Residents mark Earth Day — page 5 Inside: ALTAIR wheels and rails rolls — page 4 False alarm forces evacuation — page 6 April 27, 2004 The Kwajalein Hourglass www.smdc.army.mil/KWAJ/Hourglass/hourglass.html (Photo by Jan Waddell) Editorial Letters to the Editor words to describe how much we will Family bids farewell miss you. I will always remember Emon Nurses thank the Dear Editor, beach as a place of shared happiness exercise ‘casualties’ Over the past year, I have seen sev- and joy. If you would be so kind, I would like eral farewell letters published in the Trina, Peter, Miss Jenn, Miss Aimee, to say a big thanks to all of the seniors Hourglass. I never expected to find Stephan, Sylvia, our neighbors, Sue, who participated in the mass casualty myself writing to you under these cir- Dave, Lexi, Jim, Traci, Jeff, Suzanna, et drill on the 17th. cumstances, but I owe this effort to the al, you all made us feel welcome. Without their help we could not have many fine friends I have met during my In the office, I met two of the finest done this drill. They were an integral one short year here at Kwajalein. people I have ever met. Two individu- part and helped us in all departments, Above the natural beauty, the diving, als destined to accomplish great things hospital, fire to meet our goals. Thanks fishing, beaches, parties, sunshine, together; a couple who are greater than to the parents also that allowed the stu- golf, and countless other activities, the the sum of the individuals. In these two, dents to have the afternoon off so that one thing I will truly miss is the friend- I have seen the highest level of hon- the drills could be completed. ship. Everything else can be found esty, integrity, goodness, compassion, — Gail Choquette, RN elsewhere or easily substituted with and love. You are a model of what a Sandra L Steveson, RN stateside recreation, but the friendships couple should be. I can only hope that cannot be so easily replaced. I will have the fortune to cross paths I do not imagine that Dana, Lindsey, with Brent Peterson and Krystal Kubas Two lines for next Nathan, and I will ever receive another again. welcome such as we received from Of course, Sunday afternoons will not great brunch? Arkila and Labtak Langrus. The warmth, be the same without Jim, Steve, and Congratulations and thank you to all of caring, and love given so freely by our Bob. Only a few of you will understand the staff at Café Pacific for the great ef- surrogate family exceeded anything we the magnitude of my words when I say fort put forth (with wonderful results!) to have experienced. that I will even miss Jim’s jokes. make the Easter 2004 Sunday Brunch a Our extended family came to include I will miss you guys out in the shops, huge success. Great selection and abso- DJ deBrum, then Dory, Maria, and Ca- too; Jonathon, Yancey, Keith, Toby, and lutely delicious! pelle deBrum as well. And in one year, everyone else, I learned a bunch from I am a shift worker who completed a we became closer to these individuals you, both professionally and personally. 12 hour shift at 12 p.m. on Easter. When than to our own families. There are not Thanks. I arrived at the Cafe Pacific at approxi- Most of all I will miss “Yukwe”. The mately 12:20 p.m., the entry line was Marshallese Word of the Day feeling of being accepted by people with wrapped around the corner of the build- whom you find only happiness. ing almost to the Post Office. I proceed- jela — know Goodbye Kwajalein. We will miss you. ed as I normally would on a non-holiday, — The Plums (See LETTERS, page 3) The Kwajalein Hourglass Commanding Officer ...Col. Jerry Brown Buckminster and Friends by Sabrina Mumma Public Affairs Officer...LuAnne Fantasia Editor .....................................Jim Bennett Graphics Designer....................Dan Adler Reporter................................ Jan Waddell Circulation............................... Jon Cassel Intern.......................... Krystle McAllister The Hourglass is named for the insignia of the U.S. Army 7th Infantry Division, which liberated the island from the forces of Imperial Japan on Feb 4, 1944. The Kwajalein Hourglass is an authorized publication for military personnel, federal employees, contractor workers and their families assigned to USAKA. Contents of the Hourglass are not necessarily official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, Department of Defense, Department of the Army or USAKA. It is published Tuesdays and Fridays in accordance with Army Regulation 360-1 and using a network printer by Kwajalein Range Services editorial staff, P.O. Box 23, APO AP 96555. Phone: Autovon 254-3539; local 53539. Printed circulation: 2,000 The Kwajalein Hourglass 2 April 27, 2004 April 27, 2004 The Kwajalein Hourglass Chargogagag takes Mission scheduled for Saturday water polo title From Range Safety By Jan Waddell A range operation is scheduled Reporter with a window opening Saturday, Chargogagag took the inner tube May 1, 2004. Caution times are 2:30 water polo championship against p.m. through 6:30 p.m. Saturday. Rings Around Uranus, 52-41, in a Kwajalein Atoll is not part of the hard fought match April 20. caution area for this mission. Reef RAU came into the playoffs with sweeps and lagoon caution sweeps a 4-5-1 record against Chargogagag are not required in support of this who was undefeated in league play. mission. Refer to caution area map. “They were the surprise team,” In the event of a mission slip, the said Kaya Landers, pools and caution times and areas will be in beaches coordinator. “It was a bat- effect for the following days: tle of the big men.” 2:30 p.m. through 6:30 p.m. Sun- Top goal getters were RAU’s Bruce day, May 2, 2004. Premo who scored 12 goals and 2:30 p.m. through 6:30 p.m. Mon- Chargogagag’s Brian Stevens who day, May 3, 2004. scored 10 goals. 2:30 p.m. through 6:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 4, 2004. should be directed to the command Letters to the Editor Questions regarding the above safety office, range safety officer ext. safety requirements for this mission 51910. (From page 2) meaning I bypassed cash customers (who take much longer to process) and Phone card donations go public went to the head of the line and swiped From The Department of Defense countries and aboard ships — any- my meal card. Since I was very tired and The Department of Defense an- where servicemembers are deployed extremely hungry, I really did not notice if nounced today that any American in support of Operation Enduring this action displeased anyone waiting in can now help troops in contingency Freedom and Operation Iraqi Free- line, but I do have to wonder if there was operations call home. dom. All of these locations stay any grumbling about it. The Defense Department has busy around the clock to keep up I do have a couple of suggestions: authorized the Armed Services Ex- communication between deployed 1. Since there are two entry doors, changes to sell prepaid calling cards troops and their loved ones. The would it be possible to have the side with to any individual or organization that cards available through the “Help the meal card reader used for meal card wishes to purchase cards for troops Our Troops Call Home” program holders only? The other door could then who are deployed. The “Help Our offer the best value for calls made be used to process cash customers. Troops Call Home” program is de- from the call centers, never expire, 2. While we all realize that “cash cus- signed to help servicemembers call and there are no added charges or tomers” are an important part of the Cafe home from Operations Iraqi Freedom connection fees. Pacific’s financing, is it really fair to have and Operation Enduring Freedom. Individuals and organizations also the “meal card holders only” session be For those wishing to donate a can show their support to deployed only an obligatory 45 minutes? prepaid calling card to a military troops and their families with gift Again, Thank You for all your hard work member may log on to any of the certificates. The “Gift of Groceries” on on the preparation and beautiful pre- three Armed Services Exchange program allows anyone to purchase sentation for a wonderful holiday meal! web sites: the Army and Air Force commissary gift certificates at — Joi Whipple Exchange Service www.aafes.com, www.commissaries.com or by call- the Navy Exchange Service Com- ing toll free 1 (877) 770-GIFT. To submit a letter: Keep letters to less than mand www.navy-nex.com, and 300 words, and keep comments to the The Armed Services Exchanges issues. Letters must be signed. We will edit the Marine Corps Exchange offer the “Gift From the Home- for AP style and, if you exceed the word www.usmc-mccs.org. Click the front” gift certificate for merchan- limit, space. Limit one letter every 30 days. “Help Our Troops Call Home” link. dise at these exchange web sites: Send your letter to: From there, a prepaid calling card www.aafes.com and www.navy- The Hourglass, P.O. Box 23, Local; or may be purchased for an individual nex.com or by calling toll free 1 [email protected]. at his or her deployed address or to (877) 770-GIFT. “any service member” deployed or Gift certificates may be purchased Clarification hospitalized.
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