•\ A Newspaper Devoted Complete News, Pictures To the Community Interest Presented Fairly, Clearly Full 'Local Coverage And Impartially Each Week Published Every Thursday VOL. XVII—NO. 39 FORD'S, N. J., THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1955 at 18 Green Street, •Woodbridge. H J PRICE EIGHT CENTS Decrepit 30-Year Old Frame Portables Christmas Study Wins Still House Avenel, PL Reading Pupils Club Total By 3-2 Vote Is $417,000 In Edison J? " Two Banks in Township Slate of Cu'rcio, Dunhani To Mail Checks Next Sullivan, Yelenesies, Week to 3,150 Savers McCord Winners ^ WOODBRIDGE — Next week, EDISON—This township's vot- tlie largest Christmas check .ever ing public has indicated clearly will be sent to the largest number' that it is in favor of. a charter of Christmas Club savers, when study with a vote Tuesday of 3-2 in favor of the move. The vote the two township banks wUT mail was 4,015 to 2.273, $417,000 to 3,150 Christmas Club members. Elected as a slate to make the study were Dr. Raymond J. Cur- Checks from the Woodbridge cio, William J. Dunham, William National Bank- wil be mailed on S. McCord, Edmund Sullivan and Monday, _Fred P. Buntenbaeh, oashj.er,.-announced. Checks will Anthony Yelenesies. "be sent to 1,700 members, an in- As a result of the election, Edi- crease of 400' members over last son Township is the first county year 'and $62,000 more in cash. municipality to conduct this study as provided under the Faulkner Theodore. Brichze, cashier at Act. This township has a com- the Fords National Bank said Christmas Club checks from that mission form of government simi- institution will be mailed on .. .. - _._ _ j lar to those of Perth Amboy, New Wednesday, November 16 to-1,450, SMILES OF VICTORY: Joseph P. Somers, Democratic Municipal Chairman, is shown (second from Brunswick and Spotswood. an increase of 250 members over right) congratulating Mayor Hugh B. Quigley an 3 his running: mates on their victory in the local The township also put up a last year. The club will amount election Tuesday. Left to right are Committeem m Peter Schmidt, Second Ward; L. Ray Alibani, strong Democratic showing. It to approximately $210,000, he said. Third Ward; Mayor Quigley, Mr. Somers, and Co nmitteeman L. Charles Mangione, First Ward. gave John A. Lynch 59 per cent of the 7,944 votes cast for the Commenting on the continued ,state senatorial post. Other Dem- growth of the club, Mr. Bunten- ocratic candidates did compara- baeh emphasized the contribution that is made to the national econ- School 17 PTO's Patience ge bly well. omy when such a huge sum is dis- While about 60 per cent of the tributed. Individual security will voters pulled the "yes" levers on be increased/he said, when nearly With BofE. Growing Thin ieceives the local study question, an even bigger majority, 70 per cent, voted a third of the total is redeposited COLONIA—Stating their complaints regarding condition of the EDISON—Certificates of appre- in permanent savings accounts. playground at School 17 have been ignored, the Parent-Teacher "no" on the state water refer- Debts wil be reduced when a sub- Organization of the school in a letter to the Grounds Committee of ciation for volunteer work done endum. stantial slice is used to pay accu- the "'Board demanded immediate action so "our children, at least, at Perth Amboy General Hospital A total of 8,290 persons voted, mulated bills. Merchants feel the can have "decent" playgrounds. during the past summer were pre- 56 per cent of the 14,915 eligible (Continued on Pasre Eight) The PTO stated that a request was made to the board January 18 sented to 17 members of the Edi- voters. to repair the playground but that son Teen-Age Council last Satur- Win By 500 their request had not been acted day at the hospital by Anthony The decision of who should Panel Discussion upon. W. Eckert, director. make the local study was not .The letter, a copy of which was Thefts Reported nearly as decisive as the voters' The presentation marks the desire for a study; The Curcio sent to The Independent-Leader first time the hospital has award- Set for Tonight and signed by Mrs. William C. slate topped its five opponents by By Gas Stations ed volunteer certificates for such about 500 votes, with 5,407 per- Richards, chairman of Child Wel- work. Previously, certificates were EDISON — A panel discussion fare, reads in part as follows: EDISON — Police reported that sons voting on the question. on the "structure and responsibil- awarded to workers by the Wo- • Dunham led the vote parade "The parents of. our children four gas stations were, broken into man's Guild. with 2,869. Dr. Neil McDonald ity of political parties in Edison" are clamoring for immediate ac- and robbed on Tuesday. will be held1 tonight at 8:45 o'clock Certificates were also presented topped the losers with 2,322 votes, tion on this^ problem. Our chil- The major missing-item is an to Mrs. James Quaekenbush, vice 485 fewer than Yelenesies had. by the League of Women Voters dren are in constant danger, espe- in the Steiton Baptist Church. $80 flash camera taken from a car president of the Clara Barton The Citizens Committee for cially on rainy days. The cars Woman's Club, who accepted for Charter Study, which got the ques- .James Forgione, Republican coming to pick up the youngsters owned by Seymour Saidliner of municipal chairman; Stephen Staten Island, N. Y. Saidliner had the organization; Mrs. Charles tion on the ballot by obtaining in front have only one entrance left nis ar in Wira, youth conservation chair- 3,200 signatures on petitions, had Madge}-, .Democratic municipal from toman Avenue, which means P Gaza's /Service Sta- chairman, and two, committee Men, Amboy Avenue at Wood- man of the club, and to Barbara to settle for half a victory. The members. of each party will com- they must turn around in the Lucas, vice president of the teen- committee had selected and en- same area and go out that - en- bridge Avenue, Sand Hills section. prise the panel. Mrs. Ralph Jones, Sgt.: Joseph Merker investigated. age group. dorsed the McDonald slate. first vice president of the league, trance. We must have an exit. Earlier in the day, Sgt. Ray- Teen-agers receiving certifi- Roland Nydegger, committee will be the moderator. "The rear, so-called playground mond Jacobsen investigated a cates were Joanne Wira, Jqan chairman, indicated that his Committeemen and committee- is under two inches of water most, j theft of about $17 from a vend- Pederscn, Joanne Ferrogino, Judy group will stay in existence to women of the township's 19 elec- of the time, due to the drain pro- Ung machine at a garage on Route Jensen, Aurie Kantra, Marjorie continue its efforts for charter tion districts have been invited to. ijecting two inches *^ above the 1 at Orchard Street. Walter At- Szur, Emily Toth, Jean Lauritzen, study. attend; The meeting' will be open grade. Most of the classes must wood, manager, reported the Mary Lee Jago, Marie Milachik, He and the" o.ther committee to the public as an opportunity use this area for physical educa- theft. all of Fords; Carol Sivertson, Judy members plan to attend the pub- for interested citizens to meet tion. Complaints are constantly Young, Suzanne Voorhees and lie meetings that ,the study com- Patrolmen Adolph Muth and mission will conduct. local party officials and questions coming up at our Parent-Teachers William Fisher probed two more Judy Gulyas,. of Nixon; Leslie can be posed from the floor. Organization meetings, concem- entries. One was at Route i and Billings of Metuchen, Marion Democrats Win The Edison league is conduct- ingr torn clothing, bruises due to Main Street where Ludwig Fisher Schussler of Railway, and Patricia Township officials, especially ing this meeting as a part of the the.rocks and, most of all, mud. of Cedar Street, Menlo Park sec- Gerzanich of Hopelawn. the Democratic members of the state league program to promote ,-On many occasions in good tion, reported 300 to 400 pennies two-party "fusion" government, public, understanding of the legal weather the children are confined taken out of the cash register. were elated at the outcome. They arid actual relationship of politi- to their classrooms due to the The other entry was on Route 1 Lad Painfully Injured joined the victorious candidates cal parties to elections. ' XContinued on Page Eight) at Old Post Road, where Henry While Playing at Home in celebrating at The Pines after Koppen of 6 Caldwell Road, Nixon the returns were in. Park section, reported about $11 WOODBRIDGE ^- While play- Besides Lynch, the township missing from a • vending machine ing in his yard "Sunday, Leonard backed J. Edward Crabiel, William Tragic Need, of Desolate •cash box. Ricci, 8, 34 Third Avenue, Port Kurtz and David I. Stepacoff for Reading, cut himself deeply with State Assembly, and George F. a hook that was attached to a Baier, George L. Burton, Jr., and Homes Yule Fund Concern "OLD TIMERS NIGHT" piece of rope The boy was brought George Otlowski for Freeholder. By RUTH WOLK •EDISON — "Old Timers Night" I to police headquarters by a neigh- Stepacoff topped the Assembly WOODBRIDGE — Just suppose you were an elderly woman will be held tonight by Memorial bor, Joseph Giordano. candidates with 4,601 votes to and although you should be sitting in a rocker at your age you Post, VFW, Post 3117, in the post Patrolman Eugene Martin and 3,287 for Robert F.
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