bengeo, ecclesias­ from illness, change of air, good food and re~t. In tical parish, in r89r was 1,399, and of Holy Trinity, 188o the resources of the Home were increased by the Bcngco, 1,466. · erection of builrnngs for 42 patients, the ~ost Q{ which Bengeo Parish Clerk, William Ashby, Bengeo amounted to £s,soo. Pettyt's almshouses owe their foundation to Mary Verger of St. Andrew, 'William Isaac Boast, Herting­ Pettyt, of St. Andrcw's parish, widow, who by will, fordbury road dated 29th March, I649, gave two tenements r.ear Cow­ BRICKEXDON is a liberty in the parish of All Saints bridge for as many poor widows; these were v-s.changed and for civil purpose forms a parish, in the union and in I824 for other houses in St. Andrew's l!treet, now county court district of Hertford. Brir:kendonbury, the occupied by eight poor widows, nominated by the residence of George Pearson esq. is a mile and a. talf churchwardens of St. Andrew's. Dame Mary Harrison, south from Hertford and has a noble avenue of trees, widow of Sir John Harrison of Balls kt. built four nearly a mile long, leading to the Hall, which was ex­ almshouses in Butchery Green, and endowed them with tensively restored in r 885-6. Leahoe, the residence of £so yearly, towards clothing the occupants; these Edwin Mackintosh esq. is a mansion of red brick with falling into decay in IB54> the Dowager Marchioness stDne dressings, in the Italian style and stands on an Townshend erected six new houses near All Saints' eminence; it is now included in the borough of Hert­ Church, which are now occupied by as r:1any aged ford. Fanshaws, the seat of Arthur Henry King~ley esq. women, but there is nD weekly or other allowance, B.A. is a modern mansion of red brick in the Jacobean apart from parochial charities. About £350, the produce 8tyle. The principal landowners are George Pearson of val'ious charities, is distributed yearly in mr;ney; esq. and Arthur Henry Kingsley esq. D.A. The liberty the chief of these charities are the Chequer RPnts, or contains a scattered population, amounting in 189r to Grass money, originally arising from land crt1led the x,oo7, with an area of 1,520 acres; rateable ~·alue, " King's Meads," given to the borough in 1627 by £I,70I. OFFICIAL ESTADLISHME~TS. LOCAL INSTITUTIONS, &c. Post, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. &; Annuity & Insurance Northern, 11.15 a.m. & 12.55, 3-30, 8, 8.45 & ro.rs Office, Fore street.-Fred Little, postmaster. Incom­ p.m. ; four deliveries each day. Office closed at 9 ing mails are delivered at 7.10 a.m.; 2nd day mail, p.m. Telegraph office open from 8 a.m. till 8 p.m. ; England, Scotland & Foreign, 9·45 a.m. ; 3rd day sundays, 8 till ro a.m mail, London, Ireland, Ware &c. 2.30 p.m. ; 4th day Post Office, M. 0. & T. 0., S. B. & Annuity & Insur­ mail, London &c. 6.30 p.m. ; dispatched at 5 .so p.m. ; ance office, Bengeo.--George Stapleton, Olney, post­ country post, ra-15 a.m. ; London & to 1~ns on Great master. Letters delivered from Hertford at 7.10 &-. • .
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