':. '•/"'•t^i'\' ',.. ,'" " 'V-. ' .' '*" • ' '-. ;• '' ,•./. .•.. JANUARY ?». 1853 . •• .' >- • .flu. l . be accustomed to the relatively There's Ice, ....,.„...• ,..,,,. ,_ .'; yf.. ••••'•••.r' ,_;_••••••-• or Musical Program low temperature: '.. •' r "But when the same motorist ape^ your Doctor phone you Slipperier hits ice at a slightly higher temper- ature, he may Rencounter a -situa- ntxt prescription to BARON'S Concert tion he is entirely unprepared to Chief Reports cope with," Chief Fischer said., .- where you will be served by our ; Presbyterian Church. "Some ice is more slippery than "It means that the winter motor- jther ice." • . ••••' ist ' must' slow down-drastically if Couples Club Will Chief William' Fischer, bj thehe is to cope with winter driving Registered Pharmacists with HEART HEART conditions: "Every test that-has FUND Cranford Poli'ee •• Department ex- FUND Sponsor Bucknell Unit plained that paradoxical state- been conducted gives added proof Prompt and Courteous Service. R w. o o p G RANFORD KENILWORTH Couples Club of the First Pres- ment today, by pointing out' that that even with the best special tires and with me help of tire chains, ' byterian Church will sponsor a temperature, has a great — and reduced Speed is a safety must concert Wednesday evening at 8': 15 generally unrealized ^ • effect on Vol. LX. No. 2 CRANFORDJ NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY. FEERUARY 5. 1953 winter time drivers." • 24 Pages — TEN CENTS p.m. in the Cranford High School :hc slipperiness of ice. The Cranford Police Depart- auditorium of the Bucknell Uni-* ' "So," he said., "wlien driving on icy roads, motorists Should consid- ment this month is" cooperating Baron's is known for their Award Winner versity Men's Glee Club. with the National Safety Council in Candidates for Board of Education Seats A program of sacred music, folk er the temperature' as well as the Township road surface." • • " ' a program to make .motorists ballads, semi-classical' favorites aware of the hazards that face all Low Prescription Prices. .and popular songs will be prcsent- Chief Fischer, pointed out; tha^ ice js more than two times as slick winter drivers. - x atr32 degrees (the freezing point) To Engage The glee club visited *Crnnford as it is at zero. , , * Making Calendars in February, 1950, and attracted "Stopping •• distances on ice.- at 1,100 persons to Cranford High 20 miles per hour may- range from Girls, in Mrs., Helen Skerratfs Appraiser -School. • •"-. : ••.',•.'' '' a "low'average of 110 feet at zero to Sherman School handicraft club Two Incumbents, Troulman, Mrs. Cbnley, " The general co-chairmen of the almost 250. feet at temperatures are now making spatter picture Waller M. Cooper, Heuer, Shire Candidates project are Mr. and Mrs. Herbert near freezing," he said. Lustre Cream Reassessment Pcogram Mitchell. Co-chairmen of the var- calendars. They' have completed ' For School Board at Election Tuesday "This extreme variation is theWoven potholders, shell jewlry, Expected to Start ••/- ious committees arc: ' Housing,, Mr. real hazard to unwary motorists," • A heavier than normal turnout is expected for Tuesday's school and Mrs. Harold Bennett and Mr. Chi<jf Fischer emphasized. braided plastic chains, beads and Early This Spring ^ HeaflfeA^y Dorian election in Cranford^ Five persons, including two incumbents, are. • and' Mrs. Robert E. Smith; stag- Bucknell .University's Men's Glee Club is shown albove. They will perform here Wednesday evening. He explained that motorists may finger painted book .jackets. A .-firm, of -eppraisers--to reasess seeking three seats %ithe Board of Education^ ing, Mr. and Mrs'. Norman H. Bru- . jfunaJdiive of the all real property in- the* township Cranford Committae<of ahe Amerl- > .The incumbenils arc Louis G. Troiitman, president of the board, bakcr; tickets, Mr. and Mrs. John is expected to be engaged shortly E. Allen; patrons list, Mr. and can Heart l; Aaaociaten will get who "is'running for a third threeryear term, and Mrs. Zena Conley, after the Township Committee ap-> underway this week-«ad with the f r Mrs. Paul J. Wright; ushers, Mr. chairman of the supplies committee, who is running for a second proves its' 1953 budget on March mailing of appeal letters to 5,500 term. The three other candidates'arek Walter M. Cooper'of 93 Cen- and Mrs. Nelson M. Lightcap.; and 2,,It was learned this week. Work local homes, it. was announced yes- publicity, Mr. and Mrs. George H. tennial avenue,Joseph P. Heuer of 33 Stratford terrace and E. Calvin, : ; on reappraising local property will terday by Ira^Dorian, chairman; Barlow. '"' - t4DE get underway early this spring and and iMrfciGk^ $hurftoa; co-chair-' I Shire ofsM Adams avenue. :• • '.,' ; Ushers at the concert will be will be completed by October 1. ofihe.ilbcalconimlttee. The • RaymondsCowperthwaite^ whose Norma Anderson; Betty Ann Ap- ' The Township Committee, it was Kjhai/.been set at term expiresHhii year, announced learned, has received proposals I VIA Hears gar, Doricc Harm, Priscilla kelting, BOS8 BETTY LOU FAEMER \! •»*WVT*I -V»< .)-"•' ',•.''';"•' '.:*.' he wodid not sifeek reclectiph. He Janice lKere, Carol Koyen, Joan from 10 nationally known firms. Proceeds from th* fund drive cited pressure of business. Ughtcap. Victoria 'Marrow* Cher- These." were analyzed and three --^ . —^ rm-r- will be used.-tu o sponsor and finance JOSEPH P. NEVER MRS. ZENA CONLEV LOUIS G. TROCTMAV In addition to elecHtjg trustees * ry Lou Rciman and Carolyn. San- FREE! • were selected for personal inter-' Candidates to the Board of Educatlort>^he vot-.' iord. ' • ' - views on- the.'basis* of their past crs wil be asked to cast lthrfi^bal- experience and general qualifica- DAR INames s^ \Under the direction of Dr. Har- ; and allied diseases; tp conduct a lots on the budget f6r the 1953^54 •'11 tions. •; •"• /•• ••'.''... program of education not only for school year. The following item» olckE. Cook, professor, of music 45c Cake of Yard|ey Soap AH members/Of the Township Board of Education N at Bucknell, the.men's glee club the-medical profession but for the Rush Hits will.be voted upon: Current ex- Committee: participated in inter- general public as well; and to build Coiiuuitlee Cliairmen will bte making its . annual mid- WITH .CHASE OF viewing the'Tollowing three firms: penses, $703,444.09; repairs and. re- winter ttrar which will take it to up' a; program of local community placements, $35,705.10; manual. J. K. B<well and Associates of service to help the individual heart Revie%4l>32 Work parts of Pconsylvaiiiia.'New Jersey, NewJJrunswick; Cole, Layer and raining, $24,294.04; and capital Betty Lou Fanner patient'through clinical and per- Five candidates for three posi- sutlay, $10,628.30. and New Ydrk. Tritmble of Dayton, Ohio; and.J. sonal care. ' The prograna will also feature a tions on the Board of Education Clemlnshaw"^ndl Cortpanyt of Selected if or Good In addition to the appeal letters, The polls Will open at 5 p. m. and medley of BuckWlJ sohgi, hunior- to be tilled in Tuesday's-school Cleveland, ..Ohio. Mr. Dorian said 75 heart fund Additional Employed election sipoke at an open house remain open until 9 p. m. Polling ' ous selections byihe glee club and .Following the "interviews,—it is Citizenship Award batiks: have been placed in local places are as follows: District No. ; Needed to Handle . program of the Village Improve- piano solos. ' ' . .understood the committee favored Miss Betty Lou Farmer, a> senior stores where residents, may place ment Association in the Municipal Sherman School at Lincoln, Included in the to\£ repertoire the' services of the Cleminshaw hvenue for voters residing within - • at Cranford High School, daughter .their loose, change. There also will Crowd, Heiiis Reports ' Building Tuesday night. The work are: ' "Tenebrae factaiS^sunt,*" "by Company, whose managing part- be a card party on Monday after- General Election districts one, two, of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Farmer of 7 Of the school board during 1952 Palestrina; "Cherubim Song," by ' tier, Leonard Cleminshaw, resides noon, February 16; at Koos Bros., An unexpected rush developed also was outlined during the pro- and six; District No. 2 — Lincoln fschaikpvsky; "Lo, Jai_ Voice to •in Short Hillrf! Thfofirm Is expected Blake avenue, ha^bcen selected as Rahway,-for benefit of the. local this week at the local office of the gram. ' '. V I.School at Centennial avenue, for Heaven" Sounding,""By Bortnian- ' to be awarded the contract next a good citizen pilgrim by Crane's fund, and a tag day will be held on State Motor Vehicle Agency, 17 voters, residing within General BARON'S Will Be OPEN THIS SUNDAY month. • ' . ; ' Mrs.'Walter, J. Conley, chairrnait Election districts five and ten; Dis* sky; "Brothers. Sing On," by Grieg; Ford Chapter, Dpugnters of the February 21 by local youngsters. North avenue, east, as 1953 driv- of supplies, who is completing her "Sing, Maiden. Sing," by Palm- trict No. 3 — Cleveland School for \ The Cleminshaw Company has American ^Revolution. Pointing out 'that more, people er's licenses and plates wen( on first term and is seeking reelection, gren, and Soldiers' Chorus from die of heart and allied diseases voters residing within General reappraised real property assess- Miss* Farmer and representatives salel. The rush was so heavy, ac- told of the work her committee "Faust," by Gounod. ments ' in Chatham, Montclaky than from all other causes com- jdid-Jdst year; .- Election districts three and nine! PliVIOUS BRAM) COMBED PERCALE MEETS - CHEAPER BY THE &-D0ZEN! of the chapter- will attend bined, Mr Dorian urged every cording to H. Ri Heins, agent, that and District 4 — Cleveland School , The medley of Bucknell songs Maplewood, Passalc, South Orange President Louis Troutman, who •SI will include: "Orange and Blue," and Verona . in- New Jersey- as fe^ence in Trenton 'in the. mid :al family to make some con- ifwas necessary "to add five full at Miln street for voters residing V •' ibution to the American Heart is making a bidtfor a third three- within General Election district .' "Ray Buckneli." "To Thee Buclt- well' as many other communities of March of the DAR Good Cit and part time workers to the pres- CALVIN SHIEE WALTER M.
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