Dr. QUANG NGUYEN-LUONG Assitant Professor, the American University of Paris Founder of BOLTZ.AI Data Scientist at Orthoevidence Inc. +1-647-914-1612 [email protected] [email protected] http://www.cita.utoronto.ca/~qnguyenl RESEARCH INTERESTS I study the physics and chemistry of star formation, both the environment around the star nursery and the detailed structures of the young stars. I collect data from large telescopes and interferometers and apply data science methodology to probe the structure, astrochemistry, magnetic field, colliding clouds and low- velocity shocks of gas around star forming regions. I am also interested in understanding how astronomy has contributed to human development and how to use hands-on data science methodology to advance the teaching of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math subjects. On the business side, I am interested in commercializing research and boosting innovation, especially applications of quantum computing. EDUCATION PhD. in Astrophysics, CEA Saclay & University Paris Diderot, France Nov 2008 - Jan 2012 advisor: Frederique Motte & Marc Sauvage Msc. in Quantum Computing Technologies, University Polytecnica Madrid, Oct 2006 - Oct 2008 Spain, advisor: Giannicola Scarpa Msc. in Astrophysics, University of Bonn, Germany, advisor: Jes Jorgensen Oct 2006 - Oct 2008 Bsc. in Aerospace Engineering, Technical University Delft, the Netherlands Sep 2003 - Sep 2006 Baccalaureate, Nguyen Du specialized highschool, Vietnam Sep 1998 - Sep 2001 EMPLOYMENT Assistant Professor, the American University Paris, France Jun 2021 – Now (delayed till June 2021 due to Covid-19) CEO/Founder, Boltz.ai quantum computing Inc. Mar 2020 – Now Data Scientist, Orthoevidence Inc. May 2020 – May 2021 Visiting Investigator, the International Centre for Inter-disciplinary Science and Sep 2020 - Now Education Lecturer in Big Data Analytics, McMaster University, Canada Sep 2019 – Sep 2020 Teaching Professor in Data Science, Sheridan College, Canada Sep 2018 – Sep 2020 Senior Data Scientist, IBM Canada Nov 2017 - Sep 2019 East Asian COA Fellow, Korea Astronomy & Space Science Institute Sep 2016 - Sep 2017 East Asian Fellow, National Astronomical Observatory of Japan Sep 2014 - Sep 2016 CITA Fellow, Canadian Institute for Theoretical Astrophysics Feb 2012 - Sep 2014 DEVELOPMENT & LEADERSHIP Co-Founder, Board of Director, Association Quantum, Not-For-Profit organization Sep 2019 – Dec 2019 is dedicated to spreading quantum knowledge. Co-Founder, Co-Chair, Star Formation in Different Environments Conference Sep 2016 – Now Series organized international conferences in 2016, 2017, 2021 HONORS AND AWARDS Three consecutive years IAU funding award “Bring Astronomy to Remote Area in VN” 2013, 2014, 2015 EACOA Postdoctoral Fellowship 2014 CITA Postdoctoral Fellowship 2012 CFR – CEA Saclay PhD Fellowship 2008 Bonn International Graduate School Master Fellowship 2006 University College London Dean’s scholar for summer research Jul - Aug 2008 Awards from Australian National Chemistry Quiz 1999, 2000, 2001 Provicial outstanding students in Chemistry and Biology 1999, 2000, 2001 PUBLICATIONS I published 82 peer-refereed papers, 34 conference proceedings, one 300-pages monograph, 3 translated books. My h-index is 37 and my total citation count is 4639, among which my nine first-author papers are cited 301 times. 3 papers are first-authored by my supervised students. A complete list is available upon request. STUDENT SUPERVISION I actively supervise students for official graduation works and mentor students unofficially for their career development. Full list of supervised students can be provided upon request. TEACHING & PEDAGOGY EXPERIENCE I have experience in developing and teaching university courses at both undergraduate and graduate levels in data science and astronomy. I participated in developing new courses (Modern Astrophysics, Astronomical Observations, Physical Artificial Intelligence) for the new master program in Space and Applications (the University of Science and Technology Hanoi) and the master program in Theoretical and Mathematical Physics (Tay Nguyen University). Lecturer/Professor: Big Data Analytics, McMaster University (40hrs/semester): F2019,W2020 Advanced Python, Sheridan College (40hrs/semester): W2020 Big Data Tools, Sheridan College (40hrs/semester): F2019,W2020 Predictive Analytics and Machine Learning, Sheridan College (40hrs/semester): S2019 Business Problems and Data Modelling, Sheridan College (40hrs/semester): F2018, W2019, S2019, F2019, W2020 Vietnam Workshop on Astrophysics and Cosmology, Quy Nhon, Vietnam: Aug-2013 Organizer School of Quantum Physics: Quantum Information, Quantum Computation, and Applications, Aug-2020 Exploration Program in Astrophysical Research, 2-week long school, Tay Nguyen university: Aug-2016, Aug-2017, Aug-2018 Star formation bootcamp, two-day long school, Quy Nhon university: Aug-2016, Aug-2017, Aug-2020 Guest lecturer Summer Student Lecture Series 101, University of Toronto: May-2012 Teaching Assistant Practical Interferometry course of professor Frank Bertoldi, Bonn University: W2007 Physical and Space geodesy & radar remote sensing, Technical University Delft: F2005, F2006 CONFERENCE ORGANIZING EXPERIENCE I actively in helping the International Center for Inter-disciplinary Science and Education (ICISE) in Quy Nhon, Vietnam to develop astronomy program through attracting students to schools and organizing conferences. SOC/LOC, Star formation in different environments series: SFDE (2016), From local Aug - 2020 clouds to galaxies (2017), ICISE, Quy nhon, Vietnam 2016, 2017 SOC, Windows on the universe: 25th annuversary of the Rencontres du Vietnam, ICISE, Aug - 2018 Quy nhon, Vietnam SOC, Cosmic Cycle of Dust and Gas in our Galaxy: from old to young stars, ICISE, Quy Jul - 2018 nhon, Vietnam Secretary of advisory board, Vietnam Astronomy Development workshop, Quy Nhon Aug - 2016 SOC/LOC, CITA National Fellow Meeting 2013 SELECTED TALKS Recent Colloquia: McMaster University (Canada, 02/2017), Seoul National University (Korea, 12/2016), University of Tokyo (08/2016), NAOJ (08/2016), Osaka Prefecture University (Japan, 06/2016), KASI (Korea, 2015) Recent Conference Talks: East-Asian ALMA Science meetings (Talks - 2015, 2016), Galactic to Extragalactic Star Formation (Invited talk, Marseille, 09/2014), Windows on the universe, Quy Nhon, Viet Nam (Talk, 08/2013), Vietnam workshop on Astrophysics and Cosmology (Invited Talk, Quy Nhon, 08/2013), Star formation Jamboree (Talk, Hamilton, Canada, 05/2013), Calibration of star-formation rate measurements across the electromagnetic spectrum(Talk, Special Session 12, IAU General Assembly, Beijing, China, 08/2012), The labyrinth of star formation (Talk, Crete, Greece, 06/2012) SELECTED PROFESSIONAL SERVICE Referee for Astrophysical Journal Letters, MNRAS External reviewer for JCMT Time Allocation Committee Technical Assistant for ALMA Time Allocation Committee 2015, 2016 Secretary of the international advisory board of the Vietnam Astronomy Development workshop 2016 OUTREACH ACTIVITIES Talks PI of Three consecutive years IAU funding award “Bring Astronomy to Remote Area in 2013, 2014, 2015 Vietnam” Advisor to Saigon Amateur Astronomy Club (HAAC) 2011-now Organizer of the national meeting of all Vietnamese amateur astronomy clubs across Aug - 2013 Vietnam Outreach talk: World-Wide telescope in the classroom Dec - 2016 Quy Nhon meets moon and star Aug – 2016 Talks at Tay Nguyen university, Quy Nhon university, University of Science and Technology Hanoi, University of Pedagogy of Hanoi, etc. Press 2012, ESA The curious shape of a supernova remnant in a star-forming cloud, http://sci.esa.int/herschel/51094-the-curious-shape-of-a-supernova-remnant-in-a-star-forming-cloud/ 2016, Tia Sang science magazine (in Vietnamese), Interview of Masatoshi Ohishi (NAOJ), “Astronomy is closer to us than we think” 2016, Tia Sang science magazine (in Vietnamese), Interview of Howard Smith (Harvard university), “Meet with the young Vietnamese astronomers” In press on Tia Sang science magazine (in Vietnamese) 2012. Tia Sang science magazine (in Vietnamese), Interview of Pierre Lesaffre (ENS, Paris), “Open a new window” Writer and host of the blog on history and philosophy of science in Vietnamese vutru.wordpress.com EXPERIMENT/OBSERVING EXPERIENCE I haved used these telescopes Herschel Space Observatory, Spitzer Space Telescope, ALMA, SMA, PdBI, IRAM 30m, JCMT, APEX, IGRINS/DCT, TRAO14m, NRO45m, Hoher List Observatory. I am involved in large program such as HERSCHEL’S HGBS survey, Herschel’s HOBYS survey, IRAM large program, NRO45m large program. My individual selected observed proposals are: Co-I of ALMA’s observed project , 15hr PI: P. Sanhueza A survey of prestellar, high-mass cluster-forming clumps: constraining models of high-mass star formation PI, IGRIN/DISCOVERY TELESCOPE, 4hr PI: Q. Nguyen The environment around OB stars with high-spectral resolution IR spectroscopy Luong PI, Herschel Space Observatory, 8.5hr PI: Q. Nguyen Water emission in the shocked regions at the tips of converging filaments Luong PI, JCMT, 96hr PI: Q. Nguyen Dynamics of massive star-forming regions: from molecular gas to stars Luong PI, PdBI, 6hr PI: Q. Nguyen Investigating shocks and infall motions toward W43-MM1 and MM2, two extreme star- Luong forming sites created by converging flows Member of the Herschel Key Program consortium, 461hr PI: P. Andre Probing the origin of the stellar initial mass function: A wide-field Herschel photometric survey of nearby star-forming
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