WWW.THEFLORIDACATHOLIC.ORG | August 2015 FLORIDACatholic MIAMI ARCHDIOCESE Archdiocese backs Habitat home in honor of Pope Francis TOM TRACY while doing well in the food service industry, Florida Catholic correspondent managing a fast-food location in Coconut Grove. MIAMI | An ice cream truck jingled its After several inquiries, Ross interviewed way down a residential street as Kiondra for the Habitat for Humanity of Greater Mi- Ross and her three children arrived to see the ami program, and following a home visitation grassy site of their future Habitat for Human- and application process, she was approved ity home. for a soon-to-be-built, three-bedroom/two- No sooner had they parked the car than the bath single family home in Liberty City. The Ross children were busy picking flowers and Archdiocese of Miami contributed $60,000 frolicking in what will soon be their new front toward the home, matching a grant made by yard — no small luxury after eight years of liv- an anonymous Habitat donor who wanted to ing in an apartment building. honor Pope Francis, who will visit Cuba and “My kids are very active and I want some- the U.S. this fall. thing where they can come out and play, and Local parishes, schools, seminarians, and space for them to be outdoors is one of the big youth and young adult groups will contribute things I wanted,” Ross said. “This has more to the volunteer building effort, which kicks of a feeling of belonging because my grand- off Sept. 12 with Auxiliary Bishop Peter Bal- mother owned a house three blocks up and dacchino giving a blessing. Working 13 con- it’s kind of where my mom grew up, so it’s nice secutive weekends, completion is expected by that I will raise my kids here.” mid-December. And to make the Habitat home even more “Since being accepted into the program meaningful, it is walking distance to the same and helping at other Habitat houses, I look at elementary school in Liberty City her mother the colors and I am checking out other things attended. while helping paint, putting the windows in Ross has been a single mother since the age and now I am just waiting to do it on my own of 16. But that didn’t stop her from becoming home,” said Ross, who is required to complete a graduate of Miami Northwest Senior High 250 volunteer hours with Habitat for Human- and then Johnson & Wales University in ity. North Miami, where she received honors in The monthly mortgage for Habitat home- Kiondra Ross, recipient of the Pope Francis Habitat for Humanity home in Liberty City, criminal justice studies. With the help of ex- visits the future site of her residence along with her sons Daniel, left, and Kaydan, and tended family, she has raised three children PLEASE SEE HABITAT, 6 daughter Kayla. (TOM TRACY | FC) Hey, Catholics: ‘Let’s make some noise’ Archbishop invites all families, groups, movements to ‘picnic in the park’ Oct. 10 ANA RODRIGUEZ-SOTO in the park Oct. 10. “This was his So Colella and his staff got to phia. That’s one of the two week- and 10 a.m., they will be welcomed Florida Catholic staff idea,” stressed Colella, director of work. They planned a picnic for end events of the World Meeting of by music, praise and worship style, the Secretariat for Parish Life in the Saturday, Oct. 10, at C.B. Smith Park Families that Pope Francis will at- performed by local Catholic artists. MIAMI | Don’t worry if you can’t archdiocese. in Pembroke Pines — a picnic for tend. He will celebrate the closing Ennie and Cana Hickman, mar- get to Philly for the pope’s visit. A few weeks ago, he recalled, the every Catholic family in South Flor- Mass Sunday, Sept. 27, for hundreds ried missionaries from Houston- Archbishop Thomas Wenski wants archbishop came to him and said, “I ida, not just parents and children of thousands of people in Philadel- based Adore Ministries, will then to bring the spirit of Philly back to know people can’t go (to Philadel- but also spiritual families: parishes, phia’s Benjamin Franklin Parkway. offer a brief bilingual catechesis you. phia). What can we do for them? I’ve lay groups, movements. Archbishop Wenski will cele- related to marriage and families. That’s how Stephen Colella de- always wanted to do a picnic, just The picnic will begin at 9 a.m. brate Mass Oct. 10 at the Pembroke Before Mass, the archbishop will scribes the archbishop’s idea for an something simple to bring people and sort of resemble the Sept. 26 Pines picnic around 11 a.m. Before archdiocesewide Catholic picnic together.” Festival of Families in Philadel- that, as people gather between 9 PLEASE SEE PICNIC, 14 2 YOUR MIAMI COMMUNITY Florida Catholic August 2015 Cathedral ‘goes green’ with renovations New roof and interior LED lights will improve energy efficiency MARLENE QUARONI Florida Catholic correspondent MIAMI | St. Mary Cathedral is going green. “In keeping with Pope Francis’ Ruben Jimenez, business encyclical, Laudato Si’ on the en- operations manager for St. Mary vironment and human ecology, Cathedral, stands in front of the we made sure that much-needed machine from which workers renovations to the structure are touched up the cathedral’s five- environmentally friendly,” said story-high ceiling. Ruben Jimenez, business opera- tions manager at the cathedral and cathedral school. The renovations, begun this spring, include replacing the roof, painting the exterior of the cathe- dral, replacing the lights, chang- ing the sound system, re-staining Looking like a spider, the Teupen Leo series aerial lift occupies the floor of St. Mary Cathedral. The front all the exterior mahogany doors, pews on the main aisle were removed to extend the machine’s multiposition stabilizing legs. (PHOTOS and lighting the bell tower and BY MARLENE QUARONI | FC) dome. The work should be fin- ished by the end of August. under the roof tiles, reflective the same color exterior and roof donors funded the renovation “The cathedral was completed white material and energy-effi- tiles. project, which cost a little over in 1957 and still had the original cient LED lights should result in “It was a miracle to find the $500,000, said Jimenez. Church roof,” said Jimenez. “There were lower energy bills. “I can’t wait original tiles,” said Jimenez. “I administrators also sold some of many leaks in the ceiling and rain- to see the new electric bill,” said looked through the cathedral the old roof materials to bring in drops would fall on the main altar. Jimenez. construction file and found a slip some money. Pieces of the ceiling were coming Although the lights, sound sys- of paper with the name of the tile “The mother church of the Mauricio Cortez changes off where there were leaks. It was a tem and choir loft acoustics were vendor, Ludowici Roof Tile Com- archdiocese is in an inner-city lightbulbs in St. Mary Cathedral nightmare. We had to put buckets improved, church administrators pany in Ohio. We were able to find neighborhood so it was hard to while standing inside a basket on under the leaks.” wanted the cathedral to keep the the same rainbow-colored tiles.” the Teupen Leo series aerial lift. New, 5-inch foam insulation look of the original building, with The Archdiocese of Miami and PLEASE SEE CATHEDRAL, 5 CLASSIFIED ADS Contact 1-888-275-9953 or [email protected] RENTAL TRAVEL DUPLEX – 2BR/1Ba., a/c, near St. Dominic Par- SOLO WOMEN TRAVEL GROUP – NEXT ish, near Miami Airport. Adults only, no pets. Call TRIP: Fall foliage, Biltmore Estate, and Ashe- Alex: 786-317-0783. ville, N.C., Oct. 18-23. Motorcoach, hotel, 8 meals, tours, $525 PP double. Pick up in Naples and Davie. Women of all denomina- VACATION RENTAL tions are welcome; space is limited. Call Su- zanne: 305-481-4533. www.GroupTrips.com/ N.C. GETAWAY, 2,000 SQ FT – Mtn. home w/ solowomentravelgroup. two creeks, 3BR/3Ba., cent. heat/AC, fireplace, LR, fam. rm., laundry rm., satellite TV, fully fur- nished. $700/wk., most seasons. 727-376-1498. SERVICES ELECTROLYSIS, MEDICAL FACIAL and MAS- SAGE THERAPY – By appt. only. Free skin analysis. 6100 W. Atlantic Blvd., Margate, by 441. Sonjia Chin. Lic. Call 954-709-8106 or call Paula, Sue: 954-972-8699. RATES: $28 for first four lines, $5 each additional line. Discount on 3 or more runs. Add a color photo for $25. *** NEW ADVERTISER SPECIAL! *** FREE photo with your classified ad – 32692-0820 September 2015 only August 2015 www.thefloridacatholic.org YOUR MIAMI COMMUNITY 3 Cuban refugees find shelter at St. Brendan Parish, Camillus House Plight of ‘homeless’ group made worse by lack of relatives here, strained government resources ROCÍO GRANADOS La Voz Católica MIAMI | They came hoping to start a new life, but ended up sleep- ing on the streets for almost a week. “The journey we made from Ecuador is made by thousands of Cubans, but almost all have fam- Dr. Daniel Diaz Aguilar, one of the group of 12 Cuban refugees who Hospitaller Brother Raphael Mieszala, vice president in charge of ily here. They take them into their trekked through eight Latin American countries to reach the United Mission Integrity at Camillus House, welcomes the 12 Cuban refugees homes and help them begin the States, said he came here because “just stepping on American soil” to the facility, which was founded in 1960 by the Little Brothers of the paperwork, all those things. We Cubans gain a parole that gives them legal protection.
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