合中 作 澳拓展视野 与 教 育交 科 流 研 四 十 年 EXPANDING OUR HORIZONS Forty years of Australia-China collaboration and exchange in education, science and research Published by the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education Project Director: Cathryn Hlavka Research, writing and editing: China Policy, Asia Pacific Access Translation: EZer Translation Company, Beijing Designed and produced by Printed by BEIJING ARTRON COLOUR PRINTING CO. LTD. Contents 目录 The DVD enclosed, Learning Never Ends, was produced in November 2012 as part of this project Research: China Policy, Asia Pacific Access Film production: Mandarin Film (Beijing) How it all began 8 源起 ISBN: 978-1-922218-69-8 © Commonwealth of Australia 2013 走上征程 This book is not for sale First steps on the way 26 上学去 This work is copyright. Apart from use as permitted under the Copyright Off to school 44 Act 1968, no part may be reproduced by any process without prior written permission from the Commonwealth. Requests and inquiries concerning On to college 62 上大学 reproduction ad rights should be addressed to the Commonwealth Copyright Administration. Attorney-General's Department, Robert Garran Offices, National Building for the future 88 建设未来 Circuit, Barton ACT 2600 or posed at http://www.ag.gov.au/cca Collaboration in science 102 科学合作 Expanding horizons 122 拓展视野 Contributors 138 贡献者 Disclaimer This book was commissioned by the Department of Industry, Innovation, Sources for official documents 139 政府资料参考 Science, Research and Tertiary Education. The contents remain the responsibility of the writing team and the many individuals who contributed Index 140 索引 their personal stories. In no way do the contents represent the views or policies of the Australian Government or the Government of the People's Republic of China. For readers who wish to consult authoritative Australian Government sources a set of references are provided in the final pages. 免责声明 本书的编写工作在澳大利亚工业、创新、科学、研究和高等教育部(DIISRTE) 的委托下完成,其内容仅代表本撰写团队和许多个人提供的亲身经历的叙事和观 点,与澳大利亚或中国政府无关。若有读者想要查阅澳大利亚政府的官方文件,本 书末尾附有详细的参考资料信息。 致谢 Acknowledgements 在两国关系中所作出的重要贡献。个项目,来纪念澳中建交四十周年以及记录教育、科学和研究合作澳大利亚驻北京大使馆教育与科研公使衔参赞哈凯琳女士构思了这最后,我们致谢澳大利亚工业、创新、科学、研究和高等教育部,这一领域还有更多尚待发现的新故事。新故事和新人物不断涌现,其数量之多远非一本书所能囊括。相信及的许多人物和领域都有所了解。但随着编写工作的进行,新情况、我们从初始阶段即参与了本书中所讲述的伟大征程,因而对书中涉深表遗憾,在此谨向他们致以特别谢意。觉图片材料。由于篇幅限制,无法详细展现他们的故事,对此我们们的采访,提供了许多有价值的意见,并且慷慨提供个人收藏的视感谢所有帮助我们完成本书的人。其中,许多人不吝时间接受了我 We acknowledge with thanks all those who have helped us complete this book, particularly the many interviewees who gave freely of their time and wisdom. We regret that space has not allowed us to delve more deeply into their stories. We wish particularly to thank them for their willingness and generosity in providing us with photographs and other visual material. Having ourselves been part of the narrative from its earliest stages, we felt we knew many of the people and much of the terrain involved. As our work went forward, however, new facts, stories and personalities kept emerging. There were many more than could be fitted into one book. Moreover there will be stories belonging in the narrative that are awaiting discovery. Finally we acknowledge the Department of Industry, Innovation, Science, Research and Tertiary Education, and Cathryn Hlavka, Minister Counsellor in the Australian Embassy Beijing, for conceiving this project as part of the commemoration of the 40th anniversary of Australia-China diplomatic relations and the important contribution education, science and research collaboration has played. 4 Expanding Our Horizons · Forty years of Australia-China collaboration in education, science and research 拓展视野·澳中教育科研合作四十年 5 寄语 Foreword 《亚洲世纪中的澳大利亚》白皮书特别指出,开放稳定的经济以及训练有素、富于创造性的劳动力是 朱莉娅·吉拉德议员阁下澳大利亚总理来繁荣强大,并在『亚洲世纪』中与中国共建持久、互惠的伙伴关系。澳大利亚政府致力于与两国教育机构、学术界、产业界以及社会各界密切协作,以确保澳大利亚的未的一部分。澳大利亚的显著优势,这将帮助澳大利亚抓住『亚洲世纪』所带来的机遇。教育合作是其中不可或缺系提供了一个强有力的平台。这些个人、研究人员和机构的开拓性努力,加上双方政府的支持,为我们继续扩展和深化澳中双边关到的杰出人士以及所有参与两国教育合作这项重要工作的相关人员。学生和研究人员是一种鼓舞。通过教育合作建立起的纽带是最为牢固的,在这里,我要感谢书中访谈本书讲述了一些曾为打造澳中教育、科学与研究关系做出贡献的人物故事。这些故事对两国领导人、亚在我们的合作关系远非限于经贸领域,两国在科学、金融、教育与文化领域都有着广泛的合作。澳大利的第七大贸易合作伙伴。的贸易合作伙伴,澳中两国政府四十年来,澳中双边关系取得了长足发展,促进了两国的社会转型。 The Australia and China bilateral relationship has developed remarkably over the past forty years, helping transform both our societies. 2012 When the Governments of Australia and China established diplomatic relations in 年迎来了超过 1972, no one could have predicted how significant the bilateral relationship would 1972 become. Today, China is Australia’s largest trading partner, with two-way trade 2011 exceeding A$100 billion in 2011, a sixfold increase in the past ten years. Australia, 年建交时,没有人预想到双边关系会变得如此重要。今天,中国是澳大利亚最大 in turn, is China’s seventh-largest trading partner. 年双边贸易额突破了 11.8 Our relationship extends far beyond economics, with extensive collaboration across 万中国学生来澳学习。 science, finance, education and culture. Australia welcomed over 118,000 Chinese students to our shores in 2012. This publication tells the stories of some of the people who have shaped the education, science and research relationship between the two countries. They serve 1000 as an inspiration for leaders, students and researchers in both countries. There are no stronger ties than those established through education cooperation and I thank the 亿澳元,十年间增长了 remarkable people in this publication and all the others involved in this critical work. The initiatives of such individuals, researchers and institutions, with support from the governments of both countries, provide a strong platform from which we can continue to broaden and deepen the Australia-China relationship. The Australia in the Asian Century White Paper underlined that Australia’s open and stable economy and highly skilled and innovative workforce were significant 6 倍。而澳大利亚则是中国 strengths as Australia looks to seize the opportunities of the Asian Century. Education cooperation is an essential part of this story. The Australian Government is committed to working closely with educational institutions, academia, industry and communities in both countries to secure a strong and prosperous future for Australia and an enduring, mutually beneficial partnership with China in the Asian Century. The Honourable Julia Gillard Prime Minister of Australia 6 Expanding Our Horizons · Forty years of Australia-China collaboration in education, science and research 拓展视野·澳中教育科研合作四十年 7 源起 Ambassadors to France Huang Zhen 黄镇 (China) and Alan Renouf (Australia) sign Joint Communiqué establishing diplomatic relations, Paris 21 December How it all began 1972. Courtesy Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade his book set out to tell the story, in human terms, of a Even with the reform and opening policy, scepticism kept the remarkable event: the rise and growth of Australia-China pace of collaboration down. Stephen FitzGerald, Australia’s collaboration and exchange in education and research. first Ambassador to China, accurately predicted China’s rise in 产生了重大影响。自己过往的经历是丰富的,而且对他们的人生入歧途。但是在今天,几乎他们每个人都认为们能期待什么回报呢?同辈人可能认为他们误面临不适应、身处异乡和文化冲击的影响,他少。远离家乡去往其它国家的教师和学生们都随着时间的推移,风险和不确定性开始不断减或是超过师生层面的任何交流尝试都存在风险。要面临严格审查。在政策层面上逆转这种局面,相冲突,任何与教育和对外事务有关的努力都国在早期恢复外语培训的举动也与当时的形势途,但还是觉得不论付出什么代价都值得。中的赌博,因为他深知这个举动可能断送他的仕首次访问北京。这是一场成果诱人但风险巨大亚工党领导人高夫·惠特拉姆也绝不会轻而易举。忘 第一章强调了向前发展。的理解就会加深,这一过程也会稳定而自然地可能的路成为现实。一旦建立正式关系,双方中澳两国都不缺进取心和决心,这也使原本不进取心和决心才是决定因素。一无二。国家规模的差异一直都处于次要地位,亚的努力相形见绌,但是中澳间的合作却是独一些国家可能会因其庞大的社会规模使澳大利许多国家都与中国进行着类似的合作与交流。里程碑意义的时刻,让我们来回顾一下历史。合作交流历程。时值两国建交中澳两国在教育和研究领域建立并不断发展的故事串联在一起,本书要讲述的是一些充满人情味的故事,这些 构成了一个意义重大的事件: T the twenty-first century, but his ideas found limited credence — The occasion of the fortieth anniversary of the founding of in Australia. In the late 1970s economist Ross Garnaut and 开始一项事业永远都不是预先注定的, diplomatic relations offers a major milestone at which to take his colleagues at the Australian National University (ANU) stock. needed persuading that China was part of the ‘Northeast Asian ascendency,’ as he later termed it. Credence of the one and Many countries have entered into such collaboration and exchange. — persuasion of the other were to come in good measure; but China, Some, due to their sheer social scale, may well dwarf Australia’s meanwhile, was in a series of complex transitions, in which reform 1971 因为记忆常常容易被淡 efforts. But the story of Australia-China collaboration remains seemed for a while to be heading into reverse. one of a kind. Discrepancies of scale have been of secondary 年 importance. It is enterprise and commitment that have been the 7 (Gough Whitlam) Our rich history of collaboration underpins today's opportunities. 40 determining factors. 月,时任澳大利 The earlier enterprise and commitment of both sides, the fact that 周年这一具有 These qualities were present on both sides. We set off on a course we were already known to and seen as valuable by each other, held that otherwise might never have taken place. Once the relationship good. The relationship weathered numerous twists and turns and was launched, understanding grew, and the process became self- grew stronger. stabilising and self-supporting. Individuals played a crucial role in the initial phases. They were This first chapter emphasises—because it is easy to forget—that the early stewards of this enterprise. But organisational power getting started at all was never preordained, never meant to be was ever present as well. China gave little acknowledgment to ( 以及跨越国界解决共同的难题。们必须了解彼此、发展自己的国际关系网,应。现在,中澳两国的青年人日益认识到他最后,我们注意到了青年人对于新机遇的反的资助和支持。之间的交流得以发展,但是这需要自上而下条被广泛认可的原则:关系只能通过人与人在澳中理事会学中国教育社团早期的学生代表团、科学家团体以及悉尼大也在不同的团体组织那里得到体现样也不容小觑。澳大利亚人对于中国的兴趣这一事业早期的负责人,但是组织的力量同很多人在初始阶段起到了重要作用,他们是后,两国关系变得日益牢固。重要的作用。在平安度过了一次次迂回曲折心以及双方都深谙彼此价值的事实,起到了自过去的决策。中澳两国早期的进取心和决提供了一个很好的范例:当下的选择仍然来一个经济学和社会科学的术语『路径依赖』并经历众多困难挫折。此同时,中国社会正经历一系列复杂的变革,用。越来越多的人或许开始相信这一点。与分,他自己后来将这作为一个专业术语来使(ANU)
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