CaliforniaTech Associated Students of the California Institute of. Technology Volume LXI Pasad~na, California, Thursday, April 28, 1960 Number 26 Development Program ASCII ExComm, Grundles On EPC Appointed This story is the fh'st in a The ASCIT Exec].ltive Commit­ for all appointive offices except four·part series on the present tee, the ASCIT Educational Polio Big T Editor. status and future plans of the ciesCommittee, Big T Business BUDGET APPROVED development program.) Manager, and Students' Day In other action Monday night, Chairman were appointed by the the Board approved next year's Next buildings to be complet­ Board of Directors Monday eve­ ASCIT budget. Among appro­ ed in Cal tech's development ning. priations were $2471.45 to the program are Alles, Sloan, Keck; The new members of the pol­ athletic program; $3,225 to. the and the new undergraduate icy-forming Executive Commit­ social program; $70.0 to the Glee houses. Work on the Campbell tee are: Bill Bauer, David Bow· Club; $500 to the debate team and $440. to Model United Na: Plant Research Laboratory is man, Larry Brown, Bob Koh, tions. (Complete budget will be already finished, and a .. dedica­ Cleve Moler and Clyde Zaidins. Doug Shakel and Lance Taylor run in next week's California tion is tentatively scheduled for Tech.) were appointed associate mem­ May 19. bers of the committee. Alles is expected to be finished Nine men were appointed to Lost Weekend in May. Designed by the Phy­ the ASCIT Educational Policies sical Plant Department, it will COmmittee. They are: Henry Caltech's Glee Club poses for photographer between practices Set May 13-15 Abarbanel, Steve Caine, Kent house research in biophysics, for next week's Spring Concert. Lost Weekend 1960. will get biochemistry, psychobiology and Frewing, Dave Kubrin, Chuck under way Friday, May 13, an­ Radoy, John Stenbit, John virology. nounces ASCIT Social Chairman Action Brings Stromberg, Lance Taylor, and Tim Litle. In order to bring NEW COURT YARD Glee Club To Bruce Ulrich. the event into closer coordina­ In the forecourt, facing Wil­ Jim Blackman was appointed tion with the student House3 and I son Street, there will be table3 Socialist Dobbs Give Concert Big T Busines"3 Manager and stimulate more interest, a com­ and benches shaded by trellis­ Harold Stark was appointed Stu­ mittee of House social chairmen has been formed to plan it. climbing wisteria vines, and a To Tech May 3 Next Week dents' Day Chairman. As its first effort to bring va- . Friday night, dinner will be pond is to be set in the court's The Glee Club will present its Action on other ASCIT ap· held in the olive court around ried interests and viewpoints to ' center. annual spring concert this year, pointments is expected next a dance floor. The Gorden the Caltech campus, the Action week. Applications are closed Committee to Investigate Out-· entitled, "Moods in Music," May Mitchell Dixieland band will Sloan is also nearing comple-' play at the dance that night. side News i3 going to bring Mr. 6 and 7, in Culbertson Hall, tion, and it is expected that the' There will also be a casino party Farrell Dobbs to Dabney Lounge ' 8:15 p.m. Admission is free to Camp-Counselor math and physics departments again this, year because of its on Tuesday, May 3. Dobbs "is Caltech student3 with student will begin moving in by mid-' the Socialist Workers' Party's popularity last year. This is be· body cards. Tickets for others Names Revealed ing planned by Bill Farrell summer. The top three floors candidate for the Presidency in Thirty.one Techmen have been are available from any club House C; and Frank Ridolphi: will have office3 and classrooms 1960. named counselors for next year's member or the news bureau Dabney. for ,the mathematics department, Dobbs' party is one of the three New Student Camp. The selec· The traditional Saturday beach for $1. which will turn over its old branches of the Socialist move­ tions of the student-faculty com­ picnic will be planned by Bob ment in the United States, the mittee on New Student Camp quarters in the end of Church The program will include over Poe, House B, and Dave Drum­ other two being the Socialist were . announced by Foster mond, Blacker. After the. beach to the biologists. The first base­ two hours of religious, serious, Party and the Socialist Labor Strong, Dean of Fre3hmen. picnie, a trip to Disneyland, with ment will be devoted to theoret­ Party. Farrell Dobh3 has been and light musical selections as The list of counselors· include dinner there, is being planned ical physics, and the sub-base­ ~_.his party's candidate four times well as' solos by tenor Paul Bill Bauer, Larry Brown, Ben by Geary Younce, House A, a:nd previously, polling nearly 8,000 ment will contain cyrongenics Weichsell and pianist Gary Lor­ Burke, Ken Casey, Gary Cham­ Lowell HiJl, Ricketts: A "3ul:)­ votes in the 1956 race. Dobbs laboratories integrated into the den, the Caltech quartet, and ness, Eli Chernow, Rod Dokken, stantial reduction in rates is ex­ has stood for such things as work in Kellogg. Joel Donnelly, Jim Geddis, Bill pected. more housing projects, better clarinet trio. Hogan, Gary Ihler, Bob Juola, After Disneyland closes, there ANOTHER ACCEiLERATOR school facilities amj. a stronger The club is concluding its for­ Bob Koh, Dave Kubrin, Sid Lei­ will probably be an~ off-~ampus The accelerator, designed to civil rights platform. party for the rest of the eve­ carry research up to the 10-mil­ ty-sixth concert season, one that bovieh, John, Lohman, Wendell He 'Yould like to 3ee better Mendell, Roger Noll, Dave ning. lion-volt level, is also at 3ub­ pas included participation in the oppqrtunity for the workers in Pritchard, Carl Rovainen, Stan A Sunday morning breakfast basement depth. closipg ceremeony of the Winter what -' he calls "the class strug­ Sajdera, Oliver Seely, Doug Sha­ is being handled by John Soule, Keck Engineering Laborato­ gle in the United States." Olympics on coast-to-coast TV' kel, John Soule, Skip Stenbit, Fleming. 'ries are to be finished in Sep­ Mr. Dobbs has just returned and an 'eight-day tour to San Doug Stewart, John Stromberg, Litle states that the planning Wmber. Work in hydrodynamic~ from a three-week visit to Cuba Francisco, as well a3 numerous Tom Tisch, Gary Walla, Geary committee of social chairmen and he is, in his own words, will appreciate suggestions. and sedimentation will occupy concerts in the Pasadena area. Younce, and Clyde Zaidens. the lower floors, and a 2-million­ "the only Presidential candidate volt t.ll1derground accelerator for to support the Cuban revolu­ Criticol TlJe()/Dgi(Jn use in the study of materials tion." will be' located at the north end. The Action Committee brings Upper levels are designated for Mr. Dobbs a:3 part of its pro­ John Otwell To Visit.May 2-4 offices and classrooms in envir­ gram, but does not necessarily Dr. John H. Otwell, Professor cerning the reordination of a onmental engineering. endorse or approve at any opin· of Old Testament Theology at Methodist minister by the ion expressed by him, nor witl MORE STEAM TUNNELS the Pacific School of Religion bishop. ACTION be responsible for any , The gaping trench in front of in Berkeley, will visit the Cal partisan prop~ganda released His present -research includes We3t Bridge is to be an exten­ Tech campus for a series of lec­ or distributed in coimection reviewing and evaluating the sion of the steam tunnel system tures and seminars on May 2, with his visit. methods used in the critical connecting the two main tun­ 3 and 4. study of the Old Testament, nels under the northern and seeking to determine the pres­ southern sections of the campus. frosh-Soph Dance Dr. Otwell will be of interest to most Caltech men. Formerly ence or absence of any correla­ An arcade will probably be built tion between philosophical pre­ over it later as part of the li­ Set Tomorrow an atheist, he entered the min­ istry and has become a leading suppositions in individual meth­ brary project. With decorations to highlight ods and the kind of data yielded the theme of "Pink"Champagne," theologian. His book, "Ground . Construction work on the new by the application of such the annual Frosh-Soph Hop will To Stand On," describes the va­ student houses will' be finished method. be held tomorrow night from rious bases on which individual by the first of August, under a 8:30 to 12:0.0. p.m. in Dabney Christians are able to found Highlights of Dr. Otwell's visit penalty clause in the contract. Lounge. Verne Boyer and his their beliefs, emphasizing the include two public lectures in After that, they will have to be orchestra, accompanied by a fe­ possibility of rational faith in Dabney Hall, Monday and Wed­ furnished and outfitted, and male vocalist, will play for the the modern world. nesday evenings at 7:30.. The kitchen and housekeeping crews i .Dr. John Otwell Dr. Otwell i3 an outspoken titles of the lectures are "Theol­ hired and trained. There seems dance. critic of the institutional church ogies in Conflict" and "Theology. little doubt that they will be To decorate for the dance, a Tue3day from 2:0.0 to 3:30 in the who feels that the best criticism and Modern Man.~' He will lunch ready for occupancy in the fall, work party will be held tonight YMCA Lounge, Dr. Otwell will is leveled from within.
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