March 5, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE H 1697 Mr. FOX of Pennsylvania. I thank The Sergeant at Arms will notify ab- Montgomery Roemer Talent Moorhead Rogers Tanner the gentleman, Mr. Speaker. I appre- sent Members. Moran Rohrabacher Tate ciate the opportunity to address the The vote was taken by electronic de- Murtha Ros-Lehtinen Tauzin House and my colleagues. vice, and there wereÐyeas 416, not vot- Myers Rose Taylor (MS) ing 15, as follows: Myrick Roth Taylor (NC) RECESS Nadler Roukema Tejeda The SPEAKER pro tempore. (Mr. [Roll No. 44] Neal Roybal-Allard Thomas ROGERS). Pursuant to clause 12 of rule YEASÐ416 Nethercutt Royce Thompson Neumann Rush Thornberry I, the Chair declares the House in re- Ackerman Dellums Holden Ney Sabo Thornton cess until approximately 3 p.m. Allard Deutsch Horn Norwood Salmon Thurman Accordingly (at 2 o'clock and 15 min- Andrews Diaz-Balart Hostettler Nussle Sanders Tiahrt Archer Dickey Houghton utes p.m.), the House stood in recess Oberstar Sanford Torkildsen Armey Dicks Hoyer Obey Sawyer Torres until approximately 3 p.m. Bachus Dingell Hunter Olver Saxton Torricelli f Baesler Dixon Hutchinson Orton Scarborough Towns Baker (CA) Doggett Hyde Owens Schaefer Traficant b 1501 Baker (LA) Dooley Inglis Oxley Schiff Upton Baldacci Doolittle Istook Packard Schroeder Velazquez AFTER RECESS Ballenger Dornan Jackson (IL) Pallone Schumer Vento Barcia Doyle Jackson-Lee Parker Scott Visclosky The recess having expired, the House Barr Dreier (TX) Pastor Seastrand Volkmer was called to order by the Speaker pro Barrett (NE) Duncan Jacobs Paxon Sensenbrenner Vucanovich Barrett (WI) Dunn Jefferson tempore (Mr. ROGERS) at 3 o'clock and Payne (NJ) Serrano Waldholtz Bartlett Edwards Johnson (CT) 1 minute p.m. Payne (VA) Shadegg Walker Barton Ehlers Johnson (SD) Pelosi Shaw Walsh f Bass Emerson Johnson, E. B. Peterson (FL) Shays Wamp Bateman Engel Johnson, Sam Peterson (MN) Shuster Ward ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER Becerra English Johnston Petri Sisisky Waters PRO TEMPORE Beilenson Ensign Jones Pickett Skaggs Watt (NC) Bentsen Eshoo Kanjorski Pombo Skeen Watts (OK) The SPEAKER pro tempore. Debate Bereuter Evans Kasich Pomeroy Skelton Waxman has concluded on all motions to sus- Berman Everett Kelly Porter Slaughter Weldon (FL) Bevill Ewing Kennedy (MA) pend the rules. Pursuant to clause 5 of Portman Smith (MI) Weldon (PA) Bilbray Farr Kennedy (RI) Poshard Smith (NJ) Weller rule I, the Chair will now put the ques- Bilirakis Fattah Kennelly Pryce Smith (TX) White tion on approval of the Journal and Bishop Fawell Kildee Quillen Smith (WA) Whitfield then on each motion to suspend the Bliley Fazio Kim Quinn Solomon Wicker Blute Fields (LA) King Radanovich Souder Williams rules on which further proceedings Boehlert Fields (TX) Kingston Rahall Spence Wilson were postponed earlier today in the Boehner Filner Kleczka Ramstad Spratt Wise order in which the motion was enter- Bonilla Flake Klink Rangel Stark Wolf Bonior Flanagan Klug tained. Reed Stearns Woolsey Bono Foglietta Knollenberg Regula Stenholm Yates Votes will be taken in the following Borski Foley Kolbe Richardson Stockman Young (AK) order: Boucher Forbes LaFalce Riggs Studds Young (FL) Approval of the Journal; de novo; Brewster Ford LaHood Rivers Stump Zeliff Browder Fowler Lantos Roberts Stupak Zimmer H.R. 2778, de novo; and Brown (CA) Fox Largent H.R. 2853, de novo. Brown (OH) Frank (MA) Latham NOT VOTINGÐ15 The Chair will reduce to 5 minutes Brownback Franks (CT) Laughlin Abercrombie Durbin McCarthy Bryant (TN) Franks (NJ) Lazio the time for any electronic vote after Brown (FL) Ehrlich Morella Bryant (TX) Frelinghuysen Leach Chenoweth Kaptur Ortiz the first such vote in this series. Bunn Frisa Levin Collins (MI) LaTourette Stokes f Bunning Frost Lewis (CA) DeFazio Lipinski Wynn Burr Funderburk Lewis (GA) THE JOURNAL Burton Furse Lewis (KY) b 1523 Buyer Gallegly Lightfoot The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Callahan Ganske Lincoln Mr. SCARBOROUGH changed his ant to clause 5 of rule I, the pending Calvert Gejdenson Linder vote from ``nay'' to ``yea.'' Camp Gekas Livingston business is the question de novo of Campbell Gephardt LoBiondo So (two-thirds having voted in favor agreeing to the Speaker's approval of Canady Geren Lofgren thereof) the rules were suspended, and the Journal of the last day's proceed- Cardin Gibbons Longley the bill, as amended, was passed. Castle Gilchrest Lowey The result of the vote was announced ings. Chabot Gillmor Lucas Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- Chambliss Gilman Luther as above recorded. nal stands approved. Chapman Gonzalez Maloney A motion to reconsider was laid on Christensen Goodlatte Manton the table. f Chrysler Goodling Manzullo Clay Gordon Markey f SPECIAL TAX TREATMENT FOR Clayton Goss Martinez UNITED STATES TROOPS IN Clement Graham Martini PERSONAL EXPLANATION BOSNIA Clinger Green Mascara Clyburn Greenwood Matsui Mr. ABERCROMBIE. Mr. Speaker, earlier The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Coble Gunderson McCollum today the House considered on the suspen- pending business is the question de Coburn Gutierrez McCrery sion calendar, H.R. 2778, a bill to give special novo of suspending the rules and pass- Coleman Gutknecht McDade tax treatment to United States troops in Collins (GA) Hall (OH) McDermott ing the bill, H.R. 2778, as amended. Collins (IL) Hall (TX) McHale Bosnia. As a strong supporter of the members The Clerk read the title of the bill. Combest Hamilton McHugh of our Armed Forces I strongly support this The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Condit Hancock McInnis measure. Had I been present on roll No. 44 I Conyers Hansen McIntosh question is on the motion offered by Cooley Harman McKeon would have noted ``aye.'' the gentleman from Kentucky [Mr. Costello Hastert McKinney f BUNNING] that the House suspend the Cox Hastings (FL) McNulty rules and pass the bill, H.R. 2778, as Coyne Hastings (WA) Meehan MOST-FAVORED-NATION Cramer Hayes Meek TREATMENT FOR BULGARIA amended. Crane Hayworth Menendez The question was taken. Crapo Hefley Metcalf The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. Mr. BUNNING. Mr. Speaker, I object Cremeans Hefner Meyers ROGERS). The pending business is the Cubin Heineman Mica to the vote on the ground that a Cunningham Herger Miller (CA) question of suspending the rules and quorum is not present and make the Danner Hilleary Miller (FL) passing the bill, H.R. 2853. point of order that a quorum is not Davis Hilliard Minge The Clerk read the title of the bill. present. de la Garza Hinchey Mink The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Deal Hobson Moakley The SPEAKER pro tempore. Evi- DeLauro Hoekstra Molinari question is on the motion offered by dently a quorum is not present. DeLay Hoke Mollohan the gentleman from Illinois [Mr. H 1698 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE March 5, 1996 CRANE] that the House suspend the from Kentucky, JIM BUNNING. But I BUNNING, to my constituency. I would rules and pass the bill, H.R. 2853. know that our friends in Philadelphia, like to point out to my colleagues that The question was taken; and (two- like the gentlemen from Pennsylvania, his election came from his peers, peo- thirds having voted in favor thereof) CURT WELDON and JIM GREENWOOD, and ple like Ted Williams and Stan Musial the rules were suspended and the bill many others, BOB BORSKI, TOM FOGLI- and Yogi Berra and Pee Wee Reese and was passed. ETTA, all the other Members, know Bill White. The greats of baseball rec- A motion to reconsider was laid on that the gentleman from Kentucky, ognized another great. the table. JIM BUNNING, is a hero not only on the For those of you who have dreams of f field of baseball, but JIM BUNNING has coming to Cooperstown, NY, I would been a hero as a congressional leader like to welcome you all to come up to NAMING OF THE HONORABLE JIM and as someone who has held the great that magnificent community to see the BUNNING TO BASEBALL'S HALL family principles of life, someone who induction of the gentleman from Ken- OF FAME is fair dealing, someone who cares tucky, JIM BUNNING, this year. (Mr. HYDE asked and was given per- about others, and someone who, in his Mr. FOGLIETTA. Mr. Speaker, will mission to address the House for 1 lifetime, has really made a difference. the gentleman yield? minute.) Mr. Speaker, I would ask my col- Mr. HYDE. I yield to the gentleman Mr. HYDE. Mr. Speaker, I have a leagues to stand and rise to this great from Pennsylvania for a brief com- very special announcement to make. American hero, the gentleman from ment. Mr. FOGLIETTA. I thank the gen- One of our colleagues, the gentleman Kentucky, JIM BUNNING. tleman for yielding to me. from Kentucky [Mr. BUNNING], was just Mr. HYDE. Mr. Speaker if I might Mr. Speaker, not only is this an named to the Baseball Hall of Fame. yield very briefly to the gentleman honor for Pennsylvania and for the city Mr. Speaker, I am sure that my col- from Pennsylvania, CURT WELDON, who of Philadelphia, but the fact is that the leagues all know that the gentleman formerly was the Congressman of JIM gentleman from Kentucky, JIM from Kentucky [Mr. BUNNING] is the BUNNING. BUNNING, achieved his greatness in the only major league pitcher ever to pitch Mr. WELDON of Pennsylvania. Mr. First Congressional District of Penn- a no-hit game in both the National Speaker, I thank my colleague for sylvania, in Philadelphia, that I now League and the American League and yielding to me. represent. JIM, it is a good, solid Demo- that his selection to the Hall of Fame Let me just say, Mr. Speaker, that cratic district. was not by baseball writers, but by the there is no one that the members of the The heritage in south Philadelphia veterans themselves, which makes it, Pennsylvania delegation would fear was from Joe DiMaggio, and most of it seems to me, a little loftier in stat- more in coming back to our State and the kids in south Philadelphia were ure.
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