5 AGENDA ITEM NO. 4 ARGYLL AND BUTE COUNCIL COUNCIL MEETING CORPORATE AND LEGAL SERVICES 2 JULY 1998 THIRD STATUTORY REVIEW OF ELECTORAL ARRANGEMENTS ARGYLL AND BUTE LOCAL GOVERNMENT AREA * 1. SUMMARY 1.1 In June 1997 the Council submitted its proposals for future electoral arrangements in the Argyll and Bute Local Government Area to the Local Government Boundary Commission, A copy of the Council’s Draft Scheme is attached at Appendix 2 1.2 The Boundary Commission has now considered the Council’s Draft Scheme and has I) published its proposals for the Argyll and Bute Area. The purpose of this report is to bring the Commission’s proposals to the attention of the Council. These propods are attached as Appendix 1, and the relevant maps are being issued separately to each Member. Copies of all of the maps will be on display at the Council Meeting on 2 July 1998. 2.. RECOMMENDATIONS 2.1 The Council is invited to consider the Commission’s proposal for future electoral arrangements in the Argyll and Bute Local Government Area. 3. BACKGROUND 3.1 The Local Government Boundary Commission for Scotland is currently in the midst of the second stage of the Third Statutory Review of Electoral Arrangements in Scotland. The Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 requires the Commission to conduct from time to time Statutory Reviews of Electoral Arrangements. The Act e defines “Electoral Arrangements” as meaning the number of Councillors of the Council for a Local Government area, the number and Boundaries of the Electoral Wards into which the area is being divided, and the designation of any Electoral Ward. The Commission must compty so fkr as reasonably practicable with the rules set out in Schedule 6 to the Act. These rules are included in Appendix 1 to this report. 3.2 It will be recalled that at Stage 1 of the review the Commission determined that the future pattern of representation for Argyll and Bute should provide 35 ElectoraI Wards. This is based on the criteria which the Commission use in relation to the desirable ratio of Councillor to Electors. Argyll and Bute is classified as sparsely populated arising from the particular circumstances of the geography of the area and the relative communication considerations which thereby arise. Within the Category of Sparsely Populated the desired ratio is 1:2,000. 3.3 Stage 2, which we are currently in, involves the Commission, having considered the Council’s draft proposals, preparing their own draft proposals, dealing with the boundaries of Electoral Wards. As regards these, the rules set out in the Appendix require the Commission in their consideration of electoral arrangements to have regard to any change in the number and distribution of electors likely to take place in the five years following the review - that is up to 2001. 3.4 The rules which the Commission require to observe require to give precedence to achieving, as nearly as may be, an equal number of electors in every electoral ward. This is to ensure, so far as possible, that each elector has an equal chance of influencing the choice of representative. There are, a number of related factors and the desprovide that regard should be had to - - The desirability of fixing boundaries which are and remain easily identifiable. - Any local ties which would be broken by the fixing of a particular boundary. However, consideration of these factors is subject to the overriding requirement of the rules as to parity. The Commission are also authorised to depart from the principal of equal representation on the grounds of special geographic considerations. This usually arises in sparsely populated areas, such as our own, and there are examples of that in the currently published draft proposals by the Commission. 4. SUMMARY OF COMMISSION PROPOSALS 4.1 The main features of the Commission’s proposals may be summarised as follows:- (1) There are to be 10 seats for the Helensburgh and Lomond Area (2) There are to be 3 seats covering Bute only (3) There is to be a re-drawing of boundaries such that there will be one seat less in Kintyre, with the main adjustment being in the immediate Campbeltown area, although with adjustments also to other Wards in Kintyre. (4) There is to be an additional Ward in the Oban Town Area with consequential adjustments to a number of other Wards (5) The existing Ward 10 (Islay - KilchomanKildalton) and Ward 11 (Islay - Kilarrow/Jura/Colonsay) is to be merged into one Ward. 5. THE NEXT STAGE 5.1 Public notice by the Boundary Commission, of its proposals and that these are available for inspection locally, is being published in local papers this week. Thus the Council, any individual member of the public, Community Councils, and other organisations have the opportunity to consider the proposals and to make representations to the Boundary Commission. The period for representations runs until the end of July. 2 5.2 Thereafter, the Commission consider any representations which they may receive and formulate their final proposals for submission to the Secretary of State €or Scotland. At the point at which the final proposals are submitted to the Secretary of State, these are again advertised by the Boundary Commission, and there is a second period during which any representations can be submitted to the Secretary of State about the Boundary Commission’s proposals 5.3 There is now a very critical time consideration regarding the final determination of boundaries by the Secretary of State, because after the Secretary of State has made the Order there is then a requirement on the part of the Returning Officer to recommend polling District Boundaries, and on the Electoral Registration Oficer to create the Register on the basis of the new Ward Boundaries, all in time for the 4 elections on 6 May 1999. There has been speculation on more than one occasion that the Secretary of State might not proceed to make Orders. In response, there has now - been confirmation on more than one occasion that the Secretary of State will be proceeding to make the Orders (because he has no choice in light of the Statutory Requirement on him). He has until 3 1 December 1998 to make the Orders. e Nigel Stewart 26 June 1998 LIST OF BACKGROUND PAPERS LOCAL GOVERNMENT (SCOTLAND ) ACT 1973 LOCAL GOVERNMENT ETC. (SCOTLAND) ACT 1994 GUIDANCE FROM THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION PROPOSALS FOR ELECTORAL ARRANGEMENTS FOR ARGYLL AND BUTE. 3 flrrmDI#TI . 9 LOCAL GOVERNMENT BOUNDARY COMMISSION FOR SCOTLAND . Chnirmnn: The Honourable Lord Osbvrne 3 Drumsheugh Gai-dens Seo-ern,?+: R Smith Edi nhurg h EH3 7QJ The Chief Executive Argyll and Bute Council Kilmory Castle LOCHGILPHEAD Argyll PA318RT 26 June 1998 Dear Mr McLellan Third Statutory Review of Electoral Arrangements Argyll and Bute Council: Provisional Proposals for Electoral Wards 1. I refer to the Commission’s letters of 29 March and 20 June 1996 which respectively announced the commencement of the third statutory review of the electoral arrangements required in terms of section 16(2) of and Schedule 5 to the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 as amended and informed your Council of the numbers of councillors considered by the Commission to be appropriate for equity of representation and the effective management of business. The letter of 20 June also invited your Council to submit a draft scheme of representation taking into account any views expressed to them by local interests. 2. The Commission have considered your Council’s proposals together with representations made during the period of public consultation and have modified the scheme where it has been considered, in the interests of electoral parity andor better boundary definitions, that changes would be appropriate. 3. The table at Annex A shows for Argyll and Bute Council the electoral ward names, the numbers of electors appearing on the 1997 register of electors and the forecast of electorate for the year 2001. The narrative descriptions of the boundaries are provided at AnnexB. I should be grateful if these could be checked against the maps and the Commission informed of any inaccuracies or ambiguities occurring in them. 4. Arrangements are being made for public notice of the Commission’s proposals as set out in Annex C to be given. This notice will appear in the Oban Times, Campbeltown Courier and Argyllshire Advertiser, Helensburgh Advertiser, Dunoon Observer and The Buteman from 2 July 1998. Your Council ax asked to make a copy of this letter, its annexes and illustrative maps, available at their offices for inspection by the public as indicated in the public notice (additional copies are enclosed for this purpose). The Commission would be grateful if your Council would return the maps after the expiry date for comments. Provisional Scheme Publication 1 Our ref: BYLI2M 5. In formulating proposals for electoral arrangements the Commission is required to have regard to the rules determined in the Local Government (Scotland) Act 1973 as amended. A copy of these rules is attached at Annex D. 6. Those wishing to make comments on the provisional proposals- are also asked to observe the following: + If comments are made in support of the proposals, or if they are a restatement of views previously expressed, it will be sufficient simply to state this fact, giving details only of fresh supporting material + If comments take the form of amended or alternative proposals these should be illustrated by a map or diagram. 7. Copies of this letter are being sent to those who received the letters mentioned in paragraph 1 above and to those who have expressed an interest in the review.
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