Real Projects for Real Volume 2 People The Patching Zone Real Projects Realfor Projects forReal Real People People The Patching Zone Volume 2 Table of Contents Colophon 4 ICOZ: an Open-Ended Approach The Product Machine, a serious to Video 65 game 127 Inge Ploum Inge Ploum, Ralph Boeije Preface 7 Anne Nigten The importance of moving 73 Teaching as research 131 Loes Bogers, Berit Janssen with Berit Janssen Words of thanks 9 contributions by Nicolet Sudibyo Anne Nigten Digital Art Lab polls: The Girl Geek 93 Collaborations 136 Colophon Innovation in Leisure Arts 11 Berit Janssen with contributions by Editor: Anne Nigten Ton Sandfort members of the Patching Zone team Digital Art Lab, New media, Copy editing: Lyndsey Housden and the Design Team new competences? 139 Translations Dutch – English: Annejoke Smids Graphic Design: Bosenco.nl and Madi Kolpa Project brief Digital Art Lab 23 ArijJan Verboon, Anke Asselman Interview with the Break it Down Credits General information on Zoetermeer team 99 Expanding the Community 151 All chapters of this book; on the theory and practice, were informed by our teams of talent- 29 Anne Nigten and Break it Down Jaap Bugter ed people, the commissioners, funding bodies, and mentors, The Patching Zone supervisory Tattoo 33 team board and the jury committees. We would like to thank all of them for the trust in these Ingrid Rekers Concluding conversation with early years of The Patching Zone adventure. We thank all contributors for their texts, visual mate- rial, pictures, input and ideas and all non-writers for making this possible. Goodwill 105 Ton Sandfort 157 Camp CKC 35 Kristina Andersen Anne Nigten © The Patching Zone, 2012, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike Anne Nigten 3.0 Unported License. Magic Moments 111 Biographies 162 Digital Art Lab polls: Loes Bogers All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, Relevance of digital technology Bibliography 167 recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the publisher. and Education 43 The Non expert 115 Emöke Bada ISBN: 978-90-817051-0-3 Lifelong Kindergarten 47 Berit Janssen Social innovation and Product www.patchingzone.net Machine 121 Where are we 53 Anne Nigten with contributions by Loes Bogers Ralph Boeije 4 5 Preface Anne Nigten PrefaceDirector The Patching Zone A year and a half after Real Projects for Real innovation, education and corporate innova- People Volume 1, The Patching Zone proudly tion. presents Real Projects for Real People Volume 2. This publication differs slightly from the Current developments in the amateur art sec- previous one; this edition is entirely devoted tor, the complexity of integral innovation tra- to the Digital Art Lab, a comprehensive inno- jectories and the results of the project were vation project The Patching Zone carried out, the motivation behind this monograph. But commissioned by and in close collaboration don’t worry, this publication exceeds the level with the Centrum voor Kunst en Cultuur, CKC of a project report by far. I am convinced that (Centre for Art and Culture) in Zoetermeer in everyone who intends to work with product the period from September 2010 to Decem- innovation, educational innovation or corpo- ber 2011. In the Digital Art Lab we worked rate innovation will glean ideas and inspira- with the CKC on an innovation trajectory for tion from Real Projects for Real People Vol- amateur art in the field of training, product ume 2. You will read, for example, how the 6 7 original, substantial ambitions, written in project will stick and will flow through to the very formal language, were given shape in sector. the workplace. The Digital Art Lab literally worked according to the creativity and in- Real Projects for Real People Volume 2 offers novation slogan: ‘Think big, start small, move a look into the Digital Art Lab kitchen from fast’. In Real Projects for Real People Volume very different viewpoints and perspectives, 2 you can read how the people directly in- which also reflect the richness of the project. volved immersed themselves in new matter The cultural and professional diversity of our and resurfaced with new insights. You will be team of young professionals keeps surprising involved in various collaboration forms and us with its amazing and personal viewpoints. see how this results in new formats and con- We expect quite an acrobatic attitude from Word of thanks cepts for amateur art education. This book you as a reader; we will take you on a journey will illustrate which mountains were moved from the meta-level to the personal, and from Anne Nigten by the Patching Zone team and their peers, a distant perspective to detail-level and back. Word of thanks the CKC teachers. How we worked on embed- This publication reflects as it were the way ding the innovation trajectory is something an innovation project works: dynamic and you will read about throughout the whole unexpected. Moreover, this book invites the book. This will be illustrated with quotes and reader to participate actively. For additional reactions from the teachers that are spread information please visit our website for the randomly over the book. I hope that you as online project documentation. Enjoy! a reader will be inspired by the open and hands-on way of working, and by the poetry and energy reflected by the whole project. www.patchingzone.net A substantial corporate innovation project such as the Digital Art Lab is a custom-made http://digitalartlab.patchingzone.net We would like to thank everyone who ple who subsidised the project in good faith: project and therefore would not be possible contributed to Real Projects for Real Peo- the Ministry of OC&W, European Cultural without the commitment and the involve- [email protected] ple Volume 2, especially The Patching Zone Foundation, Fund 1818, SNS Reaal Fund, VSB ment of the client. This involvement does not team members of Digital Art Lab, the interns, Fund, and the Municipality of Zoetermeer. only become clear from the contribution of graduates and supervisors and everyone who Real Projects for Real People Volume 2 by Ton worked behind the scenes! Our special thanks And last but not least, of course, we would Sandfort (director of the CKC), but also in the for the great collaboration in the Digital Art like to thank the teachers and all their col- concluding conversation I had with him. Kunst- Lab project goes to Ton Sandfort, director of leagues of the CKC. factor (Art Factor), the branch organisation the CKC, also the person who commissioned for amateur art, kept an eye on proceedings the assignment, to Audrey Samson, former from a distance the whole time, and assessed manager of The Digital Art Lab, Ralph Boe- the findings of the teachers for relevance and ije of Alares and ArijJan Verboon and Anke interpreted the usable parts for the sector. Asselman of Kunstfactor (Art Factor) and This way the knowledge we gained in the STEIM. We would also like to thank the peo- 8 9 Innovation Innovationin leisure in leisurearts/art arts/ education artTon Sandforteducation Director CKC Just like many local organisations for art is attended by 5,000 students, the average education, CKC Centrum voor Kunst en Cul- student attends lessons for 30 hours a year, tuur (Centre for Arts and Culture) is a not for the art educational programs brought out profit organisation in the municipality Zoeter- in the schools are attended by 10,000 chil- meer, running a leisure art school and pro- dren/young people. CKC employs a hundred ducing art educational programs for schools. people, eighty of whom are artists and teach- CKC offers multi-year courses as well as one ers, most of them graduated in music, dance, off workshops in the areas of music, dance, theater or visual arts. They work part-time for theater and visual arts. The leisure art school, CKC next to other artistic occupations or stay 10 11 home to take care of their family. Earnings and merge it with the present knowledge of into that of a ‘designer and conductor of of learning and experiencing. There is a place are forty percent of the turnover (3.5 million all our arts and education, so the idea of the learning processes’? Either way, learning is for art amidst carting, the climbing hall, the a year) and subsidies by local government to- Digital Art Lab was born. changing and teaching will diminish, never sport school, canoeing, paintball, snowboard- tal sixty percent. However, by doing this exercise we grasped the less CKC’s purpose is facilitate learning, ing… In short, people expect the arts to bring that digitization was only one of more far so it must design quite new propositions. them experiences with an impact, similar to CKC’s core process definition: developing, reaching interrelated shifts in consumer be- many other leisure activities, which have the programming, marketing, selling and accom- havior and preferences with respect to lei- Learning and producing effect of releasing participants from everyday plishing art education activity. Four closely sure time, the arts and learning. We foresaw Dutch leisure art schools have focused on cooperating units, the leisure art school, pri- that the traditional multi-year courses would learning where the production, presentation mary schools, facilities and marketing, sales & shrink gradually. Although those courses and sharing of the work produced is given communication execute this process, togeth- should remain at the center of our leisure art over to the realm of amateur art clubs and ‘People expect er with the finance & personnel manager, the school, we believed (and still do) that the in- associations, amongst which include orches- experiences director, and the CKC management team.
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