Lexem; plural [altern.] Beispiel (Bedeutung) Land / Region (Lindenmayer) country: state: district [hdg] language(s) Quelle (Lindenmayer) source / memo (Gebauer 20.02.2011) p. 1 actun actun Tun Kul Belize / Maya Courbon aguy Daján Derchén Aguj Mongolei AGUJ ahi Keana Momoku Ahi Hawaii Kempe ain ain Mizraq Libyen Courbon akhara ( hole or lair of an animal ) Südasien [ 1 ] Sanskrit www.hindunet.org akheta ( mine, cavern ) Südasien Sanskrit www.hindunet.org Ana Ana te Pahu Chile Courbon Ana Anatola Niue Courbon Ana Takagan-ana Japan andhar ( rock shelter ) India: Assam: Goalpara Assamese MISHRA, C P (2002), p. 3. andhara Andhar Maha Pahar ( 2 ) Südasien Sanskrit: Ramayana ( 3 ) BAJPAI, K D (1984) anjohi Anjohiambuvonombi Madagaskar Malagasi hmh: Laumanns et al, oder? αντρον [antron] ( 4 ) Hellas (Griechenland) (Alt-) Griechisch MENGE, H (1910 ed. 1974), 2: 166. antro ( Höhle, Grotte ) Spanien Spanisch PAZ y MÉLIA, A (1903) 1: 42, 2: 168, 191. antro ( Höhle, Grotte ) Portugal Portugiesisch WOLLHEIM da FONSECA, D A E (s.a.) 1: 38; 2: 148 antro Antro Rustam ( 5 ) Pakistan (Alt-) Griechisch COURT, C A (1839 map) arse Devil's Arse ( 6 ) UK: Derbyshire English arma Arma Pollera Italien, Ligurien ligure ashram ( 7 ) Atri Muni Ashram ( 8 ) India: Uttaranchal: Chamoli Hindi ayeghikipe India: Nagaland: Mokokchung Ao (Naga) Neil Sootinck, Shillong 2002.12.17 personal correspondence balme Occitan Explo Causse balme Blockbalme Östereich, Salzburg / Montafon SHB 5, Fruhwirth 1 Südasien = Pakistan, Bharat (India) einschließlich Andaman & Nikobar Islands, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Maldives (Malediven) 2 Andhar Maha Pahar (Sanskrit), Big-Hill Rock Shelter (Englisch), Großberg Halbhöhle (Deutsch) 3 Ramayana -- »the story of Rama and Sita and their conflict with Ravana is one of India's best known epics« (LONELY PLANET, India 2005: 1111), a probably 4th century BC epic in verses, ascribed to the sage Valmiki (Balmiki), tells the life and adventures of Rama, the Prince Ramachandra of Ayodhya (Oudh), whose spouse Sita got abducted by the demon king Ravana before she is set free after many adventures and a long battle. 4 »Grotte; αντρον« (MENGE, H 1910 ed. 1974, 2: 166). 5 COURT, C A (1839 map) indicates »Antro Roustam« at a location where Kashmir Smats, a cave reputed to lead to »Kashmir« (Srinagar), lies on the Paja Hill above the Swat Valley in Buner district, North-West Frontier, Pakistan. 6 »… Peak Cavern at Castleton … was originally known as "The Devils Arse" in older times and has recently been re-christened as such by its new owners for the purpose of attracting more visitors. The fist part of the cave is a show cave« (Brooks, Simon J 2001.08.30 personal correspondence). 7 ashram »spiritual community or retreat« (LONELY PLANET, India 2005 glossary: 1105). 8 The Atri Muni Ashram at Gopeshwar (N30°25': E079°20' www.nima.mil/geonames accessed 16.11.2003) or »Gopeshvar« (BÄUMER 1988: 69, 78 note 19), Gopeshwar, and »Gopeswar« (ATKINSON 1882, 12: 326) is a cave reputed to have been used as a troglodyte retreat by legendary sage Atri. It is entered »through a small opening, which, once passed, leads one into a large cave with alcoves in it« (www.mosaicindia.com/abode-of-god/caves.html accessed 22.12.2004). Lexem; plural [altern.] Beispiel (Bedeutung) Land / Region (Lindenmayer) country: state: district [hdg] language(s) Quelle (Lindenmayer) source / memo (Gebauer 20.02.2011) p. 2 balme Balme a Collomb Frankreich, Chartreuse Lismonde Bâme Bâme de Châtillion Schweiz, Jura Gigon bangala ( 9 ) Lakshman Bangala ( 10 ) India: Chhattisgarh: Surguja Hindi, Mahratti BALL, V (1873b: 246); YULE & BURNELL (1886 edited by CROOKE 1903: 128-129) barlang Matyas-Hegyi-barlang Ungarisch Kordos, Courbon barma La Barma grande Italien, Ligurien liguri bauma Occitan Explo Causse baumassa Occitan Brun baume baume Layrou Occitan ExploCausse, Courbon baume Baume de Longeaigue Schweiz, Neuchatel beher (rock temple, man-made cave) India: Maharashtra Marathi KOSAMBI (1965 edited 1998): 269 behia Behia lezia Frankreich, Pyr.Atl. Courbon belum Belum Guhalu India: Andhra Pradesh: Kurnool Telugu Sri Chelapathi Reddy, Belum 1981.12.27 personal communication bhilam Dattatreya Bhilam ( 11 ) India: Andhra Pradesh: Srisailam Webspeak www.sanctuaryasia.com/projecttiger/nagarjunasagar. doc (accessed 2005.01.06) bhilla Bhilla Narayana Gudda India: Karnataka: Anegundi Kannada Indian Archaeological Review 1963-1964: 102 bhoira Cochachia ka Bhoira India: Gujarat Gujarati ADYE, E H (1917: xxi); CRAVEN, S A (1969: 27) bhoiru Bhoira ka Bhoiru (cave at Bhoira) India: Gujarat Gujarati GEBAUER (2005b); WATSON (1884), 8: 399. bhuher India: Kerala Konkani ABRAM (2001): 352 bhuiyar India: Goa Kannada several local informants at Consua village near Verna, South Goa, 25.01.2007 personal communication bhuyar India: Karnataka Marathi sorri: Quelle verlegt / verloren bil Vasupujya Bil ( 12 ) India: Bihar: Bhagalpur Bihari HINDOO TRAVELLER (1824: 152) 9 bangala (BALL 1873) or "bangla" (Hindi, Marathi) and bungalow (Anglo-Indian), »the most usual class of house occupied by Europeans in the interior of India« (YULE & BURNELL 1886 edited by CROOKE 1903: 128-129) 10 Lakshman Bangala (BALL 1873b: 246) is a sarcastic Anglo-Indian version of "Lakshman's Bungalow": A rectangular, man-made rock chamber (2.85 m by 2.55 m by 1.05 m) situated »high up on the face of sandstone« on Ramgarh hill (Surguja district, Chhattisgarh state) »… to get to it over the rocks one has to use both hands and feet. A portion only of the side of the entrance remains standing. I saw no sign of any inscription near it« (BALL 1873b: 246). 11 The Nagarjunasagar Tiger Reserve (Nagarjunasagar Srisailam Wildlife Sanctuary) above the left (north) bank of the river Krishna Ganga upstream of Srisailam / Srisailem (N16°05': E78°52') »… contains a number of geo-morphological features e.g. rock shelters and cave temples such as… Dattatreya Bhilam …« (www.sanctuaryasia.com/projecttiger/nagarjunasagar.doc accessed 2005.01.06). 12 At an unspecified location somewhere »at« (inside or near) the town of Bhagalpur (N24°53': E086°55' Bihar) and »in front of that temple (now only a brick room) … [there remain two out of four pillars] in front of the feet of Vasupujya Tirthakara [sic! qua: Tirthankar]. At the bottom of the pillar, on the left hand, is a bil, or hole, into which it seems a man can pass: the Jain pilgrims, after worshipping the sculptured feet of Vasupujya Tirthakara, proceed to the mouth of that hole, and cast into it, cocoa-nuts [Cocos nucifera], cardamoms [Elletaria cardamomum], nutmegs [Myristica sp., conf. angustifolia], sweetmeats, &c. It is said that there are many Jain images in that cavity, and that all the ancient sages were accustomed formerly to go into the cavern to visit those images. On the east and north of the temple of Vasupujya are two tanks, and between them is a mango grove, where the pilgrims encamp« (HINDOO TRAVELLER 1824: 152 after an unspecified Oriental Magazine --not seen). Lexem; plural [altern.] Beispiel (Bedeutung) Land / Region (Lindenmayer) country: state: district [hdg] language(s) Quelle (Lindenmayer) source / memo (Gebauer 20.02.2011) p. 3 bila ( cave, hole, pit, opening ) Sanskrit, vedic ( 13 ) Rig Veda ( 14 ); www.hindunet.org bilam, bilamu Akkamahadevibilam ( 15 ) India: Andhra Pradesh Telugu z.B. der Ort & Tempel "Pedda Ahobilam" (N15°08': E078°43') bilam →billam ( 16 ) Belum Guhalu India: Andhra Pradesh "Anglo-Indian" Sanskrit, etc. DUTT, N V B S (1955: 121-122; 1962b: 552); SURVEY of INDIA toposheet 57-i/04 (edition 1984). billam Belum Guhalu India: Andhra Pradesh Sanskrit CAMMIADE, L A (1926): 175 ; FOOTE, R B (1885): 235; MURTY & THIMMA REDDY (1976): 214 bilum →billam Belum Guhalu India: Andhra Pradesh "Anglo-Indian" Sanskrit, etc. MEDLICOTT (1883): 4 bollum →billam Belum Guhalu ( 17 ) India: Andhra Pradesh "Anglo-Indian" Sanskrit, etc. FOOTE, R B (1884a: 33). bime Bime des Enfants Frankreich, Aube Chabert bir Bir Adnaniya Algerien, Jordanien Böcc El Böcc at Pilat Schweiz, Tessin boe [ →bou, →boy ] Kirilgoz Boe Pakistan Pakistan: Karakorum, Hunza Frenchman's Wakhi TIC 9-1993 DUCLUZAUX, Bruno (1994a) Boeucc Boeucc del Castell Italien, Lombardei natura bogda Bogda (Shella - Bholaganj) Bangladesh Bengali Tyler, Andy [Andrew Peter] 2001.10.11 personal correspondence bokka ( hole, orifice, aperture, pit ) India: Andhra Pradesh Telugu www.hindunet.org § 6310 Bòrna Occitan Brun borne borne aux Cassots Frankreich, Jura Courbon Bornha Occitan Brun bórnha Occitan Brun borra Borra Cave India: Andhra Pradesh Telugu www.hindunet.org § 6310: hole, hollow, cavity in a tree bou [ →phug ] Kilpit Bou ( earlier: Kilpit Boy ) Pakistan: Karakorum, Hunza Derbyshirish Wakhi BROOKS (1994): 14 bouche ? ( 18 ) Französisch WEIS & MATTUTAT (1974): 108. boy [ →boe, →bou ] Kilpit Boy ( renamed: Kilpit Bou ) Pakistan: Karakorum, Hunza Derbyshirish Wakhi BROOKS (1993): 3 13 vedic -- The oldest of the Vedic texts were written in "Vedic" (preclassical) Sanskrit (related to Old Persian). Later texts were written in classical Sanskrit. 14 Rig-Veda, »… the oldest of the Vedic texts, was composed over 3000 years ago. Within its 1028 verses are prayers for prosperity and longevity as well as an explanation of the universe's origin. The Upanishads, the last part of the Vedas, reflect on the mystery of death and emphasise the oneness of the universe« (LONELY PLANET, India 2005: 63). 15 Akkamahadevibilam near N16°06': E78°51': 850 m asl (Everest 1830, M. Narayana Reddy 1984.08.22 Mss or near N16°07': E78°52' (unspecified map datum, probably Everest 1830, SRINIVASULU 2004a: 4): »A relatively large, daylight-lit entrance vault (70 m wide, 35 m high and 30 m horizontally deep) gives access to four distinct, joint controlled rift cave passages, on average 2 m to 4 m high. A fifth cave passage leads to a low and broad cave chamber« in the Nagarjunasagar Srisailam Wildlife Sanctuary on the Nagarjuna Plateau above the right (north) bank of river Krishna (Kistna), about 180 km along roads south of Hyderabad (N17°22'31”: E78°28'28” WGS84) and about 16 km upstream (west) from Srisailam Hydro Electric Project and temple.
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