Op Title List since Date: Apr 2, 2020 Publisher Imprint ISBN Title Author Pub Pub Format Status Status Last Month Price Date Return Date Audio Audio 1427209278 BEHIND THE WHEEL EXPRESS - FRENCH 1 BEHIND THE WHEEL 07/10 19.99 CD OP 06/01/20 08/30/20 Audio Audio 1427252068 24: DEADLINE SWALLOW, JAMES 08/14 26.99 DA OP 05/26/20 08/24/20 Audio Audio 1427258449 24: DEADLINE SWALLOW, JAMES 08/14 49.99 DA OP 05/26/20 08/24/20 Audio Audio 1427258457 24: DEADLINE SWALLOW, JAMES 08/14 69.99 PW OP 05/26/20 08/24/20 Audio Audio 1427258465 24: DEADLINE SWALLOW, JAMES 08/14 59.99 CD OP 05/26/20 08/24/20 Audio Audio 1427265070 24: ROGUE MACK, DAVID 09/15 26.99 DA OP 05/26/20 08/24/20 Audio Audio 1427270317 24: DEADLINE SWALLOW, JAMES 08/14 3.99 DA OP 05/26/20 08/24/20 Audio Audio 1427275165 24: ROGUE MACK, DAVID 09/15 54.99 DA OP 05/26/20 08/24/20 Audio Audio 1427275955 24: ROGUE MACK, DAVID 09/15 59.99 CD OP 05/26/20 08/24/20 Audio Audio 1593975317 DRAGON REBORN UAB CD JORDAN, ROBERT 11/04 84.99 CD OP 06/01/20 08/30/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 0747589321 MUSHROOMS WRIGHT, JOHN 05/14 25 TC OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 0747599394 TO THE WEDDING BERGER, JOHN 06/09 17 TP OP 04/17/20 07/16/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 0802743633 NABOKOV IN AMERICA ROPER, ROBERT 06/15 28 TC OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408154927 SECRET OLYMPIAN ANON, 07/12 14.95 TP OP 04/17/20 07/16/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408824329 WHO MOVED MY STILTON? TYERS, ALAN 11/12 19 TC OP 04/17/20 07/16/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408830906 THE LOVE-CHARM OF BOMBS FEIGEL, LARA 06/15 22 TP OP 04/17/20 07/16/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408831597 RETURN OF A KING DALRYMPLE, WILLIAM 03/14 18 TP OP 04/17/20 07/16/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408832747 THERE'S A GOLDEN SKY RIDLEY, IAN 11/12 17 TP OP 04/17/20 07/16/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 140884513X BITTER TASTE OF VICTORY FEIGEL, LARA 10/17 20 TP OP 04/17/20 07/16/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408845407 WOMEN IN DARK TIMES ROSE, JACQUELINE 08/15 28 TC OP 06/01/20 08/30/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408855569 MAMMISSIMA MINERVINI, ELISABETTA 08/16 35 TC OP 06/01/20 08/30/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408858258 UP AGAINST THE NIGHT CARTWRIGHT, JUSTIN 01/17 17 TP OP 04/17/20 07/16/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408865165 DROWNED DETECTIVE JORDAN, NEIL 05/17 18 TP OP 04/17/20 07/16/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408865734 THE HOLLOW OF THE HAND HARVEY, PJ 10/15 27 TP OP 04/17/20 07/16/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408866269 THE DUST OF PROMISES MOSTEGHANEMI, AHLEM 04/16 26 TC OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408866528 WORLD WITHOUT US JUCHAU, MIREILLE 01/18 13 TP OP 04/17/20 07/16/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408867516 SCARPIA READ, PIERS PAUL 05/17 18 TP OP 04/17/20 07/16/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408868261 DEAD ZONE LYMBERY, PHILIP 06/17 18 TP OP 04/17/20 07/16/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408868563 TILL TIME'S LAST SAND KYNASTON, DAVID 11/17 75 TC OP 06/12/20 09/10/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408872668 SEVEN TALES OF SEX AND DEATH DUNCKER, PATRICIA 01/17 17 TP OP 04/17/20 07/16/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408872986 MAN WHO BROKE OUT OF THE BANK AND W MORLAND, MILES 01/17 17 TP OP 04/17/20 07/16/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408880148 AGAIN! STEADMAN, RALPH 01/18 18 TC OP 04/17/20 07/16/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408880326 PSYCHOGEOGRAPHY SELF, WILL 01/17 30 TP OP 04/17/20 07/16/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1408893452 MATCH AYTO, RUSSELL 07/18 10.95 TC OP 04/17/20 07/16/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1582340137 THE TULIP PAVORD, ANNA 01/99 40 TC OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1582341303 THE TULIP PAVORD, ANNA 02/01 14.95 TP OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1582342032 RIDER KRABBÉ, TIM 06/02 19.95 TC OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1582342393 FLORENCE LEAVITT, DAVID 06/02 16.95 TC OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1582342873 FUTEBOL BELLOS, ALEX 05/03 16.95 TP OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1582343675 NOT EVEN WRONG COLLINS, PAUL 04/04 24.95 TC OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Jun 18, 2020 - 1 - 10:53:42 AM Op Title List since Date: Apr 2, 2020 Publisher Imprint ISBN Title Author Pub Pub Format Status Status Last Month Price Date Return Date Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1582343853 RATS SULLIVAN, ROBERT 04/04 23.95 TC OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 158234423X THEORIES OF EVERYTHING CHAST, ROZ 10/06 45 TC OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1582344345 HOKUM BEATTY, PAUL 01/06 29.95 TC OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1582344515 NASTY BITS BOURDAIN, ANTHONY 05/06 24.95 TC OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1582345082 LINE OF BEAUTY HOLLINGHURST, ALAN 10/04 24.95 TC OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1582345732 LOST LANGUAGE OF CRANES LEAVITT, DAVID 05/05 15.95 TP OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1582345805 OVERTREATED BROWNLEE, SHANNON 09/07 25.95 TC OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1582345910 YEAR IN THE MERDE CLARKE, STEPHEN 05/05 22.95 TC OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1582346054 HIGHEST TIDE LYNCH, JIM 09/05 23.95 TC OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1582346453 THIEVES OF BAGHDAD BOGDANOS, MATTHEW 10/05 25.95 TC OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1596910518 WEST OF JESUS KOTLER, STEVEN 06/06 23.95 TC OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1596911255 FIELD NOTES FROM A CATASTROPHE KOLBERT, ELIZABETH 03/06 22.95 TC OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1596911301 FIELD NOTES FROM A CATASTROPHE KOLBERT, ELIZABETH 12/06 16 TP OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1596911441 REAL FOOD PLANCK, NINA 06/06 23.95 TC OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1596912227 SO MANY WAYS TO BEGIN MCGREGOR, JON 03/07 23.95 TC OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1596912324 TERRA INCOGNITA DOWNIE, RUTH 03/08 23.95 TC OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1596912367 RESTLESS BOYD, WILLIAM 10/06 24.95 TC OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1596912405 SLUMBERLAND BEATTY, PAUL 06/08 24.99 TC OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1596912413 SLUMBERLAND BEATTY, PAUL 08/09 18 TP OP 06/01/20 08/30/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1596912952 RESTLESS BOYD, WILLIAM 08/06 16 TP OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1596913258 GEOGRAPHY OF OYSTERS JACOBSEN, ROWAN 09/07 24.95 TC OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1596913649 SOILING OF OLD GLORY MASUR, LOUIS P. 04/08 24.95 TC OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 159691372X BOTTLEMANIA ROYTE, ELIZABETH 07/09 17 TP OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1596913746 PHILANTHROCAPITALISM BISHOP, MATTHEW 09/08 27 TC OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1596913932 AFTER TAMERLANE DARWIN, JOHN 02/08 34.95 TC OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1596913959 HIGH ON THE HOG HARRIS, JESSICA B. 01/11 26 TC OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1596913991 BAD SAMARITANS CHANG, HA-JOON 12/07 26.95 TC OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1596914009 BOZO SAPIENS KAPLAN, ELLEN 05/09 26 TC OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1596914076 FRIDAY NIGHTS TROLLOPE, JOANNA 04/08 24.99 TC OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1596914440 VERMEER'S HAT BROOK, TIMOTHY 12/07 27.95 TC OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1596914599 HOUSE OF WISDOM LYONS, JONATHAN 12/08 26 TC OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1596914602 UNION OF THEIR DREAMS PAWEL, MIRIAM 10/09 28 TC OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1596914750 AVIARY GATE HICKMAN, KATIE 05/08 25.99 TC OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1596915285 EVERYDAY DRINKING AMIS, KINGSLEY 05/08 19.99 TC OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1596915331 FIRE IN THE BELLY CARR, CYNTHIA 07/12 35 TC OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1596915579 FAMILY OF SECRETS BAKER, RUSS 12/08 30 TC OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 159691565X BLUR KOVACH, BILL 11/10 26 TC OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1596915749 NOTHING RIGHT NELSON, ANTONYA 02/09 25 TC OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 159691601X GREAT WARMING FAGAN, BRIAN 03/09 20 TP OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1596916206 VALERIA'S LAST STAND FITTEN, MARC 04/09 24 TC OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Jun 18, 2020 - 2 - 10:53:42 AM Op Title List since Date: Apr 2, 2020 Publisher Imprint ISBN Title Author Pub Pub Format Status Status Last Month Price Date Return Date Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1596916508 METHLAND REDING, NICK 06/09 25 TC OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1596916524 MEANDER SEAL, JEREMY 06/12 28 TC OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1596916753 UNFINISHED BUSINESS KRAVITZ, LEE 05/10 25 TC OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1596916974 PEARL OF CHINA MIN, ANCHEE 03/10 24 TC OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1596917016 GAME PLAN FOR LIFE WOODEN, JOHN 10/09 25 TC OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1608190099 WATCHERS ALFORD, STEPHEN 11/12 35 TC OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1608190331 ART OF LOSING YOUNG, KEVIN 03/10 24 TC OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1608190366 SPIRIT LEVEL WILKINSON, RICHARD 12/09 28 TC OP 06/02/20 08/31/20 Distribution Bloomsbury Adult 1608190714 MR.
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