Fluctuations of Franc OHIO STAJTE HAS ALL-A'MERICAN PROSPECT | LYCEUM NUMBER Annoy Isle oi Tahiti AROUSED FROM — PAPEETE, aha.tr, Oct. LI.—The insta- bility mi the French franc has revived FRIDAY t*!V ii Tahaiti of establishing a local G 0 « • SLUMP, PIRATES unit of value indepeadent of the floe- t nations of the franc. Opinion m ex- (0 pressed that as Tahiti is so remote front Course is Being Present- France, and :s in the position mi having H- CAPTURE FIFTH / a constant credit trade balance, the your socks stay ed by Senior Class nanciai difficulties of the home coun- for Annual Fund try should no: bo alto and to unsettle i m # values and disturb business a this col- Johnson May be Called ony. The Qualen Company, first number on to Defend Team in filKLA WEAR GAITER* of a lyceum eoorse to be presented LONDON—The are »e*rm~ in Series if Brownsville during the winter by the girt* Third Time hi the erasex to high school senior class, will appear at gartered gaiters rainy their s..k stockings front modi Games are Played the high school auditorium at S o'clock protect 7( Friday of this week in a well balanced program of music, readings, hnperson- {By the Associated Press.) ations and comedy. The company is PITTSBURGH, Pa., Oct. 13.—Possi- composed of John Qualen, pianist, flat- j bility that his good right arm would ist, impersonator and Mr out*MS, and ULLBSy be called upon to withstand the great- Miss Evelya Green, comedienne. est siege it ever has known today loom- An advance notice of the attraction ed before Walter Johnson, grand* olJ says: • ** Barney,** tall and rawboned mounds- “Mr. Qualen and Miss Green are both i. the ooMheme needed to die myrntnm man of the Washington Senators. artists *n the truest sense of the wor purify and moot* the ran and aohiLoa * For the Pittsburgh Pirates, long dor- Tbere is a that you cannot af- program health. Price Sflfc. *Jd by mant. have awakened, and their bats ford to misi- Everywhere they have * ALL DEfGGWTAi have knocked aside the master of the with enthusiasm and keenest ap- ME/ESS met in a In hi.* moist ball, Coveleskie, | * from their audiences. Stanley Of f preciation desperate effort. With the Pirate I impersonations of the Swede, the Ital- hitters aroused there is trouble ahead ian fruit vendor, the old mvn and other for the men of Harris who only 24 characters, Mr. Qualen makes up on hours ago appeared Jo be well on their the stage in. full view of the audience. BELL way to their second world’s baseball The transformation from a typical 1 char- championship. young American to these various The long predicted recovery from a acters is marvelously quick and well hitting slump $hat extended through nigh perfect. four games of the world series came “Miss Green starred with Sir. Qualen yesterday. Backed to the very edge of in “Six Cylinder Love." one of ?lew the Corsairs reversed York’s comedy successes. 500,000 deffcat, suddenly conspicuous their attack with the veteran Stuffy In addition to her dramatic ability, Mclnnis covering first base, and inch Miss Green is a real musician, and with by inch they fought away from the it all ia one of the most charming en- on the line in hia» to see. Now the Aries stands three POLLARD. and a former ?.*ar at Scott High to him, for be played tertainers one could ever hope Sour precipice. By JAY E. ‘Joa0. I or run to Seedlings He can of the course are Orange for kick, pass for Washington and two Pittsburgh. COLUMBUS, O., Oct. 13.—These five there. Grim was looked upon as a like- :"prep" days. The proceeds exceeded all ex- and Ohio tSate followers have great a of the expense of the Mflnnia Leads Attack youngsters ar? blazing across the Big ly prospect, but he j defray part of him. He weighs 173. annual for the class this year. The Mclnnis, it might well be said, led Ten football heavens this fall as new- pectations in his first varsity game— hopes the Ohio Rein- Helping to fill the gap in the center numbers are being supplied by the them in their desperate effort, for comers on Ohio State’s squad. All ap- that against Wesleyan. At a Thousand the line caused the White and Brown and $25 into that when Bill Hunt, of Buckeye by Lyceum Agency man who had played beside Collins, pear to have won their spurs as regulars jectnd fray was of last guards and some attractions are premised. and Baker dtnew no fear. To him and although the season whose pal he has been for years, graduation year's splendid Barry near-regulars is was the individual star of centers are Jack Ullery and Ted Meyers. An advance sale of season tickets it was the fight of the old days of the is only a few weeks old. hurt. Grim lone the brother of a former Penn being conducted by members of the A^letics and he performed in a way to Foremost amdng them, judged by the the dav and scored Ohio'State's Ullery, State luminary, seems to haVe won a class. make the men about him gain a firm amount of attention he has received, is touchdown. Seed beds on Mile 11 r4 and West a of a of the com- at- center. Meyers, product footing. Elmer Marek, a Cedar Rapids, la., prod- Robin Bell, product place is ahe of the guards. believed* to have bined efforts of Parkersburg, W. Va., Cleveland, O., from all appearances, fought uct. A halfback, he is Persia at Stuffy,/ and weighs 184 and Meyers 195 Angered Levee (American Experi- all the to make for stardom. Lake F|rest Academy (Illinois), Ullery Company’s that last battle as an acknowledged qualities three are has had the call at quarter- pounds. They and the other general. To him, perhaps, McKechnie He weighs 172 pounds. Erie, Pa., Soviet, Report Says new all a Tole- back for the The job is sophomores. mental rates on turned at the eleventh hour and was Then there’s Freddy Grim, Buckeyes, BERLIN', Oct. 13 —An official report Farm). Special far^e rewarded, for Mclnnis, veteran of six received by the Persian Legation from world's series, was the coolest man on Teheran on the recent Turewman con- orders. W ill also have one ot the mo-t the field, exhorting his-mates to great- flicts conveys a bitter arraignmen of all heart authorities. er labors, and above working Go Back the Soviet stocks ot ornamentals in Pirates’ winning AIR and soul with the only Pickpockets BIG FORCE complete pitcher, Vic Aldridge, who scored his “BROKEN OUT” FACES second success, 6 to 3. South Texas after Decern fwrr L Let The reversal of strategy—for Mcln- to For Winter nis has been oised against left-handers City TO GIVE SHOW ARE NOT IN STYLE us do tor Es- and not right-handers such as Coveles- your landscaping yon.. kie—may yet carry victory into the Trouble for The girl* who can’t wear clothes which on smoky vales of western Pennsylvania. End of Summer Brings Metropolitan j timates cheerfullv made all jobs. are in style because they have eczema, Twenty-four hours ago conquest for Department Orders Wfnr rash, scrofula or a "breaking 1 McKechnie appeared impossible. Chief Return tetter, Police, Chicago Aver*; ‘Dip* Concentra- out" where it would show are more to Go Seven Games* Largest May be scolded than pitied, because there is in the attack- If the Pirates continue tion in in From Summer at Resorts in South Capital no need for them to be unattractive mood attained in yesterday'? American Rio Grande ing they I out-of-style dresses when they can get I vetory n Washngton it may well be Sanchez from a cell rid 'of these skin troubles so easily now. that the world’s series of 1925 CHICAGO. Ort. 13.—The end of sum- eral year*. euraped (By the Associated Press.) imagined and Wral- of trouble in the detective bureau two day* after Ek Oct. 13.— Black and White Ointment, Soap, will go to the seventh game, with mer mean* the beginning WASHINGTON. C., Land & Co. a coal thousand* of who For bi* arre*t by crawling through est of are surprising girl* Irrigation ter Johnson, after only two full days for metropolitan police force*. Probably the grea concentration atten chute. «e*»n wa* have had to deny themselves the rest, returning to the mound to face with it starts the migration of the pick- air forces the capital has ever J The of State and Madison I tion which more attractive girl < get, be- Lee Meadows who, although handicap- pocket from his summer haunts at fail’s junction ordered by the war department for the bu*'- cause remove ail trace of a sore has ob- course* baek to the city’s street*, called by Chicagoan* the they quickly f Farr I ped somewhat by arm, and race flight demonstration today over, is a favorite Experimental e*t corner in the world, these skin troubles. tained a of leisure and crowded thoroughfares. Lincoln memorial. long period But and wallets is operating spot for pickpockets. are in should be fit for the greatest perform- The filcher of purses The force is composed of the 45 They economically priced, there, tor/, many arrest# are made. The i*Oc size Ointment ance of his life. the nomad of the demi monde, says wheth ha\e been conducting mm.
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