Scanning-- Shortwave -- Satellites -- Harr Radio -- Computers-- Internet Volune 20, No. 10 October3001 U.S. s4.25 Can. s6.50 Printed in the United States WW1 TF8GX e # 1)5Ling the World VP2EK MIGUILLA 1.0041. noor DL4ZAA ' GERMAN AMATEUR RADIO STATION EK6TA Also in this issue: Smoky Mountain Special ALeaf Looker's Frequency Guide "A versatile HF/6-meter receiver that offers a good measure of performance in a compact package. All mode capability for the ham and utility listeners and synchronous AM for the SWLs should make the 1R75 a popular choice for a wide variety of radio enthusiasts." - QS; 1/00 The IC -R75covers a wide O COMMUNICATIONS RECEIVER frequency range, 0.03 - 60.0 ICOM IC-R75 F 1453 SSB CW/RTTYFIL MHz'', allowing you to listen in USB 4 5.6 to a world of information. With CI II PIF AM I FM TS innovativefeaturesliketwin I _I Pal 8 9 rrrlEAIIIP 2 ATT ANTI AGC passband tuning,synchronous ' 20 10 FO.10 al CI 0 ENT AM detection, DSP capabilities, remote PC control and more - 41111111 A11411RFINOL MIN PVT VIM MW CLR shortwavelisteningiseasier . I WI' sat than ever. All this comes in a r SEA. SCAN PHONES 127,7113 .t141, .rfow compact,lightweight package CUM 111111 ill rim that can be conveniently used in your ham shack, den or car. RAMP ATT NR ANF AGC Winner of the "Best Value Receiver" Award in the 2000 Edition of WRTH -Editorial section, 2001 WRTH IC -R75 Pull out the weak signals! PULL OUT THE WEAK SIGNALS 100 kHz 60 MHz R75 Commercial Grade The IC -R75 sports a remarkable arsenal of signal detection weapons, ready for your command: Synchronous AM Detection (S -AM) A triple conversion receive system rejects image and spurious signals. Optional DSP with Auto NotchFilter Twin Passband Tuning (PBT) zeros in on signals by shaping the IF passband. All Mode Synchronous AM detection (S -AM) technology reduces signal fading in AM broadcasts. Triple Conversion Optional Digital Signal Processing (DSP) noise reduction in the AF stage converts analog SSB, AM and FM Twin Passband Tuning (PBT) Large Front Mounted Speaker signals to crisp, clear audio output - you'll hear the difference on the 'R75's large front mounted speaker. Large Display An optional automatic notch filter reduces interference by minimizing "beat" and "howl" signals. Well Spaced Keys and Dials Further tailor the 'R75 to meet your listening needs by installing up to two optional filters. 1000 Memory Channels To find out more about the 'R75, see your authorized ICOM dealer today. Visit www.icomamerica.com, Up to Two Optional Filters or call our literature hotline at 425-450-6088. PC Remote Control with ICOM Software for Windows N.0.0f ren`'"6,, ,, 4, , ,. , 1(0M makes it easy to get the frequencies you want. Our database, www.icomreceivers.corn from PERCOM, provides frequencies for your area. You download 1/4 BMW THE e them to your computer and easily load into your ICOM radio. swims ophon:,. ,oh.ore rn! ronneac' ICOM 0 Find out more Cellularheguenoes blocked, unblocked versions ovoilable to FCC approved users '2001 ICOM Americo, Inc 2380 116$ Ave NE. Bellevue, WA 98004 wmcicomamerica.com 425-454-8155 The 1(0M logo15 aregistered trademark of ICOM, lin specrhcanons ore sulnect to change without notice or Aomori R75MT801 ICOM Expand thepowerofyour WiNRADiO receiver These comprehensive, powerful WiNRADiO options complement the already sophisticated functions of WiNRADiO receivers with additional features, at surprisingly low cost. WiNRADiO Options 1/...1101461. MI Alfa CAIN ""JP,A.DiO for Mac With se,,,eral powerful analysis .111711,1 ee Introducing or Apple tools, tie :SK decoder makes it Macintosh su:port for easil, possible to determine thepopularexternal trans -nossion c iaracteristics tat WiNRADiO WR-1550e an unkicwn signal automatically receiver. Frequency using 10)(1. 1500 cr 3000 Series range 150 khz to 1.5 WiNRADiO receivers. GHz. (LS .arson errArdes cedular hequencits 825-849 & 359-894 MHz) Didi-al Suit ortable Power The AiNRADi0 Digital Suite expa ids the power of your char;eable WiNRADiO radio receiver with batter es, intelige numeral's digitaprocessinc charg ng ci-:uitr facilities. Mclucing weather fax and a levy I-te ACARS, packet radio. audit switch, this: ptio oscil as:opeandspectrum provices portabilit analyzer,squelch-controllec to external WiNRADi recording. and many others. 1000, 1500 an: 3000 series models atabase Mana I tom. Comme. PCMCIA Adaptor V. Access and maintainlarge =WM .1131.0,..0 ado ow Connect a W JRADi0 w a... selec-lois o- frequencies receiver toa laptop imiNnikes 114 rai 11=10...,1 MEWS am Includes a database of 300,00C 0411 It NA 4.11100 f. computer v.ith a worlc -wide frequencies. standard PC Card socket. WiNRADiO Telephone king Optio Cor- "- --rface Jo dio Facilitates remota control of revolutionwiththis external WiNRADiO receivers option and a W NRADiO using a standard land or cell radioreceiver! The phone line. The Lser controls major trunkin: modes there:Eiverrerr otely using are included: Motorola DTMF (tcuch-tonei commands, Smarttle-, & MPT 1327. which- are confirmed using a Jai digitized voice. Received audio signals can then to listened to USB Adaptor by the Jeer in real time. Connect a WiND.ADiO receiver to the LSB port of a PC. This o:tion fully complies with USB Specification 1.1. ilr:VtrlfritiMP can-ccstalternative to Please visit our website or email us conve Acne! VHF/t. HF antennas, for more product detais: the (-316 antenna is a compact inctoo- VHF/UHF directional antenna with a built- www.winradio.com in arnoili'ier. S Jitable for any [email protected] receiver (7 CONTENTS nitoring Ham Licensing in Canada 14 Times- By John David Corby Licensing requirements and operating practicesin Canada are slightly rII different from those in the U.S.- which can make for some interesting situations near the border. Still, the hobby faces thesame obstacles and opportunities as hams everywhere. Howare Canadians meeting the challenge? The History and Future ofRadio 18 By John Catalano This month Dr John looks at radio history- How did radio theory evolve? Which applications worked, andwhich didn't? How didwe get from crystal radio to software radio? Next monthhe talks to Bob Grove about the radio hobby market and speculateson what's coming next. Service Search: MWARAs 22 By Larry Van Horn Ifyou're looking for aneasy entry into utility monitoring, give aeronautical oisr.Coyer HF communications a try. Monitoringmajor World Air Route Area and Long Distance Operational Control frequenciescan be a passing amusement or keep QSLing the you busy fora lifetime. Ham Bands By Gayle Van Horn VJ.th many shortwave broad- casters leaving the airwaves, coun- try chasers may feel they are out of luc< when it comes to loggingcoun- Scan more than the great sceneryon the Blue Ridge Parkway - see p.64. tries such as Belize or Tahiti. Not so: most amateur radio operators cn HF art glad to respond witha QSL, and hems operate worldwide. The upcom-ng annual CQ Worldwide DX coraesis will provide excellent op- portunities to log many elusivecoun- tries N.i3 amateur radio. There are some tricksto QSLi that are unique to hams, bu: can be used bynon -hams. Here's how to make use of these tools c.f. the trade, complete with contact addresses and practical advice See story on page 10. Con our cover: If you're log- girg hams, they're everywhere! And cken where they aren't, there's no spot on earth too small to host pan amateur radio DXpedition. QSLs =rom the collection of Larry Van Horn. Reviews: MONITORING TIMES (ISSN: 0889-5341; Publishers Mail Two software programs that were Bob Grove addresses the hype sur- Agreement #1253492) rounding bug detectors and tests three is published monthly by top picks in Catalano's book when last Wit Grove Enterprises, Irc., reviewed, have recently received up-of tie many models available: Plus Brasstown, North Detector,and Carolina, USA. grades. The Propman 2000 propaga-Guard, EMR tion program and DXLOG 3.1 sched-MicroAlert. He finds they do have Copyright',C) 2001 Grove Enterprises, Inc. ule and logbook program have boththeir uses, though not necessarily as Periodicals postage raid at Brasstown, NC, added bells and whistles, which makeadvertised (p.88). and additional mailing offices. Short excerpts them even more useful as well as more Continuing our series on mobile may be reprinted wth appropriate credit. Complete articles may not be reproduced fun (p.82). shortwave reception, we look at sev- without permission. Speaking of fun, Cobra is taking to eral in -car options. This month Ken heart the teenage trend of wear ng FRSReitz looks at using your primary re- Address: 7540 Highway 64 West, radios as a fashion accessory. Their newceiver in your car, and using an after - Brasstown, NC 28902-0058 Telephone: ,828) 837-9200 SNAP microTALK comes with inter-market, in -dash radio - including the Fax: 1828) 837-2216 (24 hours) changeable faceplates inallkinds ofde-Sony XR-05600X which is reviewed Internet Addresswww grove-ent.com or signs and colors (p.87). by Alan Fuhrman (p.84). e-mail: [email protected] Editorial e-mail:mteditor@grove-ent corn Subscriptions: [email protected] tiailliAliar CONTENTS Subscription Rotes: $25.95 in US; $38.50 Canada; and $57.50 foreign elsewhere, US 4 funds. Lobel indicates last issue of subscrip- Washington Whispers Second Departments tion.Seepage 90 for subscription informotio:i. I lw (;tint- of Computer Security View From Above 63 Letters 6 Understanding Weather Satellites Postmaster: Communiccrions 8 The Fed Files 64 Send address chcnges to Monitoring Times, Stock Exchange 90 A Leaf Lookers Special Profile 7540 Highway 64 West, Brasstown, NC Advertisers Index 90 Tracking the Trunks 66 28902 -0098.
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