Pine Family (Pinaceae) National Park Service The following abbreviations are used to describe where White fi r - Abies concolor CL, NF U.S. Department of the Interior and when certain plants may be found in Zion. Piñon/nut pine - Pinus edulis CTSL, NF Singleleaf pinyon - Pinus monophylla CTSL, NF Zion National Park Location Ponderosa pine - Pinus ponderosa SL, NF Pseudotsuga menziesii D = Lower washes, desert, sandy areas Douglas fi r - CSL, NF C = Canyons Rose Family (Rosaceae) Common Plants T = Talus slopes and mesas Apple tree - Malus pumila C, Sp S = Slickrock, cliff s Tamarix Family (Tamaricaceae) H = Hanging gardens, seeps Tamarisk or Saltcedar - Tamarix pentandra CR, Sp Su F R = Riparian (waterways) Willow Family (Salicaceae) L = High Plateaus Fremont cottonwood - Populus fremontii CSR, Sp Quaking aspen - Populus tremuloides SL, Sp Blooming season Willow - Salix species (9) CR, Sp Sp = Spring Bright red bark and thick, smooth leaves help to identify Manzanita - Su = Summer Shrubs Arctostaphylos. Its name, which means “small apple” in Spanish, F = Fall Agave Family (Agavaceae) comes from the appearance of its fruits. W = Winter Narrow-leaved yucca - Yucca angustissima DCTSL, Sp NF = No fl ower Datil yucca - Yucca baccata DCT, Sp Utah yucca - Yucca utahensis DCTSL, Sp Mint Family (Lamiaceae) Dorr’s sage - Salvia dorrii CDT, Sp Introduced (Non-native) Species = Barberry Family (Berberidaceae) Creeping hollygrape - Berberis repens CL, Sp Oleaster Family (Elaeagnaceae) Russian olive - Elaeagnus angustifolia CR, Sp Trees Cashew/Sumac Family (Anacardiaceae) Roundleaf buff aloberry - Shepherdia rotundifolia DT, W Birch Family (Betulaceae) Smooth sumac - Rhus glabra DCT, Sp Water/River birch - Betula occidentalis CR, Sp Poison ivy - Rhus radicans CHR, Sp Su Pea Family (Fabaceae) Squawbush/threeleaf sumac - Rhus trilobata DCT, Sp Indigobush/Desert beauty - Dalea fremontii D, Sp Elm Family (Ulmaceae) Netleaf hackberry - Celtis reticulata CT, Sp Composite Family (Asteraceae) Potato Family (Solanaceae) Old man sagebrush - Artemisia fi lifolia DCT, Sp F Wolfberry/Tomatilla - Lycium pallidum DC, Sp Juniper or Cypress Family (Cupressaceae) Big sagebrush - Artemisia tridentata DCL, F Arizona cypress - Cupressaceae glabra C, NF Waterwillow - Baccharis emoryi CR, F Rose Family (Rosaceae) Utah juniper - Juniperus osteosperma DTSL, NF Rabbitbrush - Chrysothamnus species (13) DC, F Saskatoon serviceberry - Amelanchier alnifolia CL, Sp Rocky Mountain juniper - Juniperus scopulorum TRL, NF Broom Snakeweed - Gutierrezia sarothrae DCT, F Utah serviceberry - Amelanchier utahensis CTL, Sp Bush encelia - Encelia frutescens virginensis DT, Su Mountain-mahogany - Cercocarpus species (3) S, Sp Maple Family (Aceraceae) Blackbrush - Coleogyne ramosissimum DC, Sp Bigtooth maple - Acer grandidentatum CSL, Sp Dogwood Family (Cornaceae) Western chokecherry - Prunus virginiana L, Sp Boxelder - Acer negundo CSR, Sp Red-osier dogwood - Cornus stolonifera L, Sp Cliff rose - Purshia mexicana DCTS, Sp Sacred datura, also called Angel’s trumpet - Datura wrightii Antelope bitterbrush - Purshia tridentata CTL, Sp Oak Family (Fagaceae) Goosefoot Family (Chenopodiaceae) Wood’s wild rose - Rosa woodsii CRL, Su Located on the Colorado Plateau, but bor- Gambel oak - Quercus gambelii CTSL, Sp Four-wing saltbush - Atriplex canescens DC, Sp Shrub live oak - Quercus turbinella DCTS, Sp Shadscale - Atriplex confertifolia DT, Sp Silk-Tassel Family (Garryaceae) dering the Basin and Range Province, Zion Wavyleaf oak - Quercus undulata C, Sp Silk-tassel bush - Garrya fl avescens C, W Grape Family (Vitaceae) National Park is home to plants from both Olive Family (Oleaceae) Canyon wild grape - Vitis arizonica CR, Sp regions. Geologic uplift and erosion have Singleleaf ash - Fraxinus anomala CTS, Sp Cacti resulted in elevations ranging from 3,600 to Velvet ash - Fraxinus velutina CR, Sp Heath Family (Ericaceae) Manzanita - Arctostaphylos species (2) TSL, W Sp Cactus Family (Cactaceae) Purple torch - Echinocereus engelmannii CD, Sp 8,700 feet. The park’s unique geology has Paradise Tree Family (Simaroubaceae) Honeysuckle Family (Caprifi oliaceae) Claret cup - Echinocereus triglochidiatus DTS, Sp created such diverse enviroments as deserts, Tree of heaven - Ailanthus altissima C, Sp Su Elderberry - Sambucus caerulea L, Su Pancake pricklypear - Opuntia chlorotica DCT, Sp Su Common pricklypear - Opuntia erinacea DCT, Sp Su canyons, slickrock, hanging gardens, river- Pea Family (Fabaceae) Mountain snowberry - Symphoricarpos oreophilus CL, Sp Su Twist-spine pricklypear -Opuntia macrorhiza DCT, Sp Su New Mexico locust - Robinia neomexicana C, Sp sides, and high plateaus. This is a sampling Large pricklypear - Opuntia phaeacantha DCT, Sp Su Black locust - Robinia pseudoacacia C, Sp Joint-Fir Family (Ephedraceae) of Zion’s nearly 900 plant species. Indian/Mormon tea - Ephedra viridis DCT, NF Cholla - Opuntia species (3) CD, Su Herbs Common sunfl ower - Helianthus annuus DCST, Su Milkweed Family (Asclepiadaceae) Bellfl ower Family (Campanulaceae) Hairy goldenaster - Heterotheca villosa DTL, Su F Spider milkweed - Asclepias asperula DC, Sp Su Cardinal-fl ower - Lobelia cardinalis CHR, Su F Tansy-aster - Machaeranthera species (3) DC, Su F Butterfl y weed - Asclepias tuberosa DC, Sp Su Basin groundsel - Senecio multilobatus DT, Sp Borage Family (Boraginaceae) Goldenrod - Solidago species (3) DC, Su F Mustard Family (Brassicaceae) Yellow cryptanth - Cryptantha confertifl ora (11 others) TC, Sp Wire lettuce - Stephanomeria tenuifolia All, Sp Rockcress - Arabis species (5) CTL, Sp Stickseed - Hackelia species (4) DTR, Sp Showy goldeneye - Viguiera multifl ora TR, Sp Su Zion draba - Draba asprella var. zionensis CSL, Sp Wallfl ower - Erysimum asperum DCTL, Sp Buckwheat Family (Polygonaceae) Evening-Primrose Family (Onagraceae) Watercress - Nasturtium offi cinale HR, Sp Wild buckwheat - Eriogonum species (20) DTSL, Su F Yellow camissonia - Camissonia multijuga (6 others) DCTS, Sp Twinpod - Physaria species (8) TL, Sp Desert trumpet - Eriogonum infl atum D, Sp Su F Tufted evening-primrose - Oenothera caespitosa TS, Sp Su Prince’s plume - Stanleya pinnata DCT, Sp Knotweed - Polygonum species (5) DLTR, Sp Pale evening-primrose - Oenothera pallida (7 others) DCSL, Sp Canaigre/wild rhubarb - Rumex hymenosepalus CD, Sp Hummingbird fl ower - Zauschneria latifolia CSL, Su F Orchid Family (Orchidaceae) Helleborine - Epipactis gigantea CSHR, Sp Buttercup Family (Ranunculaceae) Figwort Family (Scrophulariaceae) Golden columbine - Aquilegia chrysantha CHR, Sp Su Desert paintbrush - Castilleja chromosa DCT, Sp Pea Family (Fabaceae) Larkspur - Delphinium species (3) DCSL, Sp Eastwood/Slickrock paintbrush - Castilleja scabrida S, Sp Stinking milkvetch - Astragalus praelongus DCT, Sp Zion milkvetch - Astragalus zionis (20 others) DCT, Sp Buttercup - Ranunculus species (6) S, Sp Cardinal monkeyfl ower - Mimulus cardinalis CHR, Sp F In early spring, Claret Cup Cactus - Echinocereus triglochidiatus, lights up Eaton penstemon - Penstemon eatonii DCTL, Sp Prairie clover - Dalea searlsiae D, Sp the lower desert section of Zion with scarlet blossoms. Caltrop Family (Zygophyllaceae) Zion penstemon - Penstemon humilis DCTL, Sp Zion sweetpea - Lathyrus zionis DCT, Sp Puncture-vine - Tribulus terrestris DT, Su Fuchsia penstemon - Penstemon x jonesii CS, Sp Su Utah deerclover /trefoil - Lotus utahensis (4 others) DCS, Sp Elegant lupine - Lupinus concinnus (8 others) DTL, Sp Royal/ smooth penstemon - Penstemon laevis DCTL, Sp Spiderwort Family (Commelinaceae) Thompson peteria - Peteria thompsonae DCL, Sp Su Caper Family (Capparidaceae) Palmer’s penstemon - Penstemon palmeri DCTL, Sp Spiderwort - Tradescantia occidentalis CLT, Sp Yellow beeplant - Cleome lutea DS, Sp Su F Utah penstemon - Penstemon utahensis CSTL, Sp Lean clover - Trifolium macilentum (3 others) CHL, Sp Goldenpea - Thermopsis pinetorum L, Sp Common mullein - Verbascum thapsus CRL, Su Spurge Family (Euphorbiaceae) American vetch - Vicia americana CT, Sp Composite Family (Asteraceae) Whitemargin spurge - Chamaesyce albomarginata DCT, Sp Yarrow - Achillea millefolium CL, Su Flax Family (Linaceae) Phlox Family (Polemoniaceae) Mountain dandelion - Agoseris species (3) L, Sp Blue fl ax - Linum perenne var. lewisii DCTL, Su Waterleaf Family (Hydrophyllaceae) Scarlet gilia - Ipomopsis aggregata (5 others) TL, Sp Desert marigold - Baileya multiradiata DT, Sp F Wand phacelia - Phacelia heterophylla (10 others) DCL, Su Arrowleaf balsamroot - Balsamorhiza sagittata L, Sp Four-O’Clock Family (Nyctaginaceae) Nuttall gilia - Linanthastrum nuttallii SC, Sp Dusty-maiden - Chaenactis douglasii L, Sp Fragrant sand-verbena - Abronia fragrans DCTS, Sp F Desert/Jones’ phlox - Phlox austromontana CS, Sp Arizona thistle - Cirsium arizonicum DCT, Sp Su Showy four-o’clock - Mirabilis multifl ora DCT, Sp Su Long-leaf phlox - Phlox longifolia L, Sp Ferns & Fern Allies Spreading daisy - Erigeron divergens (9 others) DCTRL, Sp Fern Family (Polypodiaceae) Gentian Family (Gentianaceae) Pink Family (Caryophyllaceae) Zion daisy - Erigeron sionis H, Sp Su Maidenhair fern - Adiantum capillus (19 others) HR, NF Hopi blanketfl ower - Gaillardia pinnatifi da DT, Sp Elkweed - Swertia radiata (2 others) L, Sp Sandwort - Arenaria species (6) DSHL, Sp Su Common chickweed - Stellaria media DCTSL, Sp Scouring Rush Family (Equisetaceae) Geranium Family (Geraniaceae) Common Horsetail - Equisetum arvense (2 others) HR, NF Filaree/Storksbill - Erodium cicutarium CS, Sp Su F Poppy Family (Papaveraceae) Visitors often
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