Anderson_Index 6/17/04 10:35 AM Page 387 Index Symbols & Numbers ALE (Application Link AutoController, 95, 145–48, Enabling), 231, 321 152, 158, 243, 256, 263, /n, 181 Allocation unit, 27, 85, 170, 268–69, 300, 303, 306–8, /o, 181 204 315, 322 %pc, 338–39 AMD, 227, 366 client driver, 271 % privileged time, 313 Apples-to-apples testing, 27, console, 272 % user time, 313 48, 60, 73, 78–79, 83, 121, virtual client, 269, 272 9iRAC, 132, 156 210, 232, 292, 316, 320, AutoIT, 136–139, 157, 183, A 325, 351, 354, 363 198, 232 ABAP, 21, 39–40, 61, 177, 185, API. See Application Automated data collection 212, 238, 285, 312, 360 Programming Interface (scripting), 93, 160, 165, ABAP dumps, 285 (API) 180, 182, 260–61, 323–24 ABAPers, 7, 313 APO (Advanced Planner and AutoTester ONE (AT1), Active users, 44, 285, 305, 324, Optimizer), 4, 18, 25, 74, 182–183, 249–50, 253, 256, 351 88, 225–26, 235 263, 268, 275, 283, 289 ActiveX, 123, 137, 139, 142, Application layer AutoTester ONE CTRL+S, 263 144, 157 heterogeneous system Availability, 7, 30–31, 59, Advanced Planner and landscape, 226 65–68, 94, 98, 101–2, 121, Optimizer (APO). See SAP: Application Link Enabling. See 132, 150, 171, 178–81, APO (Advanced Planner ALE 183–84, 201, 222, 226, 244, and Optimizer) Application Programming 288, 292, 299 AGate (Application Gate, Interface (API) Availability through component of SAP ITS), defined, 95 Redundancy (ATR), 369 204, 302 SAP, 132, 182–83, 241, 255, Average load testing, 19 agent, 122, 147, 163–64, 268, 271, 290, 338 176–79, 184, 322, 352 Application server response B CEN, 150, 183–184 time, 80 Background jobs, 67, 77, 183, defined, 184 Application Servers, 77, 104, 331, 336, 338–39 OpenView (HP) SMART 124–25, 127, 136, 147, 150, Background noise, 241 Plug–Ins, 177–78 172, 195, 203, 210, 214–15, Background work process, 336 AIX (IBM), 103, 168, 313, 218, 228, 238, 281–82, Bar charts, 115 377 353 Baselines, 43, 48, 54, 57, 62, AL02. See CCMS Application Service Provider 75, 76, 80, 211–14, AL03. See CCMS (ASP), 24 223–224, 229, 239, AL05. See CCMS AppManager (NetIQ). See 300–301, 304, 348, 350–54, AL08. See CCMS Systems management 356 AL11. See CCMS ATR, 369 establishing, 292–94 387 Anderson_Index 6/17/04 10:35 AM Page 388 388 Index Basis, SAP, 2, 3, 10, 38–40, 42, Business Continuity Planning. RZ03, 312 90, 91, 96, 101, 105, 132, See DR (Disaster Recovery) RZ04, 312 158, 184, 223, 286, 310, Business processes RZ08, 311 335 documentation, 160–61, 242 RZ10, 239, 360 Batch jobs. See Background repeatable, 78–81 RZ20, 184, 239, 302, 308–9, jobs scripts, 242 323, 361, 386 Benchmark which to test and why, RZ21, 312 CRM CIC, 236 73–75 SA38, 312 generating new Perl code, Business Sandbox, 61–62 SAINT, 185 137, 140, 232 Business warehouse. See also SCC4, 240 high water, 123 SAP: Business Information SCC8, 239 repeatable, 136 Warehouse (BW) SCCL, 239 standard (SAP), 72, 86, 109, loads, 50, 225 scripting, 150, 182, 261, 341 137 stress testing, 47–50 SE13, 330 starting point for custom Buy–in, 32, 187, 191, 253, 268 SE38, 150–51, 312 testing, 25, 27, 225, 235, SM04, 150, 181, 200, 239, 257 C 310, 325 variables (control), 26–27, CA Unicenter, 177 SM12, 312, 326, 327 223, 246–51, 256, 261, Capacity on Demand (COD), SM13, 312, 326, 327 263 24–25 SM21, 312 Best practices, 1, 16, 118, 202, Capacity planning, 12, 37, 54, SM36, 238 223, 299, 330, 352, 366 123, 162, 192, 215, 218, SM37, 238, 311 network, 127 287, 295 SM50, 239, 310–11 performance tuning and Carrying capacity, 375–76 SM51, 239, 261, 300, 312 stress testing, 1, 16 CATT (SAP Computer-Aided SM59, 300, 312 rebooting prior to testing, Test Tool), 91, 143–49, 221, SM64, 238 234, 299 243 SM66, 239, 305–6, 310, script recording and writing, CCMon. See Monitoring tools 311, 323, 325, 353 142–43, 259–60 CCMS (SAP Computing Center SMGW, 311 security, 127 Management System and SMLG, 311, 318, 325 sources of, 352 T–codes) SMQS, 311 staffing testing AL02, 311 SSAA, 312, 381 organizations, 89, 92–97 AL03, 311 ST01, 312 test package assembly, AL05, 311 ST02, 215, 239, 310, 222–24 AL08, 77, 83, 181–82, 215, 329–30, 358, 361, 381 WAST, 118 239, 261, 281, 305, 310, ST03, 49, 150, 181–83, 215, Big hair, 31 325, 338 219, 227, 236–37, 263, Biztalk (Microsoft), 230 AL11, 239, 312 303, 310, 320, 330, 333, Blocksize. See Allocation unit DB02, 150, 181, 239, 302, 335–39, 356, 358, BMC Patrol. See Systems 325, 356 361–62, 381, 383 management: Patrol (BMC) DB05, 330–31, 333, 358 ST03G, 335, 337, 338 Body of knowledge, 23, 188 DB13, 239, 358 ST03N, 182–83, 219, 310, Bottleneck historical ST07, 337 335–38 defined, 17, 19 monitoring, 38–39, 159–60, ST03x, 335, 337 forever–shifting, 26 300–3, 381 ST04, 150, 181–82, 200, Breakout Software MonitorIT, monitoring infrastructure, 215, 239, 302, 303, 310, 163 195, 290–92 326, 328, 335, 356–57, Bstat, 171 OS01, 239 361, 381 Budgets, 16, 92, 241 OS07, 181 ST05, 312, 361 Anderson_Index 6/17/04 10:35 AM Page 389 Index 389 ST06, 150, 181, 215, 239, Collaboration, 30, 41, 58 Core script development, 303, 305, 310, 333, 381 Collaboration Engine (SRM), 54 243–44 ST07, 150, 181, 215, 239, Collecting statistics, 321–25, Costs 305–6, 310, 337, 358 328, 333–37 acquisition, 377 ST09, 311 Commands (OS) delta analysis, 377–378 ST10, 330–31, 358 bstat, 171 downtime, 35 ST11, 312 chkdsk, 170 lifecycle, 377 ST12, 311 estat, 171 staffing (people costs), 35, ST22, 312 glance, 168 377–378 STAD, 186, 310–11, gpm, 168 standardization, 30–31 320–21, 324, 330, 333, iostat, 168, 171 CPUs 335, 338–39 lsdev, 168 delta testing, 72, 121, 279, STAT, 310 ping, 138, 163, 372 363 STATRACE, 186, 323 ps, 168 Crash and burn resources Central Instance (CI), 170, 195, sar, 168 (C&B), 196 214, 255, 358, 360, 370 swapinfo, 168, 283 CRM (Customer Relationship Change Control. See Change top, 168, 282 Management). See SAP: Management tracert, 138 Customer Relationship Change Management, 10, 34, vmstat, 168, 282 Management (CRM) 53, 91–92, 101–2, 180, 319 w, 168 Cross-application business Change Waves, 7, 23, 30, 49, Comparative analysis, 130 processes, 25, 56, 225, 236, 89 Competency Centers, 99, 112, 282, 352 Character sets. See Unicode 187, 352, 376 CSV (comma-separated value), CheckIt Diagnostics (or benefits of using, 191–92 175 CheckIt Utilities), 115–16, Component testing, 110, 123, Current–state baseline, 160, 162–63, 212, 213 128, 136, 159, 231–32 193, 376 Checklists Components (mySAP). See Current–state documentation, execution, 173, 192–93, SAP 160–65 205–6, 295, 301, 304, Compression, 12, 171 Customer–specific 323 Computer-Aided Test Tool. See benchmarking, 20, 109, paper–based, 180 CATT; eCATT 232 chkdsk, 170 Computing Center Management Cutover, 15 Christian Metal, 31 System. See CCMS (SAP Citrix MetaFrame. See Computing Center D MetaFrame (Citrix) Management System and Daily operations, 381 Client copies, 239, 273 T–codes) Data Client drivers Concurrent users, 44, 104, 127, clean, 200 installing, 268–69 276 inline data input, 246 sizing, 253, 267, 269 Consolidation (IT), 15, 29–31, list of good data tuning, 282, 285, 287 45–46, 58, 363–64, 382–84 combinations, 249 Clients Constraints, 31–34 Data collection client strategy, 267 Continuous improvement, 107, cutoff, 277 front–end, 6, 38, 96, 125, 287 manual, 163, 280 220, 270, 321 control variables, 25–27 observation (by way of), Client/server, 38, 146 cooling (data center facilities), 181–82 CI. See Central Instance (CI) 85, 104 using SAP CCMS, 44, 180, Clones, 262, 273 Comma-separated value. See 198, 210, 280 Clusters, 25, 68, 132, 166–68, CSV (comma-separated Data General, 4 369–71 value) Data locking, 71 Anderson_Index 6/17/04 10:35 AM Page 390 390 Index Data types success criteria, 75–78 testing, 5, 46, 103, 203, batch input, 270 systems management 355–57 input, 18, 70, 124, 193, approach, 175–76 tools, 129–36 204–5, 207–9, 270 test infrastructure, 75, 195, tuning, 58, 68–72, 80, input files, 249–51 244 83–85, 129, 132, 144, mapping, 349 Desktop computers 193–94, 204, 214, 240, output, 146, 206, 214, 254, Citrix and desktop TCO, 322, 356–58 231, 254, 260–61 221 upgrades, 48, 69, 72, valid, 230–32, 247, 267 client drivers, 268 364–65 Database Administrator (DBA), inventorying, 163–67 Disaster Recovery. See DR 3, 98, 152 standard configuration, 56 DLLs (Dynamic Link Database connectivity, 56, 146 testing with physical Libraries), 137 Databases desktops, 140–41, 230, DMI (Desktop Management data archiving, 79, 179, 199 234, 241 Interface), 167 Informix, 7, 177, 198, 215 versus virtual clients, Documentation load tools, 121, 122, 124, 242–44, 270 checklists, 13, 75, 173, 180, 129–36, 230–31, 365 Development (Business) 190, 191, 203, 205–6, management tools, 38–39, Sandbox, 61, 62 232, 288, 291, 292, 170–71 Development System, 3, 25, 60, 295–96, 301, 323, 366 Oracle, 4, 56, 73, 103, 146, 72–74 current state, 159–66, 170, 166, 198, 215, 227, 358, Dialog steps, 45, 50, 76, 79, 171, 184, 196–200 377, 383 183, 224, 238–39, 261, 285, Downtime windows, 2, 23, 128, populating via tools, 262 330, 356 366, 380 SQL Server, 4, 73, 102, 127, Disaster Recovery.
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