~~:-:---------~--------------_.• ertenes• Reyes, Bowie cleared of2 charges .'1 THE SUPERIOR Coon has ac­ Castro agreed to dismiss the two Castro's move was seen as a witnesses. thedismissal' ofthe charges would quitted murder suspects Mario chargesonWednesday,citinglack big boost for the defense. For the After "revisiting" the case on be tantamount to "double jeop­ Reyes and JosephAnthonyBowie . of substantial evidence. past five weeks, the defense was Wednesday night and yesterday ardy." of felony murder and robbery Yesterday, Castro stood firm thought of having suffered major morning, Castro said he found no Under the United States and charges. inhis decision when he rejected a setbacks as the government con­ reason why he should change his CNMI Constitutions any person Despitestrongopposilionfrom request by the prosecution to re­ tinued to provide evidences such ruling. must not be charged of the same the government, Presiding Judge consider the decision. as the testimonies of a number of Although there was still evi­ offense which has already been dence to prove the allegations, rejected by ajudge or any court. "the court is convinced that there Doing so would constitute is no substantial evidence to "double jeopardy." (provethefelony murder and rob­ In thecaseof Bowie andReyes, bery charges)." Castro said after the court would violate the con­ hearing the defense lawyers' po­ stitution if it agreed to vacate its sition on the issue. decision to dismiss, the lawyers Bowie and Reyes were acquit­ implied. ted of the charges following a After evaluating the merits of motion from defense counsel the arguments from both sides Anthony Long, Bowie's lawyer. Castro affirmed his decision to The dismissal however was dismiss robbery and felony mur­ challenged by government pros­ der charges. ecutor Charles Rotbart. Felony murder is killing of an Castro evcntually asked both individual while a felony is being theprosecution and thedefense to commined. The other kidnapping submit their written arguments and first degree murder charges on thedismissalofthetwocharges however Wednesday. Bowie and Reyes were origi­ ~lSf7~ Yesterday, Long and Reyes' nally charged with seven counts .... .. '"'. :... ,,;--.. - '.. .'.',- lawyer Antonio Atalig continued of felony, according to DPS in­ their arguments on the dismissal vestigatorJoeAldan.The charges I jl; , of the charges. include first degree murder, kid- In their statements, both law­ Ufe-size animals like doors and monkeys add new litup attractious at La Fiesta San Roque Shopping Plaza continued on page 24 (photo by Foez Rahman) yers stressed that reconsidering Journalist to try hand 'Rushed' audit seen as root ofTan ouster SCOTT K. Tan was not reappointed to the Office of Public ,I at Guam politic in'94 ·.1 Auditor because he would not conduct a "rushed" fiscal year . By Rafael H. Arroyo islature come November 4, 1994 president of the NMI chapter of 1993 audit of the whole CNMI government, fanner OPA legal when the territory holds elections the Society of Professional Jour­ counsel Robert Bisom said yesterday. VETERAN journalist Carlotta for at least six senatorial seats. nalists, boasts of a solid 12 year In a statement. Bisom narrated the incidents that led to the "I always intendedtoenter poli­ experience as a journalist. She is .eventual replacement ofTan by temporaryPublic AuditorRobert 'j DLGuerrero isleavingMarianas \ Cable Vision and the island of tics and it was just a matter of current newsdirector for KMCV. Bradshaw and his (Bisom's) subsequent termination as Tan's Saipan by January next year. •timing. now that six seats are up Guerrero, who hails from legal counsel. The reason - politics. for grabs, 1 felt it would be an Sinajana, Guam, started in the "Bradshaw and the Department of Finance want the audit Guerrero in an interview yes­ opportune time for me to serve," reporting profession back in the completed before the governor-elect takes over in January. Mr. terdayconfumedsbewill beseek­ said Guerrero. early eighties when she worked Tan was not reappointed because he would not agree to the iftg a seat in the 23rd Guam Leg- Guerrero, who is currently forKUAM,K57 andGuamCable 'lightning' audit. Even Peat Marwick and the current audit. News.Shealsohad workingstints supervisor for the OPA questioned the rush job," Bisom said in in a reputable Guam advertising a two-page signedstatement hesent the Variety. agency and with the Pacific Star The audit in question was that which was recently awarded to i • Hotel inGuam assales and public Delloite & Touche on thewhole CNMI government. ooe that is relations manager. being done annually. The current contract was worth $134,000. "As a journalist, I got exposed continued on pags.38 to all the issuesand can talk about them authoritatively. As you know,journalists are trained to NoraAunor's concert finally on look at both sides of every issue. By Ferdie de Ia Torre held 00 Sundayat 9 a.m. to start 81 This makes them more respon­ American Memorial Padc passing sive to the needs of the public. I THE MUCH-awailed live concert the Beach Roadand ending at Casa think this has honed me for the of the Philippines' acclaimed "su­ deRomainfrontofHopwood where job of alegislator." saidGuerrero. perstar" NoraAWlQr isdefinitely set sQe will holda press conference. "I was trained to go after the on Sunday, Dec. 26 at 4 p.m. at Theconcertwas originally sched­ issues and understand them and Hopwood Jr.HighSchool, theSaipan uled lastSunday (Pee. 19)butitwas make people understand them. friendship Lions Club announced postponed afterAurxrandhercom­ Understanding the issues andbe­ yesterday. panions allegedly failed to get visas Political /asynant Carlotta DL. Guerrero (left) with Tinian Senator David ing conversant with them is an The SFLC said a special motor­ fOl;Guam, theirsupposed firstvenue cade 10 will Cing. continued on page 34 honor,. Nora AWlOI" be of show. PAC NEWSPAPER STACKS 2-MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-FRIDAY-DECEMBER 24, 1993 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 24,1993 -MARIANAS VARIETY NEWS AND VIEWS-3 Backonthe Clintonrollercoaster Threat oflosing 702 funds real-Babauta By JILL LAWRENCE this way: "The impressions at the has aneffectparticularlyon people ogy department of the City Uni­ By Rafael H. Arroyo He's often congratulatedfor his Committeeon Natural Resources cause there is a massive effort to outset, particularlywiththis presi­ who oppose him. It tends to versity of New York Grad Cen­ resilience,comingback fromnear­ particularly pressed on the areas WASHlNGTON (AP)-Ameri­ dent,werequiteshallow.... I think to put an end to federal fmancial cutdownon costfor government," of alien labor, immigration, hu­ strengthen the oppositionof those ter,writesin thespring 1994issue deadinelections,opinionpollsand RESIDENT Representativeto the cansfinallystarted warming up 10 there is now developing a much assistance to the CNMI as pres­ said Babauta. whoarenot sympatheticto him in of the journal Political Psychol­ congressional votes repeatedly US Juan N. Babauta yesterday man rights, taxation and mini­ President Clinton in the past few richer image of the president, but ently guaranteed under section He said the CNMI is "on a very the firstplace." ogy. throughouthis career. said the threat of losing federal mum wage, were not sufficiently weeks, only 10bereminded almost still unfolding." 702. critical stage," but that he feel's Reflectinghisnarrow43percent Most likely, Clinton will con­ But Renshon $lid thereal ques-· fmancial assistance under section addressed thewayCongress wants immediatelyofthedoubtshe's tried To which another pollster, Pat According to Babauta, an confident Johnston will be con­ victory and activist presidency, tinuehaving to fightforevery inch tionis:"Why does Clintonhaveso them and this led to the non-ap­ all year 10 dispel. Caddell, replied: "TIus president 702 of the Covenant is real and amendment tossed in by Minne­ tinuing to find ways to save the Clinton has had a high negative of Capitol Hill support and every many setbacks from which hehas should be dealt with seriously by proval of the SI20 million third Gimon's approval ratingsoared has a problem....There area lot of ratingfrom theoutset. Nearlyone sota Rep. Timothy Penny in a bill funding agreement for theCNMI. percentagepoint of approval. to recover?" the incoming administration. multi-year 702 financial assis­ into the upper 50s in severalyear­ severe doubts that go all the way in four Americans in a bipartisan addressing possible cuts in gov­ "What we should do now is to tance package. In an interview at his Capitol endpolls- agoodshowingbyany back to thecampaign." poll conducted earlier this month ernmental expenditures was get our heads together on how to Hillofficeyesterday, Babautasaid This triggered US Public Law standard. But he's also dipped 10 Trust has been an underlying said he was performing poorly. passed by the House recently, in­ approach the Senate on this issue. 99-396 into action thereby enti­ record lows and maintained high problemfor Clinton sinceJanuary VAL board approves the cost-cutting mood and deficit cluding a provision that halts the I have initiated meetings with the "The hard core negative is ex­ reduction efforts of US Congress tling the NMI to an annual 702 negative ratingsduringhisfirstyear 1992,whenhe wasfirstdoggedby tremelyhigh," said EdGocas, the 702 advantage. incoming governor 011 how we grant of S27.72 million. indicates there is a great possibil­ Juan N. Babauta in office. questions about his marriage and airline employee buyout
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