Psalm Psalm Psalm Sunday Cycle A: 1st reading Canticle Gospel (Matthew) Cycle B: 1st reading Canticle Gospel (Mark) Cycle C: 1st reading Canticle Gospel (Luke) Isaiah: Nations shall walk in Isaiah: Return to Your Jeremiah: A branch shall Advent 1 God's light 122 The end times servants, God 80 The end times spring from David 25 The end times Isaiah: Vision of peace from The coming of John the Isaiah: Speak comfort to The coming of John the Baruch: God will lead Israel The coming of John the Advent 2 the stem of Jesse 72 Baptist My people 85 Baptist in joy 126 Baptist Isaiah: Vision of the Isaiah: The Spirit of God is John's disciples & Jesus Zephaniah: Sing aloud, Advent 3 exultant land 146 John's disciples & Jesus upon me Magnificat (John) Zion Isaiah 12 John's teaching re Jesus Nathan: God will build a Isaiah: The promise of house for David, not vice The annunciation to Mary Micah: The Christ will The visitation to Advent 4 Emmanuel to Ahaz 24 The annunciation to Joseph versa 89 (Luke) come from Bethlehem 80 Elizabeth Christmas Vigil Isaiah 89 Matthew Christmas Midnight Isaiah 96 Luke Christmas Dawn Isaiah 97 Luke Christmas Day Isaiah 98 John Covenant with Abraham; 105 The presentation of Jesus in Hannah presents Samuel to 84 The finding of Jesus in Holy Family Sirach counsels families 128 The flight into Egypt birth of Isaac (NEW) (NEW) the Temple (Luke) Eli (NEW) (NEW) the Temple Mary Mother of God Numbers 67 Luke Vigil of Epiphany [Just has proper antiphons & [NEW] orations] Isaiah: Nations shall come Epiphany to your light 72 The Magi Baptism of Isaiah: My servant will bring Isaiah: Come to the water Isaiah 12 Isaiah: Speak comfort to 104 the Lord justice 29 The baptism of Jesus (NEW) (NEW) The baptism of Jesus Deuteronomy:my people (NEW) Worship (NEW) The baptism of Jesus The temptation in the The temptation in the God, who gives you the The temptation in the Lent 1 Creation of Adam & Eve 51 desert The covenant with Noah 25 desert first fruits 91 desert Abram leaves Ur at God's Lent 2 commant 33 The transfiguration The sacrifice of Isaac 116 The transfiguration Covenant with Abraham 27 The transfiguration The Samaritan woman at Destroy this temple ... Lent 3 Massah & Meribah 95 the well The Decalogue 19 (John) Moses & the burning bush 103 Parable of the fig tree Parable of the prodigal Lent 4 David anointed by Samuel 23 The blind man at Siloam The Babylonian Captivity 137 Jesus & Nicodemus (John) The manna ceases 34 son Jerermiah: I will write a Isaiah: I will create a new new covenant in your Jesus glorified before crowd Isaiah: I am doing The woman caught in Lent 5 Jerusalem 130 The raising of Lazarus hearts . (John) something new! 126 adultery The Passion according to Mark (note: Entry into Passion The Passion according to Isaiah: The suffering Jerusalem pericope can be Isaiah: The suffering The Passion according Sunday Isaiah: The suffering servant 22 Matthew servant 22 from Mark or John) servant 22 to Luke Holy Thursday Exodus: The Passover 116 John: The Mandatum The Passion according to Good Friday Isaiah 52 31 John The Resurrection The Resurrection according The Resurrection Easter Vigil varies varies according to Matthew varies varies to Mark varies varies according to Luke Peter proclaims the risen The first appearance to the Peter proclaims the risen The first appearance to the Peter proclaims the risen The first appearance to Easter Day Christ 118 Eleven (John) Christ 118 Eleven (John) Christ 118 the Eleven (John) The communal nature of The communal nature of Many believe and are Doubting Thomas Easter 2 the early church 118 Doubting Thomas (John) the early church 118 Doubting Thomas (John) healed 118 (John) Peter proclaims the Jesus & Peter at the resurrection fulfills the Appearance to the 11 after The disciples witness lake: Do you love Me? Easter 3 prophets 16 Emmaus (Luke) Peter convicts the people 4 Emmaus (Luke) before the Sanhedrin 30 (John) Peter proclaims the The Good Shepherd I Peter proclaims salvation The Good Shepherd II Paul preaches to the Jews The Good Shepherd III Easter 4 baptism of salvation 23 (John) by Christ 118 (John) in Pisidia 100 (John) Farewell discourse I Seven deacons are chosen Farewell discourse II Farewell discourse V Paul preaches to the (John): I give you a new Easter 5 to serve 33 (John): I am the Way Saul joins the church 22 (John): I am the vine Gentiles in Asia Minor 145 commandment Farewell discourse VI Philip, Peter & John baptize Farewell discourse III (John): There is no greater Council of Jerusalem sets Farewell discourse IV Easter 6 & confirm in Samaria 66 (John): If ye love Me Peter & Cornelius 98 love rules for Gentiles 67 (John): Peace is My gift Vigil of Ascension [Just has proper antiphons & [NEW] orations] Ascension Acts: The Ascension 47 Matthew 28 Acts: The Ascension 47 Mark 16 Acts: The Ascension 47 Luke 24 Farewell discourse VIII The Eleven & Mary return Farewell discourse VII The selection of Matthias (John): Consecrate them in Farewell discourse IX Easter 7 to the upper room 27 (John): Glorify Your Son to replace Judas 103 truth The martyrdom of Stephen 97 (John): May they be one Genesis-Babel; Exodus-God Descends on Sinai; Ezekiel- Vigil of The Valley of Dry Bones; 33; Daniel Pentecost Joel-The Outpouring of The 3; 107; Let anyone thirst come [NEW] Spirit 104 and drink (John 7) Farewell discourse: If you love me; the Father Farewell discourse: The will send the The first appearance to the Spirit will guide you in truth Comforter (John) Pentecost The descent of the Spirit 104 Eleven (John) The descent of the Spirit 104 (John) (NEW) The descent of the Spirit 104 (NEW) Psalm Psalm Psalm Sunday Cycle A: 1st reading Canticle Gospel (Matthew) Cycle B: 1st reading Canticle Gospel (Mark) Cycle C: 1st reading Canticle Gospel (Luke) Deuteronomy: Moses God so loved the world ... exhorts - "Was there ever The great commission Proverbs: The begetting of The sending of the Trinity Moses on Sinai before God Daniel 3 (John) a people...?" 33 (Matthew) God's self 8 Paraclete (John) Deuteronomy: Moses Corpus reminds the people of the I am the living bread ... The sealing of the Mosaic The feeding of the Christi manna 147 (John) Covenant 116 The Last Supper Melchizedek 110 5,000 Ordinary Isaiah: Israel as light to the The witness of John the The calling of Andrew The marriage feast at Time (OT) 2 nations 40 Baptist The calling of Samuel 40 (John) Isaiah: Zion's vindication 96 Cana Visit to Nazareth I: Isaiah: The people have Jonah gets Nineveh to Ezra proclaims the word Jesus announces God's OT 3 seen a great light 27 The call of the 1st disciples repent 25 The call of the 1st disciples to the people 19 reign Capernaum I: Jesus expels a Zephaniah: The faithful Sermon on the mount I: Moses tells of his demon and shows his Jeremiah called as a Visit to Nazareth II: OT 4 remnant 146 The beatitudes prophetic role 95 authority prophet 71 Jesus expelled Sermon on the mount II : Capernaum II: The curing of Isaiah cleansed and sent as The call of the 1st OT 5* Isaiah: Your light will shine 112 You are the salt of the earth Job's lament 147 Peter's mother-in-law a prophet 138 disciples Sermon on the mount III: Jeremiah: Blessed are they Sermon on the plain I: OT 6* Sirach: Choose life or death 119 You have heard..., but I say... The Law sets lepers apart 32 The cure of a leper who trust God 1 The beatitudes Sermon on the mount IV: Isaiah: I am doing something Sermon on the plain II: OT 7* Leviticus: Love your neighbor 103 You have heard ..., cont'd new 41 The cure of a paralytic David spares Saul 103 Love your enemies Sermon on the mount V: No Sermon on the plain III: Isaiah: Can a mother forget one can serve two masters; Hosea: I will espouse you A question of fasting: new Sirach: Speech bespeaks Remove the plank from OT 8* her child? 62 behold the lilies of the field forever 103 wine in old skins one's character 92 your own eye first Sermon on the mount VI: Solomon begs God to hear Deuteronomy: Moses offers parable of the wise and Deuteronomy: Keep the The Sabbath was made for Gentile prayers in the The curing of centurion's OT 9* the people a blessing & curse 31 foolish builders sabbath holy 81 man ... Temple 117 servant Hosea: I desire love, not Criticism of Jesus: whoever OT 10* holocausts 50 The call of Matthew The expulsion from Eden 130 does My will is My family Elijah revives a dead child 30 The widow of Naim Exodus: You shall be a holy Mission sermon I: the Ezekiel: I will lift up the lowly Parables of the kingdom: the Nathan rebukes David for The penitent woman; OT 11* nation 100 sending of the Twelve and crush the mighty 92 mustard seed his sin 32 Jesus anointed Mission sermon II: What you The calming of the storm on Zechariah: Jerusalem's hard OT 12* Jeremiah: The Lord is with me 69 hear in the dark... God's response to Job 107 the Sea of Galilee heart will soften 63 Peter's confession of faith Mission sermon III: Those The raising of Jairus' Journey to Jerusalem Elisha blesses the barren who welcome you welcome Wisdom: God made us daughter; the healing of the begins: Let the dead bury OT 13* woman 89 me.
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