The Rockland Gazette. Gazette Job Printing PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAY AFTERNOON bY ESTABLISHMENT. VOSE & PORTEH, Having every facility in Presses, Type and MatosW- to which we are constantly maHng aiddltlooa, wa ara 2 I O M a in S tre e t. piepared to execute with promptness and goad styla every variety of Job Printing, ineladta* Town Reports, Catalogues, TERMS: Posters, Shop B ills, Hand B ills, Pro­ If paid strictly in advance—per annum, $2.00. If payment is delayed 6 mouths, 2.25. grammes, Circulars, Bill Heads, If not paid till the close of the year, 2.60. Letter Heads, Law and Corpor­ <8i“ Newsuhscribeifl areexpected to make the first ation Blanks, Receipts, Bills payment in advance. of Lading, Business, Ad­ paper will bo discontinued until ALL Alt- dress and Wedding ■ Earues are paid, unless at the option of the publish­ ers. Cards, Tags, x* dingle copies live cents—for sale nt the office and Labels, at the Bookstores. VOLUME 35. ROCKLAND, MAINE, THURSDAY, MARCH 18, 1880. &c.9 Z. POPE VOSE. J. B. PORTER. NO. 16. PRINTING IN COLORS AND BRONZINO will receive prompt attention. harvests of heaven will never become such carrjed her into the house and there lenrned derness was like that of a mother. “ God “ I thought I’d tell ye, gentleman, the ns shespoke.and I promised. Her “ friend ” deserts hut some good seed will tako root all. Both had been deceived. sent von to me. For her sake this shall mistress is justcomin’. ’ The saints purtect therein.” —I would have promised her anything for POND’S It was a terrible scene tlie old front room he your home. For her sake I will he a y e , for she has been rampagin’ like a hay- such a title. “ I don't believe it would, though, in witnessed. Justin swore vengeance, and it father to you.” then all this blessed mornin’! ” A Man’s a Man For a' That. Farmer Keep. You don't know him ns was not till, witli clasped hands and stream­ Then »n eventful conversation took place EXTRACT. Five years after Cora wrote to me: Our faces fell. Mrs. Callaghan, our between me and the banker. Brief articles, suggestions, and results of experience well as I do. I ncle Charlie. He is one of ing eyes, tlie young wife knelt to the only “ We are having fine times now, dear rolating to Farm, Garden or Household aaoagemeat THE GREAT VEGETABLE worthy landlady, was not a foe to lie so “ You have abandoned the idea of be­ the richest men in all Meadow Brook; lie’s man she ever loved, and pleaded for the life cousin Jennie, and mama wants to know if readily dislodged, and her powers of in­ coming a barrister, Mr. Hathaway, and the are invited from our readers interested in such matters* Vain Destroyer and Specific for Inflam­ worth thousands and thousands. Ho is a of her husband, that he promised, for het- yon do not need to renew your rosy cheeks vective were simply unrivaled. Hal was J profession of an author is a precarious one. mation and Hemorrhages. | It is said that Burns was once invited to n sump­ bachelor, you know, and lives in the great sake. to spare his life. among the dews of Meadow Brook. Un­ the only one who could soothe her, and he tuous entertainment nt the house of a lord, and when But front the day of Justin’s visit Lucy Unite it with another pursuit. You are a TO FARMERS’ BOYS. ltHEDUTISX, XEIBALGIA. No other prepara- the ladles and gentlemen had feasted, the poet was red house on the road to Woodbury, you do Charlie is witli ns. and if yon were also eame to the rescue. good linguist, and I badly need a foreign tion has ured so many cases of these distress­ allowed to Bit with the servants. After supper he was remember. Well, be never goes to church,' was a changed woman. All the light and 0111* happiness would lie complete. " My turn,” he said, with a look of comic ing com plaints as the E xtract. O ur Plaster is called upon by the host to entertain the company with and he never loved a human being in his gladness of her huing seemed dead in her. correspondent. The hours and duties will Air, Stillman B. Allen, of Boston, offers invaluable in these diseases, Plumbago. Pain some impromptu verses, when he gave the following.] Lucy Wheeler—you remember her—has disgust. “ You fellows get into my room be iigfit enough; cast in yonr lot with me m the Back or Side, Xc. Pond's Extract Is there for honest poverty life. Now don’t think Farmer Keep—why She moved about her house pale and quiet, the place in my heart next to yours. Her and clear out of the house as soon as she is 1 the following prizes to boys of the State'of Ointment (50cents) for use when removal of Grandma Dean, how do you do?” witli a look of patient suffering in her once —I will take care you have no cause to re­ • t !otking is convenient, is a great help in re­ W ha hangs his head, and n’ that ? disposition is 11s lovely ns her face, and that seated.” gret it.” Maine, of seventeen years of age and un­ lieving inflammatory cases. The coward slave, wc pass him by, Tlie lady whose entrance put this sudden sunny eyes, that made my heartache to be­ is saying a good deal, for its sweet beauty As we did. seeing Hal hand a chair (as der: * ’ • period to my cousin’s peroration, came hold.” I thought of niv “ friend,” and assented. HEMORRHAGES. Bleeding from the Lungs Stom­ And dare be poor for a’ that, does one good to behold it. Farmer Keep we glided by) with tlie deepest of mock The firm is Iinllion & Hathaway now,‘he To the boy who shall raise the most In­ ach. Nose, or from any cause, is speedily For a' that and a’ that, slowly toward the rocking ehair. Cora “ And her husband—did site ever tell him seems to idolize her and Bennie. IIo is a reverences, and an expression of extreme controlled and stopped. Our Nasal Syringes junior partner having married the senior’s dian Corn on one-eighth of an acre ofland. (25 cents) and Inhulers (50 cents) are great Our toils obscure an’ a’ that, drew it out for her. She was the oldest what she had learned? ” charming man now; I10 goes to church devotion on his handsome features. "Mak­ daughter. John Hornsey is their lawyer, aids in arresting internal bleeding. The rank is but the guinea's stamp, lady in tho village. The 'hair under her “ I think not. His father and Lucy’s had every Sunday. lie spares no pains or ex­ ing violent love to the old beast!” as he a man much respected in the profession. In tho rear 1880, TWO HUNDRED DOL­ HIPTHEBIA AND SORE THROAT. Use the Extract The man’s the gowd for a’ that. cap, white as hillside snow, had imprisoned died in less than two years after the mar­ pense in Lucy’s education, and she will be would have elegantly expressed it. Hal Trevor is just beginning to make astir LARS. To tho boy who shall raise the prom ptly. It is a sure cure. Delay is danger- the sunshine of fourscore and ten summers, riage. The Squire was mnchless wealthy W hat though on liatnely fare wc dine, an accomplished woman. She is here very as a fashionable physician. next largest quantity, FIFTY DOLLARS; hut she still retained much of the physical than was supposed. Tlie next spring Lucy often, and I have suspicions that Uncle Wear hodden gray, and a' that ? It was evening of the same day—a dull and to 1 In- live boys who shall raise the next Gio fools their silk, and knaves their wine, stamina which with her active tempera­ and her husband moved West and some­ Charlie—but no matter, I will not trust November evening, much in liarmony with cases, contains t ______ _____________ ment had made her so vigorons a woman how people lost sight of them.” this (p pen and paper. my thoughts, as I leaned against the door­ [From our regular correspondent.] largest qnantity. TEN DOLLARS each, and A man’s a man for a’ that, for many years. th e E x tra c t; our Nasal Syringe is invaluable For a’ that and a’ that; “ And Justin ? ” But now, Jennie, what a lesson lias all post of our bouse, and recalled the good Onv European Letter. if a hoy in York County shall win'the-first for use in Catarrhal affections, is simple and “ What’s that you’re saying, child, about “ You know the rest, my child. He lyo- inexpensive. For old and obstinate cases use Their tinsel show an’ a* th at; this taught mo ! How has it deepened my old times when life u merry farce for us prize, Mr. Allen will also give him a'flold our •• Catarrh Care.” An honest man though ne’er sae poor, Farmer Keep?” said the old lady, with a ciuno a moody, unhappy man, asking no faith in God and humanity. all. Echoes from Abroiul—London Fogs—Cravings Watch. The awards will be made.snbject PILES. BI.INI> BLEEDING or ITCHING. It Is the Is chief o* men for a’ that. pleasant smile, as she pinned her knitting sympathy and giving none.
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