July 27, 2005 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1631 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS PERSONAL EXPLANATION an institution that would 36 years later recog- throwing the Batista regime and establishing a nize him with its alumni achievement award communist regime led by Fidel Castro which, HON. HENRY E. BROWN, JR. for his ‘‘distinguished service to his profession despite enduring hostility of the government of OF SOUTH CAROLINA and humankind.’’ the United States has ruled the island for He first used his medical training to serve IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES forty-six years. his country during the Vietnam War, first serv- Today, as we observe the new familiar pic- Wednesday, July 27, 2005 ing as a General Surgeon for Deployment on tures of Fidel Castro speaking to throngs in the U.S.S. Ticonderoga, and then as an Or- Mr. BROWN of South Carolina. Mr. Speak- Revolutionary Square still in power after all thopedic Resident at Great Lakes Naval Hos- er, I am writing to notify you that I was absent these years, we need to examine the role U.S. pital. After his honorable service, he returned July 19, 2005. The reason for my absence policy has played in keeping him there. was that I had to have an emergency appen- to his native California to complete his ortho- dectomy at the Bethesda Naval Hospital. pedic residency at the University of California, I have long opposed U.S. policy towards Regarding the votes that I missed please Davis. Fidel Castro and Cuba, specifically the embar- see below for the way that I would have voted Throughout his illustrious career in medi- go, as I strongly believe that restricting travel had I been present: cine, Bill enjoyed many personal accomplish- and trade is a failed policy that harms the peo- Vote No. 383—previous question, ‘‘aye’’; ments. However, his focus always remained ple of Cuba, and works against the promotion vote No. 384—adoption of the rule for H.R. on the health and well being of his patients. of democracy on the island. It also denies citi- 2601, ‘‘aye’’; vote No. 385—Hyde amendment, For over two decades, Bill was an active zens of the United States the fundamental ‘‘aye’’; vote No. 386—Kennedy (MN)/Hooley/ member of the American Academy of Ortho- right and freedom to travel where they want Osborne/Souder amendment, ‘‘aye’’; vote No. pedic Surgeons. From 1994–2003, he led the and now denies Cuban Americans to visit their 387—Hooley/Souder/Baird amendment, ‘‘aye’’; AAOS, serving as Executive Vice-President & relatives living in Cuba. Chief Executive Officer. He then served as vote No. 388—Souder #4 amendment, ‘‘aye’’; In Cuba today, you will not find a Fidel Cas- AAOS Medical Director from 2003–2004. vote No. 389—Smith (NJ) amendment, ‘‘aye’’. tro weakened by our 45-year embargo, but a One of Bill’s proudest accomplishments at f Cuban leadership solidified by what can only the Academy was the creation of ‘‘Healthy be thought of as bullying tactics by the world’s PERSONAL EXPLANATION Athlete’s Initiative,’’ which provides medical strongest superpower against one of our hemi- screening for participants in the Special Olym- HON. MICHAEL G. OXLEY pics. He also, more recently, helped the Acad- sphere’s poorest nations which its people be- emy realize the program ‘‘Legacy of Heroes,’’ lieve is being made to suffer because of its OF OHIO opposition to the United States. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES a film chronicling the contributions of the sur- geons of World War II and the influence they I believe that the embargo has had the op- Wednesday, July 27, 2005 have had on modern medicine. The film was posite of its intended effect. It has actually Mr. OXLEY. Mr. Speaker, I was absent from aired on PBS and was distributed through the prolonged Fidel Castro’s rule and continues the floor during rollcall 424 through rollcall 431 Academy as a DVD. today to be effectively used by him to distract taken yesterday. Although Bill left us at far too young of an the Cuban people from the failures of his poli- Had I been present, I would have voted age, he made the most of every day that he cies by having them focus upon the embargo ‘‘no’’ on rollcall 424 (the Kind Amendment to spent on this earth. There was nothing in life as the source of the hardships they are endur- H.R. 525); ‘‘no’’ on rollcall 425 (the George that he wanted to do that he didn’t do. All of ing. This will not be a happy anniversary for Miller motion to recommit H.R. 525); ‘‘aye’’ on us would do well to follow his example. the Cuban people because of worsening eco- rollcall 426 (final passage of H.R. 525); ‘‘aye’’ Mr. Speaker, as Dr. William W. Tipton’s nomic conditions and increasing political re- on rollcall 427 (final passage of H.R. 2894); friends and family gather to honor this great pression, but Fidel will still receive applause ‘‘no’’ on rollcall 428 (the Pence Amendment to American, I am honored to pay tribute to one when he blames the U.S. embargo. H.R. 22); ‘‘no’’ on rollcall 429 (the Flake of Sacramento’s most honorable citizens. His Current United States policy toward Cuba is Amendment to H.R. 22); ‘‘aye’’ on rollcall 430 achievements are truly a great inspiration. I markedly out of touch with current world reali- (final passage of H.R. 22); and ‘‘aye’’ on roll- ask all of my colleagues to join me in acknowl- ties. Almost every nation has normal trade and call 431 (final passage of H.R. 3339). edging Bill’s invaluable contributions to Sac- diplomatic relations with Cuba, especially ramento and the United States of America. f those nations in the Western Hemisphere. f TRIBUTE TO DR. WILLIAM W. Even in the Cuban-American refugee com- TIPTON, JR. THE 52ND ANNIVERSARY OF THE munity, whose older members remain bitter START OF THE CUBAN REVOLU- about Fidel Castro and fiercely opposed to HON. DORIS O. MATSUI TION loosening sanctions, the younger members OF CALIFORNIA are beginning to support U.S. engagement IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES HON. CHARLES B. RANGEL with Cuba instead of confrontation. However, OF NEW YORK under the Bush administration the 45-year old Wednesday, July 27, 2005 IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES embargo, has been further tightened, severely Ms. MATSUI. Mr. Speaker, I rise in tribute Wednesday, July 27, 2005 limiting travel to Cuba and the transfer of to Dr. William W. Tipton, Jr., a man whose funds to family members on the island. level of career achievement was matched only Mr. RANGEL. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to The new rules permit Cuban Americans to by his passion for living life to its fullest. Sadly, acknowledge the 52nd anniversary of the visit the island once every three years—and Dr. Tipton passed away on May 19, 2005 at Cuban Revolution on July 26. It was on this the age of 64. As his friends and family gather day 52 years ago that Fidel Castro and a then only if they can get a license to travel to celebrate Bill’s remarkable life, I ask all of band of young men and women initiated a rev- from the Treasury Department. Additionally the my colleagues to join with me in saluting this olutionary struggle against the US-backed White House has also restricted remittances. outstanding citizen. Batista regime. On this day in 1953, Fidel Under the changes, Americans are permitted Born in San Francisco and raised in Sac- Castro led a small group of rebels in an attack to send cash only to a Cuban child, parent, ramento, Bill’s commitment to service began on the Moncada military barracks in Santiago sibling or grandparent—but not to cousins or as he entered the Catholic Diocesan Seminary de Cuba. While the attack was a military fail- nephews. at age 14 to study for the priesthood. In 1967, ure, it signaled the beginning of the Cuban If you were to visit Cuba today you will not he graduated from Creighton Medical School, revolution which ultimately succeeded in over- find people inspired by our embargo aimed at ∑ This ‘‘bullet’’ symbol identifies statements or insertions which are not spoken by a Member of the Senate on the floor. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. VerDate Aug 04 2004 03:01 Jul 29, 2005 Jkt 039060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A27JY8.001 E27JYPT2 E1632 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks July 27, 2005 the removal of Fidel Castro from power, but [From the Miami Herald, July 26, 2005] PERSONAL EXPLANATION rather you will find hungry families living in un- PATIENCE WEARS THIN ON EVE OF JULY 26 necessary poverty. In 2005 you will find a HON. HENRY E. BROWN, JR. SEVERAL CUBAN DISSIDENTS REMAINED IN DE- large constituency of Cuban Americans such OF SOUTH CAROLINA TENTION AS THE GOVERNMENT SCALED BACK as U.S. soldier Sgt. Carlos Lazo, who are an- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES gered and embittered by U.S. policies that PLANS FOR FESTIVITIES COMMEMORATING THE START OF THE REVOLUTION. Wednesday, July 27, 2005 limit visits with their family members to only once every three years. (By Nancy San Martin) Mr. BROWN of South Carolina. Mr. Speak- er, I am writing to notify you that I was absent You will find a Cuban-American constitu- When Cuban leader Fidel Castro takes to July 20, 2005.
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