www.golakes.co.uk Promenade, Grange-over-Sands Promenade, Cover image: image: Cover changes, errors or omissions, or any inconvenience arising therefrom. arising inconvenience any or omissions, or errors changes, neither Cumbria Tourism nor South Lakeland District Council can accept any responsibility for any for responsibility any accept can Council District Lakeland South nor Tourism Cumbria neither Whilst every effort was made to ensure that the information was correct at the time of going to press, to going of time the at correct was information the that ensure to made was effort every Whilst Printed by Printed dangerous – never try to cross without the guide.) the without cross to try never – dangerous Designed by Designed Shanleys, Levens Shanleys, Digital Cypher fun, and to raise money for charity. (Please note: the sands are highly are sands the note: (Please charity. for money raise to and fun, Published by Published South Lakeland District Council and Cumbria Tourism Cumbria and Council District Lakeland South Official Guide to the Sands, people still make this unique journey for journey unique this make still people Sands, the to Guide Official to Hest Bank near Bolton-le-Sands. Today, guided by the current the by guided Today, Bolton-le-Sands. near Bank Hest to Cumbria Tourism Cumbria the abbot of Cartmel Priory would conduct travellers from Kents Bank Kents from travellers conduct would Priory Cartmel of abbot the Community Board Community supported by supported incoming tides and unsuspected quicksands. A guide appointed by appointed guide A quicksands. unsuspected and tides incoming Grange & Cartmel & Grange low tide. It was a perilous journey, fraught with danger from swift from danger with fraught journey, perilous a was It tide. low www.golakes.co.uk and the rest of the country was over the sands of Morecambe Bay at Bay Morecambe of sands the over was country the of rest the and Alternatively you can check availability or book accommodation on accommodation book or availability check can you Alternatively Up to the mid-19th century, the only viable link between the peninsula the between link viable only the century, mid-19th the to Up www.southlakeland.gov.uk/tourism for opening times. opening for Visit www.grangeoversands.net www.grangeoversands.net first sanatoriums in the country. the in sanatoriums first Sands LA11 6DP Tel: 015395 34026 Email: [email protected] Email: 34026 015395 Tel: 6DP LA11 Sands Meathop established around one of the of one around established of hamlet isolated the is east Grange Tourist Information Centre, Victoria Hall, Main St, Grange-over- St, Main Hall, Victoria Centre, Information Tourist Grange John’, the renowned iron master of the 18th century, whilst further whilst century, 18th the of master iron renowned the John’, do in Grange-over-Sands and the Cartmel Peninsula please call or visit: visit: or call please Peninsula Cartmel the and Grange-over-Sands in do large village to the north of Grange, is associated with ‘Iron Mad ‘Iron with associated is Grange, of north the to village large For advice on local events, where to stay, where to eat and what to to what and eat to where stay, to where events, local on advice For Lindale, Lindale, a bypassed). (now A590 former the along out strung are www.lakedistrictoutdoors.co.uk High and Low Newton Low and High be impounded. The attractive cottages of of cottages attractive The impounded. be Information Centre or can be downloaded from downloaded be can or Centre Information a well-preserved pinfold where in former times straying animals would animals straying times former in where pinfold well-preserved a Information on other walking routes in the area is available from Grange Tourist Grange from available is area the in routes walking other on Information Field Broughton, Field a pastoral village that still has still that village pastoral a is Cartmel of North guide. local official an without sands the cross to WARNING: There are dangerous quicksands in the Bay. Do not attempt attempt not Do Bay. the in quicksands dangerous are There WARNING: their best. best. their takes around three hours. For dates, contact Grange Tourist Information Centre. Information Tourist Grange contact dates, For hours. three around takes late spring, when the colourful displays of plants and shrubs are at are shrubs and plants of displays colourful the when spring, late of Morecambe Bay. Pre-booking is essential for the 8 mile (13 km) walk, which walk, km) (13 mile 8 the for essential is Pre-booking Bay. Morecambe of the Cavendish family. A renowned garden festival is held here in in here held is festival garden renowned A family. Cavendish the are regularly led by the Queen’s Official Guide to the Sands Sands the to Guide Official Queen’s the by led regularly are Cross-Bay Walks Cross-Bay Holker Hall, Holker the centuries-old home of of home centuries-old the is away distance short which pass through the area. the through pass which a large cotton mill and was a busy port in its 18th-century heyday. A heyday. 18th-century its in port busy a was and mill cotton large a (33 miles/53km) (33 and km) miles/121 (75 the km), Cistercian Way Way Cistercian Way Furness Cark. Now a quiet village, it once accommodated accommodated once it village, quiet a Now is door Next (182 miles/298 (182 the as such walks, long-distance popular Cumbria Coastal Way Coastal Cumbria mussels and the flukes (flatfish) that gave the village its name. name. its village the gave that (flatfish) flukes the and mussels peaceful lanes that are ideal for walking. Many have been incorporated into incorporated been have Many walking. for ideal are that lanes peaceful Fishermen still go out on a daily basis to fish for shrimps, cockles, shrimps, for fish to basis daily a on out go still Fishermen The Cartmel Peninsula has an extensive network of public footpaths and footpaths public of network extensive an has Peninsula Cartmel The On Foot On the west, was once an important fishing and market garden centre. garden market and fishing important an once was west, the Humphrey Head. Flookburgh, Head. Humphrey to of promontory limestone the to www.cyclingcumbria.co.uk Allithwaite, leading of homestead Viking former the is south the To For more information on cycling in Cumbria generally, go to go generally, Cumbria in cycling on information more For www.cyclingw2w.info www.nationalcyclenetwork.org.uk or or to priory church. church. priory through Cartmel, Grange-over-Sands and Meathop. For more information, go go information, more For Meathop. and Grange-over-Sands Cartmel, through 18th-century houses arranged around the old market place and place market old the around arranged houses 18th-century (or Whitby – 171 miles/275 km) on the North Sea coast. The route passes route The coast. Sea North the on km) miles/275 171 – Whitby (or Cartmel, with its picturesque inns, shops and shops inns, picturesque its with of village attractive coast cycling adventure between Walney Island (near Barrow) and Wearmouth and Barrow) (near Island Walney between adventure cycling coast mudflats of Morecambe Bay. In the centre of the peninsula is the is peninsula the of centre the In Bay. Morecambe of mudflats Walney to Wear (W2W) Wear to Walney (Regional Route 20) is a 151 mile (243 km) coast-to- km) (243 mile 151 a is 20) Route (Regional By Cycle By wooded hills and green fields merging into the saltmarshes and saltmarshes the into merging fields green and hills wooded evokes an aura of timelessness, with sculpted limestone pavements, limestone sculpted with timelessness, of aura an evokes www.traveline.org.uk 33 22 200 0871 or or on Traveline Cartmel Peninsula Cartmel Outside Grange, the gentle scenery of the the of scenery gentle the Grange, Outside For more information on all bus, rail and ferry timetables and fares, contact fares, and timetables ferry and rail bus, all on information more For (Mon–Sat only). (Mon–Sat relaxing walks. relaxing runs from Barrow via Ravenglass, Whitehaven and Workington and Whitehaven Ravenglass, via Barrow from runs Coast Railway Coast gardens, attractive shopping arcades and a promenade for promenade a and arcades shopping attractive gardens, daily service with a link to Manchester Airport. To get to Carlisle, the the Carlisle, to get To Airport. Manchester to link a with service daily Cumbria much elegance from its Edwardian heyday, with ornamental with heyday, Edwardian its from elegance much between Barrow and Lancaster – a – Lancaster and Barrow between the serve Cark-in-Cartmel Furness Line Furness after the railway arrived in the 1850s. Today, Grange retains Grange Today, 1850s. the in arrived railway the after Railway stations at Grange-over-Sands, Kents Bank (south of Grange) and Grange) of (south Bank Kents Grange-over-Sands, at stations Railway & the cartmel peninsula cartmel the & By Train By small fishing village, it became a fashionable seaside resort seaside fashionable a became it village, fishing small - - Sands enjoys one of the mildest climates in the North. Once a Once North. the in climates mildest the of one enjoys Sands Flookburgh and Cark). Wednesdays and school holidays only. holidays school and Wednesdays Cark). and Flookburgh sands over grange Service 530 – 530 Service Kendal to Cartmel (via Lindale, Grange, Kents Bank, Allithwaite, Bank, Kents Grange, Lindale, (via Cartmel to Kendal Thanks to the balmy influence of the Gulf Stream, Grange-over- Stream, Gulf the of influence balmy the to Thanks Cark and Cartmel. Service starts/ends at Kendal bus station. Mon−Sat service. Mon−Sat station. bus Kendal at starts/ends Service Cartmel. and Cark Service 532 – 532 Service Grange Circular via Grange, Kents Bank, Allithwaite, Flookburgh, Allithwaite, Bank, Kents Grange, via Circular Grange public holidays).
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