Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Rare Earth Development and Applications Vol.1 Baotou, Inner Mongolia, China August 21-25,1995 The Chinese Society of Rare Earths Edited by Xu Guangxian Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Prof, of Peking University Vice President of CSRE Xiao Jimei Member of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Prof, of University of Science and Technology Beijing Yu Zongsen Prof, of University of Science and Technology Beijing Vice President and General Secretary of CSRE Yan Chunhua Prof, of Peking University Metallurgical Industry Press CONTENTS Foreword. Welcoming Speech Zhou Chuandian. Vol.1 Plennary Lectures The Higher Oxides of the Rare Earths: A Model of Solid State Chemistry LeRoyEyring 1 Lanthanide-containing Light-converting Nanometric Devices Jean-Claude G. Bunzli, Claude Piguet 9 Vapor Phase Extraction and Mutual Separation of Rare Earths Using Chemical Vapor Transport Mediated by Vapor Complexes Gin-ya Adachi, Ken-ichi Machida, Kuniaki Murase 12 The Separation Processes of Main Minerals in China Yan Chunhua, Liao Chunsheng, Wang Jianfang, JiaJiangtao, Zhang Yawen, Li Biaoguo, Xu Guangxian 16 SECTION A HE NEW MATERIALS AND RE APPLICATIONS New Materials Mechanochemical Effects in the System Ln2O3-Ln(OH)3 (-H2OXLn=La, Dimitr Todorovsky, A tanas. Terziev 24 New Inorganic Materials Containing Rare Earths and Tetrahedral Anions TO4 Petr Melnikov, Lydia, Komissarova 28 Anisotropy of the g-Factor and a Procedure for its Determination: Application to ErNis N.A.de Oliveira, A.Caldas, P.J.von Ranke, LPalermo 31 Simulation of the Spectroscopic and Magnetic Properties of Trivalent Rare Earth Ions in Rare Earth Oxyfluoride Matrices Jorma Holsa, Eija Kestisa, Pierre Porcher 35 Optical Properties and Energy Level Simulation of RE3+ -ions in Rare Earth Oxychlorides Jorma Holsa, Ralf-Johan Lamminmaki, Pierre Porcher 39 Super conductivity in Fluorinated RE Cuprates Bernard Chevalier, Jean Etourneau, A lain Tressaud. 43 About New Applications for the Rare Earths: Pigments and Solid State Ionics P. Maestro, D.Huguenin, F.Pettini, T.Seguelong 47 Magnetic Polaron Effects in Nonstoichiometric Semimetals GdAs and GdP D.X.Li, Y.Haga, H.Shida, T.Suzuki 51 Observation of Ferroelastic Domains in LaNbO4 Crystals by AFM S. Tsunekawa, T.Nakada, RNishitani A.Kasuya 55 Complex Aluminates and Gallates of Strontium and Rare Earth Elements G. V.Zimina, L.N.Komissarova, I.N.Smirnova, F.M.Spiridonov 56 Synthesis of High-Tc Superconductors by Oxidation of "1-2-3" Alloys Kononenko V.I., Akashev L.A., Shuravenko N.A.,Golubev S.V., Bezukladnikova L.L 57 Single Crystal Growth of Rare Earth and Actinide-Based Intermetallic Compounds Y.J. Bi, D.Fort, J.S.Abell 58 Melt-Processed YBa2Cu3O7-8 Thick Films with Additional Phases Y.J. Bi, J.S. Abell 64 Rare Earth Boride Based Natural Composites Paderno Youri, Paderno Varvara, Filippov Vladimir 68 <111> Oriented and Twin-free Single Cryctals of Terfenol-D Grown by Czochralski Method with Cold Crucible Guangheng Wu, Xuegen Zhao, Jinghua Wang, Jingyuan Li, KechangJia, WenshanZhan 72 The Structural Principle of the Homologous Series of the Higher Oxides of the Rare Earths Z.C. Kang, L. Eyring 76 Crystal Structure, Mossbauer Effect, Properties and Application of REFe2-Based (Tb, DyXFe,Mn)i 95 Alloys Zhang Hongping, Du Ting, Kuang Mahua 80 Thermodynamics and Equilibrium Dissociation Pressures in the System SraH2-SmH, Longmei Wang, Zheng Li, E.Kaldis 86 The Effect of RE on Structure & Property of Zn-Al Superplastic Material ZhouTianrui, HuShifei 90 xn Magneto-Optical Properties and Stability of GdTbFeCo Thin Films Prepared by RF-magnetron Sputtering QiuJufeng 94 Study of Rare Earth Stabilized Zirconia Ultrafine Powders Wei Kun, Shi Yan, Zou Xinmu, He Lunpin 98 Study on Some Properties of Lai.x Srx CoO3 and Its Application in Sealed-off CO2 Lasers Liu Jiang, He Lanying, ChenGuangyu, Su Wenhui 103 Rare Earth and Superplastic Materials Li Shichun, Hu Xiulian, Xu Yingda 107 Study on the Synthesis and Properties of Rare Earth Hydroxides and Oxides Ultrafine Powders Dong Xiangting, Yang Kuisheng, Zhang Hongbo, Liu Jinghe, Hong Guangyan, Yu Decai Ill Study on Electrocatalytic Property of Anode Coating with Rare Earth Compounds LinJiyun, Wang Yunge, ChenKangning 115 Study on Rare Earth Solid Electrolytes WangWenji, ChenJingxi 119 Synthesis and Electrical Conduction Characteristics of LaCrO3 Ceramics TangZilong, ZhangZhongtai, QiJianquan, LiYing 123 Study on the Preparation and Properties of CeO2 Ultrafing Powders by Sol-Gel Method Dong Siangting, Hong Guangyan, Yu Decai, Xiao Jun, Cui Yi, WangDejun 127 Rare Earth Stabilizer of Pohyvinyl Chloride (PVC) Zhang Yongxiang, Liu Shengtai, Yin Chengxiang 131 Effects of RE on Superplasticity of Zn-5A1 Alloys Hu Xiulian, Li Shichun, Yang Chunsong 135 Magnetic Materials Comparison of Corrosion Behaviour of RE-based Permanent Magnets HenrykBala, Stefan Szymura, Marcin.A. Malik, Ken.Ohashi 139 Electroplating of Rare Earth Metals and Their Magnetic Properties Yuichi Sato, Yasuko Ibi, Koichi Kobayakawa 143 Magnetic Anisotropy and Magnetostriction in Rare Earth Hydrogen Containing MgCu2-Type Compounds Mushnikov N. V., Zajkov N. K., Gaviko V.S., Korolyov A.V.,YermakovA.Ye 147 xm Two Dimensional and Three Dimensional SmFe Random Magnets XX. Zhang, J. Tejada 151 Exponential Relaxation and Quantum Tunneling of Antiferromagnetic Domain Walls in TbFeO3 Single Crystal J. Tejada, XX Zhang 157 Key Factors Influencing the Thermal Stability of NdFeB Sintered Magnets B.M. Ma, Y.L. Liang, W.L Liu, D. W. Scott, CO. Bounds 162 The Study of Czochralski-Grown Magnetostrictive Rare Earth-Iron Compounds Y.J. Bi, J.S.Abell 166 Gas-treatment and Magnetic Domain Observation of Sm2Fen Alloys Jiang Long, Zhu Jinghan, Yang Weidong, Liu Guozheng, Naoki Matsumoto, Hiroshi Kubota, Kenji Ohmori 170 Study on the Pressing Nhriding Process of SnfcFenN* Compounds WuJianmin, CuiLiya, Zhao Weihong,TaiLichi 174 Magnetic Properties of Nd-Fe-Co-B Rapidly Quenched Alloys ZhuJinhan 177 Magnetic Circuit Optimization Desgin of a Drum-Type Medium Magnetic Separator with Rare-Earth Permanent Magnets ShuqingYang 180 Magnetic Circuit Design of Rare Earth Lifting Permanent Magnet DingNing 183 Reduction of Superfine Fe^and NdFeO3 Materials Shengfeng Liu, Xiaoliang Qian, Qiang Li, JianhuaLin, MianzengSu 187 Magnetism in RSrMnO HouBihui, YangBinxing, YiSu, LinPeiyan, Fu Yilu 191 Magnetic properties and Magnetostriction in TbosDyosCFeogMnxAJoi-xJiw Compounds GaoYouhui, Zhu Jinghan, Lichi Tai, Q.L Zhou 194 Materials of Luminescence. Phosnhors and Lasers Spectroscopic Properties of Eu3+ Doped Fluorophosphate Glass K.Binnemans, CGorller-Walrand, J.Lucas, N.Duhamel, J.LAdam 198 xnr On General Relations between Coordination Polyhedra and the Spectroscopic Properties of Trivalent Rare Earth Ions K.Binnemans, C.Gorller-Walrand. 202 Rare Earth Luminescent Hourglass Inclusion(LHI). Part 21Tb3+: 3-Phenylpentane-2,4-Dionate Complex in K2SO4 Crystal OsvaldoA. Serra, ledaL.V. Rosa,EduardoJ. Nassar, Paulo C. Cardoso 206 Origin of Color in Rare Earth Doped ZrSiO4 D. Huguenin, A. Seigneurin, P. Maestro 210 Luminescence Properties of Rare Earth Trifhiorides Studied by Synchrotron Radiation Excitation N.Yu.Kirikova, V.E. Klimenko, V.N. Makhov 214 Optical Properties of Liquid La, Ce, Pr and Nd Akashev L.A., Kononenko V.I. 215 On the Further Intensification of Spectral-Luminescent Properties of the Complexes of Lanthanides with Fluorocontaining |3-Diketones S.B.Meshkova, Z.M.Topilova, D.V.Bolshoy 218 3+ Nanometer Luminescent Material Y2Si0s:Eu Zhang Weiquan, Zhang Weiping, Xia Shangda, Yin Ming. 222 3+ 3+ Luminescence of Ce and Dy in BaYB9O|6 Xiaohua Huang, Fengyu Guo, Fengmei Zhang. 226 The Roles of the Ce3+ Ion in Some Phosphors HanJunxiang, Liu Yi, HeXiuchun 230 On the Structure and Some Properties of Rare Earth Borates ijfceKBOaJO^+xfLn^a, Ce and Nd) Jianhua Lin, Eberhard Schweda, Guo Fengyu, Mianzeng Su 234 Efficient Ultraviolet-Emitting Phosphor Based on Europium Activated Strontium Tetraborate Liu Yi, Han Jun-Xiang, He Xiu-Chun, Wang Xiu-Fang, Liu Zhen-Dong, MuJing. 238 Study on the Rare Earth Complexes by Photoacoustic Spectroscopy Mao Qinglu, Su Qingde, Wang Qin, Yang Yuetao, Zhao Guiwen 242 Spectral Studies on the Effect of Rare Earth Poly( Vinyl Chloride) Thermal Stabilizers Su Qingde, MaoJunjun, Zhao Guiwen 246 The New Synthesis Method and Application of the Red CaS^u2* Phosphor Mao Xiang-Hui, Wu Zhen-Guo, Lian Shi-Xun 250 xv Luminescence of Rare Earth Complexes with m-Methyl and o-Chlorobenzoic Acids Zhang Hong-jie, MaJian-fang, Yang Kui-yue, Pan Li-hua 254 Luminescence of Complexes of Tb(III) ion with Aliphatic Binary Carboxylic Acid XuZhao, WenlianLi, Yi Yu 258 The Study of Green Phosphor for Projection Television Zhang Dong, Xion Guangnan, Cai Qingrui 262 Tm3+:YAG Crystal Growth and Spectrum Characteristic Cao Yu-Hui, Liu Fu-Yun, Li Chang, Xu Bao-Jian, Huang Min-Fang '. 266 The Luminescence of Sm2+ in Barium Octaborate Qinghua Zeng, ZhiwuPei, QiangSu 270 2+ 3+ Coexistence of the Eu and Eu in BaB8Oi3 Prepared in Air and Argon Qinghua Zeng, ZhiwuPei, QiangSu 274 3+ The Luminescence of Ce in Mt 98CeooiNaooiB205(M=Mg,Ca, Sr or Ba) Hong Quang-Yan Li You-Mo, C.Fouassier, F.Guillen, P.Hagenmuller 278 The Mechanism of Photostimulated Luminescence (PSL) in BaFCl:Eu2+ WangZhenjia, XiongGuangnan, TengFeng, XuXurong. 282 Crystal Structure and Luminescence Properties of RE-Doped Zinc and Alkali-Earth Metal Pyromellitates SunJu-Tang, Yuan Liang-Jie, RenMin 286 The Properties of Defects and Luminescent Properties Influenced by Defects in CaS:M(M=Ce3+, Dy3+, Cu+) Phosphors Zhang Zhong-Yi, Su Qiang, Lu Yu-Hua 290 Temperature-Dependence of Luminescence and Electroconductance in BaFBr:Eu2+ Crystal during Photostimulation Yi Dong, Mianzeng Su 294 On the f-f Transition of Eu2+ Liu Ying-Liang, Li Yuan-Ying, Yang Yan-Sheng, Shi Chun-Shan 298 RE Applications in Glassess and Ceramics Sintering and Properties of Monazite-Type CePO4 Yasuo Hikichi, Toshitaka Ota, Hitoshi Ohsato, Masaaki Miyamoto 301 Regularities of Phase Equilibria in the Systems BaS-Ln2S3 O.V. Andreev, N.N.
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