TIIE BRITAIN-NEPAL SOCIETY Journal Number 18 1994 ( " Remote Welfare CelUre tU Pinhi Set in the wilds of mid-eastern Nepal See article Aid in Nepal, page 21 Photo: Captain Sean El/ioft THE BRITAIN-NEPAL SOCIETY Journal Number 18 London Electricity 1994 wishes continued CONTENTS The mayor ofKathmandu and the Lord Mayor of success to the London with our Chainnan and Mr Madhab P. Khanal, Minister Counsellor, Royal Nepalese Embassy, at the Britain - Nepal Mansion House in London Society. 5 • Editorial 7 • The Society'S News by Pat Mellor 8 • The Nepal-Britain Society by Mayura Brown 9 • A Flying Visit to Lo Mantang by Gerry Birch 13 • Summer Outing to Blenheim Palace by Iris Perowne Bolton 15 • The British Cemetery, Kathmandu by Sir Michael Scott 19 • Annual N epali Supper by Mayura Brown 21 • Aid in Nepal by Captain Sean Elliott 27 • Himalayan Voices (MJ. Hutt) Review by Mark Temple 29 • Nepalese Textiles (Susi Dunsmore) Review by Mayura Brown 30 • Wars Bring Scars (E.D. Smith) Review by Lt. Col. T.M. Lowe 32 • Addresses Templar House 34 • Obituary (Joyce Denson) 81-87 High Holborn ~:= LONDON 35 • Notes on the Society London WC 1V 6NU ~ ELECTRICITY Telephone 071 2429050 3 EDITORIAL Members who were present at Burlington course the Fair Rosamund (twelfth cen­ House to hear about 'The Wanderings of tury) and her well. ZENECA a Military Attache in Nepal', the reminis­ Last year we printed a fascinating con­ Public Health cences of Lieutenant Colonel Gerry Birch, tribution from Mark Temple on 'The and who enjoyed his dramatic account of Ruins of Khola Songbre'. When sending those wanderings, with the wonderful pic­ us his review of 'Himalayan Voices' this tures which accompanied it, will be year he kindly passed on a message he had pleased to find the substance of his talk received from Professor Alan Macfarlane and some of the pictures in this the eight­ (Faculty of Archaeology and Anthropo­ eenth number of our Journal under the title logy, Cambridge University) which says: Working towards a 'A Flying Visit to Lo Mantang'. We feel 'An archaeological expedi tion from Cam­ sure members who could not be at the talk bridge is even now excavating in Khola healthier environment will appreciate them no less. Songbre .. .' We wish them every success As usual the major part of the Journal and look forward to hearing more about it. is taken up with interesting reports on the While thanking all our contributors, we Zeneca Public Health offers a range of products and Society's activities during the year, so feel special thanks are due to Sir Michae1 expertise for the control of the world's major nuisance well recalled in 'The Society's News' by Scott, formerly HM Ambassador in Nepal and vector pests including mosquitoes which spread Pat MelIor. Among the many notable ac­ and a staunch supporter of our Society, for malaria. tivities of the year must be mentioned the his contribution on the British Cemetery Summer Outing to Blenheim Palace in Kathmandu which some of our mem­ The major products are 'Icon' (lambda-cyhalothrin) - a (Woodstock) organised by Iris Perowne bers will have visited. highly active broad spectrum synthetic pyrethroid and Bolton and greatly enjoyed by two full We are asked from time to time about 'Actellic' (pirimiphos-methyl) - a broad spectrum coaches of enthusiastic members of the the welfare of Gurkha Soldiers who have organophosphorus insecticide. Both products have been Yeti Association supported by many served in the British Army, a topical sub­ extensively tested and used by the Nepalese Government members of the Society either in the ject in view of current reductions in the in their successful vector control campaign. coaches orin cars. With us throughout was Armed Forces, and are grateful to the con­ our Chairman Sir Neil Thorne. Our tributor of 'Aid in Nepal' which reports For further information about Zeneca Public Health readers are referred to the excellent report directly on the twenty-three Gurkha products please contact: by the organiser herself elsewhere in this Welfare Centres and the remarkable help Journal. they provide in even the remotest areas. Zeneca Public Health Situated close to Oxford, Blenheim The availability in this country of Fernhurst Haslemere Surrey GU27 3JE UK. Palace and its environs are inexhaustibly Nepalese textiles was referred to in last Telephone: 0428 644061. Fax: 0428 655439 interesting. For those whose thoughts year's Journal and is now, in this number, Telex: 858270 ICIPPF G wander back in time there was nearby the subject of a review by Mayura Brown Woodstock with associations reaching of Susi Dunsmore's remarkable book beyond even King Charles I and the Civil 'Nepalese Textiles' (British Museum War to Chaucer composing his Canter­ Press). Mayura keeps us in touch with our bury Tales and the great warrior and scho­ sister Society in Kathmandu and with Formerly a member of the ICI Group lar King Alfred (ninth century) translating events in Nepal which are likely to be of Before using pesticides always read and understand the product label a Latin classic into Anglo-Saxon - and of special interest to our members. 4 5 Recorded on page 32 are some ad­ Before concluding these remarks, we THE SOCIETY'S NEWS dresses of special interest to our members feel compelled to applaud the setting up by Pat Mellor this year ofthe British-Nepalese Chamber and we are grateful to the important or­ of Commerce, still in its very early stages ganisations mentioned there for keeping At the AGM in 1993, Joanna Thomas • On Tuesday, 8th March, Dr Andrew but with so much promise for the future. in touch. relinquished her task as Honorary Secre­ Russell, a lecturer at Durham University, All success to those involved in this am­ Our final word must be one of praise tary after three years of efficiently taking gave a talk to the Society on 'Anthropo­ bitious project and we look forward to for The Gurkha Museum in Peninsular care of all the events of the Society. Sir logy in East Nepal - the Yakha People', reporting progress in due course. Barracks Winchester. It has made tremen­ Neil Thorne, our Chairman, voiced the with slides which he had taken whilst Anyone requiring further information dous progress and is now in the front rank Society's appreciation of all that Joanna living with the Yakha people. should contact Jimmy Evans (Sylrock of modern museums but with a character had undertaken on behalf of the Society. I • On Monday, 8th April, Lt. Col. Gerry Farm, Lower Froyle, Alton, Hants GU34 and appeal all of its own which of course have now been in her place for one year. Birch spoke to the Society on his experi­ 4LL Tel: 042022134). could also be said of the ancient city of The Committee is pleased to report that ences and the 'Wanderings of a Military Winchester. the Society has recently been able to react Attache in Nepal'. This talk was also promptly to help major disaster appeals in beautifully illustrated with slides. Nepal. This ability is, to a large extent, due The last two talks were held at the to the contributions made by members at­ Society of Antiquaries in Piccadilly. tending the Annual Supper. The Committee Other Events feel that members would wish to know that The Annual General Meeting was held at it has been decided to use those contribu­ the Nepalese Embassy on Tuesday, 16th tions in future especially for this purpose. November by kind permission of His Over the year, the Committee has received Excellency, The Ambassador. This AGM a letter from Lakshrni Thapa thanking the was attended by the Society'S President, Society for their contribution to her School His Royal Highness the Duke of Glouces­ in Kathmandu, and also a letter from the ter. The meeting was followed by a fine NATRAJ British Ambassador in Kathmandu on behalf dinner provided by Mr Thapa of the Wem­ of the Prime Minister Mr Koirala, express­ bley Tandoori Restaurant. ing his warm thanks to the Society for the • The Nepali Supper on Tuesday 17th The First Restaurant to Introduce contribution to the Prime Minister's Flood February was once again held at St Col­ Nepalese Food to London Disaster Relief Fund. GAP were also very umba's Hall in Pont Street. This was a appreciative of the Society's contribution most successful event and a record num­ which has helped to successfully bring three ber of members attended. His Excellency OPlEN DMLY 12 to 3 & 6 to 12 teachers over here to gain experience of The Ambassador kindly made the after 93 Charlotte Street teaching in this country. dinner speech. Mr I.P Manandhar and his I am also pleased to announce that dur­ family from the N atraj Restaurantin Char- LONDON WI P 1 LB ing the year, 15 new members have joined 10tte Street, provided an excellent and the Society. much appreciated Nepalese curry supper. Telephone: 071-637 0050 or 071-6364995 Winter Lectures The Summer Outing this year was a On the 11th January, Mr Dudley Spain joint one with the Yeti Association and For reservations contact ISHWAR MANANDHAR gave a most successful talk on 'Develop­ consisted of a day trip to Blenheim Palace ments in Nepal and the King Mahendra on Sunday, 17th July. 23 members of the Trust' , with beautiful slides. This talk took Society and their friends were able to place in the House of Commons !PU attend, and 74 Yeti members joined in and Room. helped to make this a most jolly outing. 6 7 THE NEPAL-BRITAIN SOCIETY A FLYING VISIT TO La MANTANG by Lieutenant-Colonel G.D.
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