20 - MANCHESTER HERALD. Thurs.. June 17, 1882 t Reagan tough It's strawberry! Savings bank: THAT in U.N. speechj festival time! plan merger FOCUS ON DAD! Si . p a g e 4 . i p a g e 9 ... page 20 PHOTO CLINIC/ Mostly cloudy Manchester, Conn. through Saturday Friday, June 18, 1982 COME MEET THE — See page 2 MmhtBttY Hrralb Single copy 25q; f iCm 9m In SAVE OVER *50, C a h o i i c a m e r a p r o from Kodiak, 0 emimo a t o u r MANCHESTER STORE i r l l b e Guerrillas hJK SCHOa CHIIORI » < e F ri., June 18,11 am to 8 pm w e f f o r iQftilibni wl|h &O1199 .Rat.. June 19.11 am to 6 pm Has proorammad, stepped down, flash C manual '->1 won't end rnodeft Hasi^^6ap«ftuie1JED4apnvtnytawfln^ He’ll demonstrate the latest Canon And it includes Canon’s 1-Ysar puamnteel Cameras, Lenses and Accessones... m o n t h PLUS, answer all your questions By United Press International the battle regarding Canon photo equipment Forecasters say wet weather may ill continue in Connecticut for as long By United Press International indicated that the United States sup­ M0I^ K itfs c 40Ck> and show you how to get better results. as another month but a trend ported Israel’s demand for the t’'* towards drier conditions is Israeli gunners shelled Palesti­ withdrawal of Syrian forces and the Cbfdr Ciimera Outfit developing. nian refugee camps and guerrilla dismantling of the Palestinian . “ It’s our feeling that the kinds of positions on the edge of Beirut today guerrilla groups. Caidor . patterns that have led to the rainy and a leftist guerrilla leader vowed Israeli planes briefly fired rockets l,ow Price .. 44.76 conditions over the past few weeks to make the struggle for control of Thursday night at two refugee •fkMwolt electronic'flash flre« only wlMtn .rsm-ll won’t go away overnight,” said long the capital “ a real battle.” camps on the southern outskirts of needed. *Carriee Kodak’s full S-year wamuiity*! range forecaster Robert Livezey at “ Lay down our arms? Im­ Beirut, isolated by Israeli forces. evefi on tiattertesi ■Motorized film advance Autofocus Camera the National Weather Service possible,” said George Habash, Lebanese television also said and new all>glee$ lens, includes new fast Climate Analysis Center in Camp leader of the Popular Front for the Israeli gunships shelled the camps, Kodak Disc Film (2-Pak, 30 shots). with Pouch Springs, Md. Liberation of Palestine, a Marxist- Sabra and Shatila, but there was no , He added, though, “ We envision a oriented faction of the PLO. imrhediate word on casualties. ’They trend away from the wet weather Rejecting a reported plan by U.S. were evacuated during the day but •K<Ktak Disc 6000 Outfit .... 59.40 over the next 30 days” in Connec­ envoy Philip Habib to have the crowded at night with refugees ticut and the rest of the Northeast.- guerrillas lay down their arms in creeping back to sleep or gather “ In fact. I’m pretty sure it won’t exchange for a partial Israeli belongings. k ^ t£ ^ ’‘l^tui[Mmtor1^ withdrawal from Lebanon, Habash last another 30 days.” “Victory is coming and we will wind flhd r«w|Kj fu n p o a blamed the Israeli invasion on the “ But exactly where it's going to Herald photo by Cody fight until victory,” Arafat told a United States. end, I don’t know,’’ . Palestine Liberation Organization “ Let me tell you the aggression is This has been the wettest June on rally Wednesday in Moslem West Hunting a suspect 100 percent American. Vietnam told Beirut. "Beirut will be the grave for FUJICOLOR 12;W . record in Connecticut. By i' U m O V B R ^ l ir^Ttta PURCHASEOF---- ------ --------- ------- - Wednesday, 11.7 inches of rain had the Americans ‘you can never the aggressors and the Arab fallen this month, the National state police search for a man who escaped two-hour manhunt In the woods around An­ destroy our w ill’ . We are the same, Stalingrad and I will hold on.” , Weather Service at Windsor Locks from their custody on School Road In An­ dover Lake Thursday. See story, other our will can never be destroyed,” he Arafat was referring to the un­ said at a press conference in said. dover. The man, Gary Webber, ran off after photos on page 7. successful seven-month Nazi siege •h it M guerrilla-controlled West Beirut. CAnon The rain caused extensive being handcuffed, but was caught after a of what is now Soviet Volgograd, CALOOn PM9I5?.. Habash said the Palestinian aim ^ N U S COUPONS I Sui^Sureihot ^ flooding last week, claiming 12 lives where in World War II fighting was to make Israeli losses as high as WORTH OVER S1511 . 49111111 l i ^ l i l W B and destroying hundreds of homes razed the entire city and a German possible. and businesses. Officials have es­ army of 350,000 was annihilated. Spending, too “ We are starting to make thejiat- “ This aggression was prepared by timated the damage at between $276^ tle of Beirut a real battle.” and 3300 million. the United States and executed by Attempting to prevent an allout The previous June record for rain the Zionist criminal garig amid i Israeli assault on Beirut, Habib met 2A«,.4,S* in Connecticut was set in 1072 with world silence,” Arafat said. On n e ^ t ’attuiyautrimaiNi; with former Lebanese president and 9.66 inches. Normally, Connecticut rightist leader Camille Chamoun, Please turn lo page 8 :-y-WlnUnfeWIIICts Otlllw/r''; averages 3.53 inches of rain in June. Personal income up while former Prim e Minister Saeb The 30-day forecast also calls for Salam held parallel talks with SAVE OVER $111 temperatures 1 or 2 degrees below WASHINGTON (UPI) — The per­ wider margin after income and analysts. The savings rate, last year Lebanese socialist leader Walid normal. sonal income of Americans climbed property taxes and government fees made a top priority by the Reagan Jumblatt. Meanwhile, a meteorologist at the Inside Today POLAROID *Sun.640' were subtracted. The disposable in­ administration in pressing for tax Israel pledged Thursday to Habib Talcott Mountain Science Center in by 0.7 percent in May, the most in V,x/.' come of Americans — that available reductions, has now faded in impor­ to m aintain its c e a s e -fir e in Instant Color Camera Avon said Wednesday there was no six months, while personal spending 20 pages, 2 sections went up 1.3 percent, the most in nine to spend — increased only 0.2 per­ tance, since the ailing business sec­ Lebanon, but state-run Beirut radio Our price break evidence the cloudj^ weather was Advice ..........................................12 / months, the Commerce Department cent for the month, after going up tor is in no position to use invest­ said Israeli artillery fired at ^•9.68417.... csused by a volcanic cloud from an Area towns ....................................7 0.7 percent the previous month and ment funds to expand capacity ac­ guerrilla positions around Beirut in­ Great color prints llma after time wlUi built% - eruption earlier this year in said today. Business........................................20 0.6 percent in March. cording to any “ supply-side” ternational airport, in the nearby aiectronic flash that firaa witheveryevery atlMshot forafo ra ; sdu^eastem Mexico. Personal income went up at an an­ C lassified..................................17-18 p e rf^ blend of natural and f ^ scenario. Palestinian refugee camps and the Meteorologist Jim Brihan said it nual rate of 316.6 billion last month, Since consumers spent more C om ics..........................................19 accepts the new Polaroid fast vuChfilin 1 The income figures were not mountains east of the capital. reaching 32.5 trillion or 32,548 money there was less available to Entertainment ........... 9-10 was true the cloud was spreading adjusted for inflation because the In New York, Secretary of State billion, more than twice the in­ save, and the savings rate appeared L o tte ry ........................................... 2 nprthward, but “ the trick is as it month’s inflation rate will not be Alexander Haig conferred with crease of April. to sag to 5.2 percent of the nation’s Obituaries ...................................... 8 PoUnOID too' HISPEED COLOR flU l g^ts further from its source, it measured by the Labor Department visiting Israeli Prime Minister spreads out and the effect of The personal spending increase of spending money. The official figure Opinion........................................... 6 •1*Pak until Tuesday. Menachem Begin on the situation in blocking sunshine diminishes.” is reported only with a one-month P eop letalk ......................................2 aO Shots).. 13.94 1.3 percent was the steepest in­ But April’s 0.7 percent increase in Lebanon. 7.24 a s u .f “ ‘There is no proof yet this erup­ crease since August’s 1.5 percent lag and was 5.8 percent in April. S ports....................................... 13-16 disposable income was reduced only Before meeting Begin, Haig said K;- tion is causing any kind of weather Television .................................... 10 climb. The spending increase is con­ slightly, to a 0.6 percent increase, by Israel’s occupation of Lebanon interruptions,” he said. W ea th er......................................... 2 The figures showed spending ac­ sidered a necessary ingredient for that month’s modest 0.2 percent in­ presented an "opportunity” to cor­ He doubted the Northeast would tually outpaced income by a far economic recovery by many crease in the Consumer Price index. rect the country’s instability — and Kodak film see a repeat of the legendary “ year without a summer,” which occurred r’lCbMCA in 1816 when “ garbage” from a volcanic eruption in the South For GOP nomination Pacific darkened the sky tor months.
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