E384 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð Extensions of Remarks March 5, 1997 TRIBUTE TO BOB JEFFRIES ica. The era of governmental abuse has come MICROCREDITS ARE ABOUT to a close and the buck stops with us. I urge EMPOWERMENT HON. EDOLPHUS TOWNS my fellow Members to hear the calls of the OF NEW YORK American people, and demonstrate your lead- HON. DAN SCHAEFER IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ership by setting the example and cosponsor- OF COLORADO ing this legislation. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Wednesday, March 5, 1997 Wednesday, March 5, 1997 Mr. TOWNS. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to f celebrate the life of my good friend, Bob Mr. DAN SCHAEFER of Colorado. Mr. Jeffries. VIETNAM VETERAN DREW PETER- Speaker, I recently had the privilege of partici- Born in Birmingham, AL, the grandson of SON RETIRES FROM GOVERN- pating in the microcredit summit held here in slaves, in 1907, Bob learned to cook at an MENT SERVICE Washington. I wanted to take time to introduce early age, using as he said, from food prod- this worthwhile program to you. ucts grown on the farm. During his career, he HON. DAN BURTON PovertyÐbe it in rich or poor nationsÐ worked as a musician, a chef in Harlem night- makes not just affected families and their sur- OF INDIANA rounding communities vulnerable, it erodes the clubs, and in restaurants around the New York IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES area. fabric of the nations in which they live. During the late 70's he cooked for a Mem- Wednesday, March 5, 1997 One of the best and most effective uses of ber of Congress, and fed most of the Wash- American foreign aid to combat poverty is Mr. BURTON of Indiana. Mr. Speaker, Drew through microcredits, the loaning of small ington community. Now retired, and living at a Peterson graduated from high school in South Brooklyn Heights senior citizen residence op- amounts of capital, usually around $150, to in- Haven, MI, in 1967, and enlisted in the U.S. digent entrepreneurs to start their own small erated by the Brooklyn Catholic Charities, Bob Army. He served two voluntary tours of duty in continues to cook for his many friends businesses. Vietnam with the 25th Infantry Division, where What are microcredits about? They are throughout the city. He is active and busy he was wounded during a Communist rocket about empowerment. The beneficiaries of this every day, visiting friends in need, continuing and ground attack and later received the aid tend to be predominately women. The pro- to enjoy the city and sharing his good humor Bronze Star Medal. Drew then served with the gram has an astounding rate of success; 98 and kindness with his large extended family. Indiana National Guard where he rose to the percent of loans are repaid on time and, in His 90th birthday was celebrated by 80 commissioned officer rank of captain, having fact, many of the banks set up to disburse members of his ``family'' at the home of Rita served in the intelligence and the security- microcredit loans have gone on to become and Allen Schwartz in Brooklyn Heights. Bob counterterrorism training field. successful full-service banks. insisted on cooking for the family and we were After receiving an honorable discharge from The goal of the recently held summit was to all thankful the good food and fellowship. the regular Army in 1970, Drew attended col- begin the process of assisting 100 million of Mr. Speaker, I would like to take this oppor- lege and continued his public service career the globe's poorest families work their way out tunity to wish Mr. Bob Jeffries a warm and by becoming a Michigan certified deputy sher- of poverty by the year 2005. These budding heartfelt 90th birthday. iff and later served with the Michigan State entrepreneurs will use this money as an in- f Police. vestment. The more money invested in this INTRODUCTION OF LEGISLATION In 1983, Drew accepted a position with the fashion will decrease traditional foreign aid TO REFORM CONGRESSIONAL Department of Defense in Indianapolis as a handouts in the long run. PENSIONS security-specialist at Fort Benjamin Harrison. I would like to commend microcredit experts During this time, he represented DOD as a who have shown what creative thinking can member of the Law Enforcement Committee accomplish, even when applied to an en- HON. BOB GOODLATTE on Crime Prevention for the 1987 Pan Amer- trenched and stubborn problem such as pov- OF VIRGINIA ican Games held in Indianapolis. erty. This solution holds real promise, not only IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES In 1987, Drew transferred to GSA's U.S. around the globe, but here in the United Wednesday, March 5, 1997 Federal Protective Service as a Federal law States as well. I encourage all my colleagues Mr. GOODLATTE. Mr. Speaker, calls for re- enforcement agent specializing in security. to investigate this program and to lend your duced Government spending have echoed During his tenure with FPS, Drew served as support. throughout this great Nation of ours. Unfortu- the acting district director in charge of the se- f curity and law enforcement staff and functions nately, all too often the voices of the people TRIBUTE TO THE 13TH COAST in four States. have not been heard by this Chamber. When GUARD DISTRICT these cries have been heard, the response With FPS, Drew also served as a criminal has simply been to shift the burden of budget investigator and security specialist, where HON. JIM McDERMOTT cuts. I believe the time has come for the Mem- among his accomplishments was to conduct OF WASHINGTON bers of Congress to lead by example. security surveys for the Office of the Vice IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Today, I have introduced legislation that President of the United States and Congress- demonstrates to the American people the men, plus counterterrorism surveys of Federal Wednesday, March 5, 1997 steadfast commitment of this Congress to fight courthouses and the Army Finance and Ac- Mr. MCDERMOTT. Mr. Speaker, I rise today against excessive spending by tackling the counting Center in Indianapolis. to pay tribute to the brave men and women largest perk in GovernmentÐcongressional In 1995, Drew was involved with the Presi- who serve in the U.S. Coast Guard. I extend pension plans. dent's requested Department of Justice review special recognition to the members of the 13th Our retirement benefits are ridiculously more of the security for major Federal facilities and Coast Guard District who so capably serve my lucrative than those of many private sector courthouses following the terrorist bombing of home district and the people of the Pacific and all Federal employees. Some Members of the Federal Building in Oklahoma City. His Northwest region of our country. Congress make more in retirement than most counterterrorism recommendations to enhance The beauty and grandeur of the waterways Americans could hope to make in a lifetime. security were adopted by Government agen- of the Northwest are paralleled by the dan- My legislation will slam shut the doors of this cies. gerous and unpredictable situations they congressional pension millionaires club. During Drew's tenure with the Federal Gov- sometimes present. On February 12, 1997, The bill I have sponsored recalibrates the ernment, in addition to completing training in violent weather off the coast of the Olympic formula used to calculate Members' pension. It management and law enforcement, he com- Peninsula threatened the safety of a sailboat changes the equation so that our pension plan pleted his bachelor of science degree in crimi- and its passengers. In the middle of the night is the same as that of any other Federal em- nal justice and a master of arts degree in ex- the Coast Guard responded to the distress call ployee. It also increased the age at which a ecutive development for public service from and saved the passengers. Unfortunately, one former member may begin to collect their ben- Ball State University. of the two Coast Guard rescue boats from the efits from age 50 to age 55. I want to take this opportunity to congratu- Quillayute River Station capsized in the strong The time has come for us to address the late Drew Peterson for his many accomplish- winds and high waves of the Pacific Ocean. gross disparities between congressional retire- ments and his devotion and service to our Three crewmembers were lost; the fourth sur- ment benefits and those of the average Amer- country. vived..
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