q^ I THE NOTRE DAME SCHOLASTIC ~o $3.00 THE YEAR MARCH 3 / 15 CTS. A COPY 1933 Coal. silk stockings .. meat —and the telephone Keenly aware of the problems of business, large and small. Bell System commercial men are con­ stantly devising special telephone plans to custom- fit service to the user's needs. For example, a plan they worked out for a coal distributor helped him to contact 50% more dealers. A manufacturer, using a telephone selling plan, sold 700 dozen pairs of hosiery through one Long Distance call. A great meat packer handles complex sales and distribution problems efficiently with the aid of planned Long Distance and private wire services. Systematic telephone plans are helping many users to build business—cut costs—handle collec­ tions—unify nationwide organizations — increase profits. And Bell System men are seeking still other ways to make the telephone more useful. BELL SYSTEM TELEPHONE HOME ONE NIGHT EACH WEEK . LOWEST RATES AFTER EIGHT-THIRTY March 3, 1933 One Tonight at 8 THE BENGAL BOXING SHOW Sponsored by ''The Scholastic''^ .:---«i? A knockdoivn in last year's shoiv, February, 1932. 7 Championship Fights FOR UNIVERSITY TITLES In the N. D. Gym With TUFFY GRIFFITH Refereeing 25c . and it's for Charity Two Tne Hchotasuc PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY p, (Office 4-5661 X-ray Expert Eye Glasses Properly Fitted rnone Jjjegjjg^gg 3.4041 Service - at Moderate Prices DR. E. S. LUCAS J. BURKE, Inc. Dentist Optometrist and Manufacturing Opticians 702 J. M. S. Building South Bend, Opposite Oliver Hotel Indiana Established 1900 228 S. Michigan St. Office Phone 3-3309 Res. Phone 5-1343 DR. B. A. KAMM DR. J. M. SINGLER Ear, Nose and Throat DR. E. A. PROBST Suite 526 Sherland Building Jefferson and Michigan D entists (10 to 12 m. Hours \3 to 5 p. m. South Bend, Indiana Phone 3-1254 405 Associates Building Office Phone 3-2574 Corrective Shoes Dr. E. J. Cain Dr. H. H. Rogers Residence Phone 4-6354 * DR. O. J. GRUNDY ROGERS Registered Podiatrist—Foot Ailments Eyesight Specialists 432-34 Associates BIdg. South Bend, Ind. Phone 4-8251 213 S. Michigan Street JlO to 11:30 a. m.. Hours ^2 to 4 p. m. • FRANK J. POWERS, M. D. DR. H. BOYD-SNEE University Physician Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Office at Hours: 716 J. M. S. Building South Bend, Indiana University Infirmary 12:30 p. m. to 4 p. m. Mwrch 3, 1933 Three THE SCHOLASTIC ia pub­ Entered as seeond-dass lished weck'y at the Vn'.vera- matter at Notre Dame, In­ ity of Notre Dame. Manu­ The Notre Dame Scholastic diana. Acceptance for mail­ scripts may be addressed to ing at special rate of postage. THE SCHOLASTIC, Publi­ Disce Quasi Semper Victurus Vive Quasi Cras Morihvnis Section 1103, October S. 1917. cations Office, Main Building- FOUNDED 1865 authorized June 25, 1918. EDMUND A. STEPHAN Editor-in-Chief JAMES S. KEARNS Managing Editor Associate Editors Desk Editors Features Staff F. GRANGER WEIL WALTER JOHNSON PATRICK CORCORAN JOHN CONLEY wnv «jrHftT7 -ftnTtv-ftT T>TTTfti^T LOUIS HRUBY EDWARD J. O'BRIEN LLOYD TESKE LESLIE RADDATZ ""^ bL-tiOI^ ROBERT DILLON wTTTTAitr noB-Tn,- „• ^,. WILLIAM KENNEDY BRYAN DEGNAN AVILLIAM DREUX Department Editors TIGHE WOODS The Week PAUL DOYLE LOUIS GIRAGI ^""" ^'"^ «OGER BEIRNE' Theatre Talk JQJJN D. PORTERFIELD GEORGE LEYES MirrHELL TACKLEY News Editor ROGER McGOVERN College Parade JAMES BYRNE Assistant News Editor RICHARD PREZEBEL , Staff Artist THOMAS FROaiOR.. .Assistant News Editor Business Staff EDWARD MANSFIELD RICHARD TOBIN Sports Staff ^^^-c-r^r ^-a- ^ a. * « JOSEPH BUCa ROBERT ERVIN FRED MACBETH ALBERT L. MCGUFF JOHN F. STOECKLEY....Graduate Ma^xoer JAMES A. HART JOHN McELLIGOTT JAMES F. McKEON NICHOLAS CONNOR J- ALBERT SIHTH Advertisina Manager FRANK KELLY MICHAEL WIEDL JOHN CARBINE HOWARD WALDRON RAYMOND J. NABER.. .Circalation Managtr JOHN WALKER EDWARD VAN HUISSELING HARRY McGOWAN JOSEPH SIMON VOLUME LXVI. MARCH 3, 1933 No. 18 S UMMARY Great closing rally enables cagers to beat Butler 42-41 NEWS in overtime 22 Fourteen Boxers Will Take Part in THE SCHOLASTIC Freshman wins Interhall track championship 22 Extravaganza for Bengal Missions Tonight 5 Tom Conley to return as assistant coach 23 Joe McCabe, Master of Ceremonies, Introduces Tuffy 350 Report at opening of spring football 23 Griffith :. 5 Introducing Joe Young 24 C. I. C. track championship to be held here next Fri­ University Theatre Will Stage Three-Act Comedy in day and Saturday .'. 27 Washington Hall, March 17 and 18 7 Keoganites to seek revenge on Marquette in Mil­ Debating Team Will Argue on Taxation with Michi­ waukee Tuesday 27 gan State Monday 8 •• Art Lecture in Washington Hall Last Night Attended by Many Students 11 COMING EVENTS Richard V. Murchison, Chicago Architect, Tells Engi­ neers of World's Fair Preparations 12 FRIDAY, March 3.—SCHOLASTIC staff meeting. Editorial Probation List for Second Semester Announced 13 offices, news, sports, features and editorial board, 6:30 p. m.; Bengal Boxing Show, Gym, 8:00 p. m. Band To Give Special Concert Tomorrow Evening 16 SATURDAY, March 4.—Basketball: Varsity vs. Wabash, Gym, 8:C0 p. m.; Band Concert, Gym, 7:30 p. m. FEATURES SUNDAY, March 5.—Masses: 6:00, 7:00, 8:00, 9:00 a. m.. Francis Fogarty, all-around Commerce Man, in Man Sacred Heart Church; Interhall basketball games. Gym, About 8 9:30 a. m. and 1:30 p. m. Abbey Players Reviewed in Theater Talk 9 MONDAY, March 6.—Wrangler Meeting, Law Building, The How and Why of the Notre Dame Bell System 14 6:30 p. m.; Debate: Varsity vs. Michigan State, at East Stirring Letters in this Week's Voice 15 Lansing, Michigan. Problem of Red Recognition by United States 16 TUESDAY, March 7.—Economics Seminar, 6:30 p. m.. Law Building; Pre-Law Club meeting, Law Build­ Notre Dame Actually Had Bathing Regulations in '60 17 ing, 8:00 p. m.; Patricians' meeting. Law Building, 8:00 p. m.; Basketball: Varsity vs. Marquette, at Milwaukee, SPORTS Wisconsin. Wabash game tomorrow to close home basketball sea­ WEDNESDAY, March 8.—^Lenten Services, Sacred Heart son; Johnny Baldwin's last game 20 Church, 7:00, 7:30 p. m. Dunnigan scores 20 points in skate race 20 THURSDAY, March 9.—Spectators' meeting. Law Build­ Track team ties Ohio State 52-all in upset 21 ing, 8:00 p. m. The Scholastic By Tighe Woods T HERE is something about the Junior Prom X ^^ too many students observe the season of that makes the most cjrnical sophomore forget to Lent in substance but not in spirit. You have all sneer for a mement and begin wondering who heard of the fellow who is going to give up cig­ she will be this time next year. It is not because arettes because he wants to get in condition for the motion pictures build their most touching spring football, or the one who is going to give scenes of college life around the Prom, nor is it up shows so he can save money. These are praise­ because the juniors give an elaborate party at worthy motives in themselves, but why make Notre Dame. There is something intangible Lent the excuse? Lent is a season of repentance about it, something that makes a smile seem and mortification, spiritual as well as physical. sweeter, and a whispered promise ring more true. If you are merely giving up cigarettes to see how Some day a student of the collegiate mind will much weight you can gain by Easter, you are try to reduce this atmosphere to scientific pigeon­ mocking one of the most beautiful and hallowed holes and then this glamor will be gone. Until practices of the Church. then — play Mister Band Leader, and may we V have "Day and Night" once more? V I NDIANA weather has been so satisfactory this week that our brethren from east of the Alle- 1 HERE is a story of Jake, the great Jake ghenies have taken to griping about the amount Bowers. One of our more widely-read sports of newspaper space devoted to sectional, regional, writers once said, "There are two extremes in and the state basketball tournament. Gentlemen, athletics—^flagpole sitters and intercollegiate two- please! Razz a Hoosier about anything else save milers! Jake is a two-miler, but more than that, his basketball, and he will merely give you that Jake resolved that he would stick to the two mile well-what-are-you-doing-here look, but for the until he won a monogram—even if he had to beat sake of peace leave that sport alone. Don't try to his own grandson to the tape. Now he has it, and break into arguments concerning the relative we feel it will mean more to him than the same merits of Washington High or Columbus High or token would mean to a man who won on some the dirty deal given to Anderson. They will calm break or fluke. For five years Jake has tried— down after this week is over, but right now we we hope the reward is as sweet as the anticipa­ of other states are all aliens. Speak lightly of tion. Indiana basketball at this time of the year and T you are mocking an institution as sacred as the home itself. For the good of the local homicidal w E may be stretching an ethical point by death toll, keep off that topic! giving space to such a materialistic paragraph as an atiiletic challenge, but we are going to take our chances on arousing the editorial ire and issue one. The five brave men and true who al­ T HE scripts are being passed around and the most win for the Orange and Black of Walsh Hall University players are at it again.
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