flASSfLBLAD PAN \\ lnstructionMonuaL Gebrauchsonweisung, Erugsonvisning, Manuol de lnstrucciones, Monuol d'lnstructions, Manualed'lstruzioni, Gebruiksoonwijzing, Manuolde lnstrugdeg Bruksonvisning, Kiiyttiiohjekirjl. flASSfLBLAD M 1098 311 www.orphancameras.com 15 28 24 29 25 30 26 31 27 32 33 rso www.orphancameras.com E' ffin l)^ S fln n6 a2- '5.6 4 I 11 'o-\D ?i-s 45678 'l r 45.68111622 I I L- -J r 1 I I L- -J BBBBBBBBBOODODO oa\ gl' I b, L-:la /t\ L_ r _J L- o -J ( L- + -J L- ;+3-J L-:la -J ffi /t\ / -r- .:ilf L_ r _J ffi ffi L- -J ru o L- o + - J /\ % /'), ^ L- -J ffi + L- J ffi ;+3- <D 0.8 m 1.0m 0.7m 1.2m 1.5m 2.0m 3.0m 5.0 m 10m oo f4 0.67-0.73 0.77-0.840.95-1.061.12-1.29 1.38-1.651.78-2.282.53-3.70 3.79-7.356.09-28.315.3-- f 5.6 0.66-0.74 0.75-0.850.92-1.091.09-1.331.33-1.721.70-2.42 2,37-4.103.45-9.14 5.24-* 10.9-o" f8 0.65-0.76 0.73-0.880.90-1.131.05-1.401.27-1.831.61-2.66 2.18-4.83 3.06-13.9 * Hasselblad 4.39-"" 7.71- 4l 45mm t11 0.63-0.790.71-0.920.86-1.201.00-1.511.20-2.02 1.49-3.09 1.96-6.50 * 2.64-56.0 3.57-"" 5.47- t16 0.61-0.830.68-0.98 0.81-1.310.94-1.69 1.11-2.371.35-4.001.72-12.7 * 2.22- 2.82-"" 3.89-"" t22 0.58-0.900.64-1.08 0.76-1.500.86-2.031.00-3.141.19-6.92 1.47-* 1.81- * "" 2.19-"" 2,76- t4 0.99-1.011.18-1.221.47-1.531.94-2.06 2.87-3.1s4.63-5.438.61-11.9 59.8-"" t 5.6 0.98-1.021.17-1.23 1.45-1.55 1.92-2.092.81-3.214,49-5.64 8.14-12.942.5-"" f8 0.97-1.031,16-1.241.44-1.57 1.89-2.13 2.74-3.31 4.31-5.95 Hasselblad 7.56-14.8 30.2-"" 4/90mm f11 0.96-1.04 1.14-1.26 1.41-1.50 1.84-2.19 2.65-3.46 4.08-6.47 6.87-18.5 21.5-"" f16 0.95-1.061.12-1.29 1.38-1.6s1,78-2.282.53-3.70 3.80-7.376.09-28.8 15.3-o" f22 0.93-1.091.09-1.331.33-r.721.71-2.42 2.38-4.10 3.46-9.20 5.25-136 10.8-"" HfiSS. fIBIAD l. [, ['.g,il,U ,[E[. I IOUnIt ['.il,,,fl [,, il il,;][ [ [: ,[ [' 0]'il [ Instructionmanuol r%N - a new way of seeing fhank you for choosinga HasselbladXPon.This comera incorporates on - I innovative dual formot focility providing a 24x65mm format futt pan- , oromo - as well as a conventionol24x36 mm formot on the samefilm. Thismeans you can hove all the convenienceand advontagesof the 35 mm format but con produce an image with one side wider than the 6x6 cm format. Put simply - medium-format panoroma quality from a 35 mm camerawhile stillproviding the option of the conventionalformat!The xpan was votedas "EuropeonProfessionalCamero of theYear1999 - 2000". ,i,1,;r;,1.,',;,;,;','i::i;i.'i:,i,rywi:+ti,ttiilt:liUiIt follows on in the well-establishedHasselblad tradition of superb crafts- l llnjii 1'.'.,,,'.r:'::,,',li manship founded on intensivedevelopment which has helpedcreate the world i'li.l'..illii.l..'.r,,.,',.'.' fomous quolity t"''.r..t,.';i nome.The and reliability of Hosselbladequipment was clearly ir ,,;rli .ll..''',,., witnessedwhen it waschosen by NASAfor the lunar missions. t;,r,liri .'.,,,.,..;,.,, ,;,:':;..'..,':r,;,: i- t TheHasselblad xPan is a feature-packedand highly professionaltool. rt in- ii',,,,"...''.'. '''.....,....1'.,.....,...'1.':.'f:. 11i cludes both outomoticfacilitiesand total monualoverridefor comDlete control .',.':,,,;,i,'. i ilill:i;l ; ,'. , ,,;': :;,::i to suit allsituotionsond workingmethods.Auto exposure,autobracketing,cou- yttlilii,ti;r.tlllitiliitilii pled rangefinder and pre-wind ore just someof the advontogeousfeatures. Thecomera body is robustlybuilt from oluminiumond titanium for the long working-lifeexpected from sucho cemero.The interchongeable Hosselblodlenses are mode to themost exacting standards producing excel- lentcoveroge ond'rozor'shorpness fortop quolity imoges.Digitoltechnology controlsa hostof functionsmaking comera use simplicity itself so you con con- centrotemore on composition ond imoge making. Thisinstruction manual describes in detailhow to operateyour XPon, so pleasereod it carefully,lfyou have o queryplease do not hesitateto contact yourdeoler - wewant you to be 100o/osatisfied!Your dealer can also provide you with the latestin newsand technicoldevelopments from Hosselblod. A quarterlymagazine - FORUM- is publishedwith the emphasison photo- grophicimagery featuring photogrophers from oll overthe worldto provide you with inspiration!XPan imoges now regulorlyappear Our internet site - vvvvw.hasselblad.com- isa source of general and technical information conceming HasselbladproductswhileXPan hositsown specificsite-www.xpon.com.You con olsoe-mail us - [email protected] forfurther inquiries, Weare sureyou hovemade o wisechoice with this excitingcomero. Hasselbladhove providedthe possibility,its now uptoyouto createthe images. Wewishyou good luckond lookforwardto seeingthe results! : :i':::ii:ii:iii:ii:lil.l::ii::i:i : ! ::: 1::: 4 601119116't'::i1,,:r,;:lilt;i;i 11Foffiin$ .''':, .::::. 5 |fitroductiott:'";,. 1l Rangefindeifffiiiilg i? De'th-offield.,'1..r,,.,1 6 Parts&components , .i..,. 21LCDilluminatioll , :,,,:, ,: 7 PartsdescriPtion | 2 FILM,.,..'..i.r....,,,,.i..,.i'... .': 21Close-rangephotography ' ,.1, 12 Filmspeed (150) setting 21Filmplaneinda, ,,,.. ,. .... 8 GETTINGSTA,trTED 13 Filmloading 22Self-timer: ::,: ....i',.l:.i..;i:.1,li.,ll.ll:lij 8 Attachingthe strap , ;,,:r,:i 14 [xposurecounter ; . , 22lnfraredphotography, l:,..,, .'' I Loadingthe batteries ll,l;'1. 23tlaSh,,,',,,,l,,1,:ll,.1,,ill:,:,.l.;;,':.l:l:::,::':.:;'l.1 I4VIEWFINDER 23ft ble releaig .:.: :::r.r,:r ::!i:i::r: :i:i' :ri:ri 8 Battery ch eck,, :,,,;,;;,,,.,,,,';',,:,,.,r,, power 23 Mid-rollrewind I ..,.,.,r,,,i.,,. 15 ftangingthe viewfinder eyepiece .1'.......,. '..ill... ;'li.illll:.lf. 23 Exposurehistory .....N1...... I [ENSES':;:'Ltii:',';:'ltil:::'i.i'11"':;;'it,i;i15 FORMAf ...i;:r'..i;if....i',..';il;..'lrill'..i'..l..l.lll:ii:,FilmPr,"sing...''lil1.;: .24 9 Lenscase t , 15 Standardand panorama 24 ACCESSOR'ES 9 Attachinglenses, 9 Removinglenses 16 EXPOSURECONTROL 26TIPS& REMINDERS 10 Lenscap 16Automatic y p ,,,,,, ,',', ,,,,,,', ,,,, it',,t.28 V ie wfi n du e e ie ce s e I e ct ion, ,. ... .'..., . 10 Lenscomponents 18ManUal ",.,, :'t29 Troubleshooting , ,, , , , 10Filters ,,,,,,,' 18 [xposurecompensation ir';,,:,30**rn^ SpeCifrCmiiinitt:i:.:.llili;i;ll11ii1. :'; iiili'l;i.. 10 Lensshade,,.,,.,..,...., 19 Auto-bracketing 33 Equipmenture,serviceondEtnrilftee "' procedures.Fluencyin operation of the camerawill allowyou to concentratemore on picturetaking. ln the text,themain LCDon the backof thecomere is referredto as'M/d'and the smallexposure coun' Becomefomilior with the voriouscomponents on ter LCDas'EC/ di thecamera by checkingthem ogainst figs l - 3 and thecomponent list.Avoid touching the lenssurfac- Positionsof componentsand orientationare de- esand takecare regarding the focalplane shutter scribedin relationto the cemeraas seen when tak' and formatblind whenopening the cameroback. ing a photograph,i.e. with the lensat the front, un' lessotherwise stoted. Beginby looding the batteriesso thot you can go through all the camera'sfunctions. The XPan is a Therelevant illustrations are indicatedby the fig- verysimple camera to operatefollowing well-estab- uresbeside the smallheadings in the text. lishedroutines and mostphotographers should be able to successfullyoperate it straightaway with- out anyproblems. Pleaseread'Film processing'before sending your exposedfilm to a film laboratory. Themode selector switch is the moin ON/OFFcon' trol whichactivates the camera.lnformationis pro- videdby two LCDpanels ond an LEDdisplay in the viewfinder.Read quickly through the main items in thismanualfor a generaloverview of theinfor- motion systemand the mechonicsof the camero. Thenread again more corefullythe relevant sec- tionsto gain a firmerunderstanding of individuol Parts & Components 17.Cameraback release catch 18.Tripodsocket 1. Filmspeed (lSO)dial index '19.Batterycompartment cover 2. Filmspeed (lSO)dial lock 20. MainLCD display panel (M/d) 3. Filmspeed (lSO)dial 2'.1,AEBbutton 4. Lensrelease button 22. LCDillumination button 5. PCflash terminal 23. Mid-rollrewind button 6. Viewfinderwindow 7. Self-timerlamp . 8. Brightframe illumination window 24. Shutterspeed selector dial 9. Rangefinderwindow 25. Shutterspeed selector lock 10. Hotshoe 26. Shutterspeed selector index 27. Filmplane index 28. Shutterrelease button 11. Formatselector knob 29. Exposurecompensation dial index 12. Formatselector release button 30. Exposurecompensation dial 13. Viewfindereyepiece 31. Exposurecounter LCD (ECld) 14. Cablerelease socket 32. Shootingmode selector 15. Straplug 33. Shootingmode selector lever 16. Filmtype window 6 17. MainICD display panel - main informationpanel. (Referredto in the text as'M/d') 21. AEBbutton- auto-bracketingmode. 22. tCDiffumination button - information and expo- of the Thefollowingisa conciseintroductory description sureLCD illumination. majorports of thecamero (the figures refer to theillus- f rewindbutton - rewindingflm before trotions1-3).Details of functionsond procedures can be 23. Mid-rof for foundunder the appropriote sections and headings fur- completion. - theron in thismanuol.See the main index for detoils. 24. Shutterspeed selecto r dial for manualor automatic shuttermodes. 2. Filmspeed (150) dial index lock - releasesselector 25. Shutterspeedselector lock - releasesselector fromautomatic (DX) film speedsetting. from 3. Filmspeed(lS0)dial - automatic(DX) and man- automaticsetting. for - ualflm speedsetting. 27. Film planeindex for critical focusing distance measurement, 5. PCflashterminal- forflash connectionvia cord. - 7.Self-timerlamp - countdown timerfor shutterre- 28. Shutterrelease button for camera activation Ieasewhen set at self-timermode. whenpressed half way and shutter releasewhen 10.Hot shoe - accessorfshoe with directcontact pressedcompletely. for - flashunits. 30. Exposurecompensation dial for rapid exposure variations normalexposure settings.
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